Twelve Days a Slave Ch. 03

In response to several private comments, I have decided to post the remainder of this series to the BDSM category. I’m sorry if I offended anyone, but I do think I gave adequate warning that this story is about non-consensual punishment. And yes, there is a significant pleasure response in most of the chapters.

This is the story of a young woman’s conviction as a terrorist and what happens to her when She is sentenced to penal slavery. Penal slavery is not impossible. The Thirteenth and Fourtheth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America do NOT prohibit slavery. They only LIMIT slavery to punishment for crimes. In other words, the Constitution allows penal slavery.

After the woman is convicted, a “sentence negotiate” gets her sentence reduced to a public day of repentance followed by Eleven days of public punishment. Following that, she is to serve one year of penal servitude.

This story deals with non-consensual punishment, pain, and involuntary slavery. If such topics offend you or upset you, I would advise skipping this particular book.

There are third chapters to this story. The chapters can be read on their own, but the story is much better understand if the previous portions have been read. The complete story is full book length.

A description of the third chapters follows the end of each chapter. This chapter is the first of missy’s 11 days of public punishment. On this first day of punishment, Master Hiroya Takahashi demonstrates properly-trained pony girls, and instructs missy on the proper way to receive a punishment spanking. The focus of this chapter is pony girls and public spanking.

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If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century.

Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is copyright (c) 2015 by The Technician.

Individual readers may archive and/or print single copies of this story for personal, non-commercial use. Production of multiple copies of this story on paper, disk, or other fixed format is expressly forbidden.

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Chapter Three – The first day of punishment.

Missy slepiprisingly well her first night as a slave. Perhaps that was because in her dreams she was free. She was wearing the beautiful dress and shoes and lingerie that she had hurt that morning, but was at some lavish party in a beautiful mansion. Then the clock struck midnight and the everything disappeared. Suddenly she was being led out of the party naked and in chains.

“It isn’t fair! It isn’t fair! It isn’t fair!” she began screaming. She awoke to her own screams. A guard was standing outside her cell.

“Keep it down,” he said. “You’ll wake the other prisoners.”

Slave missy looked at the clock which was barely visible in the hallway. It was 6:00 am. Her first day of punishment would soon begin.

Around 6:30 the guard showed up with her breakfast. It was some sort of waffle and what looked like very thick bacon. There was no silverware. Evidently jail waffles were finger food. There was also a plastic bottle of some sort of juice. Vicki tasted it and was unsureof exactly what it was, but it was cold and sweet, so she finished it with her breakfast.

A toothbrush had been provided for her, so she brushed her teeth after breakfast. Standing in front of the sink she looked at her naked, hairless body. “It sure saves time getting ready in the morning,” she said aloud. “How will I style my hair today… oh, I don’t have any. What will I wear today… oh, it’s above 58 degrees so I will just stay naked.”

She continued to star at herself in the mirror. For a moment tears well up in her eyes as she read and re-read the brand above her left breast which said “slave missy.” It finally dawned on her that the lack of capital letters was not an accident. Slaves didn’t really have names. They had property designs. That realization brought more silent tears as she lightly rubbed the brand that was permanently burned into her flesh.

Finally she gave a deep sight and spoke to her reflection in the mirror, “Well, slave missy,” she said, “you made it through day one. Only eleven days to go.” She looked down at the floor and then back up at herself before she added shakily, “And then at least one year of slavery.”

The guard interrupted her conversation with herself at that point. “Time to get back in your cage,” he said loudly.

As missy did so, he added, “Back against the bars away from the door.”

She entered the cage and pressed herself against the bars. The guard then entered the cell and immediately locked the big padlock onto the cage. After that, he came around the cage and placed the heavy metal collar around her throat.

“Face me and put your hands next to the bars,” he ordered.

Missy did as she was commanded and the guard affixed the menacles to her wrists.

“Hold your leg next to the bars,” was the next command, followed by “Other leg.”

Missy was now back in the chains she had forgotten the day before.

When the guard stepped out of the cell, he left the door open. Hereturned a moment later with the pallet jack and rolled her out to the loading dock. In place of the caisson, today there was a small, low, square trailer. And in place of the horses was a four-wheeled ATV.

“We’ll have to use the winch to set her in place today,” said the driver of the ATV. “After that, they can roll her on and off the trailer with the pallet jack if they want.”

The driver- one of the bailiffs- then attached The cable to the top of the cage. When it was lowered down on the trailer, missy could see that it fit exactly into a large, square, metal frame. Once it was in place, the bailiff and the guard flipped four latches up and tightened them, holding the cage firmly in place. The bailiff then drove the ATV down the ramp which led from the dock to the alley.

When he reached the street, a regular police car was awaiting them. It turned on Its lights and moved out into traffic. A black SUV fell into line behind them. They then drove slowly through the town and out to the local fairs where her punishment would take place.

When they arrived, there was already a large crowd gathered at the speedway, which doubled as a program stage when bands or other acts were in town. Missy could see that the stage was set up a little farther out into the track than normal. She could also see that the stands were packed and additional chairs were set up on the track. Those too were tightly-packed.

