Twelve Days a Slave Ch. 09

slave missy plays “Wheel of Pleasure / Wheel of Pain.”

This is the story of a young woman’s conviction as a terrorist and what happens to her when she is sentenced to penal slavery. Penal slavery is not impossible. The Thirteenth and Fourtheth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America do NOT prohibit slavery. They only LIMIT slavery to punishment for crimes. In other words, the Constitution allows penal slavery.

After the woman is convicted, a “sentence negotiation” gets her sentence reduced to a public day of repentance followed by eleven days of public punishment. Following that, she is to serve one year of penal servitude.

This story deals with non-consensual punishment, pain, and involuntary slavery. If such topics offend you or upset you, I would advise skipping this particular book.

There are third chapters to this story. The chapters can be read on their own, but the story is much better understand if the previouss portions have been read. The complete story is full book length. I debated publishing it with some of my other books, but decided that I would rather serialize it and post it here.

A description of the thirteen chapters follows the end of each chapter. The seventh day for slave missy is a day for electron-punishment. Slave missy becomes part of the vidshow, “Wheel of Pleasure / Wheel of Pain.”

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WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life.

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century.

Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is copyright (c) 2015 by The Technician.

Individual readers may archive and/or print single copies of this story for personal, non-commercial use. Production of multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format is expressly forbidden.

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Missy awoke to the smell of coffee. She looked around herself in confusion. She didn’t remember eating supper last night. And now she could smell coffee but could not smell bacon. As she slowly made her way to the front of the RV, William called out to her, “She lives!”

She gave him a weak smile.

“You forget your towel,” he said. As she started to turn around to go back and get one, he called out, “I’ve got it. I put one out for you to use at supper last night, but I couldn’t wake you.”

She turned once more and stumbled into the kitchen. Once she was seated, he handed her a large cup of coffee and said, “This will put hair on your chest.”

She looked down at her hairless body and laughed. He then said, “Well, it will at least wake you up.”

He turned back to the stove and said over his shoulder, “Since you missed supper, I figured I should do steak and eggs this morning. I use a thin flank steak cut into small pieces and mix it into scrambled eggs. I started things when I heard you starting to stir.” As he set her plate in front of her he added, “It’s sort of my special occasion breakfast.”

“Is today a special occasion?” missy asked.

“Well,” William responded, “it’s not every day that you are a special segment on a vidshow game.”

“What show?”

“Wheel of Pleasure / Wheel of Pain,” he replied. “Not only are they sponsoring today, I locked in a guarantee of residuals so when it’s rebroadcast, we get a small percentage of the ad revenue.”

“Never heard of it,” she said. “How does it work?”

“Ah,” he said with a big grin, “that will be today’s surprise.”

When she pouted at him, he added, “Besides, there are four factors who will go before you. By the time it’s your turn, you will know exactly what’s going on.”

About fifteen minutes later, both were finished and sipping their coffee. He gave a deep sight and said, “Showtime. Time to grease up, lock up, mount up, and get moving.”

Missy chuckled Slightly at his description of the morning routine, downed the rest of her coffee, and followed him out the door. There was a light mist in the air as they made their parade lap through town. It had become a light drizzle before they returned to the fairgrounds. Because there was no wind, with the large circle of plastic above her, missy stayed more or less dry even after she was hoisted up above the stage.

Looking around once she was in position, missy wondered why the stage crew was not busy setting up the equipment needed for today’s punishment. Then she noticed a large object of some sort sitting on stage right. It was covered with a heavy tarp which two of The stage crew were secured tightly to the stage floor.

Since there was really nothing to watch, she decided to engage in her morning routine of stroking herself to a pleasant state of arousal. Or, at least that was her intent, but shortly after she settled back against the bars, she fell fast wait.

She was awakened by loud music and a cheering crowd. A male voice- not William’s- was yelling out a cheery greeting, “Welcome. ladies and gentlemen.”

The crowd cheered its response, and he screamed out, “Are you ready to play?”

