Ari woke up to the feel of hands at her wrists. She shivered, as the sheet she had been covered with was not quite enough cover to keep her warm. But as she remembered her evening so far, she was warmed to her core. She remembered her Lord’s sweet meat in her mouth and all her long rushed back in an instant. Hands? She was still blind folded, but she suddenly realized that there were two sets of hands, a set on each wrist. Two people!
How long had she been sleep? Where was her Lord? The hands at her wrists had paused. Perhaps they knew she was going to ask “what the hell was going on?” She had been taught well, but was still inexperienced in the actual “practice.” Forgeting her training, she opened her mouth to speak. First there was the slap. Open handed and hard enough to jerk her head to the side. “Who is your master?”
“You are, Lord.”
“Do you question my bidding?”
“Never, Lord.”
“Open your mouth.” A gag was placed in her mouth as soon as she got it open. “Only I know what you crave. Only my desires matter to you. Stand before me.” Hands, she didn’t know how many helped her stand. She stood naked, blindfolded and gagged, her hands behind her back and feet shoulder width apart.
“You will nod your head in answer. Are you mine?” She nodded. The chill of the room was starting to see into her. “Will you please me tonight?” She nodded again. As she did, she heard men (and women?) snicker quietly. It was a bone chilling sound. She shivered. “I am your master. I am master here tonight. Whatever happens will be by my command” There was a respectful “grunt” of approval from the invisible guests in the room. As if the CEO was asking the board for their consensus.
“Will you please me tonight?” She nodded respectfully as she could. But fear was building inside of her. She wanted to please him, but could she trust her body? What if she didn’t respond correctly? What if he wasn’t pleased? As if to answer her, her master said ina calm and even voice, “You will please me or you will never see me again.”
Her head jerked as if she had been slapped. A wave of panic passed through her. She couldn’t loose him, she couldn’t loose the only thing that had made her feel whole. She quickly composed herself, at least on the outside. The people around her started to move about. She could barely hear quiet conversation and drinks being poured. She straightened her shoulders and started to breath again.
Breathing was the key. Relax the body. Relax the mind. It was all about being here in the moment. No past thoughts, no future wants could interfere. They only made you hesitate. They made you tense. They made you betray yourself and warranted the only punishment you couldn’t bare – abandonment. While the Master trained her, she had only been abandoned once. Alone, untethered in her own room, she was left alone for 3 days. She knew the rules. No pleasure, no touching. Not even with herself.
After three days, on the verge of madness, she was reprived. In the dark of night, when she was sleep in her bed, an angel came to her. She was awakened by a warm, supplement body crawling into bed with her. As the gift nestled against her naked body she instinctively turn towards her. Their breasts rubbed against one another….
The music brought her back to the present. It was her music. The Master had trained her to work to specific stimuli. Sounds, smells, commands. This rock music was one of those stimuli. There was a 2-hour CD that she and he had selected – full of hard, driving, yet soulful music. It started fast with songs like Def Leppard’s “Cover me with Sugar.” Then it would segway into blues. Just the sound of the first few words could get her wet. But tonight, it only brought her back from her reverie in the past. Back to what her new Lord had in store for her. She concentrated on remembering the room.
It was a large hotel suite. Probably the largest in this remote country Inn. Tworooms, a bedroom and living area. She could see the furniture of the living room in her mind and remembered a fireplace. Earlier that night, the Lord had laid her on a bureau that was just lower wait high. On her stomach, with her head held up, she was just at the right height for his erect cock to target her mouth. The bureau was actually in two pieces, each two feet in length. And not very wide. She had to be careful not to fall off. There was a wet bar, separated from the rest of the living room by a wrong iron railing. The railing was topped by a 6″ board, slightly rounded and stained to match the other wood in the room. Above it hung a large fern from wrong iron hook in the ceiling.
She brought herself back to the present and took in the sounds and smells in the room. There were at least 8 people in the room. She thought she heard at least one women’s voice. She could hear clothes as they moved. She heard glasses tinkling. The smell of sulfur meant candles or maybe cigareettes were being lit. She remembers seeing several candle adorning the room when they had arrived. A whoosh indicated the tender in the small fireplace was being started. She felt the warmth and realized she was standing very close the to the fireplace. Very close. Soon her legs and back side were very warm.
It was hard to hear over the music, but she did hear as apparently another person entered the room. After she heard respectful greetings, as if she/he was someone of importance. She heard her say, “So this is what you brought me here for.” And soon this new person was so close she could smell her spicy perfume. “Yes, Mistress Ann. I know you will see I made a good choice.” Her Lord spoke with respect to this strange women. “Well, if she is so good, she should be able to be handled without that vile gag.” Without another word, hands removed the gag and she flexed just slightly to ease the soreness in her jaw. She closed she mouth, and stood as she had been taught – straightback, stomach in, feet should width apart and flat on the ground, head bent slightly, hands behind her back, clasp just at her waist. She wanted desperately to make her Lord proud and she knew somehow this woman was vital to that approval.
