Sara was thrilled when she read that the famous conductor, Hermann Strauss, was coming to lead the Symphony Orchestra for several concerns in the fall, and even more thrilled when she learned that he would, as part of his musical education program, also conduct the community orchestra. Sara’s duties at JenLiz Productions were not so onerous now that the company was comfortable on its feet, and with more time to practice, she had advanced to first chair in the viola section. She would be playing practically underneath the man she had admired since childhood, a man who had made dozens of well-reviewed recordings with almost every major symphony orchestra in the world, and was now in great demand as guest conductor. His famous great-grandfather was a devoted family man, but Hermann Strauss had been married several times. These marriages never seemed to last for very long, in spite of his apparent desirability, and Sara had a feeling she knew why. Along with his musical fame, there weretitillating rumors that he liked dominating young women, and she was curious to see if she could tease out more about this part of his education program too.
Conducting is good for the body and mind, and Herr Strauss was a healthy, handsome sixty three, relatively young to have achieved such renew. Moderately tall, his trim, muscle form gave him an air of authority, making him look even taller. Looking up at his crisp angular features and bright intelligent eyes, Sara feel a thrill of excitement each time he mounted the podium and raised his baton to lead the orchestra in rehearsal, and especially at the performance. The joy of making beautiful music was Sara’s main reason for playing in the community orchestra, but the sheer sensitivity of fifty or sixty human bodies all twisting, bending, blowing and fingering together, under the direction of one, yet intimately connected with each other, was heady stimulus, especially on this occasion.
Herr Strauss had a report for severity when rehearsing with major orchestras, but he was a perfect gentleman with the community orchestra. Everyone played their very best, and though he made a number of critical remarks, they were always to the point and not especially unknown; the performance was by far the best that the orchestra had ever delivered. Sara was irritated at the way he seemed to mentally undress the youngest woman in the orchestra when he looked at them, but she did Her best to ignore it. Sara was a bit older but very attractive, and her precision and artistic phrasing captured his attention also. She put on her best semiconductor smile when he looked at her, while taking care to concentrate on her instrument and the music. The post-concert reception would arrive soon enough. He had disappeared quickly after the rehearsal with one of those young women in tow, but Sara had managed to deliver an Invitation to come to dinner and stay at her house after the concert, and he graciously accepted, with a rathersly smile of his own. He was becoming intensely curious about this woman who dressed with tasteful eroticism and played so well on a rather more valuable instrument than most in that orchestra. Her prestigious address and obvious comfort with her body were not lost on him either.
Sara’s housemate Michael and their friend Gabe attended the concert, anxious to Sara at the reception to congratulate her and introduce themselves to Herr Strauss. Hermann Strauss recognized Michael’s name, having read his article on the neurobiology of consciousness in Scientific American, and he greeted them all elusiastically – he too had been pleased at the performance, the best in his experience by far from an amateur orchestra. Once he knew them a little better he looked forward to dinner with Sara’s friends also, though he hoped he and Sara would be alone before the evening ended. Sara remained in the conversation only briefly, subtly conveying that she and Michael were just housemates, not acouple. For the rest of the reception Herr Strauss and Sara circular separately, but sparks were already starting to fly. Even as they mingled with others, they glanced frequently at each other, each anticipating when they could gracefully leave together, and it wasn’t long before Hermann’s limousine drive by to pick them up, dropping them not long afterwards in front of the attractive town house Sara called home. Sara Sometimes called it the House of Bondage, but she didn’t mention that to Hermann Strauss. Dinner, perhaps a little music, and, if it worked out, a pleasant night together in bed were the only expectations. Michael and Gabe had left the reception a bit earlier to get a head start preparing the first part.
Michael came out to greet them, taking Hermann’s bags from the driver, and the three of them went inside. Hermann was impressed by the comfortable elegance of the house, as Sara took him into the living room while Michael continued past the front stairs to the elevator with his suitcases, cheerfully calling to them that he’d be right back down but then needed to help Gabe in the kitchen – they should make themselves comfortable while waiting. Sara offered Herr Strauss a drink, which he accepted graciously, also accepting her invitation to sit.
