Tutoring the Reverend's Daughter

All people in this story are over eighteen years of age.


Jeremy did not know what to expect from this meeting. He responded to an advertisement for a home tutor during the summer holidays. This was usually a period of little study and even less demand for teachers and it were only the very good and the well-connected teachers that would be in demand during this time. At the age of 23 Jeremy only started teaching a year ago and was expecting this to be the usual failing student where the family had some spare cash or wanted to prepare the student for the final year marathon, hoping to make up for five years of slacking off in one summer. He was surprised to receive a letter from the First Evangelical Church near the centre of town in an extremely well to do neighborhood, inviting him for an interview.

The invitation to an interview only had the address of the church, so that is where Jeremy decided to travel to. Being conservative and a little shy he made sure he arrived in plenty of time for his interview. The invitation was for Sunday at 11.30 in the morning, but arrived at ten minute to eleven, Jeremy walked into a packed church and watched the last several minutes of the service. It took further twenty minutes for the people to trickle out of the church with many members of the congregation stopping to thank the minister for the service, sharing a story or two before moving on. Jeremy waited for the church to empty out and then he returned back to the church and sat down on the edge of the pew all the way at the back of the church. The church was silent and he used the time to reflect and to calm the nervousness that was now building up within him as the time of his interview was approaching.

Soon the noises from the outside subsided and Jeremy managed to calm down as well. Starting to look around he noticed that his shoesace was untied. He croouched down in the pew to properly re-tie his shoes. Being a perfectionist, Jeremy also re-tied the other one as well, knowing full well that if one worked itself loose, so could the other. He was surprised to find that when he straightened out at his pew, there were people sitting at the front of the church in the first pew. A man, dressed in a dark suit with greying and bolding head of hair. A woman dressed in a white summer dress. The third was another woman, more likely a daughter of the older couple, Also in white cotton dress with a light pattern on it. They were all sitting in silence with their head bowed, and he wondered who they were, far too shy to investgate or to disturb them.

Jeremy sat in silence, stealing the occasional look towards the family at the head of the church in the front pew and then at his wrist watch as the time of his interview came and went. He was glad he dressed in his Sunday best.

He just checked His watch. It was two minutes before quarter to twelve, when the man in the front pew stood up. He spoke something to the woman, but at this distance, Jeremy could not understand what was said. Turning around, the man suddenly spotted Jeremy at the back of the church and his face lit up. Jeremy suddenly felt like he was spying on them, and wanted to quickly stand up and walk away, but the man’s booming voice stopped him.

“Are you Jeremy?” the voice echoed around the church and Jeremy realized that the voice sounded familiar.

“Yes,” Jeremy stood up and nodded as the man was already taking giant strides own the centre passage of the church towards Jeremy.

“Mother, the young man has been waiting for the interview all along, we just did not see him,” he called out as the two women stood up and filed out of the pew. They however waited at the head of the church.

“I am so glad you came, we were not sure If you could make it on such short notice and on a Sunday, but I was keen to start this as soon as possible.” He reached Jeremy and shook his hand. It was then, that Jeremy recognized the voice and the person; it was the Minister that just delivered the service. He was glad he did not know the letter came from a minister. He would never have been able to build up the courage to attend the meeting. But soon, the friendly and easy going nature of the minister helped to relax Jeremy as well. They walked back up the central passage and he introduced them to his wife Helen and their daughter Claire.

“Claire her just finished high school,” the Reverend launched directly into the subject at hand, “but she failed to get good grades. Good enough to get to a decent university around the country. I even threatened to cancel her eighteenth birthday party, but nothing worked. So in the end, she had her eighteenth birthday and her party and she still failed her classes. Helen my wife is also a teacher, but it is not easy to be a mother and a teacher in the one house. She agreed for you to come in, but she wants to interview you herself as well, to make sure you are the right person to tutor Claire.”