The driver slowed to not more than a crawl as he drove past the front of the crowd. People were standing to take her picture, and again children were lifting dollars. Missy wasn’t sure why they did that. Maybe it was just to show them to her, or perhaps they were comparing her to their dolls to see how accurate they were. In either case, she felt it was a bit creepy.

A large ramp had been built on the side of the stage and after the bailiff had gone the entire length of the crowd, he made a sharp turn and went up onto the stage. A cable was lowered from above and the cage was lifted from the trailer. She expected it to be set down on the stage once the trailer had left the stage, but instead, the cage was raised further so that she was suspended about twelve feet above the stage.

Once her cage was in place and had stopped spinning, Missy stood in her cage staring at the crowd. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting, but nothing at all happened except various roads and stage crew set up and tested a sound system and various video recording devices. The crowd buzzed with conversation and occasional flashes of light indicated that people were taking pictures of her in her cage.

The crowd continued to grow over the next hours and the stands became packed. Additional chairs had been set up on the track. Evidently they were reserved seating because they remained mostly empty until shortly after one, but soon after that, those too were also tightly-packed.

At exactly 2:00 o’clock, William Wilson stepped onto the stage. He was dressed in a tuxedo. His hair had been dyed, or at least touched up, and was immaculately cut and styled. He was holding a microphone in his hands.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” he began, “today is day two of twelve for Vicki LeClaire’s repentance and punishment and is sponsored by The Hiroya Takahashi Slave Training School. Whether for production or pleasure, Master Takahashi will train your slave to perfectly fulfill your every command.”

He pointed to the side of the stage where an older Japanese gentleman stood. “Master Takahashi will now give us a little demonstration of some of the training which can be done at his school.”

Hiroya was dressed in a thick linen robe which seemed to flow with him as he came to the center of the stage. He stepped back several steps and clapped his hands loudly. Four men and three women came running onto the stage and formed a line. It was obvious that they were slaves because, except for their shoes, they were naked. Their brands were easily visible. Missy noted that all of them bore the name “slutslave” followed by three numbers. She ran her hand across her own slave brand and said softly aloud to herself, “Thank you, Mister Wilson.”

Master Takahashi clapped his hands once more and two more slaves came onto the stage pulling small carts loaded with various pieces of metal. A third slave ran over to where the Master was and stood there holding a large electronic stopwatch.

Hiroya clapped his hands and the seven worker slaves began furiously assembling what turned out to be a set of shelving like would be used in a warehouse. In just moments they all stood back and the Master once again clapped his hands.

William stepped back into the center of the stage and announced, “That was assembled in just two minutes and twenty-three seconds. Do your slave workers work that fast? If not, why not check out The Hiroya Takahashi Slave Training School?”

The Master clapped his hands twiceapidly and the slaves began disassembling the shelves. If anything they were faster than they had been while assembling it. While they were working, William continued, “Not all slaves are production slaves. Some are sports slaves, and what better sport for slave owners than pony racing?”

He stepped to the side of the stage and announced “Master Takahashi will now demonstrate properly-trained pony slaves.”

The Master clapped his hands and the slaves on stage curried away taking the pieces of the shelves with them. They were replaced on stage by six pony girls. Unlike the previous slaves, these girls were not totally naked. They were wearing elaborate, hooded headpieces consisting of high feathered tops, blinders, and an attached posture collar. Each had a bit strapped firmly in her mouth and a long tail attached to an anal plug which was inserted in her ass. A tight corset completed the outfit. It lifted their breasts up so that the bells which were hanging from chains clamped to their nipples didn’t pull the breasts down.

Hiroya now had a small whip in his hands. He snapped it once and the six girls moved to the very front edge of the stage. In almost slow motion they high-stepped in place while holding their hands before them like a dog walking on its hind legs. It was now obvious that their hands were encased in hoof gloves. The horseshoes on the end of the gloves flashed slightly as they reflected the stage lights.

Hiroya snapped the whip again and the girls formed a small circle. They were now moving more rapidly as they raised their knees as high as they could with each step. Another snap of the whip and they were almost running. Their bodies were beginning to shine with the exertion. Another snap of the whip and they were moving even faster. One or two of them were starting to fumble slightly as they danced rapidly around their circle, but none slowed their frantic pace.

Three rapid snaps of the whip and the pony girls suddenly froze in place mid-step. They slowly lowered their legs to the ground and then keeping in step with each other, opened the circle and high-stepped back to their line at the front of the stage. A snap of the whip and they high-stepped off stage down the ramp.

William again stepped forward. “If your interest is not dressage but actual racing, Master Takahashi is still the trainer for you.”

There was a loud “Hee-a-yup” and three pony girl carts roared around from behind the stage to pass single file in front of the crowd. Once past the seats, they fanned out almost abeast and began running around the track. The pony girls were dressed similarly to the ones who had performed the dressage routine on stage, but they were obviously much more muscle. Each of the drivers had a thin whip which they used to urge their ponies to run faster. This was just a demonstration, but there were still probably grave consequences for the pony girl who came in last in this one lap race.

