The following story is fiction; it is designed to be read by adults who enjoy lesbian erotica, with elements of domination, submission and servitude. If you are not an adult, and do not enjoy that type of writing; please read no further. The story is the sole property of the author.
Dedicated to the ‘Stars Above Me’
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Chapter 1
She knew she needed something more in her life. That was the thought that she woman up to every morning, that’s what she thought about as she rode the bus to work and what keep her awake at night, alone in her bed. She was never taught to struggle for things beyond what she had, compromise was a virtue in her upbringing, repression and control were guideposts of her younger life. This was a woman that was universally seen by the outside world, as a diamond in the rough. Her natural beauty was hidden under a sea of beige and neutral. Her hair was restricted by buns and pins, herform disguised under shapeless unnatural fabrics. A famous sculptor was once asked how he made such beautiful art out of stone. He replied; “I just look at the stone, and take away everything that isn’t beautiful”. Little did the woman know, that her beauty would soon be revealed by exactly that same manner.
At twenty five years of age she was entering her sexual zenith. Her body was like a rocket stalled on a launch pad. The smallest of life’s pleasures threaten to awaken her sleeping sensitivity. Showerheads became magical instruments of pleasure; a warm breeze under her skirt would make her flush with excitement. Over the years, men had made advances on her and she had succumbed to some early sexual relations, all which left her cold and unfulfilled. She knew from an early age that her desires were not being satisfied; in fact they were considered immoral and were thrust from her mind for as long as she could bear. But she never stopped looking at women however; no in factthe beauty of another woman is something she was drawn to from as early as she could remember. She had been captivated by the women on the covers of Redbook, and by the daring women who wore sleepless dresses to church in summertime. And so it continued for most of her life, she would sit in her cubicle at her dead end job, awake in anonymity, burdened by the knowledge that there was something more out there, and frustrated by her body’s unquenched thirst. Each day was a single step closer towards an inexorable conclusion; her life wasn’t going to change unless she found the bravery to take a chance, she needed to look for some slider of hope that she could hold onto… anything to help turn into the butterfly she longed to be. It was just then she heard the “Ping” from her computer’s email, and an icon of an envelope indicating a new message delivered. It was a message that would deliver her the salvation she so desperately needed.
To All Employees:
Please join our ownership and management team in welcoming Bernadette Adams as the new Vice President of International Sales and Marketing. Bernadette, comes to us with a sterling resume and an extensive background in International Exports. She will be the youngest person to hold this position for our company, as her resume justified. For the past 10 years she has been stationed abroad, combining the globe for the Commodities Exchange Market, and we have been lucky enough to enjoy her to join our growing firm. A new management hierarchy is attached, there have been several changes in direct reports, so please be sure to review for changes that may effect you. Bernadette will be joining us tomorrow, so lets all be on our toes, and I am sure you will all make her feel most welcome.
Andrew Milton
Mr. Milton didn’t normally send out company emails, such an announcement would usually come from someone in HR, she thought. Ms. Adams mustbe someone he is very proud to of hired. She certainly sounded mysterious and successful and any break from monotony was most welcome. She wasn’t sure why, but the woman felt a chill creep up her spine as she opened the Excel file of office changes. She scanned the report and suddenly felt of a mix of emotions seeing her name directly under Ms. Adams, Executive Assistant? She ran her finger down the screen one More time to make sure she had read it right, but there she was in big bold letters; Mindy Swanson — Executive Assistant to Vice President of International Sales and Marketing. As she stared at the screen a Human Resource officer came to her cubical and began to explain to her the new position, it would come with a pay hike, she would be moved to the 10th floor and have her own desk outside Ms. Adams office. Mindy took time to take in all the information, change scared her, it always had, but she reminded herself that change is exactly what she wanted and needed. She took deepbreaths as the woman told her about her new responsibilities and dress code, even though she bit her lower lip out of a nervous habit, she couldn’t help but smile.
