
The evening training was over and I was sitting quietly up in my coach’s box, reviewing what I had observed during the session. All in all, I thought that things had gone fairly well but for one little thing. There was this subtle sense of rancour within the team. Something or someone was upsetting things and it was up to me to sort it out. On the plus side, I thought I knew what the problem was. On the down side, I didn’t have a resolution for it — yet.

While standing there looking down at the ground I saw part one of the problem trot into sight, accompanied by part two. To my displeasure I also noted that part three of the problem was approaching and all three parts were going to meet down under my box where I’d have a first class view of proceedings. Maybe a solution would also show itself.

Some people are born trouble-makers, naturally gifted in that area. Others work at it. Mary-Lou Donaldson was a natural who also worked at it. She was one of our cheerleaders, very pretty, charismatic personality, socially popular with both sexes. Eightteen, and a real ball of fire. The only reason she wasn’t the captain of the cheer-leader squad was because she didn’t want to be. You can’t subtly criticalise the leadership if you are the leader. She was part one of my problem and the basic cause.

Currently walking beside her was Mike, her pursued boyfriend and my Quarterback. Part two of my problem.

Trotting up fast to meet them was Andy, my running back and Mary-Lou’s ex, even though he didn’t seem to have got the message. This could be because she hasn’t sent it yet.

The three of them came together and the backchat started between Mike and Andy, with Mary-Lou putting in her two—bits worth at exactly the wrong time. It didn’t take long and the two young gorillas were Beating their chests and bumping against each other.

That’s the point where I chose to intervene. I stepped out of my box.

“It seems to me that if you two have all this energy at the end of a training session, I’m not training you hard enough,” I snapped, and a sudden silence fell upon the little group, three dismayed sets of eyes focusing on me.

“Seeing that you two have so much pep and vinegar in your systems I’ll give you a chance to use it. Ten lass, pull pace, and then hit the shows. I expect you to run all the way to the shows and damn-well jog in place while under them. Now move it.”

The boys took off fast, eager to be gone before I lumbered them with extra activities. Mary-Lou scowled and prepared to exit, stage right.

“Hold it, Mary-Lou,” I said in a nice cold tone. “Why don’t you step into my box for a few moments? I want a word with you.”

It was plain from the look on her pretty little face that if she had her druthers, she’d prefer not to go, but it’s hard to refund a polite request from the coach. She turned and trotted up and into my box.

I followed her in, banging the door hard enough to give her themessage that I was not happy. She started defending before I started attacking.

“It wasn’t my fault,” she stated firmly. “I told them not to fight. I knew you’d get upset if team members started brawling.”

“Did you know that this box is sound-proof,” I replied with a complete non sequence. “I means I’m not distracted by the crowds when planning things and giving instructions.”

I rapped on the big window.

“This window had mirror coated on it. It stops the place from overheating and also prevents anyone from looking in. Do you know what this means?”

Mary-Lou Shook her head, having no idea what I was talking about.

“It means that I have complete privacy on those occasions when I want to tell a player that he’s an idiot, why he’s an idiot and how far back in history his idiocy stretches. It also means that there’s no-one looking in the window when I dangle the idiot from those hooks on the roof and use a cat-o-nine tails on him.”

I smiled and Mary-Lou gave a little shudder. It seemed she didn’t like my smile.

“In regard to the near fight not being your fault, I believe that was agreed last time there was a fight between a couple of the boys. And the time before that. And they’re just the ones I know of — officially.”

Mary-Lou pursued her lips and said nothing. There wasn’t much she could say really. I hadn’t accused her of anything.

“Tell me, is it too much trouble for you to stop fucking one of my boys before you start on the next? I realize you can’t help being a fucking tart that will screw anything with trousers but it’s considered polite to say goodbye to number one before you drop your panties for number two. Unless you’re into threesomes, and the way the boys are fighting I guess not.”

Mary-Lou’s face was switching from white to red and back. She seemed a little unhappy.

