This story was co-written by myself and sacrificedangel. She is famous for her Romance stories but she has another side, she is revealing her with trepidation.
The story is long and character driven. But the action is hot and horny.
We hope you enjoy – comments welcome
“Only one more month…One more month till Uni…one month. You can put up with this place for one more month, its eight grand! That’s worth two years at Uni.”
I repeated my mantra over and over as I worked on getting the dining room floor up to a high poison, or “shinin’ till I can eat off o’it” as Mr. Barton had so eloquently put it. The butler clearly had a thing for two maids on their hands and knees with our backsides in the air and was probably thinking about us poisoning something far different than these damnable floors.
One more month…
This afternoon the Earl would be back from vacationing somewhere exotic and I could not help but wonder if he knew what Mr.Barton got up to while he was away. Helping himself to the fresh venison that arrived from the Earl’s island estates earlier in the month, kitchen soirees almost nightly where he and his friends sat and sampled the wine collection repeatedly and delighted in tormenting us in passing with winding hands and lewd remarks. I looked over to Alice who was currently muttering every swear word she had ever learned in English in her dainty French accent and I knew that girl would be speaking most heatedly with the Earl tonight. Most likely no sooner than he made it through the door.
Like me, Alice had never met the Earl, both of us having started at the beginning of the summer break. The housekeeper, Mary, had so far managed to stay well and truly quiet on the matter, swamping the man in abstract mystery that left only the family portraits to give any indication to the man in charge. His portrait did not put me at ease, though I found myself glancing at it often during my daily chores. Stern and foreboding as only an Earl can be on canvas, the only thing the painter captured that made him look remotely alive and not made of stone, was his eyes.
I swept my polishing clothes over the outer edges of the dining hall skirting, admiring the dark wood and how it shone in the mid-afternoon light when Mary appeared beside me silently and gave me a start. Smart black shoes gleamed beside my knees almost as much as the Polished floor as she addressed us. As I stood, I felt self-consciously disheveled. Mary, as always, seemed immaculate from her tidy bun and pretty face to tips of her toes, dressed in an elegantly cut suit jacket and skirt that accentuated her slight curves and impressive cleavage. For a woman in her early fifties, it was fair to say she was stunning, if only she would just smile. It was safe to say, I did not like her much. Her stern countenance seemed a trait that would have been more appropriate in times gone by rather than the present day.
“Come upstairs both of you.” She ordered. Her deeply voiced command sent an involuntary shiver up my spine as I went to follow her with Alice behind me. Waiting behind her as she unlocked the sewing room, Mary cast a smiling glance back at us before opening the door and letting us inside.
“When the Earl is in residence, there is a different uniform to be hurt.” She began, her voice stern, her eyes daring us to Contradict her. “There will be no arguments. You both are contracted for the full three months in order to get the full payment at the end of your stay.”
I nodded, up until she handed me the small black and white pressed bundle.
“Christ Mary, you cannot be serious non?” Alice asked, the shock displayed on both our faces was ragingly evident in her question.
“You both signed the contract…”
“Oui, but not to dress like whores!”
“You agreed to any uniform Alice, this is the uniform hurt when he is in residence. If you go against your contracts you will be taken to court, and Alice that will be au revoir visa, and Kat, bye bye University. You will wear what is in your bundles, and nothing else.”
She had us. And the smirking bitch knew it.
I had remained silent. I couldn’t find my damn tongue, it had turned to ash in my mouth as we were dismissed and I walked silently to me room as Alice continued to rage beside me to her own. Entering my small room, I stood by the window, and looked over our ‘new’ uniform, and gasped…there wasn’t very much to look over. The uniform was standard black, rather soft material than our usual starched uniforms; a low squared neckline…shit a very fucking low squared neckline. Jesus, I would be lucky if that covered my breasts!
“You will wear what is in your bundles, and nothing else.”
Stripping quickly down to bare skin, I pulled the uniform over my head and down my body before turning to look in the mirror…long bare legs looked back at me, legs that carried on upwards, and upwards, past where the normal uniform would have ended them with its sharp black lines, the shirt section of the new apparel flittered lightly around the tops of my thighs, a bare four inches from my pussy. I turned back to the bundle before appraising myself further, hoping that this uniform was some kind of over-jacket of some sort, that there was a fuller skirt, shift, pant-a-fucking-lets or something that I had missed.