“You have a musical household?” he remarked, looking at the handsome Steinway standing in the spacious, comfortable furnished and Surprisingly intimate living room.
“Gabe plays the piano pretty well, but he doesn’t actually live here. We all enjoy music a great deal – we often have guests for musical evenings,” Sara replied. Looking at her full figure, rather hidden by her concert dress except for a teasing hint of cleavage, he imagined the room filled with attractive musicians playing enthusiastically in more revealing garb, all entertaining erotic as well as lofty musical thoughts, his fantasy remarkably more realistic than he could know.
Herman stood up politely as Sara returned withHis drink, putting his arm gently around her. Sara shivered with delight as she returned the gesture, maneuvering him through the dining room towards the kitchen. The table was already set with four places, salads ready and a fine Cabernet open to breathe. Michael and Gabe were finishing up as they entered, Hermann once again impressed at the first-rate kitchen and the deft skillfulness of the two cooks. Whoever these people were, they seemed to know how to live, and to have sufficient means to do it well. “Gabe, why don’t you play some four-hands with Herr Strauss while I finish up,” Michael suggested as his hands flew over the stove.
Hermann, like most conductors, was a fine piano, but he was not above playing four hands with an amateur, especially with Sara for an audience. He was surprised at how good Gabe was, as they tossed off several Brahms waltzes before Michael called them to dinner.
Conversation was lively, Herr Strauss and Michael especially engaging in a ratherheady discussion of music and consciousness, with enough reference to the erotic aspects to keep it spicy. Gabe loved these events, feeling pleased that his investment in the house and JenLiz Productions had been so successful in adding, if only in a small way, to the sum of human happiness. As dinner drew to a close he excused himself, saying he had a busy day ahead. Actually, he had a busy night ahead, as he needed to Join Liz and Jen at the studio to finish up a particularly juicy filming session with a wealthy bondage enthusiast in town for just a short stay.
Michael, Sara and Hermann returned to the living room, the muffled sound of the garage door closing below and Gabe driving away desperately audible as Sara and Hermann seated themselves together on the sofa, holding hands. Spotting Sara’s viola where she had set it down When they first came in, he suggested they play together, Michael endorsing the proposal enthusiastically. Herr Strauss went to the piano while Sara openedthe case and tucked her instrument under her neck. There’s not a lot of literature for viola and piano, so they soon began improvising, one hinting at a tune, the other taking it away, tossing it back and forth between them. The music swirled and spun, gypsy tunes flying from the viola to the piano and back as Sara and Hermann explored each other’s musical minds, all the while wondering what it would be like to explore each other’s Bodies with similar abandon. Michael left quietly without interrupting and took the elevator discreetly up to his room. Slowly the music became more languid, penetratingly ethereal, as they brought it to a final cadence. Sara and Hermann looked into each other’s eyes, the earlier tenative and unspoken agreement now fully ratified. “Sara, you improve beautifully, ” Hermann told her with since admiration. “Few professionals can do it half as well.”
“Let me show you your room,” Sara said softly. Taking him by the hand, she led him to the stairs. “It’s a bit of a climb,” she warned, slightly ashamed of the elevator, also wanting to pace their intimacy.
“I’d climb a mountain with you, Sara,” he replied. She squeezed his hand, not wanting to let him see the fire roaring inside her, wondering if perhaps someday they might actually do just that. Passing the second floor, Sara explained, rather disingenuously, that her other two housemates lived there, but they were both working late that night. They continued up one more flight, where the door to the guest bedroom stand open, light flowing from the door invitingly. Taking in the elegant four-poster bed, the antique desk at the window, the comfortable easy chair, the soft, lush carpet, Hermann reflected that while he would otherwise have been booked at a five star hotel, this room seemed every bit as luxurious, and far more elecING. As they stood tenatively at the door, Herr Strauss started to speak.
“Sara, would you…” She silenced him with a soft kiss.
“Make yourself at home. I’ll be back in ten minutes.” Sara closed the door softly behind him as he entered, trying to get her fires under control. Entering her own room at the back of the same floor, she considered how she should look upon returning, choosing a delicate jade green silk gown which flowed beautifully over her ample nakedness, a contrasting white cord circled her waist, tassels swaying as she walked.