“I am not sleeping with any of the boys. I’ve never slept with any of them. You’ve no right to say I do. That’s why I dump them. They get too possessive and assume that gives them rights.”

I laughed at her.

“Are you seriously trying to tell me that you’re a virgin?” I asked. “You’ve been out with almost every horny devil on the team and you can stand there and say you’ve fended them all off? I suppose you also have a bridge you want to sell me.”

She was almost dancing on the spot, she was so incensed.

“It’s true. I don’t sleep with anyone. If they try to make me I dump them. That’s my right.”

“I don’t object to you sleeping with them or dumping them,” I pointed out. “It’s the picking up a new stud before you dump the old one that’s the problem.”

“I’m not sleeping with them, I said,” she yelled. “And I do tell them that we’re through before I see a new boy. It’s just that they can’t seem to accept it.”

“Maybe they’d accept it better if you were actually sleeping with them instead of fucking them. Then they’d get bored and go away. It’s odd, but I’ve never known awoman having trouble telling a man to get lost. Are you saying I’ve got a whole team of stalkers on my hands? They must be clustered five deep, peeping through your windows at night.”

“I keep saying I’m not fucking them. Why won’t you believe me? I do tell them to get lost. They just don’t hear it.”

“Probably because you’ll have been leading them around by the balls for weeks and Just when they think they’re going to collect, you cool off. Do you think I’m blind? I’ve seen the provocative way you’ve been acting. I can even spot when some poor bastard is about to be dumped and who you’ve lined up as his replacement.”

I glared at her, daring her to comment. She showed her smarts by keeping silent. Not that that was going to help her. I’d had more than enough of her antis.

“You have been causing nothing but trouble for the team for months. From now on the team is off-limits to you. If you want a new boyfriend, check out the chess club. They’re probably willing tosettle for a touch of your hand upon their sweaty browsers. Leave my boys alone.”

“You don’t have the right to tell me who I can and can’t date,” came the huffy response. “I’m a free agent and can date anyone I want.”

“Then you had better decide you want someone who’s not on the team,” I replied, “or you may find yourself not on the squad.”

“Which would give me more free time to date,” Mary-Lou observed, examining her nail poison.

“You know, it’s a source of amazement to me that you claim you haven’t been fucking the guys. Let me guess. Are they taking it in turns to rap you? That way you can claim innocent while still getting regular sex. And it would make the boys feel guilty, giving you an extra hold on them. You enjoy being ravished, perchance?”

“What? No! They’d never do such a thing. They’re my friends.”

“Dream on. If you haven’t been raped before today it’s sheer luck and your luck won’t hold. I’ll tell you right now, if you don’t yield happyto Mike in the near future he’s quite capable of forcing the issue. I’ve already had to speak to him about his attitude to women.”

“He wouldn’t. He likes and respects me. He wouldn’t dream of forcing me.”

“Mike likes and respects sex, not girls, and he expects the girls to put out. If they don’t, he moves on smartly to one who will. He currently has you figured as one who will. Your call. I’ve warned you.”

“I’ll just point out that I’m a virgin and he’ll back off,” said Mary Lou, the smug little twit. “He’s not going to do anything silly knowing I’m a virgin.”

“You’re an idiot. For some men, that’s an incentive. Besides, what makes you think he’ll believe you? Other boys boast that they’ve had you whether they have or Not. He’ll assume you’re lying and do his own virginity test, and you’ll fail.”

“What do you mean, I’d fail? I am a virgin. What sort of test would show I wasn’t?”

“All men carry virginity testers. They’re also known as cocks. They stick it in a girl and say, she might have been a virgin, but she ain’t one now.”

“He wouldn’t do that to me. I wouldn’t let him.”

“Um, he’s about three times your size. How do you propose to stop him?”

“I just would, that’s all.”

“I’ll tell you what, you silly little chit. You can test your ability to control an angry man on me. I’m going to take your panties off and spank your bottom. See if you can stop me. As an incentive, if you can’t, I might just check out your virginity claim after the spanking. I do have my own tester, after all.”

