Trophy Wife Pt. 02

It did not take long for the news to reach Empire City; the Princess’s unauthorized mission toward the enemy and her subsequent disappearance were not difficult to notice. However, when it was discovered why that had happened and what she and General Denali had agreed to, the little remaining fighting spirit among the loyalists had no chance of survival. Her guardsmen returned aghast, embarrassed, infuriated, offended, and Unnerved by her sudden capitulation. The rest of the Empire City military either mutinied or surrendered. The Highlanders stormed the city unopposed and unmolested. McKinnley was dragged off of his throne and imprisoned.

The Highlanders celebrated like never before. They ransacked the royal booze cells and drank like there was no tomorrow. They locked on all of the opulent, handcrafted furniture in the palace as They sang songs about the mountains and their newfound freedom. Many of the soldiers set off to ransack the homes of the aristocrats, some of whom were Empire City soldiers eager to get revenge for being sent to die in a poorly managed war. Although there was plenty of chaos, burning, and looting, as one would expect when a long siege ends and the young men who spend months on the campaign trail finally have an opportunity to release their pen-up rage, Denali fight to keep it all at a minimum, something that Dahlia was extremely grateful for. Those who took out their fury on innocent civilians or surrendered soldiers were punished swiftly by Denali.

“Thank you for being so merciful,” begged the princess, kneeing at Denali’s feet as he sat on her father’s throne. “I will never forget this.”

“Oh I wouldn’t thank me yet if I were you,” he said softly as he stared her down; a wide, maniacal grin slowly crept on his face.

Dahlia gulped, knowing exactly what was coming.

After a long night of celebration, the sun rose and it was time to prepare for an even longer night of celebration. Word got out that the war was over and in practically no time, the rest of the former empire had come to celebrate and dance on the ashes of their former overlords. The Midlanders arrived first led by Chief Ohio. They arrived banging drums, playing flutes, and carrying massive kegs of beer for the victorious allies to share. Then came the Frontierlanders led by the hero Saint Diego who said a prayer wishing good health for all of our nations immediately Before kegstanding with two Midlanders. Queen Atlantica of the Coastlanders arrived next on a palanquin, already plastered and sitting on the lap of a burny but much younger soldier (who didn’t seem to mind at all) as she giggled to herself and rubbed his bulge. The Highlanders, who fortunately failed to drink Empire City dry the night before, were now ready to try again and this time with some backup.

The Highlanders turned the entire castle into a giant party house. Hundreds of barrels full of wine and ale were emptied inside the gullets of the soldiers, beautiful women danced with the brave warriors who took down Empire City, and bards played tunes from all over the empire, sometimes fusing the different styles into one harmonious tune. The courtyard was turned into a dance hall; where there were once fancy suits of armor lined up against the walls, there were now tables and desks loaded with drinks. The altar to the false god worshiped by Empire City was ruined and replaced with an icon of the Highlander fertility goddess. The paintings depicting McKinnley and the royal family were taken outside and defined with graffiti covering them with slurs, insults, and fake mustaches. The opulent red carpet running through the middle of the throne room had been rolled up and moved outside, leading to the makeshift dance floor. Hundreds of pairs of feet moved up and down, back and forth, to and fro, hither, thither, and whichever.

Everybody was having an absolute blast, except for one, unfortunate soul.

Overlooking everything was a balcony currently being occupied by Denali. He was having an absolute blast leaning over the hand-carved rails and watching the insurmountable joy that his victory brought the rest of the former empire. The woman chained up beside him, however, was not having as much of a blast. While Denali was adorned in traditional Highlander attire, a simple tune, trousers, and boots made from mountain wolf skin, Dahlia was completely naked, leashed, and seated on top of a round stone pedestal adorned with intricate carvings and a fine silican cushion underneath her legs; her fertility tattoo was bare for all to see, as was everything else. She covered her breasts with her arms and kept her legs folded to hide her puss but that hardly made her punishment less humiliating. The party guests would often stare and mock her humiliation from down below; instead of defending her like a good fortune, he simply laughed along with them and egged onlookers to admire his trophy.

