I saw Kat looking at me over the curve of Bailey’s arse and I smiled at her. I had told Kat to punish my sister and she had; not in the way I had suggested, or expected, but in a better way. A part of me was pleased with the streak of cruelty that had been exposed in Kat by her actions.
“Leave her.” I ordered and heard Bailey give a stringed cry of frustration. I walked over to the cross and trailed my fingers over her buttocks.
“You still haven’t learned how to ‘ask nicely’ have you Bailey?” I told her, my voice silky. “You aren’t in any position to give orders anymore?” Then I slapped the taut moon of her backside to emphasize my words.
I looked up to see Kat, standing beside Bailey. Off to one side I also noticed Barton. His gaze was almost comically flitting from the maid to my sister. Seeing him reminded me that I had some un-discharged obligations. I motioned him over.
I found myself clapping him on the shoulder and saying, “I believe Iam in your debt Barton….Barton?” I was finding it hard to get his full attention. Close now to Kat he couldn’t drag his eyes away from her tits. Kat was conscious of his interest and I could see her blush.
I knew that I had to do what was expected and my heart sank.
Finally her looked at me and looked perplexed. “Debt?” he grunted, “what debt?”
“Wren told me it was you spotted that guy taking pictures.” I explained, speaking slowly. “You saved me from huge embarrassment, a scandal.”
I paused, and then hurried on. “I think you have well and truly earned your ‘bonus’”. As I said that I gently touched Kat’s elbow.
I saw Barton’s face light up with delight as he realized what I was suggesting, then noticed the shock and horror on Kat’s face. For a second I thought she was going to speak, then her shoulders slumped and her head dropped. I felt almost physically sick at the prospect. But what else could I do?
At just that moment Bailey shifted in her bindings and started to complain. I swatted her arse again, and as I did I had an inspired thought.
Smiling at the possibilities I put my arm around Barton’s shoulder. “You made it clear earlier that you wanted Kat as your reward?” He nodded.
“But I am thinking you deserve a bigger bonus than that, my man.” This got his attention. As I took my arm back I surprisingly rubbed the grease off my hand on my trouser leg, and sold him my new, better idea.
“Other of a service wouldn’t you prefer something a little bit more………upper-class?” I asked him. Blank face. “You get one of the maids each summer Barton, wouldn’t you prefer some richer meat? What about some aristocratic arse Barton? A bit of ‘posh totty’?”
His face was a picture as he began to catch on. He glanced down at Bailey, then back to me, not daring to believe what he hoped I was offering.
My sister was a little quicker on the uptake and I heard her draw breath and begin swearing, “No fucking way will that pig…..”
My open palm came down on her arse with all my strength, temporarily shocking the breath out of her.
“Wouldn’t you rather fuck Bailey than Kat?” I asked him. His yellow, snaggle-toothed smile was all the answer I needed. He confirmed his choice with his usual tact and delicacy.
“Oh yes. I want to give that stuck up cunt a fucking like she never had, till she squeals like a stick pig.” He enthused, voice already hoarse with lust.
Without another word he started to unbuckle his belt and scrapble at his fly. I moved to adjust the cross, releasing a catch and bending it in half so that Bailey folded over at a 90 degree angle, her arse presented at hip height.
Bailey’s complaints were rising in volume and level of vitriol. But I could hear in her insults a hint of hysteria, a certain ‘this can’t be happening to me’ feeling.
Barton took the cane from where Kat had left it and moved to where he could wave it in Bailey’s face. “Shutthe fuck up you slut.” He bellowed, holding his pants up with his other hand. “If you keep bitching I’ll turn your arse to bloody ribbons.” He glanced at me and blanched a little then, gathering up his bravado, he turned. He knew that I wouldn’t allow that — but Bailey couldn’t be sure. Then Barton dropped his trousers and surprised (nearly) everyone.
I already knew that Barton was well endowed. I’d seen him take his ‘bonus’ with other maids, at other parties. In fact ‘well-endowed’ was something of an understanding — the man was HUGE. As he shuffled clumsily towards Bailey, trousers round his ankles, his cock came to a full and threatening erection. I heard gasps and looked over to my shoulder to see Kat and Mary were the culprits. My angry look made Mary giggle and Kat drop her head, blushing; but also smiling.
Barton took his shake in his hand as he arrived between Bailey’s buttocks. It was like a man taking up a club. He slapped it on my sister’s arse chef with a meaty thud that made her squeal with disgust. Ignoring her increasing squeeches he started to skewer his cock into her exposed pussy without further preamble.