Chapter 2
The bus ride home that evening seemed to take half the normal time. Mindy stared at the scene rushing by and hardly noticing the graduate decline from clean-lined urban office buildings to non descriptive industrial parks to the closely spaced single family homes where she lived. As she made the half mile walk home to her bungalow, Mindy began to piece together an image of Ms. Adams. She was certainly going to be successful, which means her clothes were going to be tailored and expensive. She has been living “abroad”, what ever that means, so her tastes for fashion might be a little more eclectic then she was used to. The email said she was young, but that could really mean anything. All the vice presidents at her company were middle aged men, with paunchy bellies, receiving hairlines,and were mostly in their late fifties or early sixties. So young could mean 48 or 50? None of this really mattered to Mindy; she just liked to know what she was in for. Predictability was what Mindy was used to, and it helped her to picture the mysterious Ms. Adams.
Mindy arose from a fitful sleep a full hour and a half early. She wanted to make sure she had everything just perfect for her new boss. As she stood in the shower, she ran through her clothes options for today in her mind. She was going to have to buy some new clothes soon, the secretaries on the tenth floor were always dressed much nicer than the rest of the office, and she hated to feel out of place. Mindy had to shake all these negative thoughts out of her head. She reminded herself to try and be bold, to try and think positive. As she dried her hair she looked at her reflection in the misty mirror. She took a deep breath and wiped the mirror clean to take proper inventory of the woman that stared back at her.
Her body could be best described as willowy. At 5’9″ she was taller than most women she knew. Her slender frame accentuated her height. At an early age, Mindy remembered feeling gangly and awkward, now her height brought her attention, even if the eyes didn’t both to linger or take notice of the rest of her. She held her hands under her breasts and turned to look in profile. She always was proud of her breasts, the way they turned upwards, and had held their shape and firmness and of course of her nipples. Mindy had long nipples, at least they seemed long. Mindy hadn’t really seen very many photos of other women’s nipples, so there wasn’t much to compare her self to. When she was cold, she had to walk with her arms over her chest for fear of dying of embarrassment. She ran her hands down her ribs and sides, and admired her skin tone. The first man Mindy had slept with told her that he was shocked how nice her body was, and that she had the frame of a swimmer. She liked that, and always admired her long flat tummy as a result of it. Mindy had heard of women shaving their public region, but never really saw the point of it. God put hair there for a reason, and she liked her full blonde muff of fur. It was pale and yellow gold, just as her hair on her head was. As she combined her long blonde hair she had a thought, and proceeded to dig under her sink for her curling iron. She found it Behind the economy package of tissues. It was an old hand-me-down, and was stained from non-use. She never let her hair down, and certainly never curled it.
Today, however, seemed different, today was a new beginning. She felt a surge of excitement that she was making these small changes in her life. As she worked the iron and spray through her golden locks, she liked the way it lay on her shoulders and down the center of her back. She even giggled at herself when she made a cheeky smooth into the mirror like some hussy in a movie. Mindy was starting to feel sexy. She dug throughHer panty drawer to find the Victoria Secret bag she had been keeping since her 20th birthday party. One of her college friends had bought her a pair of silken red thongs with an embroidered black rose in the center, with matching red bra topped with a black lace. Mindy had never found fit a reason to wear something so provocative that was until now. She had never forgotten a push-up bra before, and as she looked in the mirror began to wonder why. In profile her breasts looked twice their normal size, she covered her mouth with a giggle as she looked head onto her cleavage. Her B-cup breasts looked to of growing a full cup size. She had to smile as she ran her finger along the line of her bosom. As she saw her image in the mirror she could feel the gusset of her panties warm from the heat of her core, and dampen as she began to realize that she was transforming herself for her boss, a woman. She feel like a school girl going on her first date. A ridiculous thought she realized as she had never even met this mysterious Ms. Adams, much less even contemplate the idea of a real relationship with a woman. But that’s exactly what she was doing.
