Trouble was, she liked being fucked.
Liked being fucked hard, by men who didn’t try to be nice. Nice men were sweet, but they couldn’t fuck her right – not unless she could make them angry – sometimes this worked.
She had found out early about herself – know then that she was going to be a slut.
She loved everything about it, but most of all, she liked being filled, occupied by hot, independent and demanding maleness. She came to appreciate her petite build, rather than regret it – no bad thing being small, when you loved being manhandled, being lazily overpowered, grabbed, controlled.
The problem was not letting it get out of hand, not ending up as a street whore, or getting stuck in some perverted relationship – she never fell in love with them, never wanted to, never saw the men as anything other than vehicles for satisfying her needs, even if they did dominate her – it was because she wanted them to – often because she had toldThey to in words of very few sylables.
She had quickly become bored with boys her own age, then done the same with learners. At 20 she had found the city bars and clubs, and middle-aged banks and lawsers – well off, well-dressed, testosterone fueled, gym-honed, arrogant, greedy.
She learned how obvious to be, how awkward to be, always juggling the fine line between being too slutty (the men thought they had standards) and not getting fucked at all.
It was hit-and-miss, though. Too many of them were too friendly, made love to her. It was sometimes sweet, sometimes even nice, but she only got the real buzz she needed every now and then.
Then she had met Tom. Tom was a little older, more experienced. He didn’t fuck her the first time, but made her pleasure herself for him, telling him what she was thinking about, watching her. Lazy, self-satisfied.
Her heart had felt involved as it had never done before – a strange feeling; not love, for sure, but something, something…
He saw her as she was, she understood, and he liked it. She felt she was melting as she came for him, an almost out-of-body experience.
He told her where to be, the following evening, and when, and how to dress (low cut mid-length dress with a-line skirt, loose should straps, tight body, no underwear, hold-ups, her highest heels). He was direct, and no nonsense about it, and she loved it.
She got there early, fended off some good prospects, all but ran to him when she saw him, only to false; he wasn’t alone, but with with two other men, one older, one younger. They were looking at her frankly, bold.
Maybe these were friends, or colleagues – they’d get rid of them soon, she told herself, fixed on Tom.
But then the older one was looking at her, quite directly, and spoke first, his accent very posh indeed;
“Tom says we can all fuck you. Maybe hurt you a little. That you want it.”
She freezes, stunned. Men have spoken to her like this before, of course. She’s always slapped them, or frozen them out, or withered them with a sharp retort. But these are Tom’s friends.
And – Tom? Wasn’t he somehow special? Didn’t he like her?
She knows that she is obviously confused, feels just how weak, how vulnerable this makes her; she’s not used to it – usually she is only weak when alone with the man, in the throes of being fucked, but in social situations she likes to be in control – of herself at the least.
But now, these three men are looking at her as they might look at a buy-and-paid-for whore, and it’s devastating.
She looks at Tom, helpless, only to find him grinning at her – a hard, challenging grin, with no shred of the understanding she had thought she’d seen the night before.
And then it hits her; Tom is right – she feels it in her groin; what the guy says is true, she realizes. They can all fuck her. And maybe hurt her, too, if they want. Suddenly she wants it. Really want it.
Tom is watching her, sees the change in her face as she takes this revelation on board, as she accepts that tonight something different is going to happen – that she is going to be used like a whore, rather than have rough sex as a one-night stand, and his grin widens; he’s played her right.
She gets it, that this has been planned by Tom, that he does, really, know her. That it isn’t that he likes her (or even, perhaps that she likes him) – but that they really know each other – see each other for real. And that this gives him power over her, and makes her weak; and she gives in, aware of a glory in the surrender, a release; finally, a man who knows exactly to what to do with her.
She finds herself blushing (she hasn’t blushed about sex for years), feeling weak, vulnerable, dominated. The Feeling she likes about being fucked when it goes the way she likes it. He can do it to her, just like this, in public, in front of strangers.
