Hi there! This story was written as part of a kiny writing challenge that used randomly rolled prompts. For this one, my prompts were: clothespins, evil stick, humiliation, strangers, teasing, and leather. This one wound up being quite a bit longer than I intended, but it was a blast to write. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! If you like the writing challenge format, be sure to check out ‘Cheering Up Miss’ from last year’s and ‘1.46 Seconds’ that was posted on here a few days ago!
Ohgod. Why was I doing this? I wasn’t ready for this. I should leave. There was still time to back out.
There was a knock at the door. I heard my handler, Bruce’s voice asking me if I was ready to go. He was assigned to look After me tonight, make sure my limits were respected, and be at the ready in case I safeworded.
I took a deep breath and a sip of water to steady my nerves. I thought back to three months ago, the last time thisEvent ran. I remember how badly I had wished I were one of the contentants. I remembered the slickness running down my legs right in the middle of the club, just from watching. As much as it scared me, it was thrilling (not to mention fucking hot), and I couldn’t let down the girl who had watched the last three iterations of this event and yearned to participate.
“I’m ready!” I called through the door, much more confidently than I felt. It immediately clicked open, and in walked Bruce. I resisted the urge to cover myself, knowing my naked body would be on display for the entire club shortly without even the thin robe I wore now. I might as well get used to it.
“Alrighty, just a couple final things before we go out there,” Bruce explained. He held out a piece of paper encased in a plastic sleep for me to review. “Anything you need to add, edit, or take off your limits list?”
I shook my head. Nothing had changed from when I initially filled it out.
“And you still want your stage name to be ‘Blue Topaz’?” I nodded. It wasn’t terribly creative on my part; it came from the blue streak in my straight black hair and my birthdaystone. But I couldn’t think of anything better, and if my stage name was the part people remembered, we were all doing something wrong.
“Then everything seems to be in order!” Bruce smiled at me, knowing full well what I was about to endure. “Time to get you set up onstage, Blue Topaz. Put this on, please.”
I took the leather blindfold Bruce held out to me. After another few deep breaths, I placed it over my eyes. It was less of a blindfold and more of a short hood, covering most of my face, leaving the bottom of my nose and my mouth unencumbered, then wrapping back above my ears and around the back of my head. Bruce helped arrange the strangles around my hair to attach to the matching leather collar I wore around my neck bearing the word “CONTESTANT” in small sparkly letters.
Once the hood was secure, I felt(presumably) Bruce’s hand on my cheek. I yelped in surprise; the touch had been something like a slap, but more like a tap in terms of force. It hadn’t hurt in the slightest, but it sure shocked the hell out of me when my nerves were already feeling raw.
Bruce chuckled. “Well, you didn’t flinch. Guess you couldn’t see my hand coming. Always a fun test to do. Now, as soon as you lose the robe, we can go.”
After I tossed the robe in approximately the direction I remembered the couch being, he put an arm around me and slowly led me through the back hallways of the club. I hadn’t really participated in many events at The Pit, only spectated, so I was unfamiliar with the backstage area. Luckily, Bruce was very used to guiding blindfolded participants through the hallways, so we made it up to the stage unscathed.
Having speculated this particular event several times, I more or less know what to expect. I knew I’d be positioned at one of three stations under the large “TRIVIA NIGHT @ THE PIT” banner, one for each contestant. I knew from past experience that each “station” consistent of a one-bar prison to keep the contestant in place as well as a table of implements that could be used to cause pain or pleasure. It occurred to me that while I could see which implements were available as a spectator, I had no idea what was on the table at my station as a participant. I supposed that’s why I had to be blindfolded from the very beginning; not only so that I could’t identify my fellow participants, but so I wouldn’t even know what the options would be for my rewards and punishments. I shuddered slightly in anticipation.