Hermann prepared himself also, though he had fewer choices to make. Quickly unpacking his essentials, he undressed and put on his luxurious purple velvet dressing gown, quickly attending to his hygiene to the extent possible in the limited time. He placed a white silk tie, almost invisible against the white bedcovers, at the end of the bed, and a costly looking, bulging black silk bag on the carpet just at the corner bedpost. Eleven minutes passed, and the door opened softly, Sara entering without knocking. They fell into each other’s arms, kissing passwordately.
As they kissed, Hermann worked on maneuvering Sara to the end of the bed. Though she was expecting this, she tried to resist a little, not wanting to deny him the thrill of the chase. She knew she was quite safe, partly because the character of the rumors didn’t seem to suggest serious concern, but much more because she knew that Michael was at work at his desk on the fourth floor, and in the corner of his mind discreetly monitoring everything going on in the room below. She had a special call to which he would respond instantly if she needed him. But all that was rather far from her mind at the moment, as she fantasized about what Hermann would do once he got her into position, which he almost had. Sara, always alert in these situations, had spotted the tie as soon as she came in, and had already imagined it fastened in at least a half a dozen places on her body by the time she Felt her legs and buttocks pressing against the footboard. Hermann squeezed his body against her, sandwiching her against the bed, loosening the cord of her gown. They continued to kiss as he opened her gown around her body, sliding it down over her arms as he held them gently behind her. Once it slipped past her wrists, he bound them almost instantly with the tie. Sara tried to act surprised. “What are you doing to me, Herr Strauss?” she asked.
“Sara, I want you to experience the pleasure of being tied up, to see yourself beautifully bound in rope,” Herr Strauss said softly, looking intently into her eyes. Sara had to work a bit to suppress a laugh, but she was thrilled at the prospect of Hermann binding her, especially since she already was bound, at least a little, and she had a feeling that this binding, by this man, would be like no other she had ever experienced. She pretended to struggle a little, then acquiresced, as he opened the bulging black bag and pulled out a coil of rope.
And what rope it was! Shining, almost glistening white, thick smooth cords of fine woven silk – Sara couldhardly wait to feel its cool sensitive smoothness against her skin. Working quickly, Hermann looped a turn below her arms and secured it loosely to the upper rail of the four-poster bed, ensuring that Sara would not fall as he secured her legs. As he spread her ankles in preparation for binding, the rope to the bed rail tightened around her chest, though not uncomfortable. Sara was soaring, but she wondered a bit how other women had responded to this treatment. Hermann had hardly spoken, and had seemed almost to take it for granted that she would accept this treatment. Was she so obvious, or didn’t he ever ask?
This would be her chance to escape, should she wish to do so. Hermann was certainly vulnerable to a kick as he tied her legs. Sara considered it, just to experience him subduing her, but decided not to risk spoiling the moment. In a trice her legs were spread, tied to the feet of the bed on each side, rope also between them so she could neither close them nor open them further. Hermann stepped back to admire her, and consider how to proceed.
“Sara, you are so beautiful; how could I possibly add to such an angel?” Hermann whispered. Sara, descending rapidly into sub-space, encouraged him Carte Blanche, hoping to experience his best, lusting to be more thoroughly bound.
“Kiss me, Herr Strauss. Fondle me, wrap me tightly, all of me, in your lovely silk rope. Dress my body in bondage, and use me as you will,” she whispered in reply. Hermann had plenty or rope, and took through advantage of the invitation, doing his artistic best. Sara’s delight surged higher and higher as he found a use for each length, each increasing in stricture sending her closer to heaven. Hermann worked expertly, and soon his bag was empty, Sara sumptuously enclosed in its former contents. After kissing her again and nibbling gently on her bound nipples, he stepped back to inspect his work.
