
The night air in Santa Fe was filled with a mesquite scent. Turquoise Sky shut the door to her black Mercedes Coupe and headed up the drive of the hilltop home. Turquoise was a towering brunette who stood six feet tall in her stocking feet. Her face was slim, with high cheesebones and a chiseled nose. Her straight long brown hair framed her face like a dark halo. She had a look that was somewhere between a man and a woman, brutally beautiful as some put it. She was a dangerous woman, though at times she passed for an angel.

The house before her was a modern structure built into the hill, made of wood, glass and concrete. The tall windows spanned from floor to ceiling and balconies cantilevered over the hilltop blurring the lines between nature and man.

The heavy wooden door opened and Jack greeted her with a big kiss on each chef. Jack was an orthopedic surgeon and his wife Marla was an art gallery owner. They were avid collectors in the Santa Fe arts scene. Jack was also her client, an aging man in his late fifties with salt and pepper gray hair and wire rimmed glasses. He stood about five feet four inches. His wife had no idea of ​​his fetishes even they had been married now for twenty years, although at times she did suspect him of cheating on her. Turquoise wanted no part of ruining any marriage; in fact, she viewed herself as something of a counselor, a bridge perhaps to indulging men’s Desires and fansies.

Jack held his hand out to her. He eyed her black leather mini-skirt, long legs and high heeled shoes.

“Hi babe”.


“Come on in.”

They stepped inside the main space of the house. Tall ceilings with skylights pointed at the sky and long glass walls shimmered in front of them opening up to the rugged landscape outside. People walked around the room, staring at art and chatting with glasses of wine in their hands. The room glowed a pale gold.

“Care for a drink?”

“Yes, I would.”

“What will you have?”

“I’ll take a Grasshopper.”

“Coming right up.”

She followed him to the bar where a bartender in uniform was serving drinks.

“A grasshopper for the lady… So, what do you think of the house?”

“It’s very impressive”— she said

She looked around at a wall of African masks. There was a buffalo mask, a hawk mask, a flying spirit mask, a female mask and an antelope mask.

“I love your masks”— she commented.

“Marla collects them… Oh, here she comes…”

Jack looked suddenly slightly nervous and his hand shook as he handed Turquoise the Grasshopper. A plump blonde woman wearing a long flowing silk muumuu with flowers painted on it approached them.

“And who is this Jack?” Marla eyed Turquoise with a wicked stare.

“Marla, dear, this is Turquoise Sky…She’s a collector.”

“Oh. How wonderful to meet you dear. What do you collect?”

“I collect some American art and African art as well, I especially like the Colonial figures from the sixties.”

“Oh yes, we do have quite the collection ourselves…We travel every year to the North Coast of Africa and wreak havoc on the villages.”

” Sounds wonderful.”

“I love your masks.”

“Oh yes, they are wonderful… The Bwa and the Nuna live in the dry land of Central Africa. They seek the help of the powerful spirits who live in the wild forest, in the bush country and in the rivers surrounding their villages. By using the masks, the people are able to control the forces and put them in touch with the spirits. They often use the masks at funerals and at ceremonies to bring forth the blessings of the spirits.”

“That’s very interesting.”

“Has Jack gave you the tour?”

“No, as a matter of fact he hasn’t.”

“Hon, why don’t you show her the house?”

“As you wish dear…Come on, follow me.”

Jack led her past the ebony dining table with leather chairs into a courtyard filled with flowers and burning torches. The night air was intotoxicatingly sweet and Turquoise was buzzed from the Grasshopper. He led her into the master bedroom, which had concrete walls and a large abstract piece of sculpture above the bed.

“This is our master suite.”

“So this is where it all happens.”

“Nothing compared to you”— he whispered.


They walked down a flight of stairs into a large wine cellar.

“Now this is my favorite part of the house.”

Floor to ceiling mahogany cubes lined the walls with hundreds of bottles of wines. Jack pulled down a bottle of red and opened it. He poured the wine into two glasses.

“This is Chateau De Rothschild, 1972.”

They sniffed it.


“Not too dry.”

He poured more wine into her glass. She leaned on the granite top of the island and closed her eyes.

“Get on your knees”— she commanded.

Jack dropped down to his knees.

“Kiss my shoe.”

