Truth and Consequences

It all came to a head one day when Trisha had come home from work, her husband had been at home after having surgery on his knee and as he had probed their computer in attempts to clean off files to make it run a bit faster he had found her secret stash of phone numbers and porn. Now while the porn alone wasn’t disturbing to him, it was the nature of the pictures that he had found alluring. She had saved numerous images of girls tied up and bound in different positions. She also had pictures of girls with clamps placed on their bodies as well as different slave positions. All these years five and a half to be exact and he hadn’t known that she had a craving for D/s activities. Sure she had enjoyed a light swatting on her ass during sex and at times asked him to do it harder but she had never shown signs of this interest before.

This is when he had opened another file and found the phone numbers along with names of whom they belonged to. Log in names on yahoo had been her methodd of keeping them straight and each one had been a dominant name or had a dom profile. He couldn’t believe she had been seeking an outside outlet for her sexual needs without confiding in him first if she only had she would have known that they were on the same page. That he also had a deep desire to explore this realm with her and that was about the time she walked through the door.

“Trish come into the den now,” Dave bellowed.

Trish having no idea what her husband wanted or why his tone was so demanding decided to slip in and see what was wrong. Maybe he had hurt his knee again and was stuck and pissed off by the situation of needing her assistance. As Trish walked through the door she saw him sitting and the computer with the pictures she had downloaded blow up in front of him as well as the sight of the other open folder containing the names of the doms she played with every so often as the need arose. She frozen thinking about how she would explain this when Dave spokeup.

“Shut up and stop thinking slut,” he ordered, “I know you are panicking already and you are aware that I now know more of your secrets that you would like, well honey it’s about to get a lot worse.”

Trish felt her heart gives a leap in her chest and she briefly thought about turning tail and running right out of the house and getting into her car and driving as far and fast as possible. But suddenly the submissive nature in her took over and she knelt down next to Dave’s chair. “Honey, I can explain everything,” she told him through teary eyes.

“No need I have everything that I needed to know right here in front of me princess. I hope you understand the serious ramifications that this is going to have,” Dave told her with an evil grin.

Trish was quite Unsure of what exactly Dave had in mind and she feared the worst, knowing that this would give him grounds for a divorce if he had found out she had secretly met any of these men on one of her business trips. But, she was also willing to do whatever it would take to hold her marriage together. As she knelt there she felt the urge to spew out all that had happened and why she had done everything that she had. Silently though she waited for him to begin and let her know what he had found and what the future held for her.

“Trish this is completely unacceptable,” he said as he tried to desperately keep his plan in check and not move ahead to fast, “I know what I have found here but I think perhaps you should confess to me everything so that I can determine the best course of action right now.”

“But Dave,” she began, “I don’t even know where to start.” Sighing she thought she would begin with the files on the computer, the images of those girls and the movie files of girls getting spanked and used for men’s pleasure and then on to the phone numbers. She would omit the meetings unless he knew of them; no reason to let him know exactly how much was done without some searching. “Dave, about two years ago I found some of these images on a Website and while at first I had been a bit revolted the more I looked at it I became turned on. I wanted to tell you but wasn’t sure if you thought it would make me a freak in your eyes. The movies are something I found on another Website and I just had to see the ideas in my head in action. Finally the phone numbers were some contacts I made Through chat rooms and websites, they are all dominant men that I admit I have played around online with and even had a few raunchy phone calls with.”

By this time tears were streaming down her cheeses and Dave knew that she was right were he wanted her, on the edge of breaking down and worried about the future of their marriage. Also she had to be stressed and if she had even known the half of what he was planning her panties would surely be soaked by now. He allowed her to wipe the mascara stained tears from her cheeses and then he wondered if she had met these men on any trips. He didn’tReally want to think she had done this but in the long run it would be best to find out now that down the road and be irate all over again. Better to punish and break her down now and have that little extra bit over her head than to let her think she still had something hidden from him and have a secret edge.

“Trish, think carefully before you answer this next question. Have you ever met any of these men and partaken in any carnal acts or submitted to them as the girls in these videos and pictures did?”

Trish’s breath caught in her throat, she felt the lump there and wasn’t sure she could answer her husband, the one thing she had hoped that he wouldn’t ask had now been put out there in the open and she knew that if she lied now and he found out later they would definitely get a dividend and he would never let her live This down. “Yes, Dave, oh I’m so sorry baby, I did meet two of them though, only once for sex, just because the session we shared was so intense I had to feelthe password took even higher. Oh god Dave, please, I’m so sorry, I didn’t think you would ever find out nor would you give me the chance to explain if you did. I’ll do anything to make it up to you, anything baby just gives me a chance.”

Dave had not completely expected the last little confession but surprisingly he didn’t feel the same rage he had anticipated, he did feel however Nearly half of that anger rising up and he had to fight the urge to reach out and strike his beautiful wife. He had never laid a hand upon her though out of anger, today would be the first time but he suspected she would like it when he did.

