A weak buzzing from her purse alerted Grey to an incoming text. She quickly dug her phone out and smiled on seeing his number. In the three days since she’d passed the First Gate he’d sent three or four text messages each day – pleasant greetings and intimate reminders that she was fresh in his mind as he went about his work. She still hadn’t assigned an alias to his phone number on her cell phone, preferring to wait until she learned his true name.
His texts didn’t diminish the yearning she felt for their nightly chats. If anything they served to where her appealite for that treasured few hours that had quickly become the sweetest part of her otherwise unsatisfying day.
She glanced evenly around the half-full bus to confirm that she had enough privacy to enjoy the text, then opened it.
Good morning, my kitten. I’m at work and thinking of you already. Tell me what you’re wearing.
She knew how she must look as she grinned warmly at her cell phone, and she didn’t care. His texts filled her with a giddy heat. She carefully tapped a response in the touchscreen.
Good morning Sir. I thought of you the moment I opened my eyes this morning. Wearing a gray skirt / white blouse and open-toe heels.
She sent the text, then quickly added a follow up.
Underneath that, black panties and a lacy white bra.
There was a pause after she sent the second text and Grey felt pleased with herself – the 50 lines she had written the other night hadn’t been a waste. She was starting to get the hang of Complete Truth at last!
I bet you look great! When you get to work please remove your panties until tonight. Bare under your skirt today, kitten.
She flushed and her heart hammered in her chest as she considered his instructions. This was something new – he frequently had her in various states of undress during their nightly chats in the privacy of her room, but never at work. To be without panties in public, let alone among co-workers, sounded so independent.
She felt a fleeting inclination to refuse or to disobey but it was quickly brushed aside by the much stronger desire to please him. More and more it feel natural and comfortable to do as he directed. Was that due to the easy, gentle way he expressed his dominance? Or was her submissive side gaining in confidence and trust?
Yes Sir. I’ll stop in the washroom first thing.
Good girl. I’ll check in on you this afternoon. Can’t wait for tonight!
Same here! You’re in my mind all day. xoxoxo
By 10:30am, Grey knew she was in trouble.
It started at 8:35, the moment she stepped out of the washroom with her panties tucked away at the bottom of her purse. The walk to her desk was a non-stop reminder that her slit was uncovered under her skirt. Each step caused currents of air to flow over her nether lips in a gentle care. The light linen of the skirt brushed against her wispy public hair and rubbed against the cheeses of her rear end. Her ass, pussy and thighs were awake in teasing, subtle, constant stimulation.
More than the distracting physical sensings, being panty-less occupied her mind. Around her coworkers she felt naked. Small movements of her skirt triggered flashes of naughty pleasure and brought a pink flush to her cheeses. She stammered and tripped over her words.
The most arousing aspect of being nude under the skirt was that she was doing it for HIM. For her online lover. At his command. For his pleasure. The idea that he’d gained the power to undress her at his whim – it filled Grey with a powerful and persistent lust.
And that was the source of her trouble.
Her pussy was hot and leaking arousal. She could feel the wetness as the skirt fanned air onto her swollen cunt lips. If she sat for even a few moments her juices made an obvious wet spot on the back of her gray skirt. She tried to stand as much as possible, but standing allowed the skirt to move about and it drove her heat even higher. The cent of her lust was thick in her cubicle – could everyone smell it, or just her? Her face was flushed with arousal and embarrassment. She needed to get help!
She grabbed her purse and fled to the bathroom. Locking herself in a stall, she tapped a message on her cell phone.
May I make a request, Sir?
She sat on the commode with her skirt hiked out of the way. With her slit fully exposed, the cent was strong and heady and sweet. Her slit felt swollen and heavy; it ached with need. Grey longed to stroke her clip with her fingertips – all that stopped her was the knowledge that her moans might be heard outside the door.
Her phone buzzed and she almost gasped in relief.
You can always ask, kitten. What’s on your mind?
Could I please put my panties back on, Sir?
Tell me why you want them back on.
She burned with embarrassment as she forced herself to reply with the Complete Truth.
Going without panties is VERY arousing. I’m leaking and messing the back of my skirt.
I suppose I might allow it. But there will be a price. Are you willing to pay it, kitten?