He was on all fours on the ground and lifted her shoe inHis hands and began to kiss the shoe, starting with the spiky heel. He moved slowly up to her toes.

“Can I take your shoes off, Mistress?”

“Yes, you may.”

“Thank you…I love your feet.”

“Shut up and lick them.”

He gently removed her shoes and buried his face in the pedicure of her feet, licking between her toes and biting them gently. He had a huge erection and he tried to unzip his pants.


She pushed his hand away from his pants.

“No touching.”

“Yes Mistress.”

He continued to rub her feet and she lay back on the table. She enjoyed being worshipped by Jack; he was such an obedient slave. Turquoise was a dominant woman who took great pleasure in disciplining her slaves. She had begun her role as a mistress only two years Earlier after a lifetime of being abused by men. It was the classic ugly duckling story. Growing up she had been a tall, gawky girl who was always too tall for the boys and was often ridiculed. Men wouldshy away from her and then she had married very young and dropped out of college. She married a domineering police officer that she had stayed with for seven years. Now she was twenty seven and decided it was finally time to take control of her sexuality. No more domineering men for her, now she would be in control at all times. She would call the shots. She had joined a house in New York and worked with Mistress Cindy and learned the rules of BDSM.. The experienced dominatrix had taught her how to give the most exquisite form of pleasure by having a firm hand, a strong mind and a long whip.

Most of her clients came to her by way of an introduction letter. She required that they send her a letter about themselves telling her in detail what they wanted from a mistress, what their likes and dislikes where and what they fantasized About. She loved getting their letters and she screened her clients carefully. She accepted those only who were truly submissive and had a geneuine desireto please her and who understand the rules. There were many novels out there that thought they would be getting laid, but this was not the case.

Jack was an easy client. He had ejaculated in his pants and was embarrassed.

“I’m sorry… I came.”

“That’s alright Jack. Lets go back to the party.”

“Yes Mistress.”

He pulled out a small white envelope and handed it to her. It was an easy $1000. She tucked it away in her handbag.

“Can I see you next week?”

“I’ll check my appointments and let you know.”

“Thanks Turquoise.”

Marla appeared at the door.

“Oh there you are Jack! I need you upstairs.”

Jack turned around and gave her a sheepish look.

“Go on, I’ll email you.”


Turquoise made her way up the stairs and left the party. She got in the car and started the ignition. The check engine light flashed on and off. She turned the keys in the ignition again and backed out of the driveway. She would have to have that checked later.

Turquoise woman up to the sound of her cat stretching the door. Patty was a friendly black cat who led her own life in the loft. The loft was where Turquoise based her headquarters. It was a three thousand square foot custom loft at the corner of Frontage Road and West Alameda. It was an adobe structure and the interior was sparse and spacious. The ceilings were twenty feet high and the loft was divided up into living and play areas. She had a custom retro kitchen, a dungeon, a bathroom with multiple shows and a claw foot tub, a playroom and several bedrooms. She liked order and kept the loft in immaculate condition. She also had many slaves that were more than accommodating when it came to cleaning, doing the laundry and dusting. There was a vast library of books on music, film, psychology and human sexuality with such titles as The American Psychologist, the Interpretation of Dreams, 269 Amazing Sex Play and Transgender Prostitutes. She keep a CD collection of old favorites like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones and also had some smooth jazz by Anita Baker, Patti Austin and Bobby Caldwell.

Her tastes were widespread. The New York times was delivered daily to keep up with current events and many of her clients liked to read the paper if they had to wait for a session to end.

Turquoise got out of bed and stretched. She picked up a pink velour tracksuit that was on a chair and put on a white T-Shirt and running shoes. It was time for her daily walk. She did at least thirty minutes every day to keep in shape. The answering machine was blinking but she ignored it. It was probably business and she didn’t want to deal with clients on her private time.

It was a perfect fall day outside and she headed down East Alameda and headed south towards Guadeloupe Street towards the Mayan Cafe. The air was cool and fresh and she thought of the day ahead of her. She had only one session scheduled for today, a seasoned client who was a mArried submissive.

She reached the Mayan Cafe and went inside. It was bright and cheery inside, with classical music playing. The walls were painted in bright colors and there was artwork displayed on every inch of wall space. The pretty young girl behind the counter recognized her.

