Hey everyone – I don’t have a ton to add to the top of this story. A recap from Chapter 1: Our proteinist (Jacinta) has gotten the lawyer in charge of her family trust (Edward) to be her discilarian and spanking dom. She’s never gotten to explore that side of herself before, so that’s what this is about. This story is about her first actual punishment spanking.
As always, everyone here is older than 18 years old. And of course – as always – in real life, none of this kind of thing should be happening without enthusiastic consent. This is, as always, fantasy…but let’s hope it’s filter fucking hot fantasy.
Jacinta slipped into her jeans as quickly as she could, then cast a nervous glance over her shoulder. She needsn’t have worried; the locker room was empty, all her other teammates talking in the gym hallway or else long gone into the snowy Saturday night, already dark at 6 p.m.
Jacinta had planned it this way. She needed the privacy.
She shovedthe rest of her soccer stuff back into her bag, then took a seat on the wooden bench behind her and surprised, put her face in her hands.
She winced and shifted her weight off her ass, more onto her hip, and swore under her breath. The spanking last week had been the first one in a few weeks — she and Edward had taken a break from their usual weekend meetups for the holidays in December — and she’d forgetten how much they really could hurt, even days after he was done smacking her.
She closed her eyes and screamed, retired the pain in her ass. Her breath was coming more shallow and ragged now as her heartrate increased.
Thinking about this here — in the locker room of the gym where her entire soccer career was based — felt filthy. And fucking hot.
Almost time, she thought. Almost time. She’d been waiting all week, more nervous than usual this time, just based on everything he’d told her on Monday.
Just based on the fact that she was actually getting paid tonight.
She gripped the edge of the benchmark to keep her hands from trembling at the thought. Her hand brushed the inside of her thigh on accident and she gritted her teeth against the screaming, aching need between her legs.
She hadn’t touched herself all week. That hadn’t been her choice, of course.
She *needed* tonight. Some kind of release.
She’d been able to put all of that out of her mind during soccer. She’d been surprised at that, at her own ability to focus even as the back of her mind and her subconscious burned with a hunger she’d never felt before. It was as if this newfound dynamic with Edward — this indulgence in her darkest fansies, the kind of shit she’d always been most ashamed of — had calmed the other parts of her life.
As if that side of her now had its own answers and its own plan, and she didn’t have to worry about it when she needed to do other things. Like play soccer.
She’d never felt this way about vanilla sex, even when she’d been having regular vanilla sex that she knew most people would’ve considered to be pretty good. She hadn’t understand the hyper back then, how you could lose yourself in it, get lost daydreaming about it, ache for it so much you could slip into depression when you lost it.
Now she did. She felt that way about spanking, about dominance and submission, about…
And to be fair, of course, she thought, shouldering her bag and heading towards the locker room’s exit, she and Edward had never actually had sexual intercourse.
They’d never gone down on each other or even used their hands to get each other off. Hadn’t even so much as kissed.
By most people’s standards, they didn’t even have a sexual relationship.
Jacinta wasn’t most people though. If she had to choose between this dynamic and penis-in-vagina sex for the rest of her life, she would’ve chosen this. Easy.
She hit the hallway outside the locker room ata brisk walk, eager to escape the gym completely and be on her way across Galena City to Edward’s house.
“Hey girl, good job out there tonight,” Nadia said from behind her.
Jacinta spun, and resisted the urge to swear under her breath. She thought she’d waited long enough until everyone would have left.
She blushed, for more reasons than one. When she’d Joined the team just after college, she’d never imagined she’d get a compliment like that from Nadia. Nadia *was* the Galena City soccer team. Had been for a few years now. She was easily one of the top players in the Atalantahna League too.
Jacinta had always gotten the sense Nadia wanted her teammates to forget that about her and — even though Jacinta didn’t think she’d ever be able to do that — she and Nadia had become good friends in the two years they’d been on the team together. Jacinta had come to think of her as the older sister she’d never had.
“Thanks Nadia,” Jacinta said. “You looked pretty fucking solid tonight out there too.”
Nadia snickered, shook her head. “You’re on a streak though. It’s been a really good few weeks for you. People are talking about it.”
Jacinta’s stomach lit up with butterflies. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Nadia said, and crept closer, a conspiratorial smile splashed across her pretty features, dark eyes glaiming in the buzzing hall lights. “I heard Atalantahnan Sports wants to do a front cover story on you.”
