The doorbell rang. For the last ten minutes I had been agitated, waiting for it after Master’s unexpected phone call, forcing myself to sit and not look out of the window. I answered the door to a girl perhaps five years younger than me, in her early twentyties, and a few inches taller.
“You got Master’s message?
“Yes.” Embarrassed I looked quickly down the drive as she said ‘Master’ in case anyone was there and heard.
“You are alone?”
“Yes. I was going out but I cancelled.” My voice sounded breathless.
“Well, are you going to ask me in or shall we talk here?”
“Oh sorry.” I stood back and let her walk in. She looked smart, in a jacket and short skirt. Her blonde hair was short and well cut. I wasn’t sure if she had anything on under the jacket. She carried a large black bag.
“Nice place.”
“Thank you, please come through.” I led her into the living room, the morning sun sweeping across the carpet. She gave me an envelope and sat herself down in a chair putting her bag down beside her. I looked down at the envelope.
On the outside was the single word ‘Tuesday’. That was his name for me. I was his sub on Tuesdays, every Tuesday ay 10.00 a.m. onward until he sent me away. I had been for a few months. Initially it had begun as a one off after hearing about him from a friend who had moved away from here. Then as I admitted more of my dark desires and as I found myself wanting and doing more with him it had changed into something else. I had become happy to be his submissive slut, more than happy. It was something that I found I needed, even though I was married. My husband, good man that he was, just didn’t require me to do the things I wanted.
I opened the sealed envelope and read the note inside. I felt my face colour.
“While you are considering your requirements I wouldn’t mind a drink, iced water will do.”
“Oh yes. Sorry.” I went into the kitchen, my mind working overtime. When I came back I gaveher the glass and stand looking at the floor.
“Well what have you decided?”
“Yes…. I will do whatever he wishes.”
“Of course. Right.” She took a sip of her water and stood taking her back near the window. From it she took a video camera and thin stand. “Don’t just stand there, move that armchair out of the way, then strip off.” I moved the chair and then slowly began removing my clothes. It was odd undressing and being naked in front of someone else, a total stranger. I’d never been naked in front of a girl after reaching adolescence and only a few men since. I had to remember this was for Master. Even so I was shaking by the time I had removed everything and stood there waiting. My nipples were hard even though it was warm in the room. She then sent me for a dinner room chair and she took it and placed it next to the video. She sat me on the front edge of the chair with my knees just apart. She took out leather cuffs just like Master’s and fastened my hands behind me. She tilted my head up so I looked directly at the camera and my tits pressed forward, nipples already hard. She checked the view through the video before standing looking down at me. I closed my eyes for a moment realising that this was going to be a very humiliating time for me…
The next Tuesday I stood before the door again. I had lost track of the number of Tuesday mornings that I had arrived here Always slightly breathless with a tight bladder. I always arrived wearing exactly what I had been told to wear for that session and come by public transport. A taxi would take me home. Today I was wearing a thin PVC Mac and four inch ankle strapped shoes. It wasn’t raining or even cool; I could quite easily have hurt a thin dress. Under my Mac I was wearing only a suspender belt and stockings. No underwear, not even any body hair. I had an anal plug inside me. It was as I had been instructed. The slight tint of my skin could be seen against the Mac as it pressed to me I knewfrom the mirror. People had looked at me on the journey here. I could feel there questioning eyes. As though they could guess why was I wearing a Mac on this day. I blushed constantly and feel my arousal in the pit of my stomach, felt each movement of the plug as it moved to my own movements. The coolness of the plastic against my flesh had sensed my skin and hardened my nipples on soon but after putting it on I had felt sticky and warm as I moved inside it. It wasn’t the most exposing garment that I had had to wear, some had displayed my charms to almost a sluttish degree, but I knew why I was wearing it and the humiliation was strong.
Eventually my ring was answered, but it wasn’t Master! A middle-aged woman who I had never seen before opened the door and ushered me in, telling me to close my mouth and simply do as I was told. Gradually it dawned on me that Master had had her answer the door and therefore she must know all about me. My face burned with embarrassment and shame.
