The heavy paddle struck her butt hard, making her cry out again and kick her feet as she lay on the bed, the tears had been flowing freely at least five minutes now.
Regain, the sting of the discipline paddle swelled over her exposed back side and she felt the bruises deepen as she buried her face against the bedspread sobbing.
She gasped at the pain her ass felt, but she still held on tightly to the bedside above her head.
She knew why she was here. She remembered vividly the way she had spoken to her husband. She remembered the hurt in his eyes as their friends sat around their living room, laughing at what they thought was a joke, him being the butt of that joke. She knew that discipline was to come when he came back home, and she knew the hurt she had caused would have her taking that discipline without question.
The paddle struggling against her swollen fanny made her cry out again, and her legs tensed to the point of lifting her hips off of the bed.
She remembered her husband walking out of the house earlier that evening, as the laughter followed him into the night, the door standing open behind him. The guilt she had felt from hurting him overwhelmed her as he disappeared from sight.
They had been in a Christian Domestic Discipline marriage for just a little over a year by then, and she had gotten a fair number of good, hard spankings at his hand. Every one of them had been discipline for her breaking one of the rules they had agreed on in the contract they had both signed.
The paddle strike to her intensely painful butt makes her throw back her head and cry out as she arches her back painfully, kicking her legs again. Her butt goes numb for a few moments before she feels the deep sting, and throbbing to her ass begin again as she lay back on the bed smoothing the sobs wrapping her body.
She remembered that it had all started out so innocently, theEarlier evening, as they prepared to entertain their friend, and as the evening went forward everyone enjoyed themselves. The dinner she prepared was raved over, and the wine he had chosen complimented the meal perfectly.
She screamed into the bedspread as the paddle struck her again, and she could feel the briising of her swollen bottom spreading to cover her butt completely. The number of her cheeses lasted mercifully longer this time, and she cursed her body as she felt the slickness between her legs. She felt absolutely no arousal within her from the discipline, as she usually did, and momentarily thought she might have let go her bladder. But she knew this was the reaction her body always had.
Never had she cried so hard, nor had he ever given her such a severe discipline. It was as if the other discipline spankings had only been for fun. ‘This was true discipline’ she thought as her guilt slowly, ever so slowly, was chipped away from her.
She and herhusband had always been close during their marriage, and they only seemed to grow closer as the years wore on, always holding hands, always needing to feel the other close. He loved her deeply she had realized, and even with their very different ways of thinking, they were a perfect match for each other. They both knew that God had brought them together, and also knew that they would never part.
After the dinner and drinks of the evening, they all sat around the livingroom talking. The talk became milkly risque, but they were both used to being open about sex and sexuality. Then she opened a door she didn’t know would lead to this, by mentioning his upbringing in San Francisco.
She throw back her head and screamed loudly again, kicking her legs wildly, and almost reached behind her to her bottom as the paddle landed smartly against her skin again. Chip. Chip. Chip
They had shared every intimate secret of their lives since being married, but never shared those things with others. The abuse they had both endured, the fetishes they had explored, the confusion of youth.
Their friends had taken her comment, and the conversation turned to the topic of gay men. Someone commented about if men were better at giving head and, before she thought, she said to ask her husband. The laughter was loud and long, as the inuendo of him being good at blowjobs flew around the room.
She still cried out, even though her skin had gone numb, and kicked against the bed hard. She could still feel the pain deep in her buttocks as the paddle struck her bottom again. She let go the bed and tucked her hands under her chest to resist the strong urge to ease the pain she felt in her behind. Chip. Chip. Chip
When he had come back to the house hours later, she was sitting in the livingroom with the TV on, the volume muted. He didn’t say a word as he took her hand, and knelt on the throw rug in the center of the room with her. He always prayed before he distributed her, but this was the first time he had ever prayed with her beside him before a discipline.
They had prayed for a long time before he stodd and said the only four words he had spoken since he walked out of the house, the only words he had said since she lay across the bed.
‘Prepare for your discipline’
She pushed her hands under her until she was hugging herself tightly as the paddle landed again. Her body bouncing on the bed from her kicking so hard and she screamed, her voice raw in her throat, her sobs a steady stream of tears that had saturated the bedspread. Chip. Chip. Chip.
With all of the rules she had broken of their contract, she had not ever hurt her husbands feelings that way. Her guilt as their friends left, apologizing for their remarks, was all consumed. It completely blotted all else from her mind as she sat there crying.
When he had returned, her relief was so great that she burst into fresh tears,Wanting to hold him close. But he only took her hand and knelt in prayer. Then said those four words.
She hugged herself tighter as the paddle struck, her body feeling like it was humming all over. She thrashed about on the bed, kicking her legs and screaming her throat hoarse. Chip. Chip. Chip.
Then she felt a coolness on the skin of her butt, and realized that he was rubbing lotion into it. The sobs wrapped her body anew, as her mind accepted that her discipline spanking was, thankfully over. He put lotion onto her tortured ass many times as she slowly began to stop her sobs, rubbing it painfully into the skin. She also realized that her body had to have released an orgasm, but she didn’t have any idea when. Then he lay next to her and took her in his arms.
‘You are forgiven my love’. He said as he rocked her back and forth. ‘Clean slate my love’.
She layed in his arms, still hugging her chest tightly for a long time as she cried, and he kept comforting her. He kept saying she was forgiven, and that it was alright. He kept telling her that he loved her and that he would always love her.
It took a very long time for her crying to stop completely, but when it did, she wrapped her arms around him and kissed his chest.
When she finally met his eyes, she saw that he had also been crying hard. But she saw what she really needed there, she saw love, and she saw true forgivness.
They cried again softly in each others arms then, until he took her chin in his hand, and gently lifted her to look at him.
‘Please love.’ He said. ‘Please don’t ever do that again.’
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