Fresh out of her morning shower, Grey hung her wet towel over the back of the chair and stood naked in front of the webcam. She knew Robert was watching and could almost feel the heat of his gaze. After two weeks, her nervousness in front of the camera had faded. She felt free and uninhibited – sexy, even – as she displayed herself for their mutual pleasure.
She quickly retrieved two pair of panties from the dresser and returned to stand in front of her laptop.
Robert had been dressing her every morning since she’d passed the Second Gate.
The panties were first, and they more than anything else determined the kind of work day she would have. She had selected both a skimpy black cheeky pair and a crisis hip-hugger style.
In the last two weeks she’d learned his preferences well. He liked black, red or pink – never white. He’d rejected every pair of ‘granny panties’ that she’d showed him, preferring thongs or V-strings or clinging cheeky styles. “Something withshape” as he said it.
She slowly pulled on the black pair, consciousness of the way her breasts shook and wobbled as she bent over to slip her ankles into the underwear. She straightened and slowly turned to show him the view from the front, sides and the rear, then stood and waited on his direction.
You look absolutely delicious, kitten. Next one?
She quickly stripped off the black pair and pulled on the red one, taking care to ensure that it was fitting properly. She did another slow turn in front of the camera, then stood awaiting his choice.
She hoped he would choose one pair or the other. The day before, he had rejected both her selections and instead sent her to work bare-asseted under a knee-length skirt. The extreme arousal and embarrassment she felt throughout the day had made a mess of her. But the mind-shattering orgasm he had given her that night had wiped out any resentment about the decision.
Oh, the red, definitely.
She beamed a wide smile at the webcam, happy that one of her two picks had pleased him and also saved that she wouldn’t be ‘going commando’ for a second straight day.
Thank you Sir. What about a bra?
Hmmmm. It would be a real shade to cover those beauties…
Sir! I can’t go to work without a bra!
She figured he was just teasing, but she couldn’t be one hundred percent sure. It was entirely within his power to send her to work bra-less. The thought scared and thrilled her. How had he gained such control?
Heh heh. Pick one that matches the panties, kitten.
She selected one from her dresser and modeled it for him with a slow turn, her hands behind her head. She was wet already, and not from the shower. Their morning ritual Always left her warm with arousal – she enjoyed being the object of his lust.
Mmmm. Are you sure you have to go to work?
Unfortunately I do, Sir. Will I be in pants or a skirt today?
I’d like to see you in a dress.
She rolled her eyes and then gave a resigned look to the webcam. She had several skirts but few dresses. Although that – or because of it – he was always eager to put her in a dress. “They’re more feminine.” was his often-stated opinion. More difficult to clean as well! She didn’t truly mind the extra effort, though, if it pleased Robert.
I only have three dresses, Sir. The red bra and panties would probably show through my two white dresses. I’ve got a black one, although it’s a little formal for work. Shall I show you?
Yes please.
She’d bought the black dress on a budget, hoping it would be suitable for both work and evening wear. It was clearly better suited for the latter. She put it on and modeled it in front of her laptop.
She smiled and blushed. Although she would never admit it, she felt the dress made her look nice, if not pretty. It was a conservative cut, high at the neckline and low at the hemline. Appropriate for the office, if maybe a touch on the dressy side.
Is this okay, Sir?
Much, much better than okay kitten. It’s very pretty on you.
I’m glad you’re pleased, Sir. It’s almost time for me to get this day started – was there anything else before I sign off?
One more thing. What city do you live in?
Toronto, Sir. Why do you ask?
She replied without considering what she was sharing, and it shocked her. A couple of weeks ago she would have ageed over sharing that kind of information with him. Was she growing to trust him? Or merely growing careless?
North, south, east or west part of the city?
Towards the west end, Sir.
Excellent – thanks for the information. I need it for the Third Gate this evening. I’m not stalking you.
Yes Sir. Thanks for reassuring me. I’m pretty nervous about the Third Gate as it is.
Me too. There’s plenty at stake. But I have confidence that you’ll do fine.
HE was nervous? Then why didn’t he forget about these stupid Gates altogether? They were his idea, after all, and he was the only one insisting on them.