“Ooh that’s lovely!” he groaned. “That blonde bint’s made her nice and wet with her tongue.” Bailey’s complaints reached a new pitch and Wren asked Barton if he wanted her gagged again.
“No”, he chuckled, “I want to hear this one squeal.” With those words he jerked his hips and produced the result he had predicted. Bailey’s high-pitched protest turned into a guttural grunt as Barton’s buttocks started to move, driving a little more of his massive shake into her.
“No, no!” she screamed. “Don’t….don’t let him do this to me.” Bailey was facing away from me, couldn’t see me. But I knew her words were directed at me. She wasn’t asking, she was still trying to tell; but no-one was taking her orders any more.
Barton was doing some grunting of his own now, each time he thrust into Bailey. Each time a little moreof his price was buried in Bailey’s obscenely stretched cunt. In response she started to shout at her impalable assailant.
“Take it out you filthy pig,” she demanded. “You can’t do this to ME!” In answer he just rammed her harder, forcing her forward on the cross, against the leather bindings. “You common little shit. I will make you regret this for the rest of your life unless you stop right now!”
Barton might as well have been deaf for all the notice he paid. He drew back, the entire length of his prick glistening with Bailey’s slickness, was exposed for a second before he shoved it back in; all the way in. At the end of the stroke he stood almost on tiptoes, lifting the lower half of Bailey’s body. For a second it almost seemed he was supporting her solely on the massive length of his cock.
Bailey began to slowly change her tune – and her tone. Barton carried on ignoring her and carried on fucking her.
“Not so hard!” she insisted. “You’re hurting me.” Was there a hint of pleading in her voice I wondered?
Barton was obviously enjoying himself, eyes closed, smiling, as he built a steady rhythm, oblivious to anything but his own pleasure. But it seemed, amazingly, that Bailey was not oblivious. Did I see her arse moving, ever so slightly, as much as was possible within her restraints? Moving backwards just a fraction, as if to meet my servant’s thrusts? I heard whispers from around me that seemed to indicate that some of those watching thought the same.
“No,” Bailey whispered, her voice suddenly very different. “I don’t want this….stop.”
Surprisingly, Barton did, mid stroke. But he didn’t withdraw, he just waited. A moment, drawn out into an eon of held breaths.
Bailey surprised, “No, don’t, stop.” Then she shuddered. “No, don’t stop.” Same words, an altogether different meaning. Still Barton didn’t move, so still that he looked frozen in mid fuck. We all know what he was waiting for; Bailey knew what he was waiting for.
The word came from her reluctantly, as if torn from her throat;
“Pl….plea..please don’t stop.” She was crying as she spoke.
Barton finally deigned to address her, hissing his words spinefully. “‘Please don’t stop’ what, Miss High and Mighty?”
“Don’t stop f..fucking me,” Bailey gasped. After another hour long second of silence another of her defensive walls gave way. “Please don’t stop fucking me.”
Barton twitched his hips and my sister exhausted the fearest sibilant sound, ‘yesssssss’.
“What do you want bitch?” Barton bellowed.
“I want you to fuck me – please.” Now the pleading, the need, was nakedly apparent in Bailey’s voice.
Barton slapped her arse once, hard. Then again, harder, leaving red hand prints.
“In that case you better ask properly.” He ordered
The citadel where Bailey’s defended her bitchy person lived was falling. The emotional walls she had built so high, for so long, were collapses. The mental gate she had locked, to keep in her true inclinations, was being smoked open by a batterying ram of a cock. The only thing to do was haul down the flag and signal her surrender.
“Please fuck me…………Sir.”
Barton relented, slightly, and shoved his cock all the way into the newly compliant Bailey, making her gasp with pleasure. It was a new pleasure she was experiencing, the joy of surrendering, of submitting. Her gasps turned to groans and grunts as Barton set to giving her the fucking of her (new) life. His hips were slapping against her buttocks as his pace increased. His face turned red and sweat dripped from his forehead onto Bailey’s back as he took her. It as if he was on a mission, performing a task rather than doing something inherently pleasant. He had declared he was going to my sister a ‘fucking like she never had’ and it seemed he was determined to do exactly that. And it was Bailey who was reaping the rewards of his dedication to this goal.