“Coffee and a croissant today?”

“Yes, you remembered” — she said surprised.

“I’m good at Remembering faces but I’m no good with names.”

The girl handed her a tray with the coffee and the croissant and she took it over to a small table by the window. Here she could sit and watch all the yuppies in their early morning routine of lattes and muffins. She poured the milk in her coffee and thought about her life. Of course, she liked what she was doing, though most people wouldn’t think it was acceptable. But she did provide a service, a service that was becoming more and more in demand. She never had sex with her clients she just dominated them.

She thought about her old lifein New York with Frank. He was so controlling, he had even had their apartment bugged so he could monitor her every move. It had been like being in jail. She had put up with his verbal and metal abuse, physical abuse and bullshit long enough. Now she was free. No man would ever control her life again.

“Excuse me, are you reading this?”

She looked up and saw a man standing in front of her.

“No, I’m not.”


He smiled at her. He was a handsome man in a shaggy sort of way. He had long gray hair pulled back into a ponytail and he sportsed a bear. His eyes were blue and very kind and he had lines around them. He looked like an artist.

“Got to catch up on my reading.”

She smiled at him and he sat down at a table nearby. Come to think of it, she had seen him here before, most mornings actually. She had never really noticed him until today. He had an original look she made a mental note. She took a bite out of her croissant and chewed slowly. She thought of the work she had to do today, she had some supplies to buy and some emails to answer. She got up to leave and the man looked up and smiled.

“Thanks again.”

“See you.”

Turquoise walked up the road to a nearby Walgreen’s and entered. It was very quiet in the store and only a few shoppers were about. She sauntered past the greeting cards and the detergents and pulled out a short shopping list from her pursuit.

She headed over to the baby care aisle and started loading some items in a cart. Goodnight underpants, baby powder, lotion, shampoo, toothbrushes, baby soap, petroleum jelly and laxatives in a chocolate flavor. She would need these items later for a session; it was good to be stocked up.

Turquoise took all of the items up to the front counter where a middle-aged woman with gray hair and glasses rang her up.

“I see you have a little on at home.”

“Yes, a few.”

“Kids are always such an expense, it never ends.”

“No, it doesn’t.”

“You have a good day Ma’am.”

“Thank you.”

She smiled and left the store.

It was four thirty on the digital clock at Dolce & Partners. Ken sat back in his comfortable leather chair and stared at his monitor. The internet has access to sex twenty four hours a day. It made being married seem easy now, made cruising’ for chickens seem obsolete.

He browsed Some website of some sexy cheerleaders and horny housewives. He was so bored with all the same pussy all the time. He was looking for something new. He didn’t know what yet. His wife Nancy was home with the kids in Greenwich and they had a comfortable life. They attended the local church on Sundays and Ken even played guitar with the church band. He was the CEO of his own accounting firm and made over six Figures a year. Life was good.

Hi cell phone rang and he picked it up. It was his buddy Tim.

“Hey dude, what’s up?”

“Nothin’, just surfing the net.”

“Yeah, what you lookin’ at…porno?”

“What else?”

“Yeah dude, there’s some sick shit out there.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah man.”

“Like what?”

“Well, I found this site, it’s run by a dominatrix out West.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah… It’s different… you should check it out.”

“Yeah, well, I’m not into that shit, all right?”

“All right man.”

“What is it, how do you spell it?”


“Thanks Dude”

“How’s the wife by the way?”

“She’s good.”

“That’s nice… Listen, I got some tickets for the game next Friday night. Are you in?”

“Count me in.”


Ken punched in the name and the website came up. He studied it. It showed a picture of Turquoise and he read how she liked men to write to her with their fans. She’s good looking — he thought — in a masculine way; her features were so pronounced and strong. She looked strong, like you couldn’t mess with her, even mean maybe. He thought about visiting a dominatrix. Nah, it wouldn’t work for him. He was used to be the one in control. The phone rang. It was Nancy.

“Hi honey.”

“Hi doll.”

“Are you coming home soon? I have dinner almost ready.”

“What’s for dinner?”

“Pot roast, baby potatoes and green beans.”

“Great, I’ll be leaving soon.”

“Can you stop and buy a bottle of white wine?”


“Erica wants to say hi.”

A little voice was on the line.

