Trivial Objects Pt. 01

CW: Polyamory, jealousy, D/s, bondage, humiliation, toys, spanking.


“I’m open to trying anything once.” Allison tore a tiny, soft piece of the Italian loaf in front of her and dipped it into the oil and vinegar. “Just no pain.”

Rick’s left hand tightened around Allison’s. “No pain. Don’t worry.”

I took a deep sip of my red, a barolo but it tasted Like ash in my mouth. Allison hadn’t taken her eyes off my husband since she sat down. They held hands over the table while I sat beside Rick feeling forgotten. The dinner meeting was to precede our first encounter, a threesome and something I’d never tried before. They way Rick and Allison gazed at one another believed more than just sexual tension. I wasn’t sure it was love but it was much more than lust.

The server set our plates in front of us. Rick had the halibut, Allison ordered gnocchi in sage pesto; I had the duck breast. Allison ordered another glass of wine while I anxiously recalculated the tab.

Allison loaded some of everything onto her fork and beamed at Rick. “The perfect bite,” she explained, before previewing her orgasm face for us both in a melodramatic display of enjoyment.

“I’m so glad you like it,” Rick told her. I rolled my eyes and drained my wine. If I was supposed to let this happen, I was going to need to get a lot more intooxicated.

Even though she was twelve years his junior, Allison had Rick by the short and curlies. Last year, not long before Rick and I got married, she had started a non-stop, take no prisoners campaign to seduce him and it had worked like a hot damn. I never liked her much, though she was admittedly very attractive, if unconventionally so, with her thin, avian features and acerbic wit.

I try to be open minded so we were inviting her into our bedroom tonight. This, I had decided, would pay off in the long term. Few crushes survive a couple of fumbling sexual encounters and what could be more fumbling than a threesome between two married people in their thirties and a twenty-one year old?


Back home I sat on the edge of my king-sized bed, wrapped in a black silk robe. Allison was freshening up the in master bathroom. She’d been shy and evasive about what she liked in the bedroom so it would be trial by fire for Rick. Rick and I had agreed to focus our attention on her and not spend much time on one another. I’d never been with a woman so I figured I was bound to come over like a virgin. My plan was perfect until Rick came into the bedroom wearing only boxer briefs and sat down next to me.

“Selene? Are you all right with this?”

“Yes,” I lied behind a tight smile.

Normally Rick could see through my lies but the promise of Allison was too alluring. Still, he knew how to sweeten the deal. “Go to your lingerie drawer and take out the black thong and the dildo it goes with, please.”

The black thong contained a metal attachment for a pink vibrating dildo. Rick usuallymade me wear it when we went clubbing or to a party, to keep sex on my mind and ready me for a long, luxurious fuck when we got home. I assembled the toy and slipped it over my legs.

“Not yet, little slut,” Rick grinned and pushed his thumb into my mouth as he stroked my face-a display of ownership. “Get the plug-the steel princess plug, not the bigger black one. And the lube, please.”

I blushed furiously and brought them to him. “Isn’t this a bit kinky for her?” I said.

Rick shrugged. “I’m not doing it with her, I’m doing it with you. This could be the best thing ever, or not, but either way, you need to feel owned while you perform for me, don’t you?”

I nodded, slightly mollified, and crawled onto all fours. Rick locked the bedroom door, Knowing no matter how lube he used I would never relax if Allison could come charging in at any moment. He inserted a lubed finger. The second one made me squeak.

“That’s right, little girl, relax for me. Good. The plugwill be discreet. I want you to come as many times as you can because I’m not going to touch you much so we can focus on our guest. Got it?”

I nodded. That much we could agree on at least. I felt the cool steel tip open my ass and I whimpered.

“You’re going to serve her until she or I say to stop. Do your best to get her off. If you work really hard like I know you like, I’ll let you pick out a treatment. A new toy maybe? Or something restrictive?”

Jushed as pushed the swell of the plug inside me the door knob rattled and I swore under my breath and clenched painfully.

“Just a second!” Rick called. His hand cupped my pussy lips. He whispered to me “maybe we could get some of those piercings done? Your nipples. Or here?” He pinched my clip and he thrust the plug all the way in and I was left gasping for breath having successfully stifled a scream. While I caught my breath he pulled the special thong over my wide hips, sliding the dildo easily into place inside me. What could be more discreet?