Jacinta laughed, more out of disbelief than anything else. “Stop it, Nadia.”
“You think I’d fuck with you about something like that?” Nadia asked.
No, Jacinta did not think so. She also couldn’t believe it.
“I…thanks for the heads up,” Jacinta said, her blush only deepening now.
“Of course,” she said. “I don’t know what you’ve been doing these last few weeks, but I’d say keep it up.”
“Thanks Nadia,” Jacinta said, lowering her eyes, embarrassed by the older, better player’s praise. “It really means a lot, coming from you.”
“Sure thing,” Nadia said. “Look, what are you doing tonight? You want to get dinner? I can buy. I feel like I haven’t seen you in a while.”
Jacinta turned inwardly. Nadia was right; they hadn’t seen each other in a while.
They usually got dinner or coffee at least once or twice a week, the rule being that they didn’t talk about anything soccer-related when they did. It wasn’t about work. It was about being friends.
Those get-togethers had usually happened on Friday or Saturday nights though — nights that, for the last month or so she’d spent with Edward. Nadia, of course, didn’t know anything about him, about their arrangement, and certainly not about spanking. No one know any of it.
“Oh I…um…I’m sorry,” she said, guilt blowing in her gut as she did. “I can’t. I have something going on tonight?”
“Oh?” Nadia asked, and raised her eyesbrows, that smile still on her lips as she did. “Something going on? Your weekends have gotten awfully busy these last few weeks, Ms. Montoya. You got a little fling we should know about?”
Jacinta’s blush deepened. She knew this conversation was coming — had been for some time — but she still hadn’t gotten any closer to deciding how she might define the questions.
“No,” she said, very conscious of how hot her face was now. “Sorry, Nadia, it’s just been busy lately.”
“Yeah,” Nadia said, and her smile widened. “It sure seems like it. No worries at all, girl, we’ll catch up another time. You know I just like to give you shit, right?”
Jacinta smiled. “Look, can we do, like, the middle of the week or something? Like Wednesday?”
Nadia laughed, gave a dismissive wave. “Nah, Jacinta, really, you’re fine. I’m not worried about it.”
“No but…you’re right, I’ve been blowing you off lately,” Jacinta said, and she meant that.
She had been.
“Let’s do Wednesday, after practice, OK?” She asked. “I’ll buy you dinner. At the Seven Cities ofCibola.”
“Rolling out the red carpet, shit,” Nadia said, and laughed again. “I’m not going to turn down Cibola if you’re buying. Just know you don’t have to.”
Jacinta smiled, felt better about this whole thing now. “I know. But I want to.”
Nadia rolled her eyes. “I’ll plan on it. Go have fun tonight. At least one of us is getting laid.”
Jacinta started to deny that — the irony of it all only made her denial and her screaming, all-consuming need for release worse — but Nadia waved her off with a laugh and a “good night” and headed down the hall to the gym’s main entrance.
Jacinta took a deep breath, held it, and let it out.
She was alone in the hallway now.
Either way, she still didn’t want to risk it. People hung out in the front lobby sometimes and she didn’t need to evade any more conversations tonight than she had to. She felt guilty about it already.
She turned and headed down the hallway, towards the gym’s back entrance.
(At least one of us is getting laid tonight).
God. If only Nadia know.
Edward had told her on Monday she wasn’t allowed to touch herself all week, until they met up on Saturday. Not just that she wasn’t allowed to cum — that she wasn’t even allowed to stimulate herself at all. Jacinta had known it would be difficult — these days she was used to get herself off throughout the week on the spicy memories of him spanking her the weekend before — but she hadn’t known it would be this difficult.
There was, of course, no way he’d *really* know if she disobeyed that command. But Jacinta had already confessed something to him back on Monday, which was how she’d earned herself this spanking and stretch of denial in the first place. She didn’t trust herself to keep something from him that she felt she should confess.
And anyway, she thought, pushing through the heavy door into the quiet chill of the January night in the parking lot outside, the thought of a real punishmentment spanking made her quiver with something between fear and desire and shame and lust. It was the most intotoxicating cocktail of emotion she’d ever experienced.
Even still, she deserved a goddamn golden medical for resisting the need to touch herself for a full week, she thought, as she stepped into the snowy world beyond the gym.
