CW: Polyamory, jealousy, D/s, bondage, humiliation, toys, spanking.
I poured three gin and tonics and set them on the black lacquer tray on the kitchen island of the airbnb we rented in Banff. My figure, clad in a little black apron, towering heels, and a pair of nipple clamps attached to a thin chain, reflected back to me in the darkened floor to ceiling windows. I hope someone outside could see me, I thought, pouring myself an extra shot of gin. It’d been three days since Allison had joined us and I was starting to feel wasted on the pair of them.
I carried my tray slowly, careful not to trip in my heals. There was giggling in the bedroom and the faint smell of cigarette smoke. It was winter in Banff and it was hard to persuade Allison to smoke outside. At first Rick had speculated loudly the Previous renters must have also smoked inside judging by the smell but had since taken to suggesting Allison following him outside for a cig, which was the only time shewould do so.
I set the drinks on the bedside table. Allison was naked except for a leather harness which crossed under her tiny breasts, buckled twice around her waist, and then circled each thigh twice like a garter. She stubbed out her butt on the ashtray besides her.
“Pass me my drink, Selene?” Her voice raised at the end to soften the order but it was an order. I passed her the gin and tonic. Allison had gotten used to ordering me around and at first it was almost sexy but trapped in the chalet with her like we were, it had started to wear on me.
Rick had locked away the clothes I’d packed and insisted I only wear the thin, flimsy lingerie he’d packed for me.
“What if we go outside?” I’d asked him.
“If we all go, I’ll pick something out for you,” Rick told me. “But we have everything we need. You should always be underdressed and ready to serve, don’t you agree?”
I had agreed until yesterday, when Allison got on my last nerve by snuggling possessesively with Rick on the couch while I tottered around in my heels making everyone dinner. Rick finally shook her off and joined me in the kitchen while Allison helped herself to another drink. Any time I tried to start up a conversation, Allison would roll her eyes and tell me “how interesting!” with a withering and unconcealed sarcasm.
“Selene,” Rick said, taking a pull of his drink. “We left your collar in the kitchen, didn’t we? Follow me and I’ll put it on you. You’ll need it for what comes next.”
I rolled my eyes but neither of them noticed. I got up and followed Rick into the kitchen. He had the lid off the gin and was pouring me a double.
“Drink this,” he whispered conspiratorially. “I need you to be really slutty for me tonight, Will you do that, Selene?”
I throw back my gin, unable to conceal my exasperation. “What do you think I’ve been doing?”
“Do you like fucking Allison?” Rick studied my face.
“Yes,” I admitted reluctantly. “It’s about the only thing I like about her.”
Rick grinned. “Okay, we’re going to have one last humrah and then call this experiment. What do you think?”
I couldn’t believe it and I said as much. “Why now?”
It was Rick’s turn to shrug. “Not too compatible. She doesn’t do it for me like you do. I’m not married to her, this was never meant to last forever. She doesn’t know what she wants but it’s not you and it’s not really me either.”
I stared at him. Two weeks ago he was unstoppable when it came to Allison. Now he wanted to call it off out of nowhere.
“There it is!” Rick called loud enough for Allison to hear from the bedroom. More quietly he turned to me and tightened the black leather collar around my neck. “I don’t know, the bloom is falling off the rose, Selene. She’s all right, but she isn’t you. This can’t last forever, let’s end it while it’s still mostly good. Are you with me?”
“Always,” I said, some more enthusiastically than I had when he’d first entertained this idea.
He poured me another half measure of gin and tipped it down my throat. “Come on, Selene, let’s put you to work.”
He led me into the bedroom by my collar like a misbehaving pet. He pushed me down on the bed between Allison’s legs and clipped my collar to the harness between her legs. There was no give, I was practically attached to Allison’s pussy. She giggled and throw her legs over my shoulders.
