Twelve Gates Ch. 13

Author’s note: many apologies for the unacceptable delay in getting this chapter up. The next (and final) chapter will be out within a week. Thanks again to everyone for your support.


“You’re not going to want to hear it, but most of this is your fault.” Trina said, then raised the mug of coffee to her lips.

“My fault? Robert is the unreasonable one.” Grey protested.

The two were seated facing one another on a leather couch, sipping Trina’s excellent coffee.

Grey had tearfully dropped Robert at the airport early that morning, then made the drive to Trina’s country home for a long-awaited chat. Trina had been kind enough to welcome her on a Sunday morning and without much advance notice. Bill had tactfully excused himself to the barn shortly after her arrival. Before long Grey had told the older woman everything about her anxiety, Robert and the Gates.

Trina was the only one she could confident in. She couldn’t speak to Robert; he was the source of the problem. Her conservative family would be horrified to learn the extent to which she’d already submitted herself to him, so she couldn’t share with them either. But Trina would understand, being submissive herself.

Or so Grey had assumed.

“You’ve fault.” Trina repeated firmly, “You’ve completely abdicated your responsibility in the relationship.”

“What responsibility? I’ve done everything Robert wanted. Isn’t that enough?”

Trina took another sip and considered Grey evenly.

“You didn’t communicate. That was your number one job, and it sounds like you blew it.”

Grey took a moment to down a mouthful of coffee and to consider Trina’s words. She felt they were unfair, but didn’t fancy the idea of ​​an argument with a practiced lawyer.

“Trina, I did communicate. He knew I didn’t like the Gates.”

“Did you ever say so directly?”

“Well… maybe not. But I told him the Gates weren’t really necessary.”

“That’s not the sameas saying you don’t like them. You weren’t expressing yourself clearly, Grey.”

“I figured he’d be able to pick up on my feelings.”

“Yes, men are renowed for their ability to pick up subtle emotional cues.”

The obvious sarcasm in Trina’s tone stung Grey but she couldn’t deny that the older woman had a point.

“Look,” Trina’s tone softened, “Let’s not focus on fault. A better question is: what next? What is it you need from this relationship to make it rewarding for you?”

Robert had asked her something similar in the car the previous night. Grey brought the mug to her lips as she considered the question.

“I love Robert. I love his control. I love the ways my life has changed since I met him.”

“But you don’t like the Gates, even Though they’re the instruments of that change?”

“I guess I like the results of the Gates, but not the idea of ​​them. Does that make sense?”

“Maybe. You’re saying you don’t like the process, but you do like theoutcomes?”

“Yes… I guess.”

“So what about the process upsets you?”

“The unpredictability. The lack of control. I don’t get any say in the matter. And it annoys me that he thinks he can just decide things without discussing them with me.”

“Okay. So if the Gates were the result of discussion, you’d be more comfortable with them?”

“I think so, yes. I also want to know where the whole thing is leading. Learning his intentions one Gate at a time is frustrating and a little unnerving.”

“Then Robert needs to hear that from you. Directly and clearly.”

“What if he doesn’t want to change?” Grey asked, afraid of the answer.

“Irrelevant. He isn’t changing. You are.”

“But… he said these Gates are very important to him.”

“To be blunt, that’s his problem, not yours. You need to start thinking about what’s important to you.”

“That doesn’t sound like a very submissive attitude.”

“I disagree. Clear communication of your wants and needs is an essential aspect of submission.”

Grey sat in silence for a few minutes, finishing the coffee and digesting Trina’s words. It seemed contradictory to Grey to think that she could oppose Robert’s will and still be submissive to him. But Trina’s long relationship with Bill seemed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach. For them, at least.

“Is it weird that I want him to have so much control over me?”

Trina laughed.

“Weird? I know a man who can reach orgasm by pouring a litre of milk over his wife’s naked body. I know a woman who volunteer sleeps in a dog kennel on the weekends. I know a twenty year old who chooses to wear a diaper all day and all night.”

“Uh… okay, that’s pretty weird.”

“I’m not sure there’s any such thing as ‘weird’. You need to live the lifestyle that suits you and meets your needs. If you want Robert to control some or all of your life, that’s just fine. But you must ensure it’s happening in a way that makes you comfortable and happy.