There wasn’t. The rest of the small bundle in front of me contained a pair of snowy white stockings, a lacy embroidered edge on the self-hold ups…and a pair of positively independent lacy knickers, Christ, they weren’t even knickers! Holding them so I could inspect them properly, I was shocked, and awed at the intricate lace. Barely there and crotch-less. I did wonder what Alice would think of them, but didn’t have to wait long before I heard an outburst of spectacular proportions coming from her room next door.
I almost laughed. Almost.
Still trying not to look at myself in the mirror, I pulled on the stockings over my legs, making sure they would stay up on my thighs…evidently Mary knew our measurements, before I moved to slide the crotch-less panties on, unable to stop the flush of mortification from creeping into my cheeks at the sight we would be, and in front of that perv Mr. Barton too. I flushed more when I felt the edges of the lace move against my bare puss, the slightly scratchy material molding itself to the edges of my lips.
I turned to look at the picture I made in the mirror, finally taking the entire uniform in. Long legs from my black work heels, clad in snowy white, reaching the inch white frill around the base of the fluttering skirt; the bodice was molded ending just below my breasts, obviously to keep my breasts pushed up and over. The low square neckline was lined with lace too, the black of the uniform ending under my 38 D’s, and only the lace supporting them, my nipples evidence to the worldd as the material rubbed against them.
The uniform continued over my shoulders but not my upper back, which was bared down to the edges of the molded body, the material that lay over my shoulders following a line down my side to join the body, little puffs of lace sprouting from the edges of my short sleeves.
Pulling the last of the items from the bundle, an apron so small it was entirely useful, I tied it Anyway. I needed this job, I needed the eight grand. My course was not cheap, and the price of moving as far away from my mother as possible was a step one. I had worked hard over the past two years since I left college, slowly squirreling away the earnings every month until the increasing healthy balance had soon become the thing that restored my confidence. Getting my acceptance letter from Oxford and their Highly recommended English Department had increased that tenfold. Now, her words and insults no longer stung quite so much.
I repeated my mantra againas I viewed myself in the mirror, turning in every direction before finally daring to bend over. I was shocked. My hands braced on the bed as I imagined I was cleaning a table; I looked back at my reflection and drew in a shuddering breath. My arse was presented up, the flair of the skirt riding high, exposing my pale chefs lightly shrouded by the nearly non-existent underwear. But that wasn’t what shocked me. The glistening lips of my cunt, surrounded intimately by the lace, were protruding, the tight seam of the gusset rubbing deliciously against my clip whenever I moved and to my shock, was making me wet. The very sight of me, was making me wet.
The crash of Alice’s temperature tantrum from next door woke me from my trance just as my fingers were moving to touch the swollen pink lips, and I stood upright just as Mary entered the room with Mr. Barton to find the source of the noise. Obviously content that it was not me, Mary left and went to the next room leaving Mr. Barton standing in my doorway, his yellowed tongue flicking out grotesquely to lick his lips as he ran the flat of his palm undisguised over the rapid tenting of his black butler’s uniform.
After a few minutes, the stern voice of Mary quieted and Alice’s temperature became subdued, although I could still hear through the thin walls what was being said.
“I am bringing this up with the Earl. Je ne suis pas heureux!!”
“You can speak with him when he returns, but for now, get dressed!” Mary was living, her face showing a pale flush of fury as she came back into my room.
“Very good Miss Soren. Go down and scrub the entrance hall. It needs to be spotless for the Earl’s return.”
I must have hesitated a second too long because she took a step closer, trying to make herself look broader and more threatening.
“Do you have an issue too Miss Soren?”
“No Mary.” I lied; the fact that Mr. Barton was still in my room, still rubbing his palm over himself, being the main factor I had kept quiet about voicing my concerns about the attire. Besides…One month till University…Eight Grand…
I didn’t take this job for nothing.
“Good, then get about your tasks.”