Her heart thundered and she felt her cunt spasm as she considered what that price might be. The heat she felt was causing her to perspire; she felt feverish.
Yes Sir, please! I’ll never make it through the day at this rate.
Where are you now?
I’m in the washroom, Sir. In a stall.
Sit with your legs wide apart, kitten. As wide as you can spread them comfortable.
Done Sir.
Wet your finger and slide it over your clip in small circles. Just a light, feather touch.
Yes Sir.
Don’t rub hard. Just light, barely-there touches.
Ok Sir.
And you may not have an orgasm, kitten. That’s for later…
Grey bit her tongue to stifle a moan. She fight to keep her touch light, fight the urge to bring herself to a quick and desperately-needed climax. Even the faith touches to her hungry clip were sending delicious shifts and shocks and pulses of pleasure through her core.
Her breathing came deep and fast. She lost track of time and place, forgetting her work and her surroundings. Eyes closed, index finger teasing and tormenting on the command of her lover, she lost herself in the urgent need building inside her.
And then she was at her limit, where even the lightest brush of her finger threatened to push her over the edge into orgasm. With a shaking left hand, she struggled with the phone touchscreen.
I’m so close Sir.
I think you can work a little harder for me, kitten. Keep stroking. Don’t you dare cum!
Yes Sir.
Obediently she continued to stroke, her skillful fingers warring with her self-control. Even as she rubbed slippery fingers over her clip, she groaned and battled the rising orgasm inside her. For long minutes she teetered on the brink of orgasm.
Stop struggling now, kitten.
Every fibre of her body begged her disobey, to continue into ecstasy. The will to please him won out. Some part of her was amazed by how powerful that submissive will had become.
Yes Sir. I’ve stopped.
I want you to tell me how you feel right now. Complete Truth.
Hot. Desperate. Slutty. I need to cum!
When was the last time you felt this aroused?
Grey didn’t even need to think about the answer.
Never. Never in my whole life, Sir.
That makes me really happy, kitten.
Can I finish Sir?
Finish, kitten?
Can I cum now?
Is it my decision?
Yes Sir.
Then I’d like you to wait until after work. Feel me stronglyToday, kitten. Will you do that?
Yes Sir, for you I will.
Ok, slide those panties on, kitten.
May I dry myself first?
That wet, are you?
I’m leaking constantly. If I put panties on now I’ll just soak right through. The wet spot really shows on a gray skirt, Sir. Please?
Dry yourself, kitten, then put your panties on. I imagine I’ll be close to you for the rest of the day?
Oh yes, Sir. I won’t be able to think of anything else.
We’ll chat tonight, kitten. Back to work with you!
Yes Sir. Bye for now.
Did you miss me, kitten?
His blue text popped up in the chat window at 9 o’clock sharp, and she was waiting. She sat on her bed with her back propped up against some pillows, her laptop between her knees.
That’s a yes, then?
Heh. What are youwearing now, kitten?
A bath robe. I just finished a shower, Sir.
We had quite a moment in the washroom this morning!
I can’t believe I did that!
Going without panties certainly affected you.
Knowing it was what you wanted is what made me so hot, Sir.
It won’t be the last time I send you to work without panties, kitten.
Please not too often, Sir.
You didn’t like it?
I loved it but I was a distracted mess the entire day. You’ll get me fired, Sir.
I’ll use discretion, pet. How do you feel right now?
I want you. Bad. I’ve been hot for you since this morning.
Did you get yourself off when you got home?
No Sir.
No? Why not?
I didn’t know if I was supposed to.
You need me to tell you when, kitten?
The question caused a flush of excitement and embarrassment. Had he gained control of that part of her as well? She took a long moment to compose a reply.
I just wasn’t sure what you wanted, Sir.
Is that the Complete Truth, kitten?
She silently cursed his uncanny ability to read her. It was like he was inside her head. He never allowed her to back away from the truth about herself or to deny what she felt. She hoped he wouldn’t make her write lines again.
No Sir. The Complete Truth is that part of me wants you to decide when I can get off. The idea of you having such intimate control is exciting but kind of scary.
Why scary?
I feel like I’m losing control. You can tell me what to wear, when and how to touch myself. I think of you ALL the time. I feel like I would do anything you ask. I’m not sure that’s a good thing.