“So what’s the best way to communicate this to Robert? Do I just come out and tell him?”

“That’s one way. That’s how Bill and I do it.”

“What about a contract?” Grey said, revisiting the idea of ​​the slave contract she’d seen on a blog.

Trina paused to consider the question.

“A contract would work to establish a starting framework. It isn’t a substitute for clear, regular communication but it would get the ball rolling.”

Grey nodded as the notion took hold. “I like the idea because I could take my time and organize my thoughts. When Robert is near me it’s sometimes hard to think clearly.”

“From what I’ve seen, you have a similar effect on him.” Trina said.

Grey blushed, recalling the erotic photo shoot and its Passionate aftermath.

“So what kinds of things should go in the contract?”

“Depends. What kind of relationship are you looking for?”

Grey and Trina discussed the details over a second cup of coffee and throughout the morning. Trina proved to be an excellent sounding board for her ideas and thoughts; Grey was thankful to have found a friend and mentor in the older woman. When Grey left just before noon, she had a better idea of ​​what she wanted for herself. She hoped that Robert would be agreeable to what she had in mind.


A week later, at mid-day, she was waiting when he emerged from the arrivals gate at the airport. The sight of him filled her with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Her high heels clicked on the floor as she walked up to him.

She’d chose a yellow sundress for the occasion, cut high at the hemline, showing plenty of leg and even a little bit more if the wind hit it just right. She’d been choosing her own clothes for the entire week and had to admit to herself that Robert’s tastes had rubbed off on her to some degree; left to her own devices she still chose dresses instead of pants. Today especially she had dressed with him in mind.

She had carefully planned what she wanted to say and how she wanted to say it. She hoped to deliver a message that was assertive but still submissive. Defiant but accommodating.

It had been seven days since she’d dropped him at the airport and each day had felt like a month. At her request their contact had been minimal during the time apart – a few text messages and a phone call every night at bedtime. She’d wanted to focus on her own needs and feelings, not on him. In that regard she’d been mostly unsuccessful; thoughts of him were never far from her.

He saw her and broke into a wide grin, but his eyes held something else. Hesitation? As she approached those eyes seemed to be reading her, trying to determine what changes the week had brought.

She plugged into his embrace heedlessly and he wrapped her up in his arms. She buried her face in his neck and inhaled him, his familiar, welcome scent. Only then did she realize how terribly she’d missed him. She clung to him a little longer than she’d intended. When she stepped back it was only to press her palms to either side of his face and pull him down for a deep kiss.

She felt him relax into her, all sign of hesitation gone. She looked into his brown eyes and now saw only hunger, affection and warmth.

“Please never leave again, Master.” she put emphasis on the last word.

“Not unless you’re with me, kitten.”

She hugged him close again, delighting in the feeling of his arms around her.

They walked hand in hand to the parking lot and he stood his luggage in the car. She handed him the keys. She preferred it when he was behind the wheel.

As he navigated the twisting, tormentous roads around the airport she made light chatter; how she’d finished painting all the apartments, how the contractors had finished laying the flooring in the coffee shop. He filled her in on his business in Calgary – he’d promoted a manager to junior partner of his moving company to reduce the administrative load, met with his parents and both were well.

It was only when he hit the highway and didn’t need all his focus on the road that she brought the conversation around to the most pressing subject. She didn’t want to wait until she was at the apartment with him; she knew that once she felt his warm hands on her body, her resolve would be replaced by lust.

She needed to establish some new norms for their relationship before that happened.

“I’ve given a lot of thought to what I want, Master.” she began. She’d rehearsed in her mind the entire conversation at least fifty times over the last week.

“I’m glad to hear it, kitten.”

“First, I have to apologize. I did a lousy job of communicating. You asked for the Complete Truth and I never once gave it to you. I’m very sorry, Robert.”

His right hand reached over and squeezed her knee.

“I forgive you completely and wholeheartedly, kitten.”

“Thank you Master.”

“But you’reStill going to get a spanking.”

“Yes Master.” she’d expected something similar. A part of her was almost eager to be naked and bent over that bar stool.

“And I apologize to you as well, kitten. I never wanted to scare you. If I’d been paying closer attention I might have been able to read your feelings before everything came to a head.”

