Bianca Chemise Nosegay was finding Buttermilk Falls quite a comfortable hamlet. Nosi had been here only a brief period, but she’d traveled a bit, and thought there seemed to be a lot of mental health in this town.
Nosi loved running along Buttermilk Boulevard, and the people were fun. The previous owners of her condo, Barbeau and Brisbois Chevaliot, a couple of intense French-Canadian brunettes had given her, along with the keys to the apartment, a third key.
“That’s Samir’s key.” Barb had told her. “He’ll help you move stuff, if you like, and he’s right across the hall.”
And indeed, Samir had knocked on her door, the first day she was in. Nosi didn’t want to deal with any needy creepy types, but Samir was adorable.
He was an olive skinned sort; with eyesashes a girl would kill for, kind of distinguished looking, not that tall.
Samir seemed, as many men were, hypnotized by Nosi’s soft brown hair and dancing green eyes, and the way she could make a crop-top bounce.
Samir was great! He was an enthusiastic tennis partner, and they both liked both classical music and classic rock, and attended a few concerns together.
Samir was on the board of the Buttermilk Gallery, and got Nosi invited-free-to those fun $200 per plate foundationraiser deals.
“We always need more eye candy, my love.” Samir told her smoothly. “Really, who cares much About Cezanne the Impressionist?” And he even funded an evening gown or two.
Occasionally after one of their dates, Nosi and Samir locked intensely, sometimes striping down to his shorts and her bra and panties, but he never pushed for more.
This suited Nosi just fine; though she found it a little weird, she liked dating construction worker types more, and Samir’s wit and good manners made for other, calmer evenings. (And he picked up the check, like, ALWAYS.)
But then came the night that they were enjoying fondue over “Better Call Saul” at Samir’s apartment and Samir put his hand on Nosi’s arm.
“What is it, babe?” Nosi smiled at him. I just never thought guys wore sweater vests anymore. Nosi herself was resplendent in a denim miniskirt and a pinkish-purple tank, quite snug.
Samir had been staring at Nosi’s tits and legs all evening, but he was so polite, kind of surreptitious.
“Nosi, I…when the Chevaliot sisters left town, did they give you something? A key?”
Nosi ran her long pink tongue across her teeth and tried to remember.
Actually, of course, she did remember well, and had exchanged e-mails with the former owners of her place, though they’d not really made it clear what this key was for, just that Samir would probably be asking for it soon.
“I…yes, I think so, Samir. I hope I still have it.” Nosi was a terrible tease. She wondered what the key was to. Perhaps a lock box in a bank vault? Who knew?
Samir looked so sexy and uncomfortable that Nosi laughed and got up and sauntered to her bedroom, twitching her cute little butt.
I wish my fishnets weren’t so ripped up, but what’re you going to do?
She returned with the key, which she’d been keeping in her jewelry box. Nosi waved it at him. As he reached for it, though, she pulled her hand away, just a little bit.
Holding it just out of Samir’s reach, Nosi cocked her head and stared at him. “What’s this thing for?” She had to know. Samir was kind of a mysterious guy.
Samir was in turmoil. The Chevaliot sisters had left town almost four months ago.
And, for three weeks before that, the chatity belt he’d been wearing-that they’d been holding the key for-had not been removed.
Possibly he would have been unlocked for a teasing or a wank during that time, but they’d been busy moving out of the condo and also selling their dog-grooming business.
Samir had given Barbeau and Brisbois his chatity key to hold after he’d broken off with Roxi, a cute fan of his female domination novels.
Samir didn’t write these full time, but they did sell fairly well, comprising about thirty percent of his income.
He had exchanged power with Roxi, guiding her in the ways of corporate punishment, teasing and torturing, in fact, showing her how to kick him around.
The night before he and Roxi had gone their separate ways, she’d bound him to his kitchen door, suspending his arms above his head, and she’d burned her cigarette into his underarm, and that had distracted him from losing her…
It was not clear how he’d convinced the Chevaliot girls, his neighbors in the building to take his keys and enjoy the benefits of his cleaning their apartment and helping out with many bills, as dog grooming wasn’t all that common…
Perhaps when Brisbois had caught him sniffing her thong panties in the laundry room!