It was snowing, but it was that quiet, contemplative type of snow, all big fat flakes and fast-forming sticky snowdrifts. It was the kind of snow that muted the whole world, throw a blanket of silence over everything. Dimly, through the fog and the clouds and the snow, Jacinta could see the lights of the Galena City skyline above the parking lot, but the world was all but silent. It was 6 p.m. on a Saturday night in downtown, but it might as well have been a Sunday at 11 p.m. in the middle of nowhere.
She unlocked her car, pulled the snow scraper from the back seat, and brushed off the soft, thick snow from her windshield and windows with easyswipes. This wasn’t ice. This stuff was snow-globe perfect.
She slide into the driver’s seat, turned on the car, and relished the heat pouring from the vents as she did. Her hands trembled still — not entirely because of the cold — and she slipped them beneath her tights, on the seat. Even that was too close to touching herself — it was going to drive her fucking crazy, having her hands that close, even through the denim of her jeans — so she told and pulled her phone from her pocket. She’d been to Edward’s place once or twice during the few months they dated, but she didn’t remember exactly where it was. He’d offered to make her dinner to lessen the sting of the punishment tonight.
His exact words. Remembering them did nothing at all for her need to get off.
She unlocked her phone and saw Katelyn had texted her.
“Fucking Katelyn,” she whispered, but smiled as she did.
If Nadia was the angel on one of Jacinta’s shoulders (and she was) Katelyn — her roommate — was absolutely the devil on her other.
“Made dinner tonight; there’s some chicken alfredo in the fridge if you want it,” Katelyn had texted. “Try it with some of this!”
She’d sent a picture of a bottle of white wine.
Just below that was another text — sent a few minutes ago — and it read: “Hey we’re at The Leftover Crow if you want to swing by for a drink tonight too!”
Fucking Katelyn indeed, Jacinta thought, shaking her head and dropping her phone onto the passenger seat. She put the car in drive and listened to the tires crunch against the new-fallen snow cloaking the parking lot.
Katelyn didn’t know anything about Jacinta’s arrangement with Edward. She didn’t know about the spanking and she certainly didn’t know Jacinta wasn’t allowed to touch herself at all this week. Katelyn would’ve had no way to know how much it drove Jacinta fucking crazy to have to lie in her bed more than one night this week and listen to her and her boyfriend get off together, listen to Katelyn moan despite her best efforts to be quiet, listen to her boyfriend smack her on the ass. It was one of those too-soft, easy slapses vanilla guys always thought was super hot — and that Jacinta had always found super annoying, because it was just the ghost of what she wanted — but the sound was enough to set her off.
One woman in that house was getting her brains fucked out and losing her mind in orgasmic bliss on a regular basis. And this week it was definitely *not* Jacinta. Although Jacinta was close enough to the action to feel like life truly was rubbing her nose in it.
In fact, if it wasn’t for Katelyn inviting Jacinta out for a drink last Friday night, Jacinta wouldn’t be getting this punishment spanking at all.
She sent as she turned onto Nim Vind Avenue, checking her brakes against the slushiness of the road as she did.
For about the millionth time that week, she remembered how she’d told Edward about it all on Monday.
If he’d been more of a dom, she would’ve suspected he’d planned to be in downtown Galena City that Monday afternoon when he’d texted her he was in the area. Edward wasn’t really a natural dom though, even though he’d learned how to do it for Zoe, and so she really did believe him when he’d texted her on Monday afternoon that he had randomly wound up nearby and he’d be willing to take her out to lunch if she wanted to go.
She did, in fact, want to go. Monday was one of her days off from soccer practice — at least that week — so she’d posted up in the Galena City Public Library to study for the MCAT, to get into medical school. It had been a long morning though, and she hadn’t packed a lunch. She was hungry.
He was already at the café across the street from the library by the time she showed up. He’d gotten a booth in a corner of the place set back in a window, with a good view of the city skyline and the Manacle Mountains beyond.
One of the things she’dAlways appreciated about their dynamic — him the lawyer discilarian, and her the brat pushing her boundaries — was the fact that there wasn’t a huge age gap between them. He was only a few years older than her. They had a certain shared experience that people in the same generation often did. It wasn’t something she’d expected to find in a spanking dom.