“Hi Daddy.”

“Hi darling’

“Are you coming home soon? I want to play!”

“On my way.”

“Bye daddy”.

Click. The line went dead. He brought up Turquoise’s website again and read some more of it. He said she operated in Santa Fe. A whore out west, well, God Almighty!” New Mexico. He thought of it, the open air, the mountains, and the dry climate. He would love to go out there one day. He shut the lights off and locked up. Santa Fe would have to wait dinner was calling.

Ken pulled in the driveway to the housinge. It was a one hundred year old clapboard house they had inherited from his father. His Dad had bought it years ago and today the house was worth well over a million. He carried the wine inside. The kids greeted him at the door.

“Daddy’s home! Daddy’s home.”

Nancy came out of the kitchen wearing a tight black dress and an apron over it. She had a big smile on her face.

“Thank goodness you’re home, I was getting worried.”

“I’m here, where’s dinner?”

He gave her a big kiss on the lips.

“Its ready, okay, everybody come and sit down””

The kids scrambled to the table and they all sat down and bowed their heads in prayer.

“Dear Jesus, thank You for this food we are about to receive. Amen.”

They dug into the food and the kids started to argue.

“I want potatoes first”— said Erica

No, give me potatoes”— said Ethan.

“Kids, kids, now settle down”— Nancy said.

Ken looked sternly at the kids and made a serious face.

“Now you all behave, understand?”

Then he cracked up, a big smile spreading all over his face. It was good to be home. He loved his life, his peace of mind. He looked over at Nancy. They had been married for ten years and he loved her now more than ever. She was his life. She knew nothing about his growing porno addition. She would dividend him if she knew how much money he blew on internet girls. To him it was just entertainment, he really thought nothing of it.

“How was your day hon?”

“Good. I landed a new account today for a tire company.”

“That’s wonderful dear.”

“Yes, its good. Pass me the green beans please?”

She passed him the beans. She still looked good he thought, long blonde hair, slim figure, he was one lucky man. Nancy looked at Ken. He was still so handsome, she thought. She wondered if any of the girls in the office had a crush on him. Probably… better watch out!

“I took the kids to karate today.”

“Oh yeah, how was it?”

“I like Karate”— Eric said.

“Hi ya! —Said Ethan

Ken looked over at Nancy who was clearing the dishes.

“What’s for desert Ma?”

“Rhubarb pie.”

“Eeeeewww…Rhubarb”— Ethan said

“If you don’t like it you don’t have to eat it.

“No, I want it mommy” — he while.

Nancy brought out the rhubarb pie.

“Here you go”


Erica danced around in front of him, her braces shining in the lights.

“Dad, will you come to my play next Tuesday night?”

“You’re in a play pumpkin?”

“Yes Dad, I am the wicked witch!”

“I’ll be there.”

“Thanks Dad.”

They finished up dinner and the kids went off to play. Ken retired to the study and sat down at the computer. He brought up Turquoise’s website again. He thought of what to say.

“Hi, my name is Ken and I am forty years old. I think you are a beautiful woman and I would like to worship you from head to toe. Please contact me, Ken.”

He finished typing and Nancy stuck her head in the door.


He spun around quickly with a surprised look on his face.


“Erica is doing a fashion show, come and see.”

“I’ll be right there.”

Turquoise was getting ready for her afternoon session. Billy was due any minute and better be on time. If her clients were late she charged them for every minute they were late. Billy was a married, submissive, man. His wife knew that he loved beautiful women but she didn’t know he liked to be tied up and worked over.

The buzzer rang and Turquoise checked the video screen. It was him. She buzzed him in. She was dressed in a riding jacket, thigh high black patent leather boots, a hat with a hole in it, spurs and carried a riding crop in her hand.

“You’re late.”

Billy blushed.

“I apologize Mistress.”

“That’s not good enough. Show me how sorry you are.”

He dropped to his knees and buried his face in her crotch. She whipped him with theriding crop.

“Don’t touch me! Get on all fours!”

He crawled around the room on all fours and she rode on top of him whacking him with the riding crop.

“Don’t ever be late again!”

“I won’t be late I promise.”

“Okay, now stand up and undress.”

He stood up and undressed slowly. His body was lean and muscle and he had very little hair on his body.

“Now lie down on the bed”.


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