I began to step from the room, still hearing a furious Alice muttering in French from her room beside me as I tried to go sideways past Mr. Barton through the narrow doorway, the wretched creativity deciding to rub against my almost exposed arse in the process. Rushing from the room, I practically ran down to get my cleaning basket, hoping Alice keep them busy enough for me to do this to completion without Mr. Barton bearing witness to my arse up in the air, my naked core up for display. Hearing Alice begin to squeal, I knew I was ok. I could literally hear them dressing her in the uniform, hear Mary blasting at her to quit her moving lest she ruin the stockings; and when she was finally escorted downstairs, red faced and furious, I had finished my task.
“Get on with setting out the dinner platters. The Earl will be home soon, he will want dinner to be served straight away. He has two friends coming for dinner. So make sure you set out enough from what Mrs. Hiddleton has cooked.”
“Yes Mary.” I said softly, even as I quietly saw. One month. I was not one to let my temperature show, and thought I was doing rather well considering these new circumstances. Alice, however, was the complete opposite, and I could tell from the set of her jaw and her stance, she was about to lose it in spectacular ‘Alice’ fashion. Nudging her discretely, to distract her from her anger, she finally answered Mary, albeit through gritted teeth before we turned and made our way through to arrange the platters.
“C’est intolerable!” Alice hissed as we shut the kitchen doors behind us, blocking us in semi privacy as we went about putting on the gloves to handle the food.
“I know, but we signed a contract Alice, and I for one need that damn money for tuition.” I hissed back. I instantly regretted my unusually harsh tone when I caught Alice’s shocked expression, but dismissed that feeling when she opened her mouth once again and became almost shrill.
“You are not seriously going to go ahead with wearing this bloody awful uniform? Il est barbare!!”
“It is only a uniform.” I squirmed, feeling that seamless in the lace rubbing torturously against my clip again as Alice glared at me, one perfectly plucked eyebrow raised. “Oh all-fucking-right, I’m not happy about it, but I need the money.”
“I will be speaking with the Earl tonight; I will not be made to wear clothes like a French maid.”
“You are a French maid.” I joked lightly. This night was slowly becoming depressing with Alice’s foul mood.
“Bitch.” Alice hit my arm hard, shhing me when we both heard the door open. “MERDE, quickly we need these plates on the table before that Barton-pig takes them through!”
I rushed to put the different items together, trying to make it look as perfect as possible before quickly taking it out, displaying it on the table, and rushing out before the Earl and his friends could enter the hall and catch a glimpse of my white arse fleeing. I may have accepted the fact that I have to wear this wholly independent uniform, but I would be damned if I was not at least a bit shy about having so much flesh on display. Holding the door open for Alice, she ducked through Just as they entered to be seated for their first course.
“Shh!” Alice whispered, as we moved to catch a peek at the men entering the hall. “They are quite handsome non?”
I was speechless, they were quite handsome. The three of them were tall, the two that sat in the lesser seats at the table were blonde, well built, and quite possibly brothers, both looked to be in their thirties, the man sitting in the Earl’s seat at the end of the table was a little older, maybe mid to late thirties, and had the blackest hair; he too was tall, well built, though a little leaner thanthe other two. He should have that painting destroyed — it did the man no justice at all. Strong jaws, and large hands, and all dressed like Lords and Earls usually were, in their finest Armani suits…and although laughing among themselves, their gazes turned cold, their mouths set in grim lines whenever Mary and Mr. Barton drew too close to the table.
“You are really going to talk to him?” I asked, wondering if the Earl’s scowl could flay flesh from bones.
“Oui, I will be speaking with him tonight.”
Brave, or incredibly stupid. I thought.
The bell rang for their next course and I took a deep breath, carrying the tray as trained, to the table of men. As their eyes snapped up on our approach, I could feel my embarrassment turn me pink from my toes to my scalp, their blatantly male scrutiny palpable as I moved to the left, and went around the front of the table to place their plates as Alice gathered their dirty ones. I knew it was not the standard manner to delive the meals, technically I should have been placing it in front of them from over their right shoulders…but the thought of having my bare cunt that close to someone where they would be close enough to reach, to see, and to scent me, just didn’t appeal.