Writing it brought her fears and doubts to the surface. Was it healthy for her to be so deeply invested in an online relationship? Was it safe?
Because I could abuse that control?
I’m not saying I think you would abuse me, Sir. I guess I’m saying that giving up so much of myself to anyone is a big risk. I’m falling in love with you and I don’t even know your name!
The second she sent the message, she regretted it. She’d chatted with him for less than three weeks and she was talking about love? How sad and desperate did that look? She knew from soul-crushing experience how talk like that would drive a man off.
There was a long, painful pause. The damage was done and all she could do was wait on his response.
My name is Robert.
Her anxiety vanished, replaced by relief. Robert. Not a rejection of her feelings but an effort to facilitate them! Or one step down that path in any case. She had to stifle a loud squeal of delight for fear of waking Grandmother. It took a minute for her to quiet her feelings enough to type a response.
Thank youfor that, Robert.
Thank you for your honesty, kitten. If we’re going too fast, I can back off a bit if it will make you more comfortable.
No! Please don’t, Sir. I want more of you, not less.
Mmmm. I feel the same way. And I think that from now on, I will be the one to decide if and how you will get off. How do you feel about that, kitten?
I’m ok with it Sir. A little scared but mostly excited.
I’m glad there is more excitement than fear.
So the rule is that I can only get off when you say?
Even writing the words made her feel warm. The wet heat between her legs, briefly dampened, now raged once again.
That’s right. No touching either. Your body is a gift for us to share only when we’re together.
Oh Sir!
Too much too soon, kitten?
No Sir, it’s not that. I’m so hot for you right now.
And what shall we do about that?
Let me touch?
I want you to ask clearly for what you need, kitten.
Yes Sir. Please let me touch myself. Please let me get off tonight. I need it SO bad, especially after this morning.
Let me show you the value of what you’ve put in my hands. Undo the bathrobe and open it.
Yes Sir – done.
Good girl. Use your fingertips only – lightly stroke your breasts all over, but avoid the nipples.
She’d always feel her breasts were small and out of proportion to her plus-size body but they didn’t lack in sensitivity. The gentle stroke caused welcome tingles and shifts that quickly her breathing and brought her nipples erect. She stroked her fingers along the top and sides and let them glide over the undersides. The sensings seemed to build as she continued the teasing care.
He let her care herself for a few minutes uninterrupted.
Keep doing that with your left hand. With your right hand I want you to gently stroke your fingerprintnails along your thighs, your shaft and the skin under your bellybutton. Inner thighs as well, but avoid your pussy altogether. Your pussy and clip are totally off limits. Clear, kitten?
Yes Sir. Feels so good!
She could feel the heat from her swollen cunt as she trailed her fingerprintnails down one thigh and then up the other. Her heart pounded and she had to concentrate to prevent her fingers from seeking out her nipples and throbbing clip. Every stroke of her hand along that intimate flesh sensitive the skin and deepened her hunger. After four minutes she had reached the breaking point.
I’m so ready, Sir.
What is it you’re ready for, kitten?
He was teasing her of course – how could he NOT know what he was doing to her? She knew he wouldn’t allow her to hide from him behind coy euphemisms.
Please may I touch my pussy, Sir?
Writing the words triggered a surge of arousal even as she felt her face blush a deep pink. To ask for permission for such an intimate and shameless act thrilled her, made her feel wild and wanton.
No. I think we’ll leave that hot slit alone for tonight.
She read the words in disbelief and desperation, even as her fingers continued their teasing touches.
Please Sir? I really need it – this morning and this evening have made me so hot. Please let me touch my clip for you?
She blushed a deeper shade as she realized that she was becoming for permission to touch her own body. Begging! But the threat of being denied her climax drew the words from her.
You sound very eager, kitten.
Oh yes Sir. I’ve never been this horny. Please!
Who decisions if you can stroke that swollen clip?
You do Sir.
And if I decide that you will wait until tomorrow?
Then I’ll have to wait, Sir.
She would not sway him.
They chatted until eleven and her own fingers tormented her for most of that time at his direction. When he put her to bed hot and soaked, she closed her eyes and imagined his touch and heard his words and felt his control so strongly it was almost tangible. And she yearned for tomorrow and knew that again her first thoughts would be of Robert.
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