“You see,” the Reverend looked a little embarrassed as he admitted to Jeremy,” a Dean of the university here in town is a personal friend and he agreed to give her a make-up test at the end of summer. But she must get a passing mark. Now I could not ask any of our friends to help out, because well, it is a little embarrassing that our daughter needs a tutor.” The reverend and the mother exchanged embarrassed looks, and then the mother gave the daughter a very stern look. The daughter looked down, too embarrassed to even look up or participate in the conversation.

“Girls, why don’t you go back to the house,” the Reverend continued, “I’ll have a quick chat with Jeremy here and then I’ll bring him home.”

“I’ll see you inside in a few minutes,” his wife Helen smiled, “lovely to meet you,” she shook Jeremy’s hand and started walking. Her daughter mumbled something under her breath and not looking up turned away and followed her mother out of the church side door. Both men followed the girls with their eyes as they were walking out the church. Jeremy noticed that they both had a nice body shape.

“Nice girls,” the minister commented.

“You have a beautiful family,” Jeremy quickly recovered but did not look up directly at the minister. He was afraid that the man could read the lust in his eyes.

“I don’t know about that. Claire is Sometimes a little embarrassing. She seemed so shy that it is almost rude. That is why I think she has done so badly at school. She is smart enough, but when you get her embarrassed or ask her to talk in front of a group of people, she freezes up. If you can help her with her confidence that is the main thing that I think she needs. You know, help her to break out of her shell. If you can help her pass the exam at the end of summer that would be a great bonus. Now if mother will be happy with you, we will get you to come here first and I will pay you, and then you can come home and give the lesson. I have told the congregation that Helen is tutoring you, so that is another condition of your job. I don’t really want to know what goes on, so that I do not have to lie. You now go to my home. Helen will do her bit and then you can talk with Claire. I am tied up all day with the congregation, so I will not be home until tonight.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a large wad of bills. He counted off ten twentyties and passed them over to Jeremy. They shook hands and the man led Jeremy to the door on the side of the church and pointed out the large house next to the church where the minister and his family lived.

The minister returned back to the church, as Jeremy, feeling relieved that the interview was so quick and that he seemed to have easily sailed through it, made his way up to the door. Standing in front of the door However, he realized that there was a rhythmic thuds and crying coming out from inside the house. Uncertain of what to do, his hand reached up andbanged on the old fashioned knocker. The thuds and the crying stopped, but there was now only silence. He banged on the door again. Silence. He waited and then finally heard some approaching steps.

“Oh hello Jeremy,” Helen opened the door, smiling pleasantly, “you are just in time, come on in.” She closed the door and led him down the corridor towards a door directly opposite the entrance.

“Here Come inside,” she wasckoned, as she opened the door, walking in first herself.

Jeremy reeled back. The room behind the door was large. Inside was a small dining room table on the right, but dominating the room was a giant wooden structure. Jeremy did not at first understand the purpose of the structure, but all he noticed was Clair getting up from it, her naked bottom glowing red from a recent spanking she just received. As she straightened up, her skirt that was lifted over he back exposing her naked backside fall back into place, covering her nudity. It was obvious that she was the source of the crying. Her face was red and still streaked in tears, though she seemed to have replaced her composition and was again only looking at the floor. Her white pantyhose as well as her plain white undies were rolled down to her angles.

“As you can see Jeremy, in this house, we punish bad behavior.” Helen started as a way of explanation of the situation, “I told her to speak clearly, and to say hello and good-bye and shake people’s hands with people, but she will not listen the easy way, so we do it the hard way.” Turning towards Claire her voice turned harsh as she reminded her of what proper behavior was towards people and that she should now practice it again on Jeremy.

“Hello,” Clair offered her hand that felt hot and wet in Jeremy’s hand as she briefly looked up into his eyes before looking down again. Jeremy stopped frozen on the spot, but now stepped back into the hall to let Claire pass. His eyes followed her slow progress down the corridor and into the last door on the right. Her gait restricted by the white pantyhose and white undies around her ankles.

“Come in,” Helen repeated again, inviting him into the room again. It was only then that Jeremy realized that Helen carried a wooden paddle in her hand. It had holes drilled through the flat part of it, to help decrease the air resistance and to improve the speed of impact.