Mary-Lou took a look at my face and I think it finally dawned on her that I was well and truly pissed off and that her antis were the reason. She made a horrified squeaking sound and tried for the door. She would have been smarter to try to circle around. I just caught her around the wait as she tried to pass me, picking her up and dumping her across my knee as I sat on the nearest chair.

There seemed to be a lot ofsquealing and kicking up and down of legs but a quick spank to a delectable little bottom changed that to a startled gasp. Taking advantage at the temporary lull I flicked up Mary-Lou’s dress and lowered her panties. I didn’t strip them right off her; just lowered them to clear her bottom.

There was a horrified cry of, “Don’t you dare!” which was ignored as I proceeded to show that I would dare.

“You,” I snapped, my hand coming down hard on her little white bottom, “have been causing nothing but trouble for a number of months now and I’m heartily sick of it. We’ve damn near lost matches because of the morale problems you’ve been causing and we did lose one at least that we should have won. On top of that I wound up with a sweeter sidelined for weeks recovering from a fight instigated by you.”

I didn’t just give a single spank with my little lesson. I emphasized each point with a nice firm swat, with additional swats between the highlights, just to keep it interestingg.

Moving right along from past grievances to future expectations I laid down the law, happily spanking as I went. Future expectations weren’t very onerous. Basically Mary-Lou had to stop fomenting trouble within the team. If she wanted to date the boys and fuck them or not fuck them, I didn’t really care, just as long as she kept the number of her liaisons down to a single digit at any one time, that digit being the number one. Any future fights caused by her would result in her spending more time contemplating the floor from across my knee.

I finally wound up and dumped Mary-Lou back on her feet. She stood there, hands clutching at her bottom, heedless of the fact that this made her dress ride up and showed off her pussy.

“Have you got the message?” I asked, and she nodded frantically.

“You’ll behave?” and there was more frantic nodding.

“I have to admit that I’m curious about your virginity claim,” I said. “I’d like to check that out. Why don’t you finishsh taking off your clothes.”

At this point I expected the frantic nodding of yes to change to an equally frantic shaking of her head to say no. What I actually got was a hell of a shock. She didn’t even hesitate. She dropped her skirt and sent her panties the rest of the way down, stepping out of them. Even while she was stepping clear of her panties she was stripping off her top and bra, not even bothering to undo the bra. Just like that she was standing bare-assembled naked in front of me. This was a virgin?

I gently pulled her back over my knee, and I could feel her trembling. I cupped a breast with one hand while I started lightly rubbing her mound, taking it easy and getting it warmed up a little.

Mary-Lou squirmed a bit under my touch but did nothing to try to stop me. After a bit of gentle massaging I was easy a couple of fingers between her lips, dipping into her cleft flesh to explore deeper. Apart from a gasp and some deeper breathing there was no interference, Mary-Lou seems content to let me do what I would.

With her total capitulation to my playing so personally with her body I didn’t really expect her to be virginal. Shows how wrong you can be. Virgo intacta was what she was. None of the boys had scored.

I continued stroking her and playing with her breasts and pussy while I considered the situation. Finally I shrugged. It was what I would call a what-the-hell situation, so I might as well say what the hell? I stood her back on her feet, rising to mine at the same time.

I looked down at her while she looked nervously up at me. My hands were cupping her breasts, my thumbs teasing her nipples.

“It would appear that you really are a virgin,” I said softly. “I think we should change your status, don’t you?”

She bit her lip and looked a little more nervous but didn’t say no.

“Undo my trousers,” I murmured, and it seemed that my wish was her command. She very quickly undid my belt and zipper and startedpushing my trousers down. With them out the way she didn’t even hesitate. Without me having to say a thing she had a hold of my undershorts and was carefully pulling them down, letting me spring forth.