“Come in and do as I say. We both know why you are here. Your Master waits.” I stumbled ungracefully into the hall, my mind racing and my face burning. I could feel my heart pounding with appreciation. “Hang your coat up.” I stood looking at her for a moment. Was I to do as she said and display exactly what I was or should I run? I knew that I was terribly excited by this With stimulating humiliation course through me I slowly unpeeled my coat. The plastic sticking to me in places and I could hear the sound as it came away from the skin. Finally I turned and hung it on the coat-stand by the door. I looked at the floor. “Now, your Master is in his office.” Her voice was stern though as I bravely looked at her, her eyes seemed to be laughing and a smile floating around the corners of her mouth as she blatantly looked my body up and down. I almost covered myself but stopped myself just in time. I had never been naked before another woman since my early teens, with the exception of the day before! I shivered but not with cold.
Moving towards the office my hips rolling due to my heels and my cunt lips slipping against each other. I could feel her eyes on me as she walked behind. It was all I could do to remain outwardly calm; inside I was struggling with this new turn of events. Master was sitting at the computer as we entered, the woman moving to sit on the edge of the desk, displaying quite a length of thigh. She was obviously wearing stockings. Her body was in good shape and she looked quite attractive I had to admit. I stood before Master claping my hands behind me as he swivelled around to face me. My breasts pushed forward obviously invitingly I hoped.
“Hello Tuesday.” He smiled and I relaxed a fraction. “Yes, I understand this is new for you but I am sure you will not mind Diana’s presence. She expressed some curiosity about this situation and I considered you to be a fine example of what she wishes to become acquainted with. If you wish you may go and come back next week, but it would please me, and I’m sure you, if you stayed.” My body was trembling, I was afraid that the movements of my breasts would give me away. When had she expressed curiosity? How much had my Master told her? Obviously a lot. I didn’t know. I didn’t know.
“Please Sir, may I stay?” My voice always sounding husky with him.
“Good I’m pleased.” Any compliments he gave me had an amazing effect on me. “Now you will refer to Diana as Miss or Miss Diana. I want you to tell her how you would describe yourself with regard to me.” I was standing naked before them! Oh God. He knew, he always knew.
“Yes Sir. I am… sexually submissive Miss… I asked… I asked Master to make use of me… and control my sexual life about six months ago. I am allowed to visit Master on Tuesdays. Of course I still carry out his wishes at other times if he wishes but I only see him on Tuesdays. I am his Tuesday girl and that’s why he calls me Tuesday.” Saying these things was hard. Actually putting them into words made them so real. The sound of myself saying them excited me. Her face remained impassive as I spoke.
“Is your presence here at these sessions forced, or you coerced or is it with your full consent.”
“Consensual Miss. I want to come here Miss. I don’t know what I’d do if Master stopped me coming.” Her eyes changed slightly but no other expression was reflected on her face. I was very aware of my nudity in front of her, my body was giving me away.
“Now tell her how we normally began these sessions.”
“I normally give Master any tape that I need to. And then…Oh sorry Sir I have left the tape in my coat Sir.” I knew my eyes widened and I had not done as I should have. It was the shock of her being there, having to show her my body.
“Fetch.” Feeling silly I rushed out of the room, breasts bouncing and retrieved the tape before returning quickly.
“I am sorry Sir. I really am Sir. It was … Sorry Sir.” I gave him the video-cassette.
“Yes Miss.” I felt myself shaking. I felt near tears. “Master determinations when and if I am allowed to masturbate. I’m only allowed to masturbate when he tells me to, never without permission. If I am told to I tape myself doing it. Usually it has been an audio tape, once a video. Last week.”
“Tell me when and where was the last time you masturbated.” I felt my face burning again.
“Yesterday. 11 o’clock in the morning. At home.”
“How do you know it was exactly then?”
“Master told me to. He gives me the days and the times and I have to do it then.” I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry of shame. My face burnt but my cunt throbbed and my nipples almost hurt. I remembered the day before. “I have to fit what I do around it.”
“What happens if you don’t feel aroused at those times?”
“I always am Miss.” The thought that I was going to do it for him excited me so much and the wait had me frustrated and ready. Usually I would be counting down the minutes until I was allowed. “Even when I am made to do it suddenly I have never been dry yet.” Pride in myself, I noticed. Careful, I thought.
“Do you always do it at the same time or in the same place?”