“The blind fold…,” the Lord started to say. “I approve. Even the most adept new slave is not always skilled in concentration. The blind fold helps with focus. Focus, relaxation and submission – in that order – are key.” The Mistress said all this in a tone as if she was instructing a class. A purpose to this madness formed in Ari’s mind. This is a demonstration of some kind. They have all come to learn what the Mistress and her Lord knows. A touch of fear entered her mind. Are they here for a test drive? She wondered.
Her backside was now very hot and she had to work at it not to squirm from the heat. “Focus, ” the Mistress said, “is easy in harsh situations.” With that she put a hand on Ari’s stomach and backed her in the direction ofthe fireplace. Now the heat on her back, buttocks and legs was intense. She concentrated on her breathing and relaxed. She hoped the Mistress would keep speaking so she would have something to concentrate on.
It came so quickly, Ari’s knees nearly buckled. She thanked her Master, for the training was the only thing that kept her up. With no warning someone took something very cold and very smooth and held it to her very hot buttocks. She swears she heard it sizzle. There was sewing pain on both cheats and she heard more than one person in the room sucked in their breath. She had sucked in so hard, she had trouble getting her breath back. Shear will keep her still.
And then the cold was gone and small soft hands were moving her away from the fireplace. These were women’s hands, but not the Mistress’s. A soft voice, Ari thought she recognized, whispered in her ear, “Drink deeply.” The voice of an angel. Her angel. The core of her being became as warm as the fire as she rememberbered her night with the angel. A glass was put to her lips and she took two swallows of a smooth brandy. Now the soft warm feeling eased into the rest of her body and the pain from a moment ago was forgotten. Focus on the present, she thought.
“Focus in less than harsh situations can be achieved through proper training. It is the first skill and most easily demonstrated. Mr. H, come forward.” A man chuckled, probably Mr. H’s companion. Angel fed Ari another sip of brandy and then moved her again. She had her sit on a small padded stool, so Ari’s head was about crotch height and she rested her lower legs on the ground. A position she had spent many an hour at. Then she felt no one near me.
When the Mistress spoke, she was a few feet away and walking the room, lecturing to this room of would-be Lords. “Angel,” was all the Mistress had to say and Angel sat behind Ari with her legs through Ari’s. She was naked, as Ari knew she would be and move up behind her until her breastswere against her back. Ari hoped the wet spot forming on the cushion would not betray her rising password.
“Mr. H, Ari would like more brandy. Wouldn’t you Ari.” She knew this game. Ari nodded slowly and parted her lips. She started immediately to focus on her mouth. Even before the brandy diplomated fingers were in her mouth, her mouth became her world. As the fingers slip hesitantly into her mouth, Ari felt Angel’s hands slowly move up her sides to her breasts. Again, she thanked the Master for her training. She knew that if the Mistress or the owner of the hand noticed any waning of Ari’s focus on the hand in her mouth, there would be trouble.
But she was good as this game. She always won. She let the fingers slide into her mouth at first with no response. He had dipped his index and middle finger into the brandy and was sliding them into her mouth. As they reached about half way, she applied suction and pulled at the two fingers. As they slide across her still soft tongue, she could sense his tension and felt his shudder. “What a novel,” Ari thought. “Not at all in control like my Lord. I will win and the Lord will reward me,” she thought confidently. She knew Mr. H. was watching Angel’s skilled hands work Ari’s body. Ari knew that Mr. H could not keep the image of his cock, instead of his fingers, being in her mouth. She started to ungulate her tongue while applying steady Pressure to the fingers. He pulled back and almost could not release them from her mouth.
Captivated by this scene he was a part of, Mr. H absently put his fingers back in the brandy and moved them back towards Ari’s mouth. Ari could tell when they were near again and raised her chin, so her tongue means the palm of his hand. She licked the brandy as it dripped down his hand. The tip of her tongue ran across his hand, just over the pulse point in the wrist and then back up towards his fingers. As she reached the middle of his palm again, she flattened her tongue and as the warm wettongue slide up his hand she heard him groan. She now took just the perfectly manicured index finger into her mouth. As she applied steady pressure and rolled her tongue, his breath hitched. Someone in the room chuckled softly.
