Trust Me?

“Move the webcam up, I want to be able to see the overview of the room. No, higher. Yes, like that. Is there something there you can put the camera on? Good, that’s perfect.”

Rose took the framed photo down and used the wire from the webcam to hang the camera on the wall. She stepped back and looked at the computer screen to see what he saw. Most of the room was visible on the screen. There she was standing in the bottom of the frame and behind her was a white towel on the ground. Clearly visible on the towel was an arrangement of toys and devices, all of which he had chosen. There were three butt plugs ranging from small to wide, a dildo with a thick head and a vibrator with a skinny one. There were an arrangement of balls of different sizes and colors, some with vibrator and others with a weighed inner ball that would make them wiggle and tremble inside her. There was a bottle of her favorite lube and several smaller towels for any mess. There were cloth ribbons of variouscolors, lengths, and thickness as well as thinner, stronger ropes.

Finally there was the remote. The remote was attached by a wire to a machine set on the floor. The machine, about two feet high was one of her favorite toys, very helpful with a long distance master. It was a fucking machine, but despite its small size, it was very flexible. The thick cock was on the end of a long rod which could be brought closer to the machine and determined the length of the stroke. The four legs of the machine could be altered to raise it and lower it to fit her needs and there were washers and locks that allowed her to change the angle. Her master had spent a long weekend at the house last year making her take different positions and letting the machine fuck her. He had carefully made a list of the angles that worked in different ways with the machine in different positions. It had been a fun weekend but the list of numbers and positions he had created had filled her with awe. Since then hecould have the machine fuck her in any way he wanted by consulting the long list to find the perfect way to torture and please her.

“Alright, ready to play princess?” He asked her and she nodded silently. They were playing the silent game and she was determined to make it through. There were only a few simple rules to this game. The first was the same rule as any game; she would obey him without hesitation. The second was a little more difficult, she was not allowed to talk at all. She could scream, cry, moan, groan, and whimper, but not speak. This was a very hard game for her since she always answered him with “yes Master” or “thank you Master.” She knew he liked hearing these words from her and had no idea what it was about watching her struggle not to answer that he liked. In the long run it didn’t matter Though, it was a fun game and she looked forward to the ways he would tease and torque her. The only thing she did not like about the game was that when she did finally mess up, calling out to him for one reason or another, he ended the game immediately. This means that she was left straining against orgasms, denied permission, and left to suffer on her own. She secretly suspected this was the purpose of the game but she never asked and he never volunteered.

“Good girl, now today’s game is going to be a little more difficult.” He grinned and she felt her stomach tighten. “So I’m going to help you. Isn’t that nice of me?” She opened her mouth to answer, then quickly closed it and nodded instead. He laughed at the pout on her face.

“Strip.” He said and she slip the sundress from her shoulders. It fell at a puddle by her feet and she picked it up, folded it neatly, and placed it on the chair. She stepped back onto the blanket lying on the floor in front of the machine to ensure he could see her and then slowly lowered her panties.

“Good girl” he said, “freeze just like that.” She had bent to pick the panties up off the floor and now frozen.”Kneel.” He said.

She lowered to her knees and spread her thighs wide. She knew this position, was comfortable in it after spending so much time. She shifted her weight so that her thighs spread father and set back on her heels. She straightened her back and raised her shoulders, thrusting her breasts out towards him. Swinging her head she throw her long brown hair behind her so it would not hide her face and lifted her chin. She started with her eyes on the ground in order to show submission though he never minded seeing the emotions play in her eyes and would let her look at him as she wished. She checked her position, spread her thighs a little more, then held for his pleasure. She felt slightly off balance with her panties in her hand and her bra still on, but she felt that she was presenting herself to him as he liked and smiled.

“Good, now like I said I want to make the game a little harder today, so I’m going to help you because I really don’t want it to end early.”Her eyes shot up to the image of him on the camera, something in his tone was making her nervous. That wasn’t a bad thing though, even as she stared at him cautiously her pussy grow moist and she had to fight the urge to press her tights together.

“Ball the panties up and put them in your mouth.” He instructed. Without realizing it she made a face at him, but quickly bundled the panties and daintily put them in her mouth. “No girl, shove them in. These aren’t your choices, they’re mine, and you will do as I intend. Understand?” Without thinking she tried to answer him but her “yes Master” came out garbled and unintelligible and she nodded instead. She shoved the panties fully into her mouth and focused on breathing through her nose. She hated being gagged, he knew that, but at least it had saved her from breaking the rules.

“Take that ribbon, no the red one, good.” She picked the clothes up and held it for him to see. “Good, use that to tie the panties into your mouth. Yes, like that, tie it behind your head. Good. Try to talk.” He instructed. She garbled at him, unable to form words with the panties pressing her tongue down tightly and preventing much sound from escaping. “Good, except I want it tighter. Untie it then pull it tight and retie it.” She followed his instructions and felt the clothes biting into the sides of her mouth, stretching them and making her drool. The panties absorbed the drool but she knew it was only a matter of time before they were too wet. She lowered her head and glared at the ground, not wanting him to see her face. She hated gags, hated them with a password. Her master did not agree, he said that she grew much wetter when gagged and that it was only a mental block that made her hate the gag. She had to admit that some of the games they played were all the more fun when gagged but it was still an instant reaction to get annoyed, angry, pouty, and a bit upset when gagged.