She slide into the booth across from him and he looked up from the menu, flashed a smile her way.
“Good to see you,” he said.
“Yeah,” she said, and winced as she put more weight than she intended on an ass still sore from Saturday night’s spankings.
He caught that and laughed. Jacinta blushed and couldn’t keep from glancing around the café, as if expecting a stranger to know what had just happened.
“Still sore?” He asked.
“A little,” she said, and glued her eyes to the menu in front of her, face growing hot. “I usually am this early in the week.”
“That’s how I know I did it right,” he said.”How’s today been? You’re off from soccer right?”
“Yeah,” she said. “I’ve just been studying for the MCAT in the library today. I usually make a day of it when I have the time — get breakfast and coffee and everything and then just settle in.”
He nodded. “How’s that going?”
“Well,” she said. “I signed up to take it later this month.”
He blinked, raised his eyesbrows, surprised. “Later *this* month?”
“Yeah,” Jacinta said, and bit her lower lip. “I…um…I wasn’t ready, I don’t think before we…started our…whole thing. But I think the…”
Her blush hadn’t lessened any, and he wasn’t going to help her out with this, she could tell. Sometimes he really did like to watch her squirm. It made everything hotter, which in turn only made her want to squirm more.
“I think our…arrangement…has been helpful,” she said. “Just the…accountability.”
He hadn’t had to punish her yet — not really — but the threat of it was enough, Jacinta thought.Sometimes that was embarrassing; what did it says about her that she needed the threat of a physical punishment to make sure she did what she was supposed to do? But in the end she’d accepted it.
Besides, it also felt way too fucking amazing. She didn’t know why she needed this in her life, but she did. Getting spanked felt good and right and natural.
At least it had thus far. She wasn’t sure at all what would happen when he did give her an actual punishment spanking. Just the thought made her heartbeat quicken and her palms grow sweaty.
What was why she was so nervous to tell him about this weekend. Or nervous and excited.
“That’s good to hear,” he told her. “So you’re really feeling good about taking the test later this month?”
“Yeah,” Jacinta said.
A server appeared and they placed orders for lunch; he brought her another glass of water too. She’d sucked down the first one, nervous.
“I…um…I do need to tell you something though,” she said, eyes on the ice the glass now as she turned it on the table, leaving a trail of watery rings behind. “Or…confess, I guess.”
They hadn’t ever put together a list of things she could get punished for, but she was pretty sure this would qualify. She felt like it should, at least.
“Sure,” Edward told her, and leaned forward, elbows on the table. “What’s up?”
“I…” she paused, licked her lips, and went on. “I was fucking stupid and I let my roommate talk me into getting fucked up with her on Saturday night. After you and me were done seeing each other.”
Edward raised his eyesbrows. “Fucked up as in –“
“As in I went out clubbing with her and we got extremely drunk and…” she paused, pursued her lips, and went on. “Did some coke too. With her.”
Edward gave a slow nod. She wasn’t sure how he’d react, but this made sense: she imagined that when you were a lawyer people probably told you crazy shit all day long and you probably had to maintain your composure.
“And I…I just thought you should know,” she said, shifting her weight again, thinking about where she was going to be hurting after he was done spanking her this next time.
He nodded. “All right. So, firstly, you could get in a lot of trouble with the soccer league if they found out you did coke, right?”
Jacinta nodded. She’d thought about it, Although she wasn’t especially worried about it. They usually got drug tested twice a season, and both of those tests had already happened.
“Yeah,” she said in a small voice.
“And drinking that much in general just isn’t good for your career — either in soccer or in medicine,” he said, and it wasn’t a question.
Her face grew hot again. Maybe she’d expected a lesson, but it was more embarrassing in person than she thought it would be. “No,” she said. “It’s not.”
“OK,” he said. “Look, Jacinta, is this something you want to deal with another way? Like professionally? I mean, I’m a lawyer — lawsiesdo more drugs and drink more than just about anyone else I know. I know plenty of people who have destroyed themselves with it. If it’s something you want to deal with outside of spanking — if it feels more serious — then I think that’s important.”
Jacinta thought about it. She hadn’t anticipated this. She also hadn’t so much as had a sip of alcohol in more than a month and she couldn’t Even remember the last time she’d done coke. That had only ever happened a handful of times, most of them years ago in college.
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