She’s wet between the legs; herknees almost buckle, and she finds herself giggling, weakly, looking, with a question in her eyes, at each of them in turn, eyes wide, lips parted, her breathing rapid and deep.
They’re all watching her, casual, but studying her, still waiting for a response.
And her giggles dry up. How to speak? What to say? The silence becomes optimistic to her, although they seem completely relaxed.
Her voice is low and throaty as she finally manages to say;
“Yes. Yes, that’s right. I .. I .. I do .. want it.”
She can’t meet their eyes any more, and looks down, feeling them appraising her, judging her, feeling inadequate suddenly – ugly, too small, tits not big enough. Her desperation not to be rejected is like an acid taste in her throat.
She hasn’t felt this vulnerable, this desperate about sex, about her own needs, in years.
She has crossed a line. They have talked to her as to a dirty slut, and she has accepted it. It will be hard to go back, she understands. Now that she knows that she can have this feeling even without sex, if the man knows what he’s doing.
They make her wait what feels like hours, looking at her, grinning (in fact Tom has told them that they must be careful to give her time – she must decide for herself, this first time, that this is what she wants – after that he will have her, but this time needs just a little finesse).
At last, the younger one laughs and says;
“Game on, then! Let’s have a few drinks and maybe a little dance to get things moving.”
All of them feel her up as they chat, casually, confidently, invasively intimate.
And she opens herself, leans into them, smiles, wiggles, giggles, squeals (she’s normally much more reserved, but they have got her off balance, and They keep her that way, keep pushing, keep ignoring boundaries, keep being direct with her; using crude language, discussing her body, all as planned.
And it works; she’s eager to please, to be what they want, lets herself be pushed, but it’s Tom she’s looking at, responding to, seeking to satisfy, Tom whose approval she needs. She knows now that he has something special, something that she wants more of, that he will deliver.
At the older one’s swanky city apartment (his pied-a-terre in town – the family safely tucked away at his mansion in the countryside) they stripped her and slapped her about, calmly cruel, hurting her, saying ugly things, making her cry a little, although she tried to keep smiling and laughing, and then they all fucked her hard, taking turns, in the big blinde, tall windows open to the night-time city lights, the others watching commenting, occasionally slapping her breasts or behind.
And she was eager – doing her sexy best for them, opened herself, impaled herself, encouraged them not to hold back, even as they hurt her, coming helpfully, moaning, hiccupping, jerking, twisting, trembling, thanking them over and over.
She told herself that Tom wasbetter than the others, but in truth she could’t really tell. It was the first time she had been with more than one man at a time, first time she had been fucked in front of onlookers, first time she had been treated openly as a slut. It was overwhelming, and she understand all too clearly that she was lost. That she would do anything for more of this.
So she did as she was told when Tom and the younger one left – stayed with the older one, sucked him to sleep, sucked him wake right on time, then let him fuck her from behind – a quick, efficient wank into her pussy. She made his breakfast, too – in the nude, giggling as he gropeed her and slapped her, helped him dress.
On her knees, naked, tying his shoes-laces. That was an interesting, heart-fluttery feeling.
But it was still Tom she was thinking of.
That evening, over an eye-wateringly expensive meal in a sedate olde-world dining room, all wood panelling and oak furniture, intimidating for a girl from poor origins like her, Tom told her what would happen.
She would be moving to a new apartment, would have a new job. That she would fuck the men he told her to fuck. That she would often be hurt, that she would take two and three cocks at the same time. That she would pleasure herself or make love with other girls for their entertainment if required to.
And she had trembled, and drowned in the picture he painted; terror-struck, hypnotised. She didn’t say a word. Couldn’t think of anything to say. It was somehow obviously.