As she looked down ata portrait of her that had been vandalized with the words “ROYAL WHORE”, her mind simmered in the devastating realization of how truly hated her father and the empire were. She knew nothing but lies growing up about how Empire City, Highland, Coastland, Frontierland, Midland, and the colonies were all friendly and got along splendidly. She had never actually seen or heard from the occupied territories unless there was a violent conflict. Seeing how much repressed rage was being let out in her home and hearing the horror stories about why they were so angry silenced any of her protests; she understood completely and had already reached the acceptance phase of processing her new life. So many questions about why rebellions and riots constantly broke out around the empire growing up were finally answered. She turned around and caught Denali looking at her with a sadistic grin as he basked in her humiliation.

“Having fun?” sneered Denali.

Dahlia simply took a deep breath.

“It’s nice watching so much pain and trauma give way to jubilation,” she answered as she watched Blackburn chug an entire bottle of champione. “But I can’t say that I’m enjoying this in the slightest.”

“Aww, why not?” crooned Denali mockingly. “We’re the ones that made this happen! This is our night, ha ha HA!”

“Yes, we did do this,” huffed Dahlia, who was quickly growing tired of Denali’s schadenfreude.

“Aww, what’s the matter?” mocked Denali venomously. “Is the guilt eating at you? Is your life of luxury at our expense finally a problem now that you’re dealing with the consequences of your actions?”

Dahlia wanted to snap back at him but she couldn’t; not only was she not in any position to but she knew that he was right. She Now know about the horrors he faced growing up in the occupied Highlands that she had been ignorant of her entire life. She understands now more than ever the source of the Highlander’s fury. However, this did not mean that she appreciatedbeing Denali’s punching bag. She knew that he was overjoyed to humiliate her in front of everybody, so she decided that she wouldn’t give him that satisfaction.

“As I said before, I’m enjoying the jubilation,” she replied.

Denali scoffed, laid back, and instead turned his attention towards the party. Over the next few minutes, he would occasionally shoot her a glance, hoping to catch a tear running down Her cheek but Dahlia remained poised, looking like the most beautiful trophy ever won. At first, the glances were quick and subtle, but over time his attention became ensnared by her curvaceous form. He was enranced by her bountiful breasts that seemed to quiver with the slightest movement. Her ass looked round, soft, and soupple; for a split second, the question if his hands would cover them if he were to palm each Cheek crossed Denali’s mind. Her fertility tattoo, displaying loud and clear to every Highlander that she was ready to be impregnated, drew his eyes more than anything else. He couldn’t help but feel himself long to be between her legs and fulfill her request. Watching the Highlander women dance wearing their beautiful form-fitting dresses was not doing it for him, he was thoroughly distracted by Dahlia.

Dahlia could tell too and was more than happy to turn him on instead of infuriating him. She throw her legs over herself and adjusted her position until her ass was hanging off the pedestal on the side closest to Denali; she also made damn sure that Denali had a great view of her pussy ass she moved. She moaned ever so softly as she rubbed her hands up and down her hips, midriff, and breasts. She even rubbed her lower stomach right over her tattoo while slipping a finger between her thighs.

“I think somebody likes what he sees,” Dahlia cajoled seizeively as she foolishly turned to him and fluttered her eyes.

Denali’s arousal began to dissipate as he saw her face. Although she was quite beautiful, she still had too many of her father’s features. Thoughts of sexual fansies gave way to pain and anger instead.

“No,” he snapped as he grabbed Dahlia’s leash and gave it a little yank. “But I think I know who might.”

Denali grabbed Dahlia off of the pedestal and forced her onto the ground on her hands and knees. He then dragged her back into the castle, down a set of hand-carved stairs, and down to the courtyard where everyone could see her humiliation. Highlander men turned and gazed at her, jeering and hurling insults directed at the former royal family. Highlander women did the same, only with far more malice in their hearts and less arousal. The denizens of the other territories also joined in, mocking the naked princess as she was trotted around on all fours. All of this happened while Denali smiled with sadistic glee at her embarrassment.

Dahlia, however, seemed to be taking it on the chin. She walked alongside Denali as her breasts hung, her nipples pointing downwards like a hog that had just given birth. Her ass cheats bounced side to side as her knees moved to and fro; so juicy and irresistible that Queen Atlantica couldn’t help but give it a smack as she walked by leaving a bright red handprint. Her face, the very one that got her in this position, remained regular and poised as if nothing was happening or perhaps even stranger, she was enjoying it. Denali was once again disappointed by the lack of tears or groveling; clearly his financee was not easily humiliated.

“I’ve had enough,” muttered Denali as he tugged the leash and returned to the castle.

“Oh, where are we going this time, my betrothed?” Dahlia asked politely.

Denali ignored her.


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