“All right angel, this is how things are going to work out, from this point on you are forbidden contact with any of these men except to notify them later today that you will not be having any more contact with them. Also, I have decided that since you cannot be trusted on the computer I will change the passwords and you will no longer be allowed online withoutt my supervision, I have already instructed your computer techs at work to fix it so you may only check your work email while in the office and that you are not to be allowed access to any other sites. This is only the beginning, you look like you want to protest right now, let me suggest that you keep your fucking mouth shut and not say a word until your husband is finished if you want to Keep things as good between us as they can be.”

Trish just nodded through her veil of tears and she knew that was deadly serious and that he wasn’t going to give her an inch to run with from now on. She also didn’t know if he would be going to any more extremes but she thought that he might, if so she would have no line of recourse, for if she tried she knew deep down that he would destroy her credibility and her image in the town they lived in. In her line of work devastation like that would force her to move and change careers. She wasn’t about to incur that destruction so she would adhere toAny terms and limits he set upon her.

Dave watched her closely seeing the realization spread across her face and in her eyes as she looked up at him pleadingly, while he had only toyed with the thoughts of domination and had played himself online in that role and at fleeting times when he and Trish had role played he was determined now to thrust himself into learning all he could from members of that community and from all he could find online and in books. He knew it wouldn’t be an overnight jump into perfection but he knew that when he dedicated himself into mastering something he had always gained the knowledge and limits he sought. This would be no different and now he had even more of a driving force behind he quest. His marriage and sexual enjoyment was about to find limitless boundaries and he could see the wonderful possibilities lying before him.

“Trish for starters we are going to start a new discipline plan around here. First of all you are going to be puzzled for the indiscretions that I have found out about and also that you have given confession to. Tonight will be your last night of anything resembling freedom. For I have a plan brewing inside this head of mine that I will lay out for you all in good time. But first you need to disrobe and lay yourself upon my lap with your ass in the air. This is only the beginning young lady, after I Feel you have felt the anguish and pain I have received today internally, on your ass then I will allow you to get up where you will go prepare dinner, an apron is the only permitted clothes, you will eat your plate kneeing beside me on the floor and also as soon as I am finished you will be as well. Finally you will go and draw me a bath where you will wash me and then tend to my manly needs and then you will sleep tonight on the side of the bed, for you do not deserve to rest upon the bed tonight with me.”

Trish sat there in amazement never once suspecting that her husband had this inside him.She found herself wet at once and thrilled at the prospect that he may take over as her master, that she would never again need to seek a dominant lover online or even go to one during a business trip in order to feel the sting of a hand on her ass or the intricate way she had been tied up and teased and tortured. She knew that her husband could find this deep down inside him though for he had always excelled at everything he did and this would more than likely prove to be no different. She figured that he could find the way rather quickly and be able to please them both. She knew he wouldn’t be able to do this immediately but would learn along with her their needs and just what would please them both.

Trish stood and began to slowly pull off her blouse, as she did she lowered her eyes and smiled at her husband beneath her lashes and Continued to disrobe ever so teasingly. She reached behind her and tugged off the clap on her bra and brought her hand around to her front and cupped her breasts before pulling the bra away completely. She watched his eyes lock onto her exposed orbs of flesh. She knew that her pert chest always turned him on and she loved to tease him but also thought that tonight might not be that time. She wanted to give him the chance to spank her that he really seemed into wanting tonight, she also really wanted to feel his big hand cupping her ass leaving hand prints as he spanked her roughly and punished her for being the slut that she had come to find herself being. She turned her back to him and reached behind her unzipping her skirt, she knew that he might have a little more ammunition for her spanking after the skirt would slip over her full hips but she also liked that idea.

As the zipper came down on his wife’s skirt Dave could see the crack of her sexy ass. The shock briefly left him and he realized that she was nude beneath the skirt, her naked ass and pussy ready for contact apparent as she bent over and he could see the full lips of her sex spread lightly and he could glimpse the pink folds of her inner lips. He reached out and grabbed her arm and pulled her over his lap.

“So I see you have been a nasty little slut today and not hurt any panties, well young lady that just compounded your punishment by fifteen spanks. You are going to count each one and if you lose track we will have to start all over again. If you squirm even once I will start over again. If you do more than cry out when I swat you then we will start over again. I hope you are getting this you cheating, lying whore, this is all for your own benefit, for if I do it now then I doubt you will be making your same mistakes over again,” Dave told her.

Trish felt her nude body laid firmly over her husbands lap and listened to his words, she had always wanted him to do this for many months now but hadn’t been able to find her way to explain it to him. Now she wouldn’t have to but she would be forced to endure the length of this punishment. She knew that she could bear the brunt of the spanking but she secretly hoped that he would push her past the safe limit and into a world she had only dreamed about. With each of the two men she had met she had safe words and could stop them at anytime, but tonight she wouldn’t be having a safe word and she was afraid to even ask about one right now. She knew that the worst that was going to happen would be that her husband would spank and bruise her ass and while that did scar her it also nearly made her cum right then from the thought alone.

