The narrower is an innkeeper who has invited his friend Elizabeth to dine with his only guests for the weekend. The guests are Jack and Jane Norwood. Jack is a rich, older man, and Jane is his young, beautiful, and submissive “trophy wife”. In the first chapter Jack delights in humiliating Jane and sharing her with his hosts.
I had never seen Elizabeth so turned on. Jane’s beauty and submissiveness in combination with Jack’s strength had her on fire. Elizabeth and I had played together many times, but I don’t think I was ever tough enough on her. My concern with her feelings always made me tenative. With Jack she seemed to sense that he was going to do what he wanted, regardless of how she felt, and that excited her more than I ever did. I don’t think she knew I was in the room, or for that matter what room she was in. The way she was looking at Jane I thought she might climb right over the table to get at her.
For her part Jane knew the effect she was having and she released in it. Between bites of my delicious casserole she stuck out her sauce-covered tongue and aimed it at Elizabeth.
Jack had been standing behind Elizabeth’s chair with his hands down the front of her dress. “Now girls,” said Jack, releasing Elizabeth’s tits and returning to his seat. “Let’s not get carried away…at least not before we have had desert. How about it Mr. Innkeeper? Surely you have some treatment for us.”
“Of course,” I said. “It will just take a minute.”
Jane continued to eat as I went to the kitchen to prepare the strawberries and ice cream. She seemed grateful to have been given the time to finish her dinner before the next ordeal. I heard Jack addressing Elizabeth.
“Do you think Jane has been punished enough for tonight?” he asked.
“Hardly,” said Elizabeth. “Did you notice her bad manners in the way she let her tongue hang out with food on it?”
Jack laughed. “Yes, that was very bad. What do you think would be a suitable punishment”?”
Elizabeth was quick to respond. “Since she used her tongue to insult us, I think her tongue should have to make amends.”
At that moment I returned with the tray of deserts and saw the horrified expression on Jane’s face. It was clear that she was afraid of what Elizabeth might make her do with her tongue. Jack just smiled and turned at Elizabeth.
I began to distribute the desert plates. “Home grown strawberries and ice cream. And if you wish you can add a little of this chocolate sauce.”
“Don’t give Jane any,” said Jack. “She’s going to have to work for her desert.”
The rest of us slurped down our strawberries and ice cream. Elizabeth made a big point of licking her lips while looking at Jane, who just sat there waiting for what she must have known was to come.
When we had finished Jack looked at me. “Please clear the table. I need to use it as a platform. Elizabeth will help you.”
Elizabeth jumped up and together we took all the dishes into the kitchen. Jack kept his wife’s bowl of strawberries and ice cream off to the side.
“What are you going to do to me?” asked Jane, a lot of appreciation in her voice.
“Whatever I want, as usual,” was his reply. Slowly he got up and approached Elizabeth, who was standing at the end of the cleared table. She was taking deep breaths and her eyes were hot.
He put his hand under her chin and lifted her face. She closed her eyes and parted her lips, inviting him to kiss her. But instead he put his mouth near her ear and whispered to her. The room was dead quiet and we could all hear what he said.
“I want you to get up on the table and lie on your back with your legs hanging over the end. Our host is going to serve Jane her strawberries one at time as part of a strawberry hair pie. Maybe he will give her a little ice cream as well. Her sassy little tongue is going to be busy.”
Elizabeth’s body shivered like she had just stepped from a warm house into a sNow storm. Without a word she turned and sat on the end of the table and squirmed her cute ass backward. When the backs of her knees hit the table she lay down. Her head was almost to the other end of the table.
Jack took a hold of the hem of her sun dress and pulled it up. Jane and I watched as her bare legs were gradually exposed. Higher and higher went the dress and still there was no sign of any other clothes. Finally the dress was bunched up over waist and her curly haired pussy was on full display.
“No panties?” comment Jack. “You are a naughty girl coming here to dinner like that.”
“Ohhhhhh…” Elizabeth was too excited to say anything.
Actually I was not surprised. Elizabeth had come to my inn that way before. She knew that it really turned me on when I felt her ass through her dress and found no panty line. It was a message that she wanted action.
“Come here,” he said to me. “I’ll show you what I want you to do.”
I watched as he took a bigstrawberry and dipped it into the still cold ice cream. Then he stood between Elizabeth’s legs and leaned over. He uses the fingers of his left hand to part the hairs on her pussy and uncover her slit. Then, holding the dripping strawberry by its stem he dragged it up and down the valley before lodging it inside her.
Elizabeth’s hips bucked up at him and she moaned. I could imagine how the cold ice cream must have felt. All the while her head was turned looking at Jane, who was still seated at the table. They both knew what was coming and their eyes told each other they were ready.
Jack and I stood back. Jane got up without being asked and took Jack’s place between Elizabeth’s legs. Gallantly I brought up a chair for her to sit on. I thought it was going to take her quite a while to fish out that strawberry with her tongue.
“Good girl,” said Jack to his wife. He turned to look at me and saw how I was admiring the profile of his beautiful wife. This seemed to give himan idea.