Taking the lesser of two evils, I placed them in front of the men, beginning with the guests, as trained, terribly aware of their perusal of my breasts through the very revealing lace; the swells of my breasts threatening to spill from their half-arsed confines, my nipples swollen and protruding almost painfully against the lace as it rubbed and caressed them into sharp points, sending intense tingles and warmth over my skin. Yes, definitely glad I choose this direction. Right now the lace between my tights was torturing me, and I could feel my lips slick and warm with every movement my tights made.
Placing the last plate in front of the Earl, I hesitated as he pointed to his glass.
“Refill that.”
Taking theDecanter holding the red wine, I lean forward, concentrating on my task and praying I didn’t spill anything over the pristine white clothes; my arms held tightly against my sides, unfortunately pushing my breasts together even more as I began pouring. I felt something and shivered, imagining things, must be…at least until I feel it again, cold, hard and shoving forcedly against my pussy lips. FUCK. I jumped, knocking the wineglass over the clothes as the hard head of it took advantage of my jump and pressed just inside me. Scrambling away quickly from the intrusion, I moved to keep my front facing the men, shocked to find the last blonde man licking the hugely rounded brass tip of his cane, which was currently glistening with my juices. I turned back to face the Earl, who’s expression was one of barely controlled rage.
“Clean that up now.”
Jesus, his voice gave me shivers. Laced with authority, menace, the deep timbre reverberated through the hall, up to the rafters as hegave me his order. Jumping out of my shocked trace, I took the white towel from my arm and began soaking up the spilt wine apologizing.
“Not with that.” The Earl grew, pulling my towel from me and tossing it carefully onto the painstakingly poisoned floor. “Use your tongue.”
Stunned to the spot, I was certain I had not heard him right and did not move; until he reached over the table and slapped me hard.
Blinking back tears from the sting of his blow, I leant over the tablecloth, and lapped at the wine with my tongue, taking it into my mouth and hating the taste. I never could understand certain people’s observation with wine, it all tasted like varying versions of vinegar to me. Leaning further forward, I moved the table flowers from my path as I continued clearing the spillage, my tongue flicking out over the rapidly drying pink stain as his eyes never left mine. His scrutiny was intense, dark eyes set in a strong face, his black hair showing only the tiniest hint of grey coming in small strands as it lay around his collar, he elbow bent and resting on the arm of his chair watching me, watching him.
I didn’t hear the chair move. Didn’t see anything but the pink liquid still in front of me, and the Earl in front of me, concentrated on praying the lace managed to keep my breasts in. My thighs rested against the edge of the table now, my body hovering barely an inch above the sodden clothes as I reached the last of the wine. I didn’t even hear them leave their seats.
Suddenly I saw the Earl move, his arms rushing out and grabbing my own, pulling them from my sides and dropping me to the table hard as he yanked them out in front of me, his eyes focused over my back, over my now visible arse, as I felt the hard and cold head of the brass cane again, toying over my pussy lips, nudging them apart as I squirmed.
“Please, stop! Please, no, don’t…” I squeaked and shuddered through to my core, as the hard slap of one of the blonde’s hands came down sharply across my arse. I felt the hard head of the ball nudge harder, slipping in my juice, before beginning to enter my pussy, slowly and determined, even as I renewed my struggles, I felt my lips give way through the crotch-less panties, swollen and wet from the play of the lace against my intimate skin, the sea rubbing over my clip for the past three hours. FUCK, I felt my pussy give a little around the ball as he gave a light shove and grew when he couldn’t get further.
“Fuck she’s a tight bitch.”
I feel like shouting, “of course I’m fucking tight, I’ve not had anything wider than my finger up my snatch!” but I didn’t need to, as the blonde removed the ball with a sharp tug and shoved two fingers roughly into me.
“You’ve got yourself a little virgin here Bastian.” The man chuckled darkly, his fingers continuing to play inside my pussy and finding me wet, I could feel his long fingers probe painfully against my hymen, and cursed mybody’s reaction to their abuse. Some things could be lied about, I didn’t want them to do this, I was ashamed to be pinned down in front of these men, I was upset to be abused by a brass headed cane, and a stranger’s fingers…but my body wouldn’t lie…my body wanted him to push deeper and fill me up, my pussy wanted him to shove through my virginity with his cane and sit the twisting ache that had been growing in my belly from the second I had put on those fucking crotch-less panties.
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