The three carts roared around the last turn and into the final straight-away. Just before the seated area, they suddenly slowed and again went into single file to pass in front of the audience. The third pony girl looked very afraid.

The three carts passed in front and then curved around to where they had come from behind the stage. A few moments later one of the pony girls came up on stage. From the color of her head-piece, it was obviously it was the third place pony girl.

She walked over to Master Hiroya and handed him something. Then, keeping her back to the audience, she bent over and placed her hands on the stage. The plug which held her tail was clearly visible.

Master Takahashi stepped forward slightly. He held up his hand to show the audience what the pony girl had given him. It was a quirt, a long rod with three thin strips of leather braided and attached to the end.

He drew the quirt across her naked bottom and her tail quivered as her ass cheeses clenchedand unclenched. Then suddenly drawing back his hand, he flicked his wrist and brought the quirt down sharply across her ass cheeses.

The pony girl yelped, but otherwise remained silent. The quirt flashed again and the girl once again yelped. There appeared to be no motion to Hiroya’s arm or hand, but the quirt moved at great speed and the sound of the leather striking flesh could be heard throughout the arena.

On the fifth stroke, the girl cried out. On the seventh she began pleading for mercy. By the tenth she was beyond words and just screamed and grunted with each new slash of the whip.

Many in the crowd were counting softly as the master whipped the losing pony girl, but many voices speaking softly add up. The count could be clearly heard…”twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five.”

The master stopped at twenty-five. The pony girl slave remained with her hands on the stage floor. Her crying and the pain in her ass cheeks were shaking her body. Hiroya reached out and touched her back with the quirt. She immediately stood up and faced him.

He held out the quirt and she kissed it. Then she took it in her teeth and, using the proper high-step, cultivated off stage.

As she left, William again came forward. He was carrying a stout, armless, wooden chair which he set in the center of the stage.

“And now the moment you have all been waiting for,” he said with a flourish. “Master Takahashi will demonstrate for you- and for slave missy- the proper way to give a hand spanking.”

He paused to look out over the crowd. “Remember,” he said, “each punishment is based on the number 46, which represents the 46 businesses whose computer systems were crashed by the cyber attack.” He shrugged and then added, “Of course, if slave missy doesn’t keep in proper position, she might end up with a lot more than 46 swats to her ass.”

He gave a hand signal and the cage slowly descended to the stage. William open the padlock and motioned for slave missy to step out. She did.

“I call your attention to the guards surrounding the stage,” he said loudly as he competed with his arm at the dozen uniformed guards who had appeared around the stage. “Eight of these guards have tranquilizer guns,” he explained. Then speaking very solemnly he added, “Four of them are armed with standard ammunition.”

Turning to missy he said, “I think their presence will help you to answer this question. Do you promise that if I remove your chains and shades that you will not attempt to escape?” He paused and said dramatically, “Keep in mind that the moment you attempt to leave the stage, eight tranquillizer guns will be shooting at you.” His voice dropped in volume, but retained its drama. “And as soon as your feet touch the track, the other four guards will cut you down.”

He held up the key to the shadows. “So,” he said, “do you promise not to attempt to escape?”

Missy knew that this question was going to be askeded. She had not been told about the theatrics which would accompany it. She had even been quizzed earlier to be sure that she remembered the proper form for her answer.

Her voice was slightly shaky as she answered. “I promise that I will not try to escape. I accept that I deserve this punishment and I submit myself to Master Takahashi that he might properly punish me.”

The crowd roared its approval. As they cheered and clapped and whistled, William leaned in close to missy so that he could begin opening the locks. He also said softly to her, “It’s all showmanship. Everyone now thinks you are a very dangerous terrorist. We are already almost sold out for tomorrow. The people in town can hear those cheaters. The remaining tickets will be gone before we finish today’s show.”

William then led her over to where Master Hiroya was seated. He had a heavy oriental accent- missy thought it was Japanese. Patting his lap he said, “Lie across my lap, slave. And then support yourselfon your toes and fingerprints.”

Missy lay hesitantly across his lap. As she settled herself down, he slapped her smartly and said, “Toes and fingerprints!”

Missy lifted herself up on her hands and feet. Master Hiroya slapped her again. This time it was much harder and the sound of his hand struggling her ass reverberated through the arena.

“Do you not understand English?!” he said angrily. “I said toes and fingertips, not hands and feet.”

Missy looked up at him. Her confusion must have been apparent on her face because he held his hand out with his fingers formed as if he were holding a large ball. “Fingertips!” he said firmly. “And toes!”

She formed her hands into the shape he had shown her and pushed her palms up off the floor. She also rocked her feet forward so that all that was touching was her toes.

“Support yourself,” he ordered. It took missy a moment to understand what he wanted, but then she tightened her muscles and lifted her body slightly offhis lap.

“You will count all 46 spanks,” he said. His voice became much firmer as he added, “If you lose count, I start over. If your body does not come back up to this position before the next spank, that one does not count. Do you understand?”


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