I’ve got to go or I’ll miss the bus. Text me at work, Sir?
Guaranteed, kitten. Enjoy your morning.
Please tell me about the Third Gate, Sir.
Grey was in bed by 9:00, naked and sitting propped up against pillows. She was lightly struggling her nipples as instructed, using only the palms of her hands. The milk arousal was welcome; it served to take the edge off the fear she was feeling.
“Before we do that, I want to hear Your feelings about the Second Gate.” his voice was a gentle care, calm and soothing. “What do you think about the webcam?”
She took a moment to think before responding.
My biggest fear was that you wouldn’t like what you saw. But you seem to be okay with it, so I feel a lot better about that.
“I love the way you look, kitten. That fear was unfounded.”
It was based on experience, Sir. No one else seems to appreciate my looks the way you do.
“Do you still feel any anxiety about the cam?”
No Sir. I know you like to have me on cam and I’m happy to be able to please you.
“So you’re better off for passing the Second Gate?”
Much better off, Sir. I can please you more AND I get to hear your voice. I’m in LOVE with your voice.
“And I’m enjoying the lovely woman I see every morning and night, kitten.”
Thank you, Sir.
“Are you ready for the Third Gate?”
I’m a little scared.
I guess I’m scared that you’ll ask for something that I can’t deliver on. I’d lose you.
“That would be awful for both of us.” she could hear the truth in his voice.
Then why do we needto have these Gates? If you want me to do something you can always just ask me. I want to make you happy, Sir.
There was a long pause before she heard his voice again.
“It’s important for you to go through each of the Twelve Gates, kitten. I know it doesn’t make sense to you, and I’m sorry about that. I know you feel it’s unreasonable and that it seems like I’m trying to force you to do things. But there are good reasons.”
Grey didn’t respond for several moments. It didn’t make sense. It was unreasonable. And unfair. And stupid. And more than a little insulting.
But apparently it was the way things were going to be. The thought of Robert leaving her made it hurt inside. She was in love with an unreasonable man.
Please tell me about the Third Gate, Sir.
“Very well. The Third Gate is this: you and I will meet this Saturday, and spend the day together.”
Grey was stunned. The man who hadn’t even told her his full name wanted to meet? She was overjoyed and nervous and suddenly very unsure.
Whe did you want to meet, Sir?
“At a Best Western in west Toronto. I’ll email you the address. I figure we’ll meet for breakfast in the hotel restaurant and then see where we go from there.”
I didn’t know you were from Toronto, Sir!
“I’m not. I’m from Calgary. I’m coming in for the day.”
Just to have breakfast with me?
“To meet you. I get to know you a little better, and to introduce myself properly.”
Grey could feel a giddy excitement building inside her and she struggled to think rationally. Weren’t the Gates supposed to be scary? Surely, if he was coming all this way, he would want something in return for his trouble and Expense. And she had a good idea what that ‘something’ would be.
But would that be so bad? Wasn’t that what she wanted too? Hadn’t she spent nights lying awake dreaming of it? She had trouble sorting through the crushof thoughts that piled into her brain.
Sir, this is such a shock! I don’t know what to say.
“Say yes, kitten.”
Yes, I will meet you, Sir. For breakfast.
“Excellent!” he sounded generally pleased, and the enthusiasm in his voice made Grey smile. “That’s the Third Gate passed, then.”
Grey took a deep breath to Steady herself, then opened the door to the restaurant and stepped in.
It was 9am and the place was mostly full. That reassure her, at least. She scanned the tables, looking for the man in the Calgary Flames cap. But he had already seen her; by the time her eyes found him he was halfway to her.
He wasn’t taller than average but he had a muscle build. Not a computer guy or an office worker. Maybe a cop? A fire fighter? He moved well and looked comfortable in his blue jeans and gray button-up shirt. As he drew close to her he flashed her a warm smile. His eyes were brown and warm and confident and intense allat once.
As he closed in on her she fought the urge to flee the restaurant. Only a sudden weakness in her knees prevented it.
“You look even better in the flesh, kitten.” he said when he was close enough not to be overheard. He extended his hand.
“Uh…hi, Robert.” she squeaked and reached out for the handshake.