“This is the way I learned rules and Discipline when I was growing up and it is the only way I know how,” Helen continued speaking in her pleasant and relaxed voice, seemingly oblivious of Jeremy and his shock at the sight he just witnessed and the equipment in the room.

“Oh, but you do not approve,” her manners changed as she just observed Jeremy’s shock. “They have taught you a better way of dealing with poor behavior when you went to the teacher’s college,” she smiled. We’ll have a chat about that.

Jeremy was still speechless, as he realized that the first sight of Clare and her nakedred bottom rising up from the wooden spanking machine was one of the most erotic sights he ever witnessed and he realized that it was not just his heart that went out to Clare as she was waddling back to her room. But together with his heart it was his erect cock that also demanded attention, as the knowledge of the red and naked bottom hiding under the thin material of the summer dress stirred feelings that Jeremy never responded to.

Now that his focus has returned back to Helen and the room, his erotic response to the situation caused him embarrassment and then subsequently anger. Anger at Helen, for inflicting the punishment on Claire. For embarrassing Claire this way. But Claire was not embarrassed and neither was he. She was just sexy. And he was on heat.

The realisation turned into anger but before he could release any of it, his anger seemed to have diminished, as Helen started to explain herself, and how this is the only way she knows how to discuss people. JereI had experience Corporal punishment at school. He vowed never to use it himself, but something happened inside him. He wondered if Helen, who seemed to be using such extreme methods so freely and over such minor transgressions, was herself a victim of past abuse. What did she just asked him?

“Have you ever used such a device in your teaching career?”

He shook his head in the negative, still not entirely able to speak and not entirely sure how to respond to this situation. Does the Reverend know? What if he would return? No! He said he will be away all afternoon. The change that started in Jeremy when he walked in progress. He felt anger rising within him again and the anger seemed to focus on Helen.

“Of dear,” Helen seemed to have noticed the change in his demeanour and again changed hers.

“I seemed to have made a mistake. It seems that I was wrong at using such punishment on Claire. You obviously disagree using such methods.” She looked down, looking extremelymeek and humbled by making such a mistake. Her entire body showed humility and repentance. Jeremy was about to release his anger, but her behavior seemed to take the wind out of his sails.

“Perhaps Jeremy,” she said, as her eyes looked up at his height, “you would be able to make this right.” Jeremy definitely wanted to make this right. He wanted to be angry at Helen, but he realized that in Some way she was also a victim in this. This is the only way she knew how to discipline. Is that not what she said? He nodded.

“Yes, I would very much like to make this right,” he finally managed to speak, surprised how level and unemotional his voice sounded. Helen’s face lit up at his response.

“Oh I am so relieved. You seemed so perfect when we first met you, but I was not sure if you would be the right fit.” Again the change in her manners and her happy and upbeat response made Jeremy feel more relaxed. It was as though he had done something wrong, but she was prepared tooverlook it, to forgive him. He felt he wanted to reciprocate her forgiveness back. He tried to smile.

She stepped up to Jeremy and pressed the wooden paddle into his hand.

“Here, I will leave the actual count up to you, but I find that 25 strokes is the usual punishment for this type of transgression.” Then she quickly turned around and assumed the position on the wooden structure. Her hands reached over and grabbed wooden pegs on each side of the structure like handles. This forced her torso to bend forward over the wooden frame. Here feet were standing behind wooden bars that prevented her kicking back, or moving out of the way of an incoming strike.

When Jeremy realized what Helen had in mind, his emotions took another rollercoaster ride. He compared Helen to Clair and realized that they both looked very Similar. Thinking back to Clair, he again felt the erotic stirring of his manhood. He recalled the brief glimpse of Clair’s bottom. Naked bottom. Was not Clair wacked on her naked bottom!

“Naked, he said, “it should go on your naked flesh.”

“I was hoping you would help me with that Jeremy,” Helen looked over her shoulder in her most pleasant and innocent voice. As though she was asking a gentlemen to pick up her fallen hankechief.

