Trophy Wife

I am a 52 year old widower who runs a small B and B in a southern state. Although I have been single for a number of years, I have not lacked for intimate female companionship. Every few months or so a woman guest seems to appreciate my charming hospitality and my six foot two relatively slender body enough to stay an extra night or two in my little hotel.

My place is in a secluded area and is Very private. The metal gate at the driveway entrance can be closed when I want to discourage sight seeers. There are three guest suites, situationed in separate buildings around an irregularly shaped swimming pool. Flowering bushes and lush greenery gives it the appearance of a small village lost in the jungle.

It was summer, hot and sultry. Only one suite had been booked for the weekend, reserved through my website by a Mr. Jack Norwood. At about 3 o’clock on Friday afternoon I heard the purr of an expensive car pull up to the main house. I went out on the porch and watched as a distiguished looking older man came up the walk, holding a small suitcase in one hand and guiding a very beautiful young woman with the other. A shiny deep green Jaguar was parked in the shade of the large oak near my entrance.

“Good afternoon,” I said. “You must be Jack Norwood.”

“That’s right,” he replied. “And this is my wife Jane.”

I tried to keep from staring at the woman as I greeted them. She looked like she could be his daughter. I was wondering how such an old guy got a babe like that, and then I looked again at the Jaguar and surprised.

“Welcome to my little hotel,” I said. “I have been expecting you.”

Jane smiled but did not say anything. Her husband looked around and seemed pleased. “It is indeed very private,” he said. “Just as advertised on your website.”

“Oh yes,” I was quick to agree. “And as you are the only guests this weekend, you will have the place to yourself, except for me of course.”

“Excellent,” he said. “We have driven a long way on a very hot day, and are looking forward to relaxing in the pool.”

“Right this way,” I said.

As I led them through the main house to their suite I took every opportunity to check out my greous house guest. Whoever coined the term “eye candy” must have been thinking about her. I guessed her age at about 25. She was tall and blonde, with well tanned, creamy skin and soft blue eyes. Her facial features came together in that indescribable way that can only be called beautiful.

But it was her body that really made my heart beat faster. She was wearing a tight sleepless T shirt, and equally tight cotton slacks. Her high heeled sandals forced her slender body to curve in just the right way. I don’t think I had ever seen a more provocative display of tits and ass.

My B&B is build around the pool, with gardens everywhere. The main house is on one side, and has a dining area and bar that faces the pool. My rooms are towards the front near the entrance. I took my guests through the bar and out the French doors onto the patio beside the pool.

“Fantastic,” excerpted Jack. “What do you think Jane? Is this a nice place to spend the weekend?”

“Oh yes,” she said. “I can’t wait to get out of these hot clothes and into that refreshing looking water.”

I couldn’t wait for her to do it either. Suddenly I remembered lots of things I had to do in the bar area that afternoon. Jane would be on display only a few feet away.

“Your suite is right over there,” I said, pointing to the little cabin surrounded by flowering bushes and shaded by another old southern oak.

They went quickly to their room. I always offer my afternoon-arriving guests a special rum drink of my own concoction, and I stayed in the bar area to prepare it. It was Still sloshing around in the blender when Jane came running out of their cabin in a neon green bikini that would stop six lanes of traffic.

That eye-grabbing bikini was trying its best to hold inJane’s thrusting tits and round little ass, but it was a losing battle. As she jumped into the water I just caught a glimpse of little ribbons at the halter between her breasts and at the sides of the bottom. I wondered if those little pieces of clothes would come away if you pull on the ribbons. My imagination was projecting scenes faster than a porn flick on fast forward.

Jack stood at the edge of the pool and smiled as he watched her. I thought I could detect a bulge in the front of his very conservative swimming trunks. He was not fat and seemed to be in reasonable shape for an old guy, but there was no hiding the sagging skin on his chest and stomach.

I went out and handed him the rum drink. It was in a large, ice cold ceramic tumbler. One of these babies would set your head spinning, and they go down sooo easy.

“Thanks,” he said, and took a big swallow. “That’s really good.”

I had made one for myself as well, and I sipped it as we stood there and watched Jane scissor her long slender legs as she did a slow breast stroke up and down the length of the pool.