I heard Bruce’s voice by my ear start to talk me through the setup. He had me stand over the one-bar prison, which was an adjustable pole mounted to the stage. At the top of the pole, a dildo was already mounted (I’d been asked about sizing on the registration form). I moaned gently as Bruce caressed my thighs, guiding mybody to the correct position above the pole. I flushed as he teased me good-naturedly about not needing any additional lube for the insertion, which only made my pussy wetter. He had me stand up on my tiptoes so he could adjust the pole to the correct height, keeping the tip inside me, making it so that no matter how much I strained, I would not be able to lift myself off the toy. Just as my calves were starting to protest, I heard the click of the adjuster and Bruce’s voice telling me I could relax. I moaned as I lowered my body, impaling myself on the dildo. Fuck, I felt so full. And we hadn’t even gotten started.
Bruce instructed me to try to leave my station. Even with my hands and arms free, there was nothing on which to maneuver myself. After a few minutes of trying various angles, maneuvers, and little hops, I still, panting with exercise, only having succeeded at fucking myself with the toy. The whole rig was so simple, yet so devilishly effective.
Seemingly satisfied, Bruce had me hold my arms behind my back and began lacing them into a leather armbinder. Bless him, he didn’t make the tightness of it too strict, given that I would be wearing it for a while, but my arms were quite effectively rendered entirely useless.
Bruce and I made quiet conversation as we waited for everyone else to finish setting up. It was a bit surreal, chit chatting about our jobs and pets while I was blindfolded, bound, and vaginaly impaled, until I realized that he was trying to distract me from the sounds of the gathering audience. He was clearly a pro at this, and he told me he’d been a handler at club events for several years now. He spoke to me in soothing tones, calming my nerves, encouraging me to just be present in the moment and focus on what I needed to do and what I would be made to feel.
I whispered a quick “Thank you” to him as he took a step back to his seat immediately behind me and the host started to welcome the audientce.
“Welcome to the Spring edition of Trivia Night at The Pit! For those of you who are new, we have a trivia night once every three months. It’s a bit different from other trivia nights you might have experienced, though. For one thing, YOU come up with the questions! After we introduce our contentants, you can sign up to ask one a trivia question of your choice. Each Contestant must answer seven questions, so that gives you all twenty one slots that need filling. The best part? If the contestant answers the question correctly, you can select an implementation from the table, or use your hands or mouth of course, to give them a nice reward. If they answer incorrectly, you’ll get to personally administrator a brief punishment! While all three of our lovely contestants already get a month’s free membership and access to our end of the month VIP night just for volunteering, the winner will get a free club membership for the entire year!”
“And now, to introduce our contestants! I’ll include a brief overview of each participant’s likes, dislikes, and limits, but please do remember that our handlers will be making sure you review the more detailed information at each contestant’s station before administratoring any reward or punishment. So without further ado, let me introduce our first content-“
The host’s voice was cut off as a pair of noise-cancelling headphones was placed over my ears. They were also playing white noise, just in case any sound didn’t quite get cancelled out. I tried to tally up the few friends I’d made at the club over the past year or so that I’d been coming here and realized just how few familiar faces there were. The vast majority of the people witnessing and touching me tonight would be strangers. And I wouldn’t even get to see who they, or my fellow contestants, were.
My pussy clenched around the dildo that kept me anchored to my spot on the stage. I remembered again that I was naked aside from the leather blindfold, collar, and armbinder. It felt intensely vulnerable being helpfully on display like this.
“…and now our first question for Blue Topaz!” The headset was abruptly removed and I struggled to oriented myself with the senses I had available.
Another voice spoke, one of the audience members. “What is the tallest building in the world?”
Fuck, okay. Time to focus. I can do this. I know this.
“Burj Khalifa,” I answered. I felt warm with pride, knowing 100% that this one was correct and that I was getting off to a great start.
“And that is CORRECT! Come on over to give Blue Topaz her reward!”
I feel more than hear the question-asker approach me. After several moments, presumably while they reviewed my limits list, I feel a hand graze my left breast. The right followed soon after, and I saw in pleasure as my nipples stiffened under their touch. I moaned as I felt their lips close around my right nipple, fingers still dancing across the left. I flushed as the audience cheered at my moans, but was soon just lost in the pleasure of it. I let out a pathetic little whimper as, far too soon, the stranger pulled away and the reward was over.