“I forgive you Master.”


“Do I get to spank you too?”

He chuckled. “Uh… no.”

“Not fair!”

“Life’s like that, kitten.”

She lifted his hand from her knee and kissed it, then took a deep breath. She knew the next part of the conversation might be tense.

“There are some things I want to change between us, Master. Are you willing to listen to my thoughts?”

“I’d love to hear them.”

“I wrote a draft of a ‘slave contract’. Remember we discussed it a few weeks back?”

“Please says there’s nothing about sex with animals.”

“No. I decided I could trust you at least that far.”

He breathed an exaggerated sight of relief. “So, what’s in the contract?”

“I have it in my purse. I want to read it to you.”

“Sounds excellent.”

She took out the neighborly folded page and drew another deep breath. Would he laugh it off? Reject it? Ignore it? She began to read.

“One: Robert is the Master of the household.”

“I like it already! Where do I sign?”

“Master, this will take forever if you interrupt after each sentence.”

“Sorry, kitten.”

“One: Robert is the Master of the household. He can propose rules and assign tasks as he sees fit. It is expected that Grey will obey him unless, in her opinion, there is a compelling reason not to. Where there is a disagreement, Robert and Grey will discuss it and reach a consensus. If no consensus can be reached, Grey will make a decision and Robert will accept it.”

“This sounds pretty official. Are you sure I don’t need to have my lawyer look at it?”

“I had Trina advise me on some of it.” she admitted.

“You asked a lawyer to help you write a slave contract?”

“Don’t worry. I simplified the language so you’d understand it, Master.” she said sweetly.


“Two: Robert will assume a leadership role in Grey’s life, including the disposition of her body, diet, living arrangements, dress and sexual activities. Before making any decisions Regarding any of these areas, Robert will discuss the proposed changes with Grey and obtained her consent. Grey has the unlimited right to refuse without consequence any proposed change. She also has the right to initiate changes to any of the above areas, with or without Robert’s awareness or consent.”

“Trina didn’t bill us for this, did she?” he said.

“Master!” she scolded, “Are you taking this seriously?”

“I am, kitten. You really went to town on this. How long did it take to write?”

“It took all week. And it’s going to take that long to read it to you if you keep interrupting.”

“Sorry. Continue.”

“Three: Grey will retain sole control of her own finances. Grey and Robert will formalize the financial relationship between them to fairly compensate Grey for her work on the apartment and elsewhere.”

“I was never after your money, kitten.”

“I know Master. But it made me nervous anyway.”

“Four: Robert may discline Grey for breaking his rules or for any other reason as he sees fit. Robert will decide on the means and severity of the discipline. Prior to begin any act of discipline, Robert will outline for Grey all corrective steps to be taken. Grey may refuse without consequence the proposed discipline in whole or in part, and her decision in this regard is final.”

Robert made as if to say something but Grey silenced him with a warning glance. She decided to press ahead and get through all the articles; there would be lots of time later to discuss the contract with him in greater detail. She needsed to give him an overview of what her expectations were for them going forward.

“Five: Robert and Grey agree to a respectful and monogamous relationship and will not engage in sexual or romantic activities of any kind with other people.”

“Six: Robert and Grey will communicate openly and truly at all times.”

“Seven: any changes to this contract must be negotiated by both parties in advance. Grey retains the unlimited right to cancel this contract immediately at any time.”

“Wow – really impressive, kitten.” he said with geneuine admiration.

“Did you hear anything you wanted to question or discussion, Master?”

“It’s pretty much the same as the relationship we have now.”

“It is… except that now you’ll have to involve me in decisions. No more surprises. And I have a veto.”

“And what of the Gates?” he asked.

Grey steadied herself before replying.

“You said the Gates were important to you, and as long as we’re together, whateveris important to you is important to me… “

“I sense a ‘but’ on the way.”

“But… I want them over with tonight. I want the Eleventh and Twelfth Gates tonight so that they’ll be over and done with.”

“We could just do away with them altogether, kitten.”

“I wouldn’t want to discard something that means a lot to you. Plus, I already know I’m going to pass Both Gates, so let’s just get it done.”

Robert was silent for several moments as he considered the implications.

“If I agree to everything you just said – the contract and the Gates – will it alleviate the fear you were feeling before I left” he asked.