“You have a very beautiful wife,” I said, not stopping to think that he might be offended by having another man so openly leering at his wife.

But he just smiled and looked at me. “I think the proper term is Trophy Wife,” he said. “I am a wealthy man and I have decided to enjoy my remaining years to the fullest. I am pleased that you admire her. Part of the pleasure is seeing other men envy me.”

I had not expected him to respond in such a personal way to a complete stranger, and I didn’t know quite what to say. He seemed to sense my disappoint.

“Don’t be embarrassed,” he said. “When you are my age and you meet someone you like, you cut through the chit chat and try to get to know the person quickly. I can tell just from the way you have designed and decorated this little hotel that you appreciate beauty and want to stimulate the senses of your guests. I am the same way. I hope you will join Jane and me for a swim before dinner.”

I was intrigued. “I would be happy too,” I said. “Let me bring a drink for Jane, and then I will change into my suit. Dinner is all prepared and I can serve it whenever you wish.”

“Fine,” he said, and he eased into the pool to swim towards the greum creativity who was giving him a very sexy come hither smile.

It took only a minute for me to pour another tumbler and place it beside the pool for Jane. She was playingfully swimming away from her husband as he tried to catch her by the ankle. The pool was not that big, and I knew he would corner her soon. I hurried away to get into my bathing suit.

After I changed I decided to put on the “no vacancy” sign and lock the front gate. These guests seemed to value the privacy of my location, and I did not want some late arrival tourist to disturb things. If Jack wanted me to envy him I just might get to see some interesting things later on.

When I cameback out to the pool, Jane was lying on her stomach on the hot tiles beside the water. Jack was standing in the water rubbing suntan lotion slowly up and down the backs of her legs, all the way up to the edge of her bikini.

“Do you have any more lotion,” he asked. “Our bottle is about empty.”

“Yes, I have some very good coconut oil lotion in the bar. I’ll get it.”

Returning with the lotion I was surprised to see Jack sitting on the side of the pool opposite from where Jane was laying. He was not going to put any lotion on her from that position.

“I’ll put the lot down here near Jane when you need to put more on her,” I said.

“She needs more on her right now,” he said, smiling at me. “Would you please do it?”

I looked at him for a long moment, trying to interpret the situation. He held my eyes and nodded, effectively giving me permission to feel up his wife. Jane had her head turned so that she was not looking at either of us, and she did not moveas she heard her husband ask a man she had just met to rub lotion on her nearly naked body.

Hey, an innkeeper is supposed to fulfill the wishes of his guests, right? I picked up the lotion and slid into the water beside Jane. The sun was hot and the lotion that Jack had put on her legs had already largely evaporated. My coconut oil lotion was thicker and would protect her better. I decided to redo her legs.

Starting at one ankle I dribbled a stream of lotion up over her calve and the back of her thigh. Then I repeated the process on the other leg. Putting down the bottle I looked over at Jack. He was watching us intently and nodded again. The thought went through my head that this was going to turn him on as much as me.

Slowly with just the tips of my fingers I began rubbing the lotion into her hot skin. When I went high on her thigh near her bikini I could feel a little shudder in her body. Her face was still turned away. I poured on more lotion and began massagingit into her flesh with my whole hand, and then with both hands.

She shuddered again and I took that as a signal that she liked what I was doing. Boldly I slid both hands up the backs of her legs, one on each tigh, all the way to the top.

“Ahh,” she whispered.

At this point Jack eased into the water and came across the pool towards us. “Spread your legs, Jane,” he said. “Our Friend needs to put lotion on the insides of your thighs. You don’t want to get sunburned there, especially not there.”

Jane did not hesitate. Her legs opened up so that her feet were a good two feet apart. There were fine wispy golden blonde hairs poking out from her bikini between her legs, and the aroma coming from her was a sensitive mixture of coconut, sweat, and arousal. I teased the hairs with my fingerprints as I covered her inner tighs with more lotion. The oil on my finger tips made the hairs stand up and glisten in the sun. Her ass began to move in a slow circle, and barely audible sounds of pleasure came from her mouth.

It was clear now that the little ribbons on the side of the bikini were what held it together. A little tug and the clothes would be released to spring up and away from her tight little ass. I longed to run my lotion covered hands over that bare flesh.