Except it wasn’t a handshake. His warm hand enveloped hers and held her gently. He stepped close to her.
“Now is that how you’re supposed to be addressing me?”
And there was that voice! Teasing and warm and commanding and firm at the same time. The voice she’d savoured and craved. The voice she’d fallen in love with. Her fear began to lift.
“N-no, Sir. I’m sorry.” she blushed pink and glanced to the left and right to see if her words has been overheard.
“I should have guessed you’d have a sweet voice, kitten. Maybe I can get you to share it with me more often?”
Her blush deepened, but the compliment drew out a shy smile.
“If you like, Sir.”
He smiled and gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, then guided her to their table. His hand never left hers. He sated her first, then took his own place.
She pretended to read the menu as she fight to make sense of things. After six weeks online, they were here, together! What was the right thing to say? He seemed so calm, and that only made her more flustered. Should she act the same way she did online? Was he imagine her naked as he sipped his coffee?
That thought brought the humiliating realization that he had dressed her early that morning on the webcam! He knew exactly what she was wearing under her white dress. She’d modeled it for him slowly and deliberately. She was sure that her blush was casting a red glow over the inside of the restaurant.
“What looks good, kitten?” he said, and she looked up to see a waitress looking at her expectedly. Robert wore an amused expression. A knowing expression.
She realized that she was still holding the menu and hadn’t read a word. How much time had passed?
“Um…coffee and…toast?” she stammered.
He ordered for himself and the waitress collected the menu and left.
“Robert Renald Hamilton.” he said with a tip of his cap.
She stared at him in surprise. After six weeks of near-total secret she hadn’t expected such full disclosure from him during breakfast.
“Oh! Grey. Grey McMillan…Sir.” She almost winced; she hadn’t intended to use her full name. How did he do that to her? Something about him made it impossible to hide herself.
“It’s a real pleasure to meet you like this.” his eyes and smile were so warm and geneine that she found it hard to stay guarded. She smiled.
“For me too, Sir.”
A part of her was amazed at how comfortable she was calling him ‘Sir’ in a public place.
“You probably have questions?”
“About you? Oh, yes.”
“Part of the reason I came here was to answer them. Ask away, kitten.”
She didn’t need further prodding. Six weeks’ worth of questions poured out of her and he answered them all with a disarming openness. She learned he was 39 years old and the owner of a moving company in Alberta and had a partnership stake in an up-and-coming chain of coffee shops in the prairies. He even gave her his business card! His parents were both alive and residing in Red Lake; he enjoyed football and hiking; he’d never been married but had been ‘close to the brink’ in his words.
Their breakfast came and she continued to pepper him with questions. When the waitress came to clear away the empty plates, she had finally run dry, temporarily. She realized that she’d monopolited the entire meal with her inquiries.
“Sorry for the non-stop questions, Sir.”
“It’s natural, kitten. I know I haven’t shared much these first few weeks.”
“So why start now?”
He paused and rested his hand over hers on the table.
“Online we can hideourselves. But in person, it’s important to be who we truly are.”
The welcome warmth of his hand was making it difficult to think clearly.
“So I’m going to get the real you?”
“You’ll find you’ve always had the real me.”
Inexplicably, she believed him.
“So what do you want to do for the rest of the day, Sir?”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a hotel key card. He fixed her with his intense brown eyes.
“I’m going to have one more coffee, kitten. While I’m drinking it, I’d like you to go up to room 237. Go on inside and read the instructions I left for you on the bed. Then you can obey the instructions or you can ignore them and come back down. Either way, I’ll see you in twenty minutes or so.”
His Directions were spoken in the same easy-but-firm voice she’d come to know so well. The tone that made her want to obey, that resonated within that deep part of her that long to please him. His words were an invitation as much as a command.
But alone in a hotel room? With an almost-stranger, and a powerfully-built one at that? It could get very bad for her, very fast. Her rational mind tried to sound the alarm, to warn her away.
But in vain.
She hesitated for only a moment, then accepted the room key with a demure smile and stood up from the table. As the waitress re-filled Robert’s mug, Grey made her way out of the restaurant into the hotel lobby, then started up the stairs to the second floor. Many of her questions about Robert had been answered, but she knew the biggest ones remained.
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