Rick unlocked the door. A split second before Allison hitched a big, beaming smile to her face, her expression was thoroughly sullen. She wore Calvin Klein bikini cut panties that showed off her legs and no bra. Each small breast was round and full, with nipples darker than mine. She looked even smaller in such a state of undress. Rick took her hand and sat her on the bed.

They were buzzed and I was close to drink. I shed my black lace bra as Rick brought her to the center of the bed, his lips locked on hers and I moved between her legs. I noticed Rick’s hand slide discreetly under the mountain on pillows to flick a switch on the controller for the dildo inside me. I squeezed my thighs shut to muffle the noise but it was drowned out by Rick’s music. I looped my fingers into her panties and pulled them down her legs. I anticipated resistance or at least nervousness but she rolled her hips towards me in anticipation.

I moved between her thighs,so much smaller than mine, and kissed the crevices of her legs, the top of her mound, and finally her clip. She tasted sweet with an almost citric tang. She bucked and moaned, pushing herself deeper into my mouth, which excited me.

The violations from the dildo spread to the steel plug in my ass and I felt hypersensitive. A warm glow spread through me as I plugged my tongue inside her, over her pussy lips and back to her Clip where I sucked and nibbled on her. She compromised and I locked her tighs in my arms, holding her still, keeping a slow, steady rhythm with my licks alternating between teasing and intensity.

“Selene lives to serve, don’t you?” Rick said, first to Allison, and then I guess to me. Throughly admitted by this new way to be submissive, this anatomy both familiar and alien to me, I nodded and Allison wronged, her earlier insecurity forgotten.

“Here’s what I want to do, tell me if either of you object,” Rick’s breathing was heavy as he massaged Allison’sperfect half-moon tits. “Selene gets off best with her hands tied. Allison, I want to fuck you. Would you like that?”

I groaned at Rick’s exposure of my taste for bondage just as Allison swooned and rolled her hips greedily and anticipation of Rick’s thick erection, which she could already feel through his boxer briefs.

“Selene, I’m going to bind your wrists, you can sit up. Don’t worry, I’m sure Allison will let you get back to doing what you’re best at soon enough.”

Avoiding looking at Allison, I let Rick buckle thick black cuffs to my wrists and attached them. Rick laid me down near the farthest edge of the bed and straddled my head so that his heavy balls rested on my face. I blushed darkly, grateful that Allison couldn’t see with my face so obscured.

“Allison, will you please get my cock wet with your mouth?” Unlike with me it wasn’t an order, it was a careful request. I felt the bed move as she got closer. She rested her light body on me like I was just another prop and soon I heard her gagging and felt her head bobbing on him.

Not to be outdone, I opened my mouth and and lavished attention on Rick’s hard balls, moaning into the sensitive skin, sending little shock waves through him.

“Good, good!” Rick excaimed before long. He had to be careful not to come before he’d had time to fuck Allison and he obviously struggled to keep control.

Allison sat up and Rick climbed off me, struggling my hair as he brought Allison to the center of the bed. She laid on her back and Rick climbed over her as I laid tied and mostly immobile as he pushed his cock inside her and she let out window-rattling howl.

I watched as he moved over her in slow, deliberate movements. Her knees were by her ears to give him more access to her. He dipped to kiss and bite her lips, her throat, to play with her swollen nipples. The fake cock inside me whirred and butt plug hummed in harmony. A part of me was hypnotized to see my husband fuck anotherwoman, particularly one who looked so little like me. The other part of me wanted to shove the soaking wet dildo inside me all the way up her ass until she promised to stay out of bed and out of my life.

Rick started fucking her slowly, shaking as he did so. He was close I could practically taste him. Allison was enjoying herself but I didn’t think orgasm was imminent. She got louder as he got closer and Finally he exploded, inside her, letting out a guttural scream.

He collapsed on top of her a moment. “I’m sorry, I usually don’t come so quickly. You’re just…too much.”