Everyone was now on their feet, clapping in unison and chanting, “Spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin, spin…”

Speaking louder to be heard over the noise of the crowd, the voice continued in its professional announcer’s mellifluous tones as it said, “Time now for Wheel of Pleasure / Wheel of Pain.”

After a moment, two beautiful young blond women in glittering black dresses appeared on the very edges on stage right and stage left and motioned with their hands for the audience to be seated. When everything had quietly down, the announcer bellowed out, “And now welcome your host, Bobbie Barker.”

A tall, stunningly beautiful black woman, dressed in a glittery white dress walked out to center stage. She waved and smiled at the crowd as she made her way across the stage. Once she was in place the announcer voice boomed out again. “Our first contestants are Marcus and Leona McClary from New Chicago. Let’s give them a big wheel welcome!” As they came out onto the stage, the crowd again cheered wildly until the blondes indicated that they should be quiet.

Missy had never watched a vidshow game being taped before. She suddenly started as she realized that she had no idea what “taped” means. Actually no one know for sure what “taped” means, but that was what they called it when they recorded the raw video for vidshows.

“Tell us a little about yourself,” Bobbie said pleasantly.

Leona, who was wearing a dark blue fuzzy robe of some sort- and apparently nothing else since she was standing barefoot on the stage- reply, “I work from home as a freelance memory cleaner. I connect to people’s devices and remove redundant and unnecessary programming.”

“Aren’t there bots to do that?” Bobbie asked.

“Yes, there are,” Leona replied with a smile, “but as we all Know, those bots often remove programs we would like to keep, and leave others that we really don’t need. After all these years of progress, you still can’t beat a human brain sifting through your memory.”

“Well,” Bobbie said, moving her microphone over to Marcus, “that is about as close to a plug for a business as they will let us do. So, Marcus, where do you work?”

Marcus, who was dressed in a pair of black slacks and a light blue polo-style shirt, replied, “I’m a coordinate for traffic control devices. Some cities have gone to full electronic control, but New Chicago learned long ago that when the shit hits the fan, it takes a human to make the acceptable decision.”

“Meaning, no matter how bad the traffic gets, the mayor gets home on time,” Bobbie said with a laugh.

“Or to lunch,” Marcus added, also laughing. “Some of the old Chicago ways have carried over into New Chicago.”

“Let’s see,” Bobbie said, “if those old… or New Chicago ways can make you a winner on our wheel today. I assume that Leona will be in the restraints and Marcus will be spinning the wheel. Is that correct? “

“Yes, it is,” the McClary’s answered together.

“Then let’s get Leona in place,” Bobbie said in an excited voice, “And then we can spin the wheel.”

Leona dropped her robe to the floor to reveal her naked body. There were already a number of black electrones stuck to the skin. There appeared to be rows of black squares about every four inches all the way down the outside of her body, beginning just under her arm pits. A similar row began on Both insides of her legs just below her crotch. In addition there were a half-dozen or more electrones on her abdomen and another half dozen or more on her ass. It almost looked like she had pasties over her nipples as something was covering the front of her tits. The wires hanging down from the pastie-like patches, however, identified them as electrones.

She was also wearing what, at first, appeared to be a small, black leather thong which had wires dangling from it. Regular views of the show know that it was actually a dildo harness which kept combination vibrator / electronede dildos in place in her cunt and ass.

Just to stage right of center, a large, square restraint frame had been set up. She stepped between the uprights and raised her arms so that the crew could fasten the cuffs around her wrists. Then, spreading her legs as wide as she could, she watched as they fastened similar cuffs around her ankles. There was a loud clicking noise as the upper chains were tightened, drawing her body taut between the posts.

A young man from the production crew stepped forward with a bundle of wires in his hand and began to connect them to the various pads and electrones. It was several minutes before all the pads were connected. All the while he was working, a cameraman looked over his shoulder, zooming in on the various parts of Leona’s body that were being connected. After the pads were connected, the technician picked up a long cable and connected wires from it to the vaginal and anal dildos. Reaching into his tool case, he took out a ball gag and strapped it in place. It was the type with a hollow ball with many holes in it, so she would still be able to breath through her mouth if necessary. The last thing he did was to put a bright orange tennis ball in each of Leona’s hands.

