Jewel smiled as she sipped her glass of port. The dinner party had been an amazing success. The staff had been flawless, and even with the minor hiccups in the kitchen that the guests never saw, it all came together beautifully. Her body was tired, but her mind reeled in both reprimands at the problems, and congratulations at the successes of the evening. The smoke of cigars swirled around her as she sat quietly on the floor. The last of the guests began to make their way out for a full evening of fun and frivility. Slowly she closed her eyes and let her shoulders fall forward across her knees, a gentle hand slowly stroked her hair with swirling conversation.
She had not noticed the last of the guests rise to leave. It was the sudden separation of the hand from her head that alerted her something was amiss. The body behind her rose, the voice above thanking the guest for a wonderful evening. Jewel tried to pull herself out of her own thoughts to no avail. She had not realizedhow separate she had become from the crowd around her,in the sudden realization that she had no doubt failed in some aspect of service in the last little while. Slowly her mind once again berated her on her misstep. Her emotions slipped into autopilot, the familiar tentacles of shielded numbness seen through out her very soul. Apologies automatically formed, the recognition that there was no excuse for such a misstep took hold in her mind.
The figure behind her once again took its seat and slowly stroked her hair. Without warning a handful was taken up in a claw like fist and her head was pulled backward. She tried to look around in wide eyed wonderment but could only make out the ceiling of the tent above her.
“You did an amazing job this evening my dear, and yet I do not sense satisfaction from you.” He said, while she could Feel him probing her emotions, looking for the answer to her current state.
She throw on a smile and tried to force it through her eyes. “Glad to be of service Sir,” she recalled without thought.
He let her hair go abruptly and forced her head forward. She tried to quickly regain her balance so as to neither topple nor spill her glass of port.
“I see.” he said quietly.
“And what pray tell do you see?” she said automatically.
This scene had played out countless times before and usually ended in light banter and conversation. Slowly Jewel closed her eyes and waited for the next move. It never came.
The glass was out of her hand before she could blink, and her hair was pulled straight up.
“Go inside and change into the outfit that has been laid out for you. Quickly.” He stated firmly without further movement on his behalf.
In an act of quiet defiance over the change in pattern, Jewel walked slowly into the cabin and back towards her sleeping quarters. She was in no mood for sadistic games. Her body was tired and her mind had work to do. She needed to remember the evenings situations, find the flaws and think about how to correct the mistakes in the future. The determination in her step increased as she thought about lying down for a short bit to make this non-sense stop. She came up short when she saw the dress lying on the bed.
The black material looked as if it mimicked every curve on a woman’s body. The skirt was so short she was sure that it would barely cover the edges of the cheeses of her ass. There were no undergarments, save for the garter and stockings, and the patent shoes sitting on the floor were something she recognized all too well.
Her mind raced. Her body screamed out of panic, exhaustion and a tinge of excitement. Somehow she was caught in her own world and did not hear him enter the cabin.
“I believe I said quickly. This does not look quick to me.” He said firmly.
She started to make excuses. Reasons that this whole thing was a bad idea. Ideas for her to rest a bit, mainly so that he would forget and call the whole thing off.
“Get dress. Your delay will only make the inevitable worse.” he almost grew the words.
Jewel turned to remove her garments. Quietly she folded each one with a practiced grace. She picked up the garter belt, placing it neatly around her waist. Turning around, she sat on the edge of the bed. The stocking felt smooth in her hand as she worked it with her fingers. Easing it up her leg, the softness of the nylon encased her leg. With the same motion she encased her other leg and closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling.
She looked at the dress lying across the bed. It was shaped like an hourglass. The form would fit right next to every curve, and her mind filled in that it would show every bump and bulge. She dreaded the next move, but the steely eyes watched her every move in silence. Each second was costing her something, Even if she did not currently know the cost.
Stepping into the top, the dress hugged her tightly. The seams were in just the right places to disguise any flaws, and to highlight her curves. As predicted the skirt skimmed the edge of her cheeks. Bending down would not be advisable, neither would walking at anything other than a calculated pace and sitting in anything other than the fashion of the Royal family would give the world a show of all she had to offer.
Finally she looked down at the shoes. Careful to bend in the most graceful way possible, Although the dress refused to allow such things to happen, Jewel reached for her shoes and attempted to place them on her feet. Her struggle was allowed to continue for long moments. In a quiet move the figure beside her landed on a knee and placed the shoe on her foot. She hated him for making her unable to do it herself and yet was grateful that he had assisted her without the necessity to request it.
His voice pierced the silence of the room. “You are struggling. I can feel it. We are close to that moment, and yet in all this time you fear it. You fear what you are, what you will become, what we are, what we will become on the path ahead. Yet you know that it will complete you.”
The words sounded as if they came from her thoughts. So similar were the mental images he produced, that she was almost sure she had spoken the words.
“Tonight, we correct that which you have refused to give to me. You will go down the path you are unable to face alone. In the events ahead you will face fear, you will face anger, you will face sadness, you will face pain, you will face the baggage you seem unable to jettison alone. In many ways you have been correct in your inability to do what is necessary alone. Those before me have tried and failed you. Each time you have held on even tighter. Each failure threatening to extinguish the radiance that glows, to remove the ability to live and only survive, until this moment you have either chosen to keep that baggage as a defendive wall or simply been unable to remove it. I no longer care why it is there. I carethat it will not be there when we are done. In the wake of these moments I will prove my place. Your heart will call me by what it knows. ” His voice was firm. It brokered no argument. It offered no ability to question. It was simply stated as if it were an obvious fact.