“Oh Selene!” She purred. She only said my name when her clip was in my mouth. Luckily Rick imposing this movement restriction turned me on, and it turned him on too. He stripped off his robe and began stroking his cock as I made Allison murmur and complain.
Rick moved behind me and pushed the tip of his cock into my damp pussy, twisting the plug he’d ordered me to wear while we were in the chalet. He pushed himself roughly the rest of the way inside me as my body struggled to adjust. “Good girl, Selene. Good slave. How does it feel to have my slave’s mOut tied to you like that, Allison? Does it feel okay?”
“So good!” Allison’s eyes were squeezed shut, her back arches and her mouth slightly open as she thrust her clip up against my tongue in a mindless frenzy.
Rick began to thrust into me in earnest, the called heel of his hand rubbing against my own swollen clip. I moaned against Allison and she thrust me back into Rick’s cock and I moaned again. I was already close but so was Allison. I could tell Rick had just enough to drink to numb himself enough to turn this encounter into a marathon. He wouldn’t come in me right away but that was a good thing. Allison’s sweet pussy and tender moans were my favorite thing about her. I hoped desperately that she would squirt when she came.
I feel the head of Rick’s thick, hard cock push my past my puffy, wet pussy lips and I gasped.
“You’ve got her so wet, Allison. Selene loves to serve you, don’t you Selene?”
My sufficient was unintelligible with Allison’s labia filling my mouth but my attempt earned me a squeal of pleasure from Allison and Rick squeezed my ass cheats appreciatedly. He pushed his cock into me and worked is way inside inch by inch, one thrust at a time. Even soaking as I was, my pussy was extremely tight and required patience to fill without hurting me.
When Rick had buried his cock inside me completely I tried to pull back from Allison’s harness to catch my breath but she thrust herself so forced into my mouth that I was started. Was she jealous?
Rick fucked me hard and fast, working strong hands over the great swell of my ass. Each thrust buried by face deeper in Allison’s sweet pussy. Her sounds grow louder but quickly sounded fake to my ears. I throw my hips back as hard as possible, stroking Rick’s cock with my tight pussy, squeezing him hard and trying to hold him inside me. He reached a hand around me to flick my clip while is other toyed idly with the plug in my ass, making me groan with exercise.
“I’m feeling a bit left out,” said Allison suddenly and I stared up at her, aghast, all but smoothed by her pussy lips.
Rick stopped mid thrust. “Selene? What’s wrong?”
I was unable to talk in my current position. Instead Allison spoke. “Maybe she’s just distracted by you? Or her heart’s not in it today.”
That little bitch. I could throttle her. Rick slid out of me and unclipped my collar from Allison’s harness. “That’s not like my little sex toy to let me down like that. Bad girl, Selene.”
He pulled me to my feet and reached for the duffel full of toys. Before I could defend myself, Rick had pushed a cock gag into my mouth and was fasting it behind my head. “You have to forgive, Selene, Allison. She’s such a slut for cocks she’s neglecting you so we’ll have to punish her.
He cuffed my hands and ankles and retrieved my dildo with a suction cup, usually reserved for minor punishments, a few moments of humiliation as Rick ordered me to fuck it whilehe watched but now, gagged and cuffed with a hostile audience, the punishment no longer felt minor.
He walked me to the far wall, affixed the dildo to the wall and pushed me gently to my knees, backing up against the dildo, relying on my arousal to lube it for me. I made a sorry mewling sound into the gag as Rick impaled me on it slowly. He kissed my forehead and I was torn between rebellion at the thought of such a patronizing, humiliating gesture but my submissive side drank in the tiny kiss, holding this feeble prayer between me and Allison like a modesty veil in the least modest of circumstances.
“Are you OK?” Rick whispered to me. Suddenly I was furious again but I nodded. He didn’t ask me if I was happy, he asked me if I needed my safeword but I didn’t. I wasn’t frightened, I was angry.