Stepping back, he inspected his work, looked up at Bobbie who was standing nearby, and said, “We’re ready to play.”

Bobbie returned to the center of the stage where Marcus stood waiting alongside the ten foot high wheel which gave the show its name. She looked out at the crowd and said, “A lot of that will be edited out before broadcast.”

She turned as said something to the crew that missy couldn’t hear. Her voice became much louder as she then faced the audience and almost shouted, “Leona is ready. Marcus is ready. Are you ready!?”

Once again the cry of “Spin, spin, spin, spin, spin,” echoed through the arena.

After a few moments, the sideline ladies once again quietly the crowd and Bobbie said to Marcus, “Are you ready to spin?”

He answered, “Yes,” and she replied, “First, we need to make sure you understand the rules. The wheel is divided into twelve segments. Four segments are labeled “Pain” or “Pleasure.” Four are labeled “Moderate Pain” or “Moderate Pleasure.” And four are labeled, “Extreme Pain” or Extreme Pleasure.” She pointed to each type of segment on the large wheel as she spoke.

“Each time you spin the wheel,” she explained, “the amount you can win go up, but so does the duration of the pulse cycle. If, during the pulse cycle, Leona drops one of her safety signals- or orgasms- the game is over and you win nothing. You will have an opportunity to stay or leave before each spin, but once the wheel starts spinning, you… or at least Leona… is committed for that round. Our first spin is for $5000. The pulse cycle is five seconds. If you are ready, Marcus, spin the wheel.”

Marcus rotated the wheel slightly upward and then pushed down with all his might. The crowd again began theirchant of “Spin, spin, spin, spin…” while the pointer clicked from segment to segment and lights flashed around the outside of the wheel. As the wheel began to slowly down it clicked through “Extreme Pleasure” and then “Extreme Pain” before finally stopping at “Pleasure.”

Almost immediately, Leona began wiggling in her restraints. Lights mounted around the outside of the frame flashed as pulses raced across her skin and the dildos in both her cunt and her ass vibrated softly. A large display above her head counted down the seconds by tenths of a second. When it reached zero, she gave a soft scar and stood silently between the posts.

“That was an easy five thousand,” Bobbie said. “You can take your five thousand and go home, or you can spin the wheel for an additional ten thousand dollars. Remember, This time the pulse cycle is increased to ten seconds. What do you say, Marcus?”

He looked over at Leona standing between the posts. Her body was shiny with sweat, but she was nodding her head. “I’ll spin,” he replied as he once more lifted upward on the wheel before pushing downward with all his strength.

Many in the audience softly chanted, “Spin, spin, spin” as the wheel rotated rapidly around, the clicker snapping from segment to segment. Watching from above, missy noted that the wheel was arranged so that you always went from something good to something bad. The pain segment always followed pleasure segments, so you went from Pleasure to Pain, from Moderate Pleasure to Moderate Pain, and of course, from Extreme Pleasure to Extreme Pain. You could also say, however, that Pleasure always followed pain because the segment after Extreme Pain started the sequence once again with Pleasure.

The wheel slowed. It clicked through Extreme Pain to Extreme Pleasure. It was almost stopped but still had just enough movement to click one last time. The pointed vibrated over the very beginning of the Pain segment.

Leona immediately began dancing inthe frame. Her body was jerking and twisting. No actual scream was able to come out through the ball gag, but her grunts were very loud. Missy noted that the woman’s grunts corresponded to the flashing of the lights around the outside of the frame. She also noted that the lights were flashing much brighter than the first time.

The clock slowly counted down from ten. With about four seconds left, the bound woman stopped grunting and began a loud, continue wail which sounded almost like a siren in the distance. Finally the clock said zero and the lights quit flashing. Leona was now dripping sweat and breathing very heavily.