“All about trust, remember?” He asked and she lookedup again to nod. Yes, it was about trust. Gagged she couldn’t express any worries or concerns; she couldn’t use a safe word or tell him when things were too scary or too rough. This made her very nervous despite the fact that she had never had to use her safe word and that her worries were always addressed before she could really state them.

“Take the bra off.” She reached back and unhooked the bra, letting it fall forward and tossing it to sit on the dress on the chair. She straightened her shoulders and presented him with her tits. They were not large but they were perky C cups with pink nipples that were always hard. She sometimes wished for larger breasts but she knew he loved them the way they were. This made her proud and it showed in the way she presented them to him.

“Pinch your nipples, yes, harder than that.” She moaned into her gag as she pulled on her nipples hard. “Take the clamps and put them on. I don’t want the screw on at all.” With trembling hands she picked up the clamps. They were heavy silver with a silver chain connecting them. She carefully removed the screws that were in place to keep the clamps from being too tight and placed them on the towel. She cupped her right title in her hand and lifted it slightly. The nipple was pointed and hard and she had no problem placing the clamp on the swollen bit of flesh. She moaned loudly as the clamp slowly bit into her nipple, closing tightly. She repeated the process with the other breast and then looking up at him wiggled her shoulders. This made her breasts sway and the chain ticckled between her breasts. The clamps pulled and she groaned in pleasure and pain.

“Good girl” he answered and she could hear the pleasure in his voice. “Turn the angles on the machine for me.” She obediently moved the machine so that was thrusting at a six out of ten, and so that the legs and angle was set to his specifications.

“Do you trust me?” He asked and she nodded quickly, garbling at him. It was kind of nice with the gag, she couldn’t break the silence rule even when she tried and she could tell he was aroused by the effort she put into trying to answer him. “Good, today’s game is all about trust. Take the blue cloth ribbon.” She picked it up and held it to him. It was made of some curtains she had gotten rid of. They were blackout curtains and so the color was very dark and thick. “Tie it around your head as a blindfold. I don’t want you to see anything.” She stared up at him in surprise. How was she supposed to do anything alone blindfolded?

He began to frown as she hesitated and she nodded at him and began to wrap the clothes around her eyes. The blackout material was very effective and it only took one time around to realize she really would be blind. Once she tied the blindfold around her head she rested her hands back on her tights and focused on breathing.

The room, which she had thought of as quiet was alive with sound. She could hear her own breathing as wellas the slight buzz of the computer. She could hear the wind outside the house and the birds calling to each other. She wasn’t sure how long she knelt there, blind and silent, but the moments seemed to stretch on forever.

“Reach forward and feel for your toys.” He said, finally breaking the silence. She did so slowly, feeling the blanket until she reached the edge of it, then the floor, then finally the soft towel. Her fingers touched something hard and she froze.

“That’s your dildo, move your hand to the right and find the little clip buzzer. No honey, that’s your left. There, yes that way. Good girl, one more toy over. Yes, that’s it.” Her toys felt alien to her as blind fingers touched them. They settled on the small hard toy. It was smaller than the palm of her hand, a small oval shape with a button on one side. Following his directions she pressed the button and felt the vibrator come to lift. As he directed her she rubbed the vibrator against her nipples, hearing thejangle of the toy against the silver of her clamps and crying out softly at the added pressure. Then she slowly brought it down against her belly, to her tigh, and onto her clip. She pressed it against her pussy and spread her thighs wider, letting the sensing build her up. She was already close to cumming and had to breathe hard to focus. She did not have permission and of course, could not beg for it.

She was so focused on the pleasure and not cumming that she did not realize the show she was putting on for him. She was humping at the air crudely, thrusting and moaning with drool coming down the sides of her mouth.

“Do you need to cum?” He asked her and she groaned and begged from behind the gag. She nodded desperately at him and he laughed. She tilted her head and looked up at him but of course she couldn’t see him From behind the blindfold. She moaned pinously and arched her back, thrusting her hips in his direction. “No, not yet my good girl. Tell me, did you notice that you left the curve open on the far wall?” She frozen and tilted her head again. She was trying to think.

“Yes, you did and you have a visitor. Stop!” He grew as she started to spin, reaching up for the blindfold. .”Don’t fucking move. Did I tell you to move?” She shook her head and groaned against the gag.

“There is a man watching you through the window.” He said, his voice was soft and she shook her head. He was messing with her, she had shut the curtains, she was sure of it. “He is standing there and the look on his face! I guess he cannot see the computer screen because he is very focused on you. Let’s give him a show.” She shook her head again. Doubts began to creep into her head, had she shut the curtain? Was there a man there? Surely her master was messing with her! She knew that he liked the idea of ​​exposing her to strangers though. If there was a man there, Master would most likely enjoy him watching. She couldn’t figure out if there really was a man or not. She wanted to stop, to scream at him to tell her the truth but she couldn’t. She just kept shaking her head at him even as she kept the vibrator moving against her pussy. To her shame she felt how wet she was and how wet she was getting. There was no way she was turned on by the idea of ​​a man watching her, was she?