Jewel stared at her hands sitting in her lap. She dared not move. The path which he spoke was one that she’d looked at on more than one occasion. Each time the decision was made that either she was not strong enough, or the person leading her was not strong enough, to survive it. Decades of emotions were locked away. Torrents of memories best left behind. Slices of ego not allowed to see the light of day skirted the edges with hope. She had to refuse to walk it.
The disappointment threatened to take her under as her shoulders slowly rolled forward. Her mind reeled. She attempted to put together coherent thoughts, but her voice was gone. She had slipped into that space that was comfortable and dangerously vulnerable.
“Tonight you will face an ordeal. It will cleanse you. It will strengthen our bond. It will show you how to live.” Without further conversation, he stood up. A blindfold snuffed out the last of the light. The sound of the leash clicking onto the collar encircling her neck could be heard.
“Lesson…trust.” He said as he began to move forward. The leash became taunt, and Jewel could only attempt to follow the lead in the imposed darkness.
Jewel had to focus on each step. Her hands reached out into the darkness in a vain attempt to keep herself oriented and safe. Each step was shaky and unsure. Made all the more difficult by being six more inches in the air thanks to her shoes.
Sounds became louder. Focus on where each sound originated assisted her in finding her way. The lean stayed taunt. Relinquishing nothing to her struggles.
“Step down.” His voice broke her focus.
She reached out her foot, tenatively shifting her weight, and stepped down.
“Again”, came his command.
Once again she worked to move her way down the steps into the darkness.
Quickly she found herself walking on the grass. The lean never letting up.
“Out of the darkness the light is blinding. Yet each step takes you to the light.” His voice caresed her ear. Her body started and her mind raced. The lean was still taunt ahead of her, yet his very breath brushed her ear.
“You must trust my judgment. Know that I will allow no one to harm you, and yet I will force you through experiences that you would not otherwise choose to endure.”
The lean jerked Jewel back into motion in front of her. Until that moment she did not realize she had stopped. Her head had followed his voice and snapped forward to focus on the independent pull of the lead.
A few steps later she was halted. Each hand was grabbed and forced above her head. Wrists locked into shadows on the cross, ankles were bound and locked in place. Jewel pulled against each point.
The world around her was suddenly silent. You could hear the lilt of frivility on the breeze as people talked and laughed nearby.
“She’s wearing too many clothes!” A voice said out of the darkness. Jewel’s head spun to mentally locate its source.
“What should we do about this problem?” He asked.
“Take off her dress so that we can at least see if the body under the dress is as hot as it is in the dress.” The woman nearly purred at him.
“All in favor of taking off the dress, say aye.” He said in a rye tone.
A crowd of voices joined in a chorus of “AYE” so enthusiastically that Jewel thought her heart would stop. She could not believe the amount of people so close to her location.
“Those opposed…” He began.
“NAY! NAY! I oppose!” Jewel cried out, struggling to make her voice sound strong.
“As I was saying before I was interrupted, those opposed, too bad!” He said with an evil laugh.
“I think this one may need agag.” A voice from the crowd offered.
The crowd laughed, and Jewel began to struggle against her bonds.
The hidden zipper split the fabric in two. Small snaps made quick work of the straps. Within seconds, Jewel stood exposed to the unseen crowd. Her only protection against the world were her garter belt, stockings and shoes. They now seemed like more of an invitation for trouble rather than a dentrent.
His voice came out of nowhere. “Trust means that you know I will protect you. In each experience between us, my hand is in it, even if it is unseen. I will always give you a way to identify those times.”
A small soft hand began to cares her left breast. Jewel struggled with both the humiliation of the situation, and the pleasure of the touch.
“No matter what happens, I am always with you in that moment. You just have to use the link to reach out to me, rather than trying to run away into yourself.” He continued as more hands joined in the mix.
A moan escaped her lips as the pleasure of the touch washed over he body. Her mind reeled and would not give into what was happening. She oscillated between struggle against her bond, and giving into the pleasure.
Waves of pleasure began to take hold. Hands covered every part of her body. Touching, caressing, holding and rubbing. Jewel’s body moved under its own will. Moving towards and away from hands, her mind drifted away from thoughts of resistance. Struggles continued, but the interval between each one lengthened. When several long intervals had passed without a struggle, the hands left as suddenly as they started.
His strong voice whispered in her ear, “Trust leads to pleasure, because there is no struggle for control. In the type of relationship that we’ve chosen, one leads and the other followers. Struggles will happen. At times there will be stumbles. It is the ability to trust that makes the rest of the path possible. To move forward, you must trust.”
Jewel’s mindworked through the haze to hear the words being spoken. They made sense somewhere in the back of her mind, but the forefront wanted to stay in the pleasure induced haze.
“Do you trust me? Do you want to move forward?” He asked quietly.
Jewel nodded.
“I want to hear the words from your lips.” His voice became firm, changing subtlety underneath.
Warning bell went off in the back of her mind, but her intuitive mind worked to turn them down.
“I trust you.” She said lazily as her mind and body drifted on the pleasure.
“Good!” His voice was hard. The shadows popped open suddenly. The leash became taunt. “Lesson—Trust allows you to face fear!”
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