Mindy stood at the same bus stop she always did, and the same time she always had. As the door opened to the transit line bus, her normal bus driver gave her the normal greeting she always did, then suddenly stopped to take a second look. “Well, honey, don’t you look nice today, I … I hardly recognized you with” … The woman looked at her as if she had never seen her before, trying to place exactly what is was that was different about her appearance. “Did you get a hair cut?” Mindy smiled at the woman as she swiped her transit card commenting that she just decided to wear it down today. As Mindy walked down the aisle she felt the eyes of the bus on her. Many of the faces were Very familiar, people she had been seeing for the past five years every morning, but they looked different today. The women smiled as if to say, “way to gogirl”, and the men looked at her the way a dog looks at an unprotected hamburger on the side table of the living room. Yes, Mindy was looking different, was feeling different, and everyone was taking notice. This was a new feeling for her, and she wasn’t exactly sure how to act as she felt eyes burning into her body, but she was pretty sure she liked it.
Chapter 3
Mindy arrived to work at 7 am, an hour before her normal scheduled time. She intended to get situationed in her new desk, and to make sure there was fresh coffee made. She wanted to be able to greet Ms. Adams when she arrived; she realized how important first impressions were. Mindy was feeling good about herself today. All the extra primping had done much to boost her confidence. She had picked out her prettiest outfit to wear. Mindy had decided to wear a pencil skirt, chocolate colored that went past her knees, it made it difficult to walk quickly in but she loved the way her legs looked in it. She wore a simple Ann Taylor white blouse, something in her this morning made her keep the third button undone, she very much liked the way it showed the effects of her new bra, highlighting her cleavage as well as the black trim. She wore a simple chain this morning, it hung just low enough to draw ones gaze to her chest, something she noticed on the bus this morning. She wore her heels as well; simple black and tall. She stood nearly 6 foot tall as she searched the name plates down the dark hall for Ms. Adam’s office.
All the offices were dark, except for illuminated paintings of old white men and the occasional fern. Mindy put on her reading glasses as she continued her search in the dark. As she turned the corner she saw a single office light on. It was the office next to the president’s. Mindy held her breath as she walked to the door, and had to swallow hard when she read the sign. Yes, the mysterious Ms. Adams had arrived to work before her. Mindy felt her palms begin to sweat and her throat tighten. She hadn’t done a thing wrong, but she already felt like she was at a disadvantage, it was a feeling Mindy would soon get used to. She took several deep breaths and tried to pick herself up, and put on her best face as she pushed open the door. “Hello, is anyone here?” Mindy’s voice surprised herself and as she heard it she could hear her own nervousness. From inside the door she noticed that the secretary’s desk had been removed and replaced with a large couch, she wasn’t sure exactly where she would sit now, perhaps new furniture was on order, she thought. From her vantage point, she could see just inside her boss’ office. There were boxes on the floor, awards lined up waiting to be shown, there were strange artifacts from far off lands, she could see a line of old paintings on the floor that had have been taken down and already the walls were filled with brightly colored pieces of art. Her office had no art, not until now that is. Mindy stopped cold as she peered around the inside the office. The room was as if she stepped into a movie set. The old standard store bought desk had been replaced with a heavily carved “Partners Desk”, the kind of desk that had two sides to it, with two chairs. In the past business partners who worked closely together would share. It appeared she would work very closely with Ms. Adams. Her boss had her back to her and was busy meticulously Arranged a series of ivory carved sculls along the desk. They were beautiful in a macabre sort of way, and that wasn’t all. On the walls there were paintings of Middle Eastern Bazaars with queens and harems. There were a series of pastel paintings of an old manor home with some sort of equestrian scene she couldn’t quite make out. Her new boss had created a small world inside her office full of fantastical images of far away lands, of beautiful women but all with some thematic element that Mindy couldn’t quite make out.