“No Miss.” My mouth had gone dry and I had to concentrate. “No, Master dictates the times. Usually he tells me a long time beforehand, sometimes he phones me and give me only a few moments.”
“And the location?”
“Sometimes. Not always. Often I try and make sure that I am at home if he hasn’t, sometimes I am not able to of course.”
“Where was the last time you came outside your home?”
“In the car, in the supermarket car park.”
“Did people see you?”
“Perhaps, but I don’t think so Miss.”
“Was that an extra turn on?”
“Yes Miss.”
“Did you enjoy frigging yourself for your Master?”
“Oh God yes.” It always made me feel so good to please him. So horny and humiliated for him”I love knowing he controls my sexuality, especially my orgasms.” She smiled at Master, then looked back at me.
“And after you have given a tape to him? Would he watch or listen to it now?”
“No Miss, he would usually check the smoothness of me. He expects my shaving to be perfect Miss. The tape would be dealt with later, Miss.”
“Would you do me the honours Diana?” I couldn’t believe this. This was all a new twist. Master knew me too well; he didn’t want me to get into a comfortable zone.
“Yes. Come here.” I moved to stand before her. My eyes searched behind her face so I wouldn’t need to look into her eyes. Her hand touched the heat in my cheek and ran to my arms, I lifted my arms slightly as she ran her fingers inside. I was smoking a little. It moved down between my breasts until she lightly touched my mound. She touched it, then cupped it, rubbing her fingers over the smooth saden flesh. As she touched my lips I tried desperately to keep still. I knew Master was watching this. A woman was touching me! In front of my Master! I knew my sex parted slightly and my juices escaped. I kept my eyes away, wanting to close them in the delicious shade.
“Yes she’s smooth. She must have shaken herself for you this morning I guess.” Then to me, “Look at me.” My eyes were drawn until I was looking into her face and couldn’t hide. “You’re wet, so very wet.” A smile ran over her mouth. I wanted to divert my eyes but I was caught as if by a cobra. The blood rushed into my cheeks and my body shuddered.
“Yes Miss. Sorry Miss.” In a sense Master saved me. He told me to turn and bend so that Miss Diana could check me from behind. At least I wasn’t asked to explain my arousal or continue to look at her directly, though bending and displaying myself from behind, pulling my cheats apart so that the plug and my lips were visible caused my juices to continue to flow. I felt her fingers run over my buttocks and between, testing the anal plug a little.I couldn’t see her expression on finding it there. Eventually she cupped my lips from behind, playing with the plump wetness between my spread legs. A soft moan escaped from me.
“Has she dirtied your hand Diana?”
“Oh yes, a surprise amount. I wasn’t aware she was such an eager slut.”
“Clean Miss Diana’s fingers Tuesday.” I turned and knelt before her and licked her palm and suckled on her fingers, tasting my leak. The taste of my juices was something that I secretly loved but I had never tasted myself on a woman’s hand. She looked down on me bemused.
“All this is exciting you isn’t it?”
“Yes Miss.”
“A lot.”
“Yes Miss, a lot, I’m very aroused Miss.” My body throbbed having to admit it. I needed release soon.
After I had completed that small task I realized they were waiting for me to continue.
“Master then usually allows me to relieve myself.” Before leaving home I’d had to drink a pint and a half of iced water after I had usedthe toilet and showed and used an enemas on myself. I hated those enemy. He wanted to have me cleansed before I arrived. The need to pee was always strong by this stage of the morning; arousal and the need to pee close in feeling and both building continuously.
“Go on then, Tuesday slut, fetch your bowl.” Masters voice.
“What’s matter, don’t you want to go?” I remember the occasion when the shade and arousal had combined to make it difficult and he had grown impatient. Later I had been unable to control it and I had done it all over myself.
“Sorry Sir.” Again I rushed from the room, tottering a little on my heels, aware of my bladder. I came back with the namel bowl and a single Kleenex, wondering if I had the strength to do this. They were both looking at me and watched as I placed the bowl on the wooden floor and, scared of looking up, I squatted a couple of feet over it with my thighs very far apart. The position was humiliating and made worseby the fact I had to open myself further with one hand. Master raised his eyesbrows a fraction. I couldn’t put it off further.
“Master, may I piss in this bowl?”
“Yes Tuesday. Piss so that we can all see.”