“Reach out and find the bottle of lube.” He said and she did as he instructed. She had to Follow his directions to find it but soon she had the bottle in his hands. “Get on your hands and knees. Good, turn around, more. Good now your ass is facing the machine and the window. Shake it a little, give the man a show.”

“There is no man!” she cried out but against the gag it was impossible to understand her. She found herself crying into the blindfold but she shook her ass toward the window as Instructed. Was it her imagination or could she feel the star of some stranger on her ass. Was there a man watching her? He could see her if he was there, her ass was facing the window and it was lifted high. She knew he would be able to see her swollen pussy lips below her ass, the wetness of her thighs visible. To her shame she felt a rush of more wetness and had to fight not to cum. There was no man she told herself but she didn’t know. Her master sounded much too pleased and turned on; there was a man her inner voice screamed. As she moved to lift her ass higher she caught her hand in the silver chain and groaned again as her tits were pulled. This stranger would see the chain dangling there, would know what a little pain slut she was.

“Open the lube; I think you need a good hard ass fucking. Let’s really give him a show.” She groaned again. She was desperate to feel a cock in her pussy and had thought she was going to be fulfilled but now she realized why he wanted the lube. Following his directions she opened the lube and began to use it to finger her ass. She could feel the man staring at her ass, know where he was watching. She reached downand slide a finger into her pussy, lowering her breasts and head to the floor. It was getting harder to breathe, harder to remember to breathe through her nose and she was grunting. Her hips thrust upward and she humped the air in desperate need. She stopped when she realized that she was indeed giving the man a show.

She screamed at her master, begging to cum, but of course he couldn’t understand her. He simply laughed and she grew, knowing he knew what she needed. Her pussy was on fire, burning uncontrollable.

“Back up and slide that cock into your ass sweetheart.” She was blushing now, unable to stand the idea that the man would see her get her ass fucked but having no choice. She slowly let the cock impale her ass. She was forced to stop several times as the cock stretched her out farther than she could handle but her master did not rush her.

“Good, reach out to your right. No, farther, not that one. Good that.” She picked up the toy he had indicated and felt it with her fingers. It was the skinny head vibrator. He had her put it on the floor near her hand and then reach out to the left. She found the remote to the machine. Slowly, following his instructions, she turned it on. The cock sprang to life inside her, slowly sliding out of her ass. When there was a little less than the length of the head left it reached the end of the stroke and began to press back into her. He made her take it like that, long slow strokes, for several minutes. Then, his voice husky with desire, he told her to use the skinny head vibrator as well.

She found it with her hands and turned the dial on the bottom, making it spring to life. She slide into her pussy and began to slide it along her G spot. Pulling it out she slide it against her wet slit and onto her clip. Her muscles tensed and she slide it down again and into her pussy.

“Turn the dial up a little, slowly. There, leave it.” He said and she made the cock speed up in her ass. It was pounding her alittle harder now. She could feel it pressing against the vibrator in her pussy, a thin skin separating the two. He had her raise the speed more, and then more until the cock was sliding in her ass hard and fast. She was bucking against it, animal noises of need and effort escaping from the wet panties in her mouth, her hips thrusting to meet the cock and the vibrator in her pussy nothing more than a blur when he finally called out to her.

“Cum! Cum for me my little slut, my good little bitch!” and she did. The orgasm ripped through her and she shuddered hard. She screamed into the gag and trembled uncontrollable. Her body tensed, shuddered, tensed again. Pleasure was moving through her in uncontrollable waves and she struggled to remain upright. As a final shuddering orgasm shot through her she reached out and Turned down the machine, not thinking of waiting for permission but her master did not correct her. As much as she trusted him, he trusted her as well and he knew she could no longer handle the hard ass pounding the machine was giving her. She knelt there, trembling, letting out small gasps and screams and let the vibrator fall to the floor. It buzzed loudly against the hard wood but neither of them gave it much attention.

“You are such a good girl.” Her master said, pride in his voice. She grinned weakly and made a gesture to move away from the machine. “Yes, you may.” He answered and she crawled away, letting the cock slip out of her well fucked ass. She fell on the floor, half on the blanket and half on the wood and curled up in a contented posture.

“Take the gag off my good girl.” He said and she reached up to untie it. As soon as the clothes was removed she spat the panties out and gasped in several deep breaths. She opened and closed her mouth to work the soreness out of it and then muttered a happy thank you to her master.

“Are you ok?” He asked her and she nodded sleepily. “Good. Clean up your toys and take a nap. You deserve one. I love you.” He said and she grinned.

“I love you too master Alex!” she called out.

“I will talk to you later.” He said and she heard the small beep that implied her had hung up. She witnessed contentedly and stretched. As she reached for the blindfold she suddenly remembered the window. Was it open? Was there a man? She ripped the blindfold off and turned quickly with a gasp.


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