Truly Delightful

Having laid out my choice on the bed, I ordered Sonny boy to push a low stool to its end. Then I got a silk scarf and a length of cord. “Now, slave,” I said, “before you dress me, you are going to perform a little service. For my amusement.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” He looked quite eager.

“I am going to knee on that stool and you are going to come behind me … and lick my bare bottom. You will not touch me in any other way. Understood?”

“Yes, Ma’am.” He bowed his head. Perhaps he had hoped to tongue something else!

“However, you will not be able to see me, as you will be blindfolded. Also, in view of the privilege you are being granted, I do not intend it to be all pleasure for you. Come here.” Old Sonny boy got off his knees and came to me. I unfasted his penis restrainer, removed it, noosed the cord and then put the noise around his boy-balls, tightening it sharply. He gasped. “Kneel behind the stool,” I ordered. He knelt. First I blindfolded him, then I took thecord and ran it back and tied it to one leg of my dressing table, carefully adjusting it so that there would be quite a pull on his boy-balls as he lean forward to tongue me. I went and knelt on the stool. “There I am,” I said, pushing my bottom into his face. “Get that tongue to work.”

I feel his tongue thrust out but at once shifted myself forward on the bed. He had to follow to keep contact. I heard him gasp. Then groan. There would be a nice, painful tugging on his boy-balls. I held my position. Sonny began to lick me zeroously. First, long laving licks. Then more concentrated ones. He probed a bit. It felt good. Nothing like having your bare bottom licked to give you a feeling of True Dominance!

“Get your tongue in, slave. Well in,” I ordered. At the same time, I moved forward fractionally. He whinnied with pain … but his tongue thrust in more urgently. I kept him at it for about five more minutes before calling it to a halt. Slipping off the stool, I removed his blindfold and then took a look at his boy-balls. My, they certainly were stretched out behind him! As I teased him back, he gave out a great groan of relief. No doubt about it, he had been suffering considerably for his ‘privilege’. That is as it should be. Finally, I un-noosed him. “Now you can dress me, slave,” I said.

“Yes, Ma’am.” He was blinking in the light … and holding his boy-balls.

“How dare you!” I cried. “You’re touching yourself … without an order!”

His hand dropped at once. “I B-Beg pardon, Ma’am … it … hurts … so …”

“So what?” I snapped. “Right. I’ll deal with that little matter after you’ve dressed me. I shall not be wearing nylons. Put my bra on first, then my pink bikini panties.”

“Yes … M-Ma’am …”

He wasn’t too expert with the bra, but I overlooked it. The panties, too, he found difficult for they were simply tight skimpy bikinis. He guessed he’d be in real trouble if he ripped them. “There’ll have to be a good deal of improvement, slave.” I said. “You’re too clumsy.”

“I … I’ll get better … I will … Ma’am …”

“See to it that you do.”

Next Sonny put on my blouse and blue jeans and finally lacened up a pair of black suede hiking boots. He’d done the lacing often enough before so was quite good at it. Naturally, I always insisted that the laces crossed in a perfectly symmetrical pattern. A glance in the mirror showed he’d managed it well.

“Go and fetch the cane, Sonny boy.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He gulped. Back he came, knelt, and held it up in his palms. I took it and flexed it.

“You know it is forbidden to touch that worthless thing between your legs – unless I order it.”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“So you disobeyed my orders?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“However, since I do realize you were not touching it for pleasure, I shall be lenient.” I smiled down at him. “Just half a dozen. Bend over and touch your toes.” In an instant he was up on his feet and beending. Perhaps he had expected worse and was relieved. More likely his previous training under my teutelage made him so quick to obey.

The first stroke – laid on good and hard – had him whimpering between clnched teeth as he jerked almost fully erect. Quickly he bent again. Number two was just as hard and fractionally lower. He whimpered more loudly, jerking up and trembling with pain. Down he went once more. And once more he got it. I was really laying on, testing his powers of endurance to the limit.

“M-Mercy … Ma’am …” he while as he bent for the fourth.

I gave him none, of course. It had him positively writing in pain, his boy-butt flinching with dread. The fifth sent him into connips … yelping with head thrown back. He leaves about quite a bit, much to my amusement, but he also knew he had better get his ass back in position before time ran out, thus incurring extra, penalty strokes. He bent back down … and over.

The sixth was, if anything, harder than anythat had preceded it and forced a howling cry from him. I saw that there was a hint of tears in his eyes as he knelt to kiss the rod and he was biting feverishly as he went to replace it. Yes … I’d certainly got through to him that time. All the same, I was quite pleased. Not many naughty boys could have taken six like that with such fortune.

He came back, kneeing once more. Most humble, uncomplaining, respectful. Excellent! “That constitutes your duties for today,” I said. “You may now march yourself outside in the rain and drop your pants and panties down to your ankles, and you may masturbate to orgasm. Remember your manners. You must lick your fingers clean and swallow all of your ejaculate. Then pull your clothes back on … and get out.

“Thank you, Ma’am.”

“And don’t take too long about it, or someone might just report you to the police.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” Up he leapt, bowed, and curried out. For a twinkling, I caught a glimpse of his well-whipped posteriors. Admiring my handiwork, I espied twelve bright red wheats across his backside, just as there should be, six on each chef. Not a bad job ‘if’n’ I say so myself! Eventually, I think I could learn to like this.


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