“I think that’s enough for her legs,” said Jack, who was now standing beside me. “Do her back.”

Angain I dribbled the lotion onto her preliminary to rubbing it in. I laid down four wet stripes, from the top of her bikini bottom to her shoulders. Then I turned to her husband. “Would you like to do her back?” I asked.

“No, you are doing fine. Just be sure to get in under the halter strap.”

So I went to work on her back. I must say it was not as much fun as doing her upper legs, but she seemed to enjoy it. After a few minutes I looked at Jack and asked the million dollar question, “What about her front?”

“Why of course you have to do her front,” he said.

Finally Jane reacted to the situation. “Please Jack, this is embarrassing me. I don’t need lotion on my front if there is no sun on it. And the sun is going down anyway.”

Jack’s eyes hardened. His voice was firm and commanding. “Jane, you will do as I tell you. You know what happens when you fail to obey.”

She sounded miffed. “Why do you have to humiliate me in front of strangers?”

“Because I want to. And I don’t consider this nice man a stranger. Now roll over.”

Every woman I have ever known would have jumped up cursing at that point and left us. But Jack seemed to have absolute power over his wife. She turned over on her back and put one arm over her eyes.

“No, no you don’t,” he said firmly. “Take that arm down. We want to see your face.”

Her arm came down and rested at her side. She looked at us from one to the other with a combination of resignation and growing excitement. Her firm breasts relaxed against her chest, but I could see through the thin bikinithat her nipples were erect and hard. She pressed her legs together.

He was obviously not pleased with her resistance. Using his thumb and index finger he pinched one of her nipples through the material, causing her to gasp and arch her back. “Open those legs,” he said. “We want complete access to your body.”

In less than a second her legs were spread wide. But he did not release his hold on her nipple.

“I did it. They’re open,” she cried. “You’re hurting me.”

“Are you going to stop this foolishness and obey me?” he said, still squeezing her.

“Yes, yes, god yes…”

Jack let her go and looked at me. “Sometimes she needs to be reminded of her place,” he said. “What good is a trophy wife if she won’t obey? Later tonight I will punish her. Maybe you can help me.”

I had watched this scene not believing what I was seeing. How did he get this power over such a beautiful creativity? And he seemed to want to share her with me. It was incredible. My cockwas hard as the railing on the pool stairs.

“Time to oil her front,” he said. “I don’t think she will object any more.”

This time I poured the oil all in one place, in a puddle right on her navel. Then with one hand I began spreading it in an ever expanding circle, dipping low to her bikini bottom and high to her top.

Jack saw that my movement was being restricted by her halter top. “This is a special bikini design,” he said. “I found it in a boutique in Jamaica. You just pull these little ribbons like so, and presto, no more bikini top.”

The top fell away, revealing a pair of beautiful breasts with long, hard nipples set into large pink areoles. She was now completely resigned and voted as we looked at her. “The sun feels good,” she said.

“Don’t want to burn these beauty,” I said. Ever so slowly I began dripping coconut oil on her tits, trying to hit the tips of her nipples. The sensing was making her squirm.

“You do one, and I’ll do the other,” said Jack. “She’ll like this.”

We both began rubbing our respective tits with the hot lot, giving lots of attention to the nipples. Immediately her breathing became deeper.

“This lot needs to be worked into the skin very well to do its job,” I said. I loved the feel of her tit in my hand and wanted to keep it there. Jack just smiled at me and gave me another of his permissive nods. Jane was starting to roll her hips from side to side as we worked on her.

Since I had one hand free and there was still a puddle of lotion in her navel, I put my hand there and slowly pushed the oily solution downward. My hand reached the top of her bikini bottom and keep going, sliding under the fabric. No longer was I thinking about what I what doing or whether it was acceptable to them.

“Here, let me help you,” said Jack, as he deftly released the little ribbons at the sides of her bikini bottom. Then with a slow, steady motion he pealed the clothes down and away from her pussy. My slick, oil covered hand followed, covering her hot pussy.

“Oh god, what are you doing to me? I don’t need lotion down there. Ohhhhh, god.”