“Come here,” he said. “I will prepare her so that you can use the fly swatter to encourage her to eat lots of strawberries.” With that he pulled at a few critical points on the front of her dress and the flap over her breasts same away completely. It must have been secured by some hidden Velcro. Her glorious tits were now bare and hanging down as she bent over to reach the strawberry inside Elizabeth.
It was obvious what he wanted me to do, and I didn’t hesitate. Taking the fly swatter in my hand I pulled over a chair so that I was in the right position to be able to bring the swatter up against Jane’s hanging melons.
Swat…..swat…. One on each title got her attention. She bent to her work.
“Ohhhhh…”, came from Elizabeth. Her hips began to undulate.
“When she finishes that strawberry, put in another,” Jack instructed me. “I will be busy elsewhere.”
Elsewhere turned out to be up at the other end of the table, where he could position his cock and balls over Elizabeth’s mouth. It seemed she was going to have to do some work with her tongue also. And he was in a position to encourage her by sliding his hands down inside the front of her dress and squeeze her tits. He dropped his pants and shorts and presented a very stiff cock to Elizabeth’s eager mouth.
The scene before me was arousing me to a hardness I had not experienced for many months. Jane’s tits bounced as I continued to slap them with the fly swatter. I could see her working her lips and tongue on Elizabeth, trying in vain to get her teeth on the stem of the strawberry. Both Elizabeth and Jack were moaning and breathing heavily.
It was a good thing Jane had taken care of me that afternoon, or I would have lost it right there. Elizabeth’s ass was bucking up and down as Jane worked on the strawberry. Just as I thought she was about to cum Jane raised her head and displayed the strawberry dangling from her mouth, her teeth around the stem.
Elizabeth groaned as she was denied the last few nibbles that would have taken her over the top. She stopped licking Jack’s balls and screamed at Jane.
“Don’t stop now you little slut. Finish me…”
“Tut, tut,” scolded Jack. “Who are you to be making such demands of my wife and calling her names? Plus you stopped licking me without my permission. You are going to be sorry.”
Jane sensed her husband’s quick change of attitude towards Elizabeth. Standing up she turned to her husband so he could see as she picked a few hairs from her teeth. “The bitch is so hairy I could hardly find the strawberry,” she complained.
Jack smiled. “We can take care of that. Bring me those cuffs and straps from Elizabeth’s bag of goodies.” Then turning to me he said, “Hold her ankles until we can get her tied down.”
“Oh no you don’t,” exclaimed Elizabeth as she tried to get up off the table. But Jack quickly grabbed her hair and pulled her head back down, while I took hold of her ankles.She thrashed around but couldn’t get any leverage to get off of her back. Jane returned with the cuffs and soon had her arms bent back with her wrists strapped to the table legs. At that point Jack let go of her hair and came to the other end of the table to help me spread her legs and secure her ankles. She was then totally helpless and she knew it.
“Okay…okay….you’ve had your fun…now let me go. I don’t like being on the bottom.”
I knew from experience that Elizabeth was a switch who enjoyed both the top and the bottom, and I could see from the hot look in her eyes that she was still turned on. “Me thinks she doth protest too much,” I said to Jack and Jane. “Would you like me to bring some hair cutting tools?”
“Absolutely,” said Jack. “And while you’re at it, fill up that enema bag. She is going to get what’s coming to her. Jane, get her ready.”
As I left to go to my bathroom to get what Jack wanted I saw Jane pulling at Elizabeth’s dress to bunch it uphigher around her waist and expose her ass. Jack was in the process of doing the same to the top of the dress to bare her breasts.
It took me a few minutes to get everything together, but no innkeeper could have provided better service. I arranged a tray containing two sizes of scissors, an old-fashioned straight razor (very sharp), a mug of shaving cream, and a bowl of hot water. The enema bag was filled with warm, soapy water and hung from a cord over my shoulder.
When I returned to the dining room with my supplies I was greeted by a scene out of a BDSM movie. Jack had removed the flap that had covered Jane’s ass, so that now his gorgeous trophy was on display in a most inviting way. Her perfectly shaped round little ass and her firm pointy tits were exaggerated by the frame of her tight dress. She was standing at the end of the table flicking one of Elizabeth’s little floggers up between her victim’s spread legs. Jack had applied nipple clamps to Elizabeth’s stiff pointsand was tormenting her by knocking the clamps from side to side with the fly swatter. Elizabeth was twisting and jerking and moaning loudly.
“Ah, the innkeeper returns with the tools,” said Jack.
“Please nooooo…” sobbed Elizabeth. “You can shake me, but not the enemaaaa…”
Jack slapped her sharply across the face. “Be quiet woman. You will submit to whatever I want.”
He nodded at Jane, who had taken the tray and put it between Elizabeth’s spread legs. After being on the receiving end of her husband’s sadistic treatments, she was happy to be the one administratoring the punishment. It excited her to see Elizabeth squirming and pleading. And she knew first hand how sensitive Elizabeth’s pussy was going to be after being shaken smooth.