For Allison’s benefit Rick said more loudly, “you’re going to fuck that toy like a good little slut until I tell you to stop. Come as much as you can but don’t stop until I tell you.”
I bit down hard on the gag and did as I was told. There was a ghost of a smile on Allison’s face watching me humiliate myself while Rick returned to the bed with her. Rick rotated her in the bed so she was facing away from me and he was staring at me, eyes wide, a hungry look on his face.
He went down on her, burying his face between her tights but I caught his frequent peeks at me, watching as I thrust my hips back against the thick dildo, gagged and cuffed. I knew him too well. He wouldn’t be patient. He couldn’t take his eyes off me. Maybe Allison didn’t notice or maybe she did and she liked to be objectively determined like I did.
He pushed her legs up over her head and began to fuck Allison with short, fast thrusts. She seemed content to lay still, her legs held aloft. Her moans sounded beautiful but I knew they were mostly fake or rather, exaggerated with the cool practice of a college girl who’s never been told that it’s easy to spot the difference. She didn’t want him to stop, that much I knew. Watching him fuck her was in its own way mesmerizing, like hearing a very familiar song screwed and chopped until it was a whole new song you thought you’d heard all your life. My pussy squeezed the dildo as my whole body tightened. I was getting close practically against my will.
Rick’s strokes slowed and grow deeper. He was still watching me but now with glazed eyes, shaking with lust and the gathering swell of his own orgasm. Allison’s moans grow more feral and I imagined Rick must be struggling her clip with the callous of his thumb, just the way I liked. Would he makes her come like that? Did he even care?
Drool pooled at the corners of my mouth and slid down my chin as I rode the dildo thinking of Rick fucking this thinner, younger, beautiful woman While he only had eyes for me. My pussy tightened harder, clamping down so hard on the toy I was sure I would tear it off the wall but it held fast as the scream inside me built, muffled throughouth the cock gag.
Wait for me, I wanted to tell him. I’ll come with you. Don’t leave me behind while you fly away.
My nervouss exploded, hot and bright and dark, a bubble of lightning that I felt in my fingers and toes and behind my eyes. I heard echoes of screams around me like a Greek chorus but I was too far away, floating.
Rick was by my side. I didn’t know if moments had passed or if had been much longer. Allison lay on her side, her back to me, either conveniently stay or ignoring me intentionally. Rick removed my gag and unwound me from the tangle of bondage and fluids, guiding my shadow legs to the bed. He lay between us but held me. I needed his warmth, the sense of safe encryption now.
I wanted to ask Rick or Allison if she’d managed to come but Thought better of it and regardless couldn’t muster the energy. What was it to me if she was happy here, a late breaking regret, an experiment gone wrong that would hopefully soon be forgotten. I was too kind to give her what she needed. Even Rick was too kind for that.
When we woke a little after 2:30 in the morning Allison was missing but so was her bag from the hall and her car in the driveway. Rick and I shared a scotch bundled on terrace now that the rain had stopped.
“Are you sad?” I asked Rick. “You seem to have changed your mind about her overnight.”
“Not overnight but yeah,” he admitted. “I asked her what she liked in bed. What she wanted, you know? She said she didn’t care. Just wanted to be an outlet for me she said. For what?” Rick sipped his scotch. “I don’t need an outlet. I don’t need anyone else.” I paused and me my eyes. “I’m sorry Selene.”
I kissed him. I was sorry too. Why had Iet the silence between us grow deafening? Why had I waited until she was naked to admit to myself that I hated her, even while I was falling for her?
“Stockholm syndrome?” Rick smiled. “Come in, I’ll queue up some tunes and we’ll spend our last couple days naked in bed,Intertwined when I’m not pasting you to the sheets.”
“Careful,” I warned him as I opened the terrace door. “I’m going to be shopping around for some strapping bisexual lad to worship the ground I walk on while he secretly tries to oust you, just you wait.”
Rick smiled, slapping my ass as I entered, bulge growing beneath his robe.
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