After massaging the oil over her entire shaft I bent over to examine it closely. Her hairs had been neatly trimmed, but still stood out about half an inch from her soft skin. They were a dark blonde and glistened in the sun with the oil. I used my finger tips to gently work the lotion into them. It was clear that the oil was not the only thing making her wet. The coconut scented arc from her was indescribably erotic.

“Ohhhh my god…ahhhhhhh….that feels so good….yess….right there….ohhh.”

Her hips were now moving in a big circle, thrusting upward against my hand. My other hand was still squeezing her title, and Jack was rubbing a stiff nipple between his fingers.

“Hold still, my dear,” he said. “I want our friend to be able to examine you properly. Let’s see if he can find that internal Gspot that you like so much.”

There was a challenge I couldn’t resist. I bent down until my face was inches from her pussy and began to use the fingers of both hands to explore her. She stopped twisting and pushed her hips up to open herself for me. Her clip was clearly visible, and though I avoided touching in directly with my finger, I could not resist putting out my tongue and dabbing it on the super sensitive tip.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh…more…more…please more….”

“Not yet my little slut,” I said. “I don’t want you coming until I find that magic spot.” Calling her a slut just slipped out of me, and I was afraid I was going to offend them both. But Jack just laughed, and Jane groaned and pushed her pussy towards my mouth, letting me know that being humiliated was part of her turn on.

Continuing my search for the Holy Grail, I inserted my long middle finger in her slick, tight hole and curled it upward towards her stomach. It didn’t take long to find the little knot of nerves that was her G spot. She reacted immediately and began bouncing her ass on the hard surface of the pool deck.

“Ohhhhhh……that’s it..yessss..ahhhhhh……so gooooooood…” said Jack. “Don’t let her come. Let’s keep her at this pitch for a while.”

Reluctantly I removed my hand. Jane lay there whimpering, her hips still moving from side to side. “Pleaseee……”

“No my dear,” said Jack. “This is part of your punishment for resisting earlier. Now you will have to wait. But I promise you it will be worth it. Now turn over on your stomach. My friend and I want to play with your tight little ass.”

She did as he told her. He reached up to a nearby pool chair and pulled down a small cushion. A slap on her bare ass made her raise her hips so he could slide the cushion under her stomach. The position made her little round ass protrude provocatively, and we both began to run our hands over it. It was hot and slick, and undulated slightly under our hands as her muscles cinched and released.

“She is amazing,” I said. “How did you get this gorgeous creativity so completely under your power?”

He laughed. “We made a simple deal. I set aside a portion of my fortune, and for every year we are married I transfer ten percent of it to her name. In ten years she will be a very rich 37 year old woman, and I will probably be dead. But I can divide her at any time, and the payments stop. She knows that I will divide her if she fails to please me. Of course, if she doesn’t like being married to me, she is free to leave.”

“I am not going anywhere,” she purred and rolled her hips under our hands.

“There is another reason she submits to me,” he continued. “Nature gave her not only beauty, but an incredible sex drive, one that is most fully aroused by being dominated. I make sure she gets all that she needs.”

“Do you often involve other people?”

“Fairly often,” he said. “Both men and women.”

This last comment made me think of a woman friend who lived a few miles away. I knew she was bisexual and would love to get her hands on this beautiful girl.

“Ummmmmm,” I said. Then without thinking I reached for the coconut oil and poured a few ounces down the crack of her ass. My index finger followed and slide easily into her hole. A little shove and it was fully imbedded.


“Good move,” said Jack. “Her ass is very sensitive. You should see her react to a vibrating butt plug.”

“I would like to see that,” I said. “But right now I am so turned on that I just want to fuck her.”

He gave her a questioning look. “I’m more than ready,” she said.

“All right,” he said. “But I will direct the action. Both of you follow me. I have already picked out the perfect spot.”

I withdraw my slippery finger and followed Jack up the tiled stairs to the terrace. Jane got up and came after us. Her naked and oiled body gleamed in the fading sunlight. He led us toward a low stone wall with a smooth top, about the height of a garden benchmark. Along the way he grabbed a long narrow cushion from a chain locke.

The low wall divided two flower beds and butted up against a high stone retaining wall. Jack placed the cushion on the top of the low wall, effectively creating a padded bench with the other wall as a back rest.


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