She began with the scissors and pulled the hair upward in clumps as she snipped it off. From the noises coming from Elizabeth’s mouth I suspected that Jane was pulling harder than necessary.
“Ouch……take it easy youbitch… don’t have to…ohhhhhhhhhhh……”
Jane laughed. “If you would stop squirming so much I wouldn’t have to pull so hard.”
Elizabeth responded by clutching her ass muscles and trying to hold still. Jane took the last big batch of hair between her thumb and fingers and jerked it so hard that Elizabeth’s hips came off the table. She screamed so loudly that I was afraid the neighbors would hear.
“Whoops…sorry…..,” said Jane as she cut off the hair.
Jack was laughing as he compiled Jane. “I have taught you well. Doing the unexpected is the best way to keep the victim off balance. Elizabeth now knows she can expect no mercy from you.”
“She has only begun to suffer,” sneered Jane. “In fact I think at this point shaving her is the wrong thing. It won’t hurt much and it leaves a stubble. Let me go get my hot wax machine so I can make her silent smooth and super sensitive for whatever you gentlemen have in mind.”
“OH NO,” cried Elizabeth. “I was waxed once and it nearly killed me. Anything but that….please….”
It was obvious from Jack’s expression that he was enjoying Elizabeth’s cries. He waited a minute for her to please her case. “Jack, don’t let her do this, please, I’ll do anything you want…”
He stroked her forehead and smoothed the tears on her cheek. “Of course you will, Elizabeth,” he said knowingly. “Jane, go get the machine.”
“Elizabeth, don’t be such a baby. Women do this all the time. I do it to Jane once a month. You will like it afterwards when I spread cold ice cream on you and have Jane lick it up. Now I need to trim your hairs to just the right length for the wax to do its job.”
I think Elizabeth expected me to speak up for her, but I was too caught up in the excitement of the scene. Also from past sessions with Elizabeth I knew that she liked to scream “no” when she means “yes”. I had seen her have incredible orgasms right after feeling sharp pain. Itseemed to help her let go.
Jack went to work on her pussy hairs with the little scissors and trimmed them down to about an eighth of an inch. He seemed to know what he was doing. As he worked he let his finger tip trace little lines in her folds, spreading the mood and keeping her aroused.
“Ohhhh…..goddddddd……I don’t believe thissssssss…”
In a few minutes Jane returned with a little electric hot plate and a ceramic beaker. A lump of hard red wax was in the beaker ready to be melted, along with a strip of clothes. I had never witnessed this procedure before, but I knew that the molten wax would be used to fuse the clothes with the hairs, and then the whole strip would be jerked away like a band aid.
“This is a high temperature wax,” said Jane as she plugged in the heater. “It hurts a little more going on, but it does a super job. Her skin will be as smooth as a baby’s behind afterwards.”
With a final snip Jack finished his work and stood up and looked at me. “There. She is ready. Better bring out a big dish of cold ice cream. She is going to need some soothing.”
I went to get some fresh ice cream, and when I returned I saw the wax bubble in the beaker. Elizabeth was twisting on the table and taking deep breaths. She was trying to prepare herself.
Jack picked up the beaker and touched the wax with his finger. ‘Oh, that’s really hot!” he exclaimed. He walked up to the side of the table. “I will pour the wax and Jane you handle the clothes.”
The first drops of wax feel on Elizabeth’s stomach, part of Jack’s technique of doing the unexpected. She cried out and thrust her hips upward like she was trying to throw off the burning ember. Then a drop hit on her left breast, near the nipple. But before she had time to react, he poured the whole contents of the beaker in a circular motion over her pussy.
“OHHHHHHHHH…….SHIIIIIIIIT……AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…” Elizabeth yelled out her pain and humiliation. Jane quickly laid the clothes on top of the wax and held it down. The wax began to harden.
Elizabeth’s eyes were tightly shut, her body tension. Jane sensed the wax was ready and warned her. “Bite your tongue bitch. One, two, three…”.
Jane held the hair covered clothes like an Indian warrior displaying a scalp. I looked at my friend’s pussy and admired the pink, smooth skin, with every detail revealed.
“Quick, the ice cream,” said Jack, his voice almost drowned out by Elizabeth’s continuing screams. I ladled huge scoops on her pussy and spread it around with the back of the spoon. She was twitching and groaning but seemed to welcome the soothing coolness.
“Now lick her clean,” he said to Jane. “She will be very sensitive and respond well to your talented tongue. I want you to give her a mind blowing orgasm before I fuck her.”
“Yes sir,” responded Jane. She pulled up a chair between Elizabeth’s legs and prepared to sit.
“No,” said Jack. “I want you to stay on your feet and bend over. Our friendly innkeeper deserves a crack at your ass. No pun intended.”
Jane smiled at me and did as instructed. I can’t tell you how sexy she looked in her high heels bent over with that bare perfect hemisphere protruding from her dress. As her tongue went to work on Elizabeth I dropped my pants and got into position. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jack, naked from the waist down, climbing onto the table near Elizabeth’s head.
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