Even as I was still catching my breath, the headphones were once again placed over my ears, pumping me back into the world of static. I squirmed a bit, enjoying the cooling of the air gently kissing the wetness that remained on my nipple. Without sight or meaningful sound, my skin was extra sensitive, and I could feel every inch of my body trying to wring out every residual bit of pleasure.
Once again, the headphones were removed from my ears and I eagerly listened for the question.
A deep voice this time asked “If there are six apples and you take away four, how many apples do you have?”
Awesome! This was easy. I was already anticipating the next round of pleasure as I answered “Well, six minus four is two, so you have two apples.”
My face fell as the host exclaimed “I’m sorry, that is INCORRECT! If there are six apples and you take away four, then you have the four apples you took! Looks like Blue Topaz has earned her first punishment early on!”
I burned with humiliation at having gotten such an easy question wrong and cursed myself for getting distracted with the mere anticipation of pleasure. I usually knew 90% of the answers when I was in the audience, but I seemed to have understood the effect of being the one on the stage. I heard the same deep voice that had asked the question muttering to themselves, “What to choose, what to choose… ah!”
I felt the asker’s breath bearing down on me and tried to shrink away, struggle in the armbinder, but there was nowhere to go. Even though logically, I knew that I had outlined what I was and wasn’t willing to accept as a punishment and that Bruce was looking out for me, I couldn’t help but feel prickles of fear making their way through my body. I was completely at the asker’s mercy.
And the chefs of the crowd at the prospect of my punishment were far more eager than the chefs at my pleasure.
I flinched slightly as I once again felt fingers on my left nipple, but the touch wasn’t painful; my punishment was rolling the nipple between their fingers. I let out a moan, moreso of relief than of pleasure, though it did feel good.
That is, until I heard it. There was a dull, fervent snapping sound next to my right ear. It wasn’t very loud, but it was… independent, somehow. I couldn’t figure out what it was, but the snapping sound stopped after a few repetitions. I then felt my left nipple, which had continued to stiffen under my puzzler’s touch, be pulled gently away from my body, and…
Snap! The same snap I’d heard now clamped down bearably, but unfortunately painfully, on my left nipple. I feel like my mind was lagging behind, still processing the sensing as my punishment started in on the right. The snapping hadn’t sounded metallic… it was duller than metal, but definitely sharper than a rubber-tipped clamp might have been…
Ah. My mind found the word as the second clothingspin closed around my right nipple.
I jumped slightly, setting the clothespins moving around painfully, as I heard that deep voice again right in my ear.
“Enjoy those. Bruce here says they stay on until further notice.”
I Shivered at their breath on my ear, and then I was once again plunged into that dark, stationicy world as the headphones were replaced. I took a few deep breaths to try to acclimate myself to the ache that was blowing in my chest, knowing that there was no reliable way to remove them with my arms bound behind me. I focused on adjusting to the sensing before I was asked my next question; I would not allow myself to get distracted this time!
As I felt the headphones once again removed from my ears, I readied myself to listen for the question.
This time, it was a raspy voice that spoke. “What is the only marsupial native to North America?”
I chuckled to myself, thinking about the times I’d prowl the neighborhood at night to look for criteria and answered in a clear voice, “The opossum!”
“And that is another CORRECT answer for Blue Topaz! Go give her that reward!”
I waited eagerly, hoping the new stranger would remove the clothespins from my breasts. Instead, I heard the voice call out to the crowd from just in front of me, “Damn, y’all should see how much she is dripping. I don’t even have to touch her to see how wet she is.”
Another voice called back, “Don’t worry, we can see it from here,” followed by raucous laughter from the audience.
My face burned with embarrassment while my pussy only became wetter. I feel the strange stroke my folders around the one-bar prison, occasionally reaching up to stroke my clip. I moaned wantonly and fucked myself as best as I could on the dildo, hoping to encourage the stranger to touch me more firmly. Iwas well past caring that not only did I have no idea who was touching my pussy, but that I would never even find out; I might forever be wondering if any of the people I saw at the club had been the one to reward or punishment me.