But it had made for a good relationship.
Although the French-Canadian girls had a lively social life, with many men, Samir was content to look after the ladies, cleaning bar-hunk’s semen out of their cliporises.
Yes, and limiting his visits to their place for cleaning and other things in the rare times that they requested it.
Still, at one point, Barbeau had noticed that Samir had a chatity device, he’d never wrong it, he insisted, but just kept it as sort of a novelty item, or so he said.
“You really don’t have to be jerking off all the time When you don’t see us.” she’d said firmly as she’d turned the lock on poor, weeping, Samir.
“But sometimes you guys don’t see me for ten days at a time.” he’d protested.
“Well, you can still look at porn or whatever you do,” responded Brisbois breezily, “but let’s keep you tense and interested, if you know what I mean.”
At first they’d unlocked him five times a month, then two times a month, and then it had gotten to once every two months.
The chatity device was a cage, not a plastic or metal shell, and so the girls could play with Samir’s dick and tease him with their pretty fingers and toes and giggle as his six-inch penis tried to expand in the three-inch cage.
And, of course since they’d left town, telling him to look up Nosi when he wanted to be unlocked, Samir had spent a good deal of time playing with his penis in the little cage and crying in pain when it got too painful.
Now, Nosi held up a manicured forefinger. She had just texted on her phone and was reading the response and laughing.
“What? What is it?” Samir adored Nosi. Having this sweet, fragrant, shaped girl sitting on the couch enjoying his fondue (Mother’s recipe) and occasionally giving him a long neck kiss, such a tease!
Yes, it was nice. Wonderful, in fact. But he still didn’t know her well enough to give her the whole story, did he? On the other hand, he could’ve gotten some pliers and opened the damn cage himself.
For some reason, he’d not done that. Was he so hypnotized by women that he felt it wasn’t his right anymore?
Finally, Nosi clicked the phone off, and looked at him, laughing. He could see the big stud in her tongue (“I use it when I date real men, you know what I mean?”) peeking through the glossy fuchsia lips.
“You got the whole story from the-the Chevalio girls?” Samir asked, his heart sinking into his stomach.
“Take-take off your clothes” Nosi said, bending over in hilarity. “Now, or I’ll throw the key down a manhole.”
Almost wedding with humiliation and stiff with arousal, Samir stood up and began unbuttoning his shirt. He stepped out of his pants and his under things and finally stood before Nosi, his dick bulging uncomfortable in the cage.
“So a few weeks ago, Brisbois sent me this file. It was a freaky story…I didn’t know who wrote it, someone who should be locked up, I Thought” Nosi snickered, gazing at Samir’s crotch-prison.
“And just now, the girls told me who wrote the damn thing. To think this book retails on Amazon for six bucks. What kind of people are out there?”
Nosi reached over and began touching Samir’s imprisoned penis. As her French manicure ticckled and prodded the little bars, Samir’s penis grow uncomfortable in the lock-up.
“Now, according to what I hear, you should go in the bedroom and find your garter belt and stockings and your high heels and your duh-demibra.” Nosi collapsed in giggles. “Must be an A-cup, There.”
Samir began weeping softly, and his penis got so hard it almost bounced out of Nosi’s hand. The last time he’d hurt that outfit, was when he and Roxi had had a reunion and she’d met the Chevaliots.
They’d tied Samir up after he’d made them all dinner, and they’d gone out clubbing and brought back a couple of loud rowdy guys…it had been a long, uncomfortable evening and at the end of it, Samir’s jaws were numb and his asshole extended…
“Glad to see you’ve found good caretakers with these French gals, Sammy.” Roxi had said before she’d left the next day. But, the three ladies had allowedSamir to beat his meat in front of them, wearing the soiled lingerie…
It had been one hell of an orgasm!
“So get in your little outfit, and come back here, and bring the paddle and the-what is it-the scourge, and we’ll discuss letting you out of your little belt.”
“Yes, Miss Nosi.”
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