And amazingly, that was it. He took her to the new apartment that night, and she never saw the old place again (or anything from there – her old life was simply erased). Her new job was with an estate agents. She did no real work, just went on viewings or to Meetings where the client was going to push his cock into her – mouth, asshole, pussy – sometimes in the empty property, sometimes in the hallway, occasionally over the bonnet of a car in the parking garage. Sometimes it was a woman. Once memorably, she was double-fucked by pretty air stewardesses with big strap-ons for the entertainment of four men in a private jet, then gave them blowjobs all the way to Jersey. She was sent home on the ferry.
Of course, the agents usually fucked her, too, once the clients had finished with her. She was sure this wasn’t supposed to happen, but never resisted or complained, always gave of herself to the full; once they got casual about it, some of these guys got used to her needs, and became very forceful – some of these fucks were premium.
In the evenings she would go out where and when Tom told her to, and get fucked, and often hurt, by strangers – although some were ‘regulars’ and there were nights when she would be with Tom and his friends, too.
She is so, terribly, terribly grateful. Money for shopping, lots of money, appears by magic on her new card (a name she doesn’t recognize), so that her free time – plenty of that too – isluxurious, and she can indulge her taste for expensive things.
Also, easily half of the fucks are good ones. It isn’t that the guys are much better – it’s the thing about being used like a sex-toy, without reserve, without any question of romance or friendship that makes it work for her, that unhinges her so gloriously.
These two, tonight, though; one in her sex, one in her mouth, holding her, laughing at the freedom they are experiencing, at her sweet and encouraging willingness to be dominated, to serve, to open herself, they are taking things quite far. It gets very rough and yet she smiles through the tears, telling them she likes it, coming for them, coaxing their cocks back to stiffness.
They keep her all weekend. The older one is strong and very greedy, rams his big cock into her violently again and again – mouth, sex, asshole, making her melt, making her notice him as an individual more and more. He’s different from Tom, yes, but he understands her too, she feels – knows what she is good for, how to handle her; she responds by encouraging him to do more with her; more aggressive fucking, more humiliating treatment, taking it all as beautifully as possible.
For the first time, she is tied up and methodically beaten with a belt. It’s awful, and she screams terribly until she is gagged, but somehow she feels no anger or resentment, responding with increased respect and embarrassing service.
On the Sunday afternoon, he tells her that he has decided to buy her from Tom, that it’s all agreed, that he’ll be taking her to his estate in France, that she’ll be kept in chains, whipped, pierced, tattooed, that her tits will be done. When he’s bored with her, he will sell her on.
She trembles and shivers, but somehow she can’t think of anything to say, can’t even look him in the eye. When he laughs at her, cruel satisfaction in it, and pulls her onto his cock by the hair, she is, simply, deeply happy to be able to lose herself in pleasing him, to open her tighs as the younger one starts fucking her backside, obviously hyper excited to see a young and gorgeous woman accept the news of her enslavement so helpfully.
Suddenly, the notion that this man has picked her to own hits her, and she is flooded with a ridiculous feeling of tender eagerness to please. She doesn’t come when he flips her over and ploughs into her sex, despite some gloriously hard and sustained thrusting. She’s too focused on his pleasure. Her new owner. The man who has bought her, who can do exactly as he likes with her.
Overwhelmed by a feeling that is new to her, that she decides must be love, but which she discovers rather soon is not.
On the estate, locked away, her primary feeling is soon frustration; she has been accustomed to being fucked several times a day and often more, but the Count is regularly away, and while she is sometimes given to members of staff, they are mostly not allowed to use her. She is whipped daily, naked, by either the chauffeur or the ostler, and they often play with her pussy afterwards, but never take her to orgasm.
All of which means that when Tom sees her next, at the Count’s annual summer bacchanal, she is almost hyperstenerly over-eager to be fucked, serving guest after guest, insatiable, service, grateful.
He’s rather pleased by this, as the Madame of the exclusive Moscow brother he has brought with him is impressed, and his cut of her price will be correspondingly larger – the Count has admitted that having a full time slave-girl is rather more awkward than he had imagined, and that he prefers choice to ownership after all.
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