“Thank you Sir.” Both the humiliation and the arousal caused me to have problems again. I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to let it out, I stayed still desperate to do it and eventually a dribble and then a spurt. Aiming was always a worry, I mustn’t miss with any, knowing I would be expect to lick clean the floor. The sound was loud, it always was. Humiliation strong in me, especially with her watching too. There was nowhere to hide, but the relief was great. Still widely exposed I dabbed any urine from me. I stood and lifted the now warm bowl to Master, who examined it and then nodded to me to pour down the toilet. Quickly I went and swilled out the bowl carefully before placing it by the toilet and anxious back. We all moved to the locke.
Master had meplace the video-tape on the TV but it wasn’t put in yet thankfully. I stood next to the coffee table, facing them as they sat on the sofa together, with my legs spread and my hands held behind me again. My face burnt. In fact the only three places blood could be in my body were in my cheeks, my tits and my cunt, all seemed so full of it.
“What do you think of her so far, Diana?”
“Mmm. She is certainly both pretty and a turn on. She is such an obviously needed slut, look at her thighs already. She’s just wiped them and already that cunt is leaking.” My mouth dry. Obviously my liquids were needed elsewhere. “I love her tits and that freshy little flat and look how her inner lips are pouting out. She seems to get off on doing the most humiliating things. She mentioned that you control her husband fucking her?”
“It was the sluts idea actually. Although not wanting to leave him she found it difficult to reconcile her husband being allowed to use her when she didn’t view him as her Master. So we have come to an agreement. She is fucked on the days I allow. She must take him on those days, if she cannot entire him to use her she is punished. But she is not allowed to cum with him. She has to be in control of herself.”
“Does he know?”
“No. He seems to unaware.”
“I must admit her submissiveness is getting me hot and bothered. I have never touched a woman before but… it’s the submissiveness, its so stimulating.”
“I am sure that will be attended to later if you wish. Are you hot and bothed Tuesday? Do you want to cum?”
“Oh yes Master if I am allowed.”
“Not yet. Not until I say, my slut” I grossed silently and I knew he would be able to read me. “There are other things that I want you to attend to first.”
Miss laughed at that and turned, undoing his trousers and taking his cock out. I could see up her skirt as she lifted one knee up onto the sofa to turn more directly to Master, I could see black panties above bare flesh. Masters cock was beautiful and so hard. I glowed thinking that it was because of me, excited by me, proud of me. Or maybe Miss? I wondered what their relationship was. I was a little jealous as I watched her fingers rub up and down his length. I knew he had others on other days but I had never seen him with anyone before. His cock was hypnotic. I noticed pre cum appeared. They smiled at each Other then both turned to me, Master nodded. I knew what to do. I knelt before him, my fingers taking over from Miss’s and my mouth kissing the tip of his organ and licking up the pre cum that tasted so good, so much of him. I remembered that I was being watched. No body had ever seen me do anything like this! I had to look good for Master even in this humiliation. I arched my back and spread out my knees before licking up and down his shaft. His cock throbbed and then filled my mouth as I pushed down on him as far as I dared. It was divine having him inside me again. I knew what he liked. Iconcentrated on his pleasure, giving him my mouth. I was also more aware of my exposure and display than I could remember, especially when a hand took away my hair so Miss could see fully. I tried desperately to concentrate. My own needs were desperate but I knew that painful frustration and had learned that it added not took away my pleasure.
I heard Master speak and looked up, my mouth still full. He was looking at Miss not at me. They spoke to her as I sucked him. Suddenly I felt fingers on my nipples. I jumped a little almost coming off him. The were obviously not Master’s. The hands cupped and squeezed my hanging tits, then played with my nipples, gently but becoming more and more demanding, twisting, squeezed, pulling. I was gasping around Master’s cock as I plesured him. I found myself pressing into the hands lewdly and rocking my hips wanting to be used there too. My anal muscles were clamping radically on the plug eagerly. It was more and more arousing, pleasure and being pleased like this, having no say. My own arousal was obviously having an effect on Master too. I felt him spasm more and more until I feel the well known stirrings just before and then as he ejaculated his spunk into my mouth. It pushed me near too and I stopped any movement to allow myself to get under control and to allow Master his full pleasure without Discomfort.
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