“I think so.”

“If it doesn’t, you’ll tell me right away instead of waiting twenty weeks?” his words were gently admonishing.

“Yes Master, immediately.”

“Then I agree to everything. But I’d like to add some language to the contract, with your consent.”

“Let me get a pen.” she rummaged through her purse. “Okay, shoot.” she putthe paper on the dashboard and leaned forward to write.

“Eight: Grey agrees to abide by the following conditions whenever she is alone with Robert and not in a public area… “

“Wait…” she struggled to keep up with his dictation. Robert paused, then proceeded more slowly.

“First: she will be naked. Second: she will wear her collar. Third: she will assume and maintain whatever posture Robert indicates. And fourth: she will eagerly welcome any kiss or care from Robert.”

“Okay… I’ve got that written down.”

“What do you think?”

“Well, we’ll need to flesh out the particulars around what constitutes a ‘public area’.” she mused.

“Flesh out the particulars?” he groaned, “Hanging around that damn lawyer has absolutely ruined you, kitten.”

She giggled and squeezed his hand. “I think I can consent to your additions, Master.”

“Then it’s a deal. I’ll sign when we get back to the apartment.”

“Thank you Robert. It means a lot to me.”

“So… does Trina have to notarize this or anything?”

She laughed at the idea as the car sped them to their apartment.


She knelt on the bedroom carpet, naked and collared as she had been told. Knees wide, back straight, hands crossed behind her, breasts thrust forward invitingly. A boldly submissive posture, and she felt its effects carefully.

That familiar heat – the excited, wanton quiver inside her – had started even before they stepped into the apartment. Once inside, Robert had signed the contract as Grey eagerly shed her dress, shoes and bra. She wanted his warm hands, his lips, the hard cock that she could see bulging in his jeans. Wanted him with a hunger that transcended physical lust; he was a part of her and his absence had left her feeling incomplete. She longed to be joined to him again.

But Robert had kissed her sweetly and stepped away, sending her to the bedroom to knee and wait while he showed. Leaving her wet and craving him,Making her feel his control of her body and her needs. Needs that became more desperate with each moment that passed.

The shower stopped and her ears tracked him as he dried and brushed his teeth. He entered the room naked and damp and paused as his brown eyes locked onto her eagerly-presented form. She felt a delighted shiver as she saw the carnal hunger in his gaze. His cock was thick and half-hard, and she long to coat it to full arousal with her lips and tongue.

But again he denied her, slipping past her and opening the closet. He rummaged around briefly and returned with a tiny box that bore the name of a jewelry store in gold stencil and was wrapped expertly in a pink ribbon. He sat on the edge of the bed patted the mattress next to him. She rose from her knees and sat herself beside him. She couldn’t resisting stroking his leg affectionately as he spoke.

“This is the Eleventh Gate, kitten.” he handed her the small box, “I’ll remind you that you can accept orRefuse, it’s entirely up to you.”

“When did you buy this?” she asked in geneine surprise.

“A couple of weeks after you moved in. I saw it and knew it was perfect for you.”

She took the box and carefully undid the decorative ribbon that sealed it. Inside was a gold chain with thin but durable gold links. A small gold lock in the shape of a heart fastened the ends of the chain. It wasn’t long; it wouldn’t hang from her neck – the gold lock would sit at collarbone level. She held it in her fingers as she appreciated the workmanship… and the strong symbolism.

“It’s… a new collar, Master?”

“It is, kitten. The leather one isn’t really designed to be wound in public. This one is… you’ll wear it at all times, unless you’re sleeping or showing.”

She looked at him and found his eyes seeking hers, reading her, searching for a reaction. She could see in his face a flicker of hesitation, a trace of the uncertainty that she’d glimpsed at the airport earlier.

She tried to visualize herself in the gold collar while out in public, how it would feel around her neck, the looks she would get from passers-by. Would they see it for what it was – a symbol of her submission to her Master? Or would they assume the heart-shaped lock was just a pendant and nothing more than that? From a distance the lock looked like an innocent piece of jewelry, but the closer she looked, the More lock-like it appeared. Anyone who got too close would see it for what it was – a lock and chain. But would the average person appreciate the symbolism? She choose her words carefully.


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