By now she was barely coherent beneath his remorseless onslaught. She was growing and crying out, reduced to an almost primary, animal state in her newly discovered submissive mind-state. The approaching climax of this scene, and of its participants, was obviously not far off. The tension spread to those watching and it was if everyone was holding their breath, waiting.
Barton started to lose his impassivity, his eyes closed and his mouth dropped open as he started to vocalize — guttural ‘uuhs’ with each thrust of prodigious cock. Bailey, in the depths of her abandonment, noticed the change and started to match his noises with her own excited cries of ‘yess’ each time he pounded into her.
Their mutual climax came over them suddenly. Bailey screamed and began to shudder and twitch. For a moment I was worried she would break her bonds as she strained. Barton throw his head back and bellowed like a bull, evidently filling the orgasming woman under him with a full load from both balls.
They seemed to remain fused together for an age. Then everyone relaxed. Barton rocked back on his heels and almost staggered, unsteady as a boxer hit by a knock-out punch, before gathering himself. Bailey’s tension uncoiled and she sagged in her bindings, although still trembling. Barton’s cock uncoupled from her as he wobbled and almost immediately a gush of semen oozed from her gaping cunt. Everyone watching seemed to breathe out at the same moment, with an audible exercise.
Barton pulled his trousers halfway up and collapsed into a neary chair. Bailey slowly raised her head and looked by over her shoulder at him.
“Thank you, Sir.” She said quietly, demurely. Then her expression changed a little, and the old Bailey seemed to come back for a second. In a louder voice she declared.
“I still want more cock.” Then she seemed to remember herself and her new person.
“Won’t someone else fuck me…please?”
After a second of stunned silence there was a sudden, brief, slightly unseemly scrum of men shoving and elbowing to form a queue. I smiled when I noticed Adam had used all his old rugby skills to ensure he was first in the line.
I turned away from the scuffle and found a chair for myself. Mary came towards me and gracefully sank to her knees at my feet. I saw her glance at Kat and almost smiled when the young girl seemed to read her mind and joined us at the other side of my chair.
I looked down at Mary, still gracefully made up and attired, kneeing with eyes downcast. In comparison Kat showed the signs of her treatment. Breasts and nipples still red from the clamps and wax. Her thighs striped were I had caned her. I knew her buttocks would also show slightly less fresh stripes. Although this she seemed to glow with contentment. She looked up at me and then noticed Mary’s demeanor and sought to emulate her by dropping her gaze. I raised her face to mine again, gentle fingers beneath her chin. I smiled at her and was rewarded with a beaming, blushing smile in return.
This girl could have resented me for the treatment she had received as a result of serving me, but what I could see in her expression was the radiance of satisfaction known only to one who has submitted and triumphed as a result. Underlying this I could also detect the smoldering heat of her desire. As I turned my hand and brushed the back of my fingers over her cheek I felt an overwhelming rush of desire. My cock hardened immediately, noticeably tenting the front of my tuxedo trousers. I saw Kat’s eyes widen and her hand flutter, reaching for my erection in what I was sure was an unconscious reaction. Then she caught herself, brought her instincts under control and drew back, awaiting my instruction. Smiling, I leaned back in the chair and gestured for her to continue.
With trembling hands she began to fumble clumsily with the buttons and zip. I noticed Mary watching Kat intently and saw that her hands were moving as well; perhaps just as unconscious of what she was doing. Eager to help, but holding herself back, even more aware than the younger woman that she should wait for orders.
Kat finally managed to release my cock and it sprung to attention in front of her. I loved how wide her eyes went when she saw it as her hands reached out to enfold my shake.
“Suck my cock Kat,” I whispered, “suck me.”
As she leaned forward, on her knees, hands out as if in supplication, it struck me how much she resembled someone in the attitude of reverential prayer. And the sensings of that first contact were so intense that it brought me to a state of almost religious ecstasy. The delicate, pink tip of Kat’s tongue sought out the shining pearl of pre-cum that was ready for her to taste. We moaned at the same time — she as her head bobbed down and I, as her lips partially engulfed me. I feel every muscle in my body tension in the most exciting fashion and the breath hissed from my body. It wasn’t the skill with which she sucked my cock that made it so pleasurable, it was the password, the single-minded focus on giving pleasure that made this a world-class blow-job. This wasn’t felatio, this was an act of worship.