Chapter 4
Bernadette Adams’appearance was striking; the word handsome was often used to describe her. Bernadette was forty six years old, yet she had a youthful appearance, but her face showed a lifetime of experiences, and a sort of wisdom you wanted to trust. Her body was mature, but athletic; clearly she was a woman that took care of herself. That is not to say she wasn’t feminine, she was, her face was angular but not chiseled, her hair was quaffed, but not restricted. She had the look of confidence in her face; however she carried a smile that made you think she knew things you didn’t. Her dark hair was an indefinable color, somewhere between auburn, black and red, no hint of ever being dyed, and it flowed over her shoulders with ease and seemed to shimmer even in dim light. Women envied the way clothes fit her, a dress or jacket never seemed to look the same on anyone else, though acquaintances always tried to mimic her fashion style. Bernadette sat in her chair in a black skirt and matching black jacket,she wore a vibrant pink blouse under it that framed the outline of her breasts. Everything was in its place, as if she had been sitting there waiting for Mindy to show up for hours. Everything about the woman was tailored and very expensive, straight out of Agnes B’s in Paris. Mindy nearly peed herself at the sight of this majestic woman.
“Come in, you must be Mindy, please dear take a seat”.
Mindy had to remind herself to close her jaw as she looked nervously around the room for a place to sit.
“Right here Mindy, I have always preferred to use the old fashioned Partners Desk, I prefer the intimacy it provides two people who will be working as closely as you and I will be. That’s your seat right there Mindy, please sit.”
Mindy smiled and looked into Bernadette Adams’ eyes for the first time, and saw the feature that everyone who ever met her always remembered. Her blue eyes seemed to be electric, atomic even; they seemed to radiate a light when you looked directly into them. They weren’t the pale blue “mouse eyes” that so many woman thought to be attractive, her eyes were a deep birding blue, the blue of the Azurean Sea. Her gaze could take your breath away. Mindy fought the urge to stare and this beautiful woman that sat across from her, she didn’t however do a very good job. Mindy was a tall woman, but she felt small sitting across the heavy desk, Suddenly she felt like she was sitting across from her principal in primary school.
“I was hoping to get here before you this morning Msssssss…”
Bernadette saw the young woman struggling to find the right words, she raised her eyebrow in a look of anticipation and waited just long enough to watch the girl feel uncomfortable, and then stepped in to help.
“Mindy, as you know my name is Bernadette that is what people who do business with me call me. We will be working together very closely, some of what we do will be very demanding for you, so when we are at work I’d like you to call me Ms. Adams or just Miss if you prefer. I hope you understand that Mindy, its not that I need to hear your respect, which is something I am sure you’ll earn, no it just that it helps me think more clearly and it keeps me in the right frame of mind when I am working. However, outside side of the office I would like you to be able to call me Bernadette eventually. Would you like that Mindy?” Mindy’s was shocked by the straight forward nature of the woman’s words. She made no pretense about her position of power over Mindy and she didn’t shy away from her expectations of the girls role as her subordinate.
“Yes, I’d like that Mssssss…” Mindy corrected her tone. “I’d like that very much Miss.”
Bernadette let the word hang in the air for a moment, and it gave her pause to smile as she looked at Mindy’s nervous expression.
Over the next few hours, Bernadette Adams meticulously detailed the type of work that Mindy would be expected to perform for her. She outlined a what adaily work day would entail, including what time she expected her to rise in the mornings, the type of clothing she expected her to wear, when she should take her shows, she told her how she was not to wear perfume to the office and in fact how she preferred the natural aromas of a woman over anything else in the whole world, and anything you could buy in a mall departments store would be a pail comparison. She spoke with authority, and in the same direct manner that Mindy had noticed earlier, she never seemed to use the word “um” or even pause between thoughts.
Mindy’s mind was spinning as described how her entire family was in the Export business, and in fact had been doing such for generations. Her family was involved in the commerce trades between far off places, places Mindy had never even heard of before; Greek Islands, Chinese villages in Mongolia, locations along the Middle Eastern spice trade routes, African countries so small they didn’t even have forms of governmentyet. Ms. Adams had traveled more places in her life then Mindy could ever have imagined, yet as she explained the volume of commerce that passed from place to place, how her family came from a “long line of traders”, she never once mentioned what they exported. Each time Mindy would try and ask a question the firm smile of this mysterious woman begged for her patience, as if all questions would be answered in due time; Mindy had to just trust her, Mindy had to wait, Mindy had to bend to the will of a woman the likes of which she had never seen before.
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