Mary-Lou stood there, her hands hovering over my cock, apparently wanting to touch it but waiting for permission. I just murmured, “Go on,” and her hands closed over me, tracing the length of me, apparently Wanting to know length and width and hardness all at the same time. Damn, but her delicate touch was torture. I wanted to scream, pick her up and just jam her down onto me so I could fuck her brains out.

In case you’re wondering, yes, I had guessed that Mary-Lou was a natural Sub. Just how submissive she’d be in the long run was anyone’s guess, but for the time being she was ready to be taken. It would have been a crime not to.

“Turn around and bend forward over the benchmark,” I instructed her and she spun around and leaned forward, hands bracing her against the benchmark.

I gently eased my cock up against her pussy, rubbing it back and forth along her slit, letting her lips drag against it as I moved.

“Are you ready? Once we start there’ll be no going back. You only have this first time once.”

“Yes,” she hissed. “Please.”

I slowly dragged my erection across where her inner lips were swollen and protruding.

“I’m not sure About this,” I said softly, rubbing lightly back and forth. “Perhaps we should just call it quits at this point.”

Mary-Lou was almost shaking with excitement. The thought that I might not continue seemed to shock her. She turned a pleading look on me.

“You wouldn’t stop now, would you?” she pleaded, a touch of desperation in her eyes.

Maybe I would, in some far off universe. Not in this one. I positioned the head of my cock against her hot soft flesh and gently pushed. And keep on pushing, a long slow thrust that didn’t stop for anything, not even her hymen or her yip of pain as I passed it. My erection just kept pushing steadily in until I was deep inside her, my groin rubbing fiercely against hers. Mary-Lou gave a groan and seemed to relax slightly, relieved that I was home at last.

I stayed like that for a moment, cock firmly in place, breasts cupped in my hot little hands, thumbs gently massaging breasts and nipples, letting her adjust to the new sensings within her body. Then I started rocking.

Moving gently at first, pulling slowly back and sliding firmly back in, letting her get accustomed to the movement. It wasn’t long before she was moving with me, her natural instincts kicking in. For a while I managed to maintain a slow even pace, just letting her arousal build. My own arousal was up and running full bore. All I had to do was stop it running away with me, something that required a bit of willpower at times.

Mary-Lou was making contented little sounds, moving eagerly under me, experiencing something new, enjoying the experience, and wanting more. I had every intention of giving her more.

Slowly I increased our tempo, my cock now pulling back and driving home in fine style, with Mary-Lou yipping and gasping and lifting her hips as she pushed back to take me. Soft and gentle went by the way and Mary-Lou didn’t give a damn. It seemed that the more vigorous I became the more she responded. A true sub, her pleasure was increased by the amount of mastery I was demonstrating, and my cock was strongly dictating the terms of her enjoyment.

I soon had Mary-Lou hovering on the edge, and I held her there. Not for long — just long enough to build up the suspension, letting her know that I was the one in control. Then I drove in hard and fast for the finale. I rode her ragged and she went up in flames with a shriek, shuddering under the forces at play within her.

I sat back feeling totally relaxed, waiting for Mary-Lou to get her act together. Eventually she seemed to sort herself out, standing and giving me a nervouss look. She spotted her clothes and blushed, remembering that she was still naked and that I was looking at her. (She was worth looking at.) She hurriedly reached for her clothes.

“Leave them and sit down,” I grewled, and she frozen, then sat.

“Just so you know where you stand, in the future you will remember my little lesson and leave my boys alone. If not, there will be penalties.”

She looked down but I could see the little smile playing around her lips as she anticipated possible penalties.

“For instance, if you start to flirt with one of the boys you might find yourself being spanked in front of him. I’m sure you wouldn’t want that to happen, now would you?”

She looked intrigued at the notion before hastily shaking her head. I sawhed. It was obvious I was going to have more trouble with this young lady. Still, a few more lessons and I’m sure she’d learn. Just what she’d learn I wasn’t sure, but she’d learn.


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