Then I was suddenly reminded that Kat was still a beginner in the cock-sucking stakes. Perhaps carried away with the encouraging sounds I had been making, she tried to swallow even more of me and the head of my cock bumped against the back of her throat and triggered her gag-relax. She pulled back, cought and spluttering, eyes full of tears and apologies. Fortunately this novel had a mother superior on hand to come to her assistance.
Mary stroked Kat’s hair tenderly and then risked a look at me. “Would you like me to show her how Bastion?”
I paused to wonder if I had ever been asked a question that was more sexually excited.
I nodded. ‘Show her how I like my cock sucked Mary.’
Mary’s red lips wrapped around my glans, and I sawed as she began to work her familiar oral magic.
Kat had replaced her breath and brushed away her tears. Noticing this, Mary paused and took her mouth from my cock. She looked at Kat and began her lesson.
“Bastion has an especially sensitive spot, just here.” Mary told Kat, and then located the exact place, just below the head of my cock, with a flick of her talented tongue. My shaft twitched. Mary grasped its length and offered it to Kat like a treat and suggested, “You try it.”
She did — and my balls tightened, making them both grin. “He also loves it when you swirl your tongue around his cock when you go down on him.” She explained. “Like this.”
I was reduced to moaning ‘shhhhhhitttttt’ as she demonstrated what she means to her attention pupil.
Then she withdraw my cock from her mouth again, a long trail of saliva linking us for a second.
“Of course’ she continued, “like most men his favourite thing is deep throat.” Taking her hand away from my shake, herlips wrapped around me again and she easily swallowed my entire length in one gliding, intense swoop. As she came up she couldn’t help but give Kat a slightly triumphant look.
“Needless to say, the way to get good at that is lots of practice” Mary told her. “Try and relax your throat” she added. I saw a look of determination cross Kat’s face and she placed her mouth over my wet cock and tried for the same slow descent.
Kat got her about two thirds of the way before I heard the first, small choking noise. Undaunted she pulled back a fraction and tried again. This time she managed three quarters of my prick before she paused. Mary glanced at me with a question in her eyes. Understanding her immediately I smiled, slightly cruelly, and nodded.
Mary placed her hand on the back of Kat’s head and whispered in her ear, “Relax, as best you can dear girl.” Then pushed down on her bobbing head. Kat started to choke almost immediately but Mary was gently impalable. She held Katfirmly until the last fraction of my cock was in her mouth. I heard the girl breathing urgently through her nose as my cock swelled in her mouth, then felt her relax. Knowing the lesson was learned, Mary moved her hand away. Kat moved her mouth slowly back up the column of my cock then, after a gulp of breath and the briefest pause, she opened her throat and swallowed me once again, then again — and again; right down to the base Each time
I saw a look of amazement cross Mary’s face as she watched. Kat paused for a second and must have caught a trace of the older woman’s expression because I saw the young girl’s own brief smile at her achievement.
Before she started again I beckoned Mary forward. “I hope I can add to your education here?” I stood up, trousers open over my thighs. I took Mary’s hair in one hand and raised her from her haunches until her face was level with my erection.
“I also enjoy giving a good, old fashioned skull-fuck now and again.” I told the kneeling girl as I roughly shoved my prick into Mary’s mouth. “When that happens just all you can do is hang on as best you can.”
I grabbed the back of Mary’s head, messing her elaborate coiffure, and began to fuck her mouth. Shocked by the surprise of my actions she took a second to cope. But quickly she was into her stride and swallowing everything I was trying to bury in her mouth like the good sub slut she was. The wet, rhythmic noises of cock in mouth added to my pleasure. As did seeing Kat’s wide eyed, wide mouthed fascination as she watched.
I looked at her. “Do you think you could cope with that girl? Would you like your mouth fucked like it was cunt?” Kat nodded with naïve enthusiasm and I pulled my cock from Mary’s mouth. My hostess looked disheveled but still Somehow serene, cheats wet with saliva and pre-cum. She took my cock and proffered it to Kat. Looking up at me she said,
“Fuck her mouth Bastion. Use her, she wants, needs it — just like I do.”
Iknew this about Kat before I started to fill her mouth with my cock and fuck it. She gagged and picked, as I expected, but I kept going — and so did she. I felt her lips on my public hair around the base of my cock, felt my balls on her chin. Then I gasped with pleasure as I felt her tongue moving as I thrust. She was remembering Mary’s earlier tip and putting it into practice, in the midst of a savage skull fuck? Damn she was good!
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