That was both true and false; he didn’t usually come so quickly, but it was the threesome rather than Allison specifically that overloaded his circuits. Allison didn’t seem to care but he looked horny still. I hoped she was responsible with her birth control.

Rick turned to me and grinned. “Selene will clean you up. Come on, Selene,” he helped reposition me on the bed so I was back between Allison’s sticky thighs. My wrists were still chained together. Rick’s cum spilled out of Allison’s pussy. He pushed my head against her pussy lips and Allison giggled and did the same. I snarl of announcement ripped through but I obeyed and began to lick Rick’s cum out of Allison’s soaking pussy.

“Good girl,” Rick cooed, moving Allison on the bed so that she laid back in his arms while I worked my tongue deep inside her. “Selene loves to give head,” Rick told Allison, struggling her hair and kissing the back of her neck. “I bet you could spend hours between Allison’s legs, couldn’t you Selene?”

The awful truth was I could, despite my humiliation. She was pretty, she tasted good, and it pleased Rick to watch me struggle to get her off. She moaned as I nodded my ascent.

“You’ve never come with a partner, right Allison?” said Rick and Allison shyly agreed she hadn’t. “Then here’s something we can try tonight. Let’s keep Selene between your legs until you either come or you’ve had enough. Just say when, Allison. What do you think?”

Allison rolled her head back and moaned as Rick spread her legs wide for me and I went to work, lick and sucking and teasing her clip with my mouth. If I was going down on him, Rick would bind my wrists behind my back but this was new and unfamiliar and would likely take a very long time, so I was grateful he left my hands free.

I slid my shackled wrists over her pelvis, just above her mound and held her down as she bucked desperately against my mouth. I hummed against her clip and she went wild in Rick’s arms. I would make her come or I would make her delicious. I could almost hear the sweet nothings Rick whispered in her ear but in that moment, there was nothing but my mouth on hers, and the desperate way she thrust her hips so that her clip dashed against my tongue.

I stayed between her legs for three quarters of an hour until finally she began to seize and shake and her chest flushed and her breath grew short.She screamed so loud the windows shook again and I finally relaxed, kissing the wetness away.

A couple hours later and Rick had packed Allison off once she’d sobered up enough to drive. She had an early class, for which I was grateful. Rick led me back to the bedroom and attached the collar and leash.

“You were such a good, obedient little slut. I know you need to come, you’ve worked so hard,” Rick told me, tugging my lean towards the bed. He saw my hands slide under the thong that held the dildo inside me. “But not yet. Right now I need your ass, Selene. I’m going to come in your ass and the plug is going back in and you’ll wear it until I’m done with you. Would you like that, slut? Your ass full of your master’s cock?”

Normally I’d say yes and mean it but Today I’d been asked to endure so much already. I didn’t want to tell him no. I wanted to feel his hard cock inside me in a way he reserved just for me. Finally convinced, I knelt on all fours on the bed while Rick stood behind me, lubing his thick cock.

“I’m going to pull the plug out and replace it with my cock. I want you to take a deep breath and bear down. One, two, three.”

A sparkle of pain and a comedic popping sound and suddenly the body-warmed steel was replaced with Rick’s thick cock, splitting my ass open. Tears welled up in my eyes from the fullness of Rick’s cock in my ass and the dildo in my pussy and I tried to pull away on instinct but Rick help my lean tightly, slowly but firmly pushing his way inside me, until he was buried to the base.

I begged him to let me adjust and he did. My ass has always been extremely tight, no matter how hard Rick trained me. He held himself still inside me for several long minutes while he rubbed my neglected clip and tried me for my obedience Earlier, for looking hot, for getting Allison off.

Rick started slow, with short, gentle thrusts inside me, followed by longer, faster ones and playful swats. Soon I was begging himto come in my ass and he soon obliged, pushing the plug into place effortlessly.

“I want you to ask permission before you remove that,” he told me, clipping my cuffs to my collar so that I looked like I was begging but was effectively immobilized. He peeled the soaked thong away, removing the dildo which he’d turned off after Allison came. He pushed it between my lips, holding me back against him with the dildo to gag me. He flicked and stroked my clip.

“Get comfortable, little pet. I’ll decide when you’re done coming.”


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