That was too much for Jeremy. He felt his erection rise and the need for a release take over from his rational mind, as he stepped forward and in one motion lifted Helen’s skirt up and over her back. She had the same white pantyhose and undies that Claire wore and as tempted as he was to rip them off her, he simply reached in and grabbed the hem of both at the small of her back and roughly pulled them over and down. He helped with his other hand, pulling them down to her angles. Bent over, he realized that he was now face to face with her naked ass and more importantly close to her naked pussy lips that were pumping up just below the rose but of her ass.

Jeremy was brought up right, and he was taught not to look at women as sex objects. He was taught not to jack off and he was taught not to hurt people, but today, here, now, his sense were being overloaded. The erection in his pants was painful, as he stared at his first naked pussy up close. He noticed the mood seeing from the inside, he inhaled her odour and he noticed a small wet patch on her white undies around her ankles.

He wanted to strike her. He wanted to hurt her, form showing him how weak he was. How easily manipulated he was. Whack. The first hit came without even thinking. It was not hard. He did not put much force into it.

“Thank you Sir, may I have another please” came the reply from Helen, her voice mocking more then playing. Whack. This time, he swung the paddle back further and brought it down harder. The odour he smelled around her pussy seemed to grow stronger as she thanked him for another smack. This time there was a trace of pain and some pleasure as well. Whack, he struck her thirdtime, as the skin started to turn a little red.

Jeremy felt a little moisture on his face, as he struck Helen’s exposed naked bottom. Surprised he looked closer at the paddle, and he noticed that there was almost an imprint of her pussy with a giant wet spot on the paddle. He brought the paddle up to his nose and inhaled deeply. Yes, there is that odour. What was it about the odour that it made the erection in his pants hurt from the want of a release? He whacked her again and again. This time, not waiting for her to finish, or to recover. It made her scream as the smack arrived a little unexpected.

Jeremy started to hit again and again, not wanting to give her break. One, two, three, four, five. He stopped. He saw Helens bottom turn deeper red. He could feel the heat radiate from her bottom. The room filled with the smell of her sex and his own sweat. Jeremy felt sweat bead up on his forehead. His mind lost, his sense of right and wrong too far from what he considered normal. From what he knew normal behavior was, or should be. There was only one release left. He did not really make a decision, but he saw his hands loosen his belt and let his pants drop down.

Once his cock sprang out, free to enjoy the magnificent glory of the biggest and hardest erection of Jeremy’s life there was no longer any thinking required. Jeremy positioned himself behind Helen and noticed that the apparatus was clearly designed for this type of punishment as well, because not only was her pussy at just the right height, he found that there were handles for him to grab hold of as well.

Jeremy pushed the head of his hard cock down to level up with Helen’s pussy lips. Her juices were beading up and dripping from her cunt, entirely from her sex by the recent spanking that Jeremy inflicted on her naked bottom. Without any warning Jeremy forced his rock hard cock deep inside Helen. He heard a slapping sound as his heavy loaded testicles slapped her clip that was already wet and covered in her pussy juices. She cried out again this time in absolute ecstasy, surprised by the sudden attack on her pussy. How fantastic she felt around Jeremy’s cock. Wet tight and almost sucking him deeper and deeper inside. Not waiting for any further reaction from or response from Helen, Jeremy began pounding her cunt like a man possessed. Unfortunately, Jeremy was not able to empty his testicles for a long time and so it took little time for Jeremy to start spraying his load deep inside Helen’s pussy.

He did not care if she was ready, or if she was enjoying it. He was there just for his own satisfaction. Just for his own release, just for his own pleasure. He was lost in the moment. There was no time, where was only the focus of his pleasure. The focus of depositing as much of his seed and as deep inside Helen’s sex as his rock hard cock could reach. His testicles cramped up as they pumped all the stored seed, making Jeremy cry out in the mixture of pleasure and pain and almost drowning out Helen’s own cries of pleasure. He collapsed on top of Helen, breathing deeply, floating on clouds of pleasure as he felt Helen’s cunt muscles quiver around his cock.


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