Trish bit her lip and prepared to receive the first of the spanks that she was going to get. Suddenly they began, softly at first, and progressively getting more intense and harder. Dave watched her ass redden as he spanked his beautiful wife’s ass with as much restraint as he could Muster. He started slowly and swatted her on first the left cheek, up high, then down right beneath the swell of her ass right at the top of the back ofHer tights. Then he would deliver a harder blow to the middle of that cheese before starting on the other side. With the first six spanks he had her ass red all over from his big palm prints and he also had her waiting on more swats. He played with the different levels of force he used when spanking her, letting her expect another hard one only to deliver a soft playful tap. Then he would give a few soft ones right in one specific spot only to then swing his hand hard and on the opposite chef.

Trish found herself excited more than anytime prior when she had even been with the other two doms; her husband was proving to have a knack for spanking. Her ass was on fire, and much to her own disbelief she was loving it and anticipating each new blow and slightly disappointed when he would slow down and not spank her for a few seconds. The constant bombardment on her tight ass was sending pleasure through her body in way she had never been able to comprehend. Perhaps she thought becauseThis was the way it should be with a man she completely trusted and loved, one that she would willingly become a submissive to with every fiber of her being. She knew that he would never go beyond her limits and she had not explored very far as of yet so that would and could be excited and a true bonding experience for them both. Trish found herself raising her ass in anticipation of each blow and she heard him chuckle above her.

“Trish you nasty little slut you are enjoying this I think aren’t you?” he asked as he slipped a finger in her now moist pussy. He hadn’t thought that she would be this wet already and now he knew that she really did enjoy being spanked, that much he would love as the days went on for it was the one thing he truly loved to imagine when she had been gone and he had masturbated thinking about her, the act of spanking seemed so intimate and erotic that he had never failed to have an explosive orgasm during these times of self love. Dave waited for her answere as he slipped his thumb up between her tight cheeses and let it rest on her asshole, in time he would prepare her for penetration back there, they had only had anal sex twice in their seven years together and she hadn’t exhibited any desire to go beyond that but now with this little bit of punishment it seemed as if anything might be possible. Dave left his thumb there and slipped his first two fingers inside her pussy and rubbed her inner walls with his right hand and teased her as he slipped his fourth finger down and began to rub her clip in circles as he swatted her with his left hand hard. “I asked a question Trish and I demand an answer.”

“Yes,” Trish breathlessly whispered from her subspace.

“And what do you want me to do now young lady?” Dave asked playfully.

“You, touching me anyway you want Dave,” she pleaded.

Dave gave her a hard swat on her ass, “You must be more specific my pet, I want to know what it is you truly desire.”

“Mmm you to keepspanking me, or to fuck me as only you can, please just don’t stop touching me.”

Dave renewed his spanking and fingering of his beautiful wife; his cock was hard beneath her and threatening to exploit at any moment. He was so aroused that they were both surprised he had not thrown her to the floor and fucked her yet. But his determination to make her wet, wanting and ready to find the beginning of her submissiveness to him before he would let her up tonight. “Who am I Trish?”

“I… I don’t know how to answer that,” she stuttered.

“Who am I to you right now slut?” he asked more forcedly as he continued swatting her ass cheats hard flipping his hand around paddling her with slow deliberate motions making sure her whole ass was going to be red and inflamed as he continued to finger her along with the spanking he was delivering to her hot ass. He felt an intense pleasure over hearing her moan with each delivered blow and he know from the wetness between her legs that she was enjoying it as well as being punished.

“You are my…my master,” she cooed, hoping the answer was what he sought; she had a small orgasm as she called him master because she had never called anyone master before. As if speaking it made her fully the submissive slut she had for so long searched to become with her husband now words had cemented it. She knew that there would be no turning back now for this is what she wanted, what she needed and what she had been hoping to have happened for so long, she had not thought that the turn of events that had translated today would have been the thing that pushed him into such a dominant forceful role but it had and now she was going to find out what all her limits were.

“Good girl,” Dave grew as he continued to assault her ass with his big palm. He wanted to create an orgasm that would leave her without words, which would be so intense that she would never forget this day. He began to wiggle his fingers inside her tight pussyand found the spongy little g-spot area right at the front wall of her snatch. He rubbed it along with her clip and slapped her ass hard and fast as he began to press the tip of his cock in her tight opening from below. He didn’t want actual penetration, he just wanted to leave the tip in to add to the pleasure she was receiving. He also knew that he was adding to his own pleasure by slipping his cock head into her. It was so tight and with each spank he could feel her clenching around him.

“Master please, fuck me, use me do something just don’t tease me anymore.” Trish begged.

Hearing his newly submissive wife had him ready to throw her down and rap her right then, but he had a few more minutes of this erotic torture in store before he would let her feel his full length plunging inside her. He raised his hand right above her ass and lowered it slowly rubbing each chef feeling the heat omitting from it before he swatted her hard again. Her ass rose as he hit it and she moaned letting him know how much pleasure he was giving her. Dave was more than a little pleased by the way this was turning out. It seemed that she was indeed going to be very easy to train as he wanted and if this spanking was any indication of what the future held he was going to be spending a lot more time at home with her. No more trips out on the weekend or during the week for a while. He was going to devote them both to intense physical and mental worksouts to get her submissive and waiting for everything he wanted her to become.


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