“You now have fifteen thousands dollars,” Bobbie gushed. “And you have a decision to make. Do you walk away with the fifteen grand… or do you risk that against an additional twenty thousand thousands dollars!?”

Marcus looked over at his wife to see if she nodded her head yes or shook her head no. She did neither, but was rather hanging limp in her restraints.

“I remind you,” Bobbie said in a measured tone, “that if Leona drops one of her safety balls during the twenty seconds, you lose everything.”

Marcus replied, “I’m not sure. We had agreed that we would go to at least thirty-five thousands dollars, but she doesn’t look so good.” He took a deep breath and held it in for a moment. Then he slowly exhausted and said, “I’ll spin.”

Again the wheel started out spinning very rapidly. As it slowed and began clicking through its final segments, a low “Oooohhhhh” came from the audience. They could see where the wheel was likely to stop. It clicked through Moderate Pain and then through Extreme Pleasure. It looked like it would also pass through Extreme Pain, but it just didn’t have enough momentum to click the clicker. It stopped with the pointer resting on the division between the segments.

“Ouch,” Bobbie said softly. Marcus stared at the wheel in shock.

Leona, meanwhile, was grunting and thrashing wildly with each pulse. The lights around the frame were flashing very brightly. Lights on the front of the pasties as well as lights which appeared to be on the ends of the dildos also began to flash. Apparently those electrons activate only in the Extreme Pain segment.

The clock began it slow countdown from twenty. It read fourteen point two when both bright orange tennis balls dropped from her hands.

“Ooooh, so sorry,” Bobbie said as she put her arm around Marcus’ shoulder. “That means you lose everything.”

Marcus started to stumble slowly off stage. Four crew members quickly unplugged Leona and, after releasing her wrist and ankle cuffs, more or less carried her off stage.

Bobbie looked out at the crowd. “Very few,” she began, “are able to endure the Extreme Pain segment.” She shrugged her shoulders and added, “But that is the risk you accept when you spin the wheel.”

She smiled warmly and then said, “This is, after all, Wheel of Pleasure / Wheel of Pain.” Looking up at one of the cameras, she added softly, “We’ll be back right after this word.”

Stage crew members rushed onto the stage to prepare for the next contentants. They mopped the area beneath the frame. Evidently Leona had lost control of her bladder. They also removed the leather cuffs from the restraints and replaced them with a fresh set. Once everything was ready, Bobbie walked to the center of the stage and stood facing the crowd. A voice said over the speakers, “Recording in three, two, one…”

The announcements voice boomed out, “Our next concerns are Harold and Cindy Zimmerman from Bend City, California. Let’s give them a big wheel welcome!”

The audience dutifully applauded as the couple walked out onto the stage. Cindy was wearing an almost skin-tight leather pencil dress that showed off the perfection of her body. She was also wearing knee high soft leather boots which perfectly matched the dress. Harold was barefoot and wearing a blue fuzzy robe.

Bobbie smiled at them and said, “Welcome to the wheel, Harold and Cindy. Tell us a little something about yourself.”

Harold looked down at the floor as Cindy spoke up. “We are both teachers in the Bend City school system,” she said cheerily. “Harold is able to stand a LOT of pain, so we think we have a really good chance of lasting the five spins needed for the jackpot.”

“Wow,” Bobbie replied. “I think you are the first couple ever to say right from the start that they were going for the jackpot.”

She paused and then said, “it’s pretty obvious that Harold will be in the restraints and Cindy will be spinning the wheel. Is that correct? “

“Yes, it is,” the they answered together.

“Then let’s get Harold in place,” Bobbie said in an excited voice, “and Then we can spin the wheel.”

When Harold dropped his robe, it was obvious that he was wired up much like Leona had been. The only difference seemed to be that the nipple electronedes were held in place with awide band of elastic which went around his chest, and the dildo harness had a pouch in front for his ball sac rather than a vaginal vibrator / electrode. His prick, already slightly engaged, stuck through a hole in the harness.

He walked quickly over to the restraint frame and positioned himself in a big X. Soon he was cuffed in place with all wires connected.


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