“Stop,” the Mistress said softly. Angel’s hands dropped to her sides. Ari’s mouth opened. Mr. H was weak in the knees and had a bulge in his pants. Ari’s heard a man says, “Fine master you’ll make, you nearly embarrassed yourself right there in your pants.” He then laughed nervously but stopped suddenly. Ari could imagine he stopped with one look from the Mistress.
“Focus. Ari’s entire focus was on her mouth and giving pleasure through it. A proper slave gives the master pleasure above all else. She must therefore learn to focus on his pleasure and not hers. She can however, be of great value when she focuses on her own pleasure.” Ari had been listening, of course, but also revealing in her apparent win in the focus game. When she heard “her own pleasurere” she came to attention. She felt Angel behind her do the same. Angel’s back straightened and by the time the Mistress continued her lesson, Ari could feel Angel’s nipples, rigid with password, behind her.
“Ari and Angel pleasure yourselves and come quickly or feel the lash. Guests you may look and talk to them. Say anything you like. Do not touch.” Ari smiled inside. Another familiar game. She had helped the Master, as the subject like Ari and Angel were now and as a plant in the “Guests” to help them get into the spirit. The people in the room started to talk and move around the room. Someone placed a man on either side of Ari. Ari had to lean back to be within easy reach of Angel, she braced herself by grabbing the belt at the buckle of the men on either side of her. The guests watched with fascination as Angel expertly took one both hand and gave pleasure to Ari.
The rest of the guests moved here and there to get a better view. But no one approached the pair. Ari obedIently stopped noticing anything except Angel’s hands. She was slightly distracted when the first voice in her ear was her Lord. “Your father would love to know what a slut you are.” She knew then that her Lord was wanting her to do well tonight. He knew that his bold taunt would have no effect on her. One of the guests gasp at this rude statement. The Mistress explained, “You may all try and distract the slaves, break their focus. Remember, no touching allowed..”
The guests got into it now. Ari thought, in the logical part of her mind that remained, that the drinks that she had heard being consumed were probably helping break down some inhibitions. She and Ari were above that. They needed no such artistic means to be in control of their bodies. “Wanton Sluts.”
“Everyone can see your tits.”
“I think I’ll just jack off into your mouth.”
“You want to eat me when your done.”
“Teacher wants you to be a very bad girl.”
“I’ll fill every hole you have.” Ari laughed to herself. These people had so much to learn. This would be a very fast “lesson.”
Like the railchey announcer at bad strip show, the guests circles and tried to come up with cruel taunts. But what the two slaves did hear only added to their pleasure. Angel had her face against Ari’s back, kissing, nibbling and sucking. She had one hand on Ari’s twat and the hand that had been dealing precise torture to Ari’s nipples was now on her own love box. Ari’s head was back, her breath coming slow and hard. Her nipples pointed to the ceiling and her grip on the men’s belts was tight, they had to hold their pants up for fear she would pull them both down. Angel moved her mouth to Ari’s ear. She breathed softly and suckled her ear. Ari remembered their evening together and her climax started to build. She could feel the Current run from her knees up to her pelvis and from her chest down. It left her legs totally useless. As if charging for a release the center of her universe drained energy from all it touched.
Then Angel whispered “Cum, my precise Ariadne” with warm breath into her ear so only she could hear her use her full slave name. Ari explored, all that stored energy shot out. She arched up, straining as if pulled by an unearthly force. She nearly pulled the two men atop her. (Ari didn’t know it, but as she reached her climax, the Mistress and her Lord, quietly place themselves within reach of the two men’s belt. They had to grab then as Ari pulled – to stop them from being topped, but did it so no one hardly noticed. They knew Ari’s strength.) Angel came almost at the same time and fell back onto the ground. Ari released her captives and someone caught her and helped her to her knees. Ari had the composition and training to immediately take her position, head bowed, knees shoulder width apart, hands folded behind her back. She knew Angel was in the same posture beside her. She revealed in her victory, but secretly hoped her master would take her now, here, audience of no. She needed his cock inside her.
“Focus, relaxation and submission. Do you understand focus now?” The mistress asked, not waiting for an answer. Then she started directing the guests. Everyone always did what the Mistress said. “Mr. A and Mr. C you might want to straighten your trousers. Ms. K, if you care, you may select a male to satisfy you. Mr. B (Ari’s Lord) will help you select your preference [dom or sub]. Mr. M, you look particularly uncomfortable. Angel attend to Mr. M.” Ari knew that Angel would now get to feel the hot flesh that she so desired. Ari, however, would have to wait. She heard some mumbling from the other guests. “We will see the value of relaxation and submission next. Be quick about your ‘relief’ efforts. I would like to finish before sun-up.”
Relaxation and Submission will be cumming soon.
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