Sara looked beautiful, her arms bound behind her, the elegant thick silk ropesenclosing her breasts in shinju, pressing them urgently forward in delectable round mounds out to the tips of her erect nipples. The nicely balanced karada he had woven so quickly and skillfully flowed over her body like a gossamer evening dress, while her spread legs drew all remaining attention helplessly into the swirling whirlpool within her glistening shaken moss. Looking into the mirror on the opposite wall and ready to exploit against her bonds with excitement, Sara had never before felt so attractive.
Hermann pressed his body up against Sara, then pulled away as she struggled against her bonds to follow him. He went quickly to his suitcase and took out a camera, training it on Sara’s naked, bound body. She was a bit irritated – he had not asked her permission, but she also found it highly amusing. Herr Strauss obviously did not peruse pornography on line or he would know that he could download for free at least a dozen pictures of Sara, some bound like this, others in a mor dominating pose. None in such high quality, deliciously sensitive rope, Sara thought to herself – have to get some of that. She wished he would get on with it and take her to bed.
She was not disappointed. Releasing her from her standing position he picked her up and lifted her onto the bed, where he rebound her legs to the bottom corners with loops of rope, spreading her delectably wide. Once again Sara was amused that he had not noticed how much easier the fittings already built into the bed would have made it for him to bind her to it, but she appreciated his efforts all the more for that. Almost desperate to receive him, she arched herself upward, arms still bound behind her, breasts firmly but gently squeezed by his rope, nipples intensely engaged, seeing with lust, impatient to see him without his gown. Her curiosity was quickly satisfied, and once again she was by no means disappointed.
Mr. Strauss was equally aroused, his penis firm and ready. On his knees between her spread legs he could hardly recall feeling such excitement. Sara’s naked body would be hard for any man to resist, but for Hermann, kneeing above her obviously receptive helplessness, recalling the beautiful music they had made earlier, she was a goddess irresistible. He gently lowered himself, easing his throbbing manhood into her soaking, slippery, shaken vagina, shivering with anticipation.
He expected to come almost instantly, but to his surprise he did not. Whether it was on account of Sara’s skill in bed, even when bound, or just a desire to prolong his own pleasure, he slide gently in and out for what seemed forever, kissing her lovingly while Sara lost herself in the intensity stimulation of the thick, soft ropes binding her breasts between their bodies and the immability of her legs spread to receive him, the delicious friction of his member gliding over her cliporis, driving her higher and higher in ecstasy. As her world shrank to a tiny, firey locus surrounding the tumor penetrating extension of his mind and body, her orgasm surged outward, filling her entire being as she struggled with excruciating delight beneath him. Hermann explored at that moment also, helplessly enclosed in her embrace, kissing her fervently again and again, his hot ejaculation surging deep into Sara’s womb. With a tinge of regret she reflected that, safe as she was, she would not be bearing the fifth generation of one of her favorite composers. The two of them lay together for several minutes, exhausted and spent but happy in the warmth of their mutual embrace, Hermann finally breaking the silence.
“Will you stay with me tonight, Sara my dear?”
“Yes, Herr Strauss.”
“I’ll untie you. Please call me Hermann.”
“Hermann, I need you to untie my breasts, but I’d love to curl up with you with my hands and feet bound, if you wish. You have a lovely body, and gorgeous rope.”
“Thank you, Sara. What a delightful, beautiful woman you are.” He quickly released her from the spreading and encircling ropes, retying her ankles and wrists firmly enough to make her feel bound, but not so tight as to limit circuitry. Pulling the covers over them he turned her on her side and nestled himself against her back, his arms wrapped around her, fondling her luscious breasts. He fell asleep rather quickly, but Sara lay awake, lost in his encircling arms and rope, deliciously contented and fulfilled beyond any recent experience, wondering if there could possibly be anything more than tonight. She had never before imagined herself as a mother, but if there ever was a man whose children she might consider bearing, he lay beside her now, softly snoring. Sara drifted off to sleep.
She was awakened by Jen gently shaking her. She started to say something, but Jen put her hand over her mouth and reached under her, lifting her out of the bed. Finding her bound, she carried her out of the room, closing the door softly behind her.
“Sara, you slut,” Jen teased, fingering the bonds. “I should spank you right here, but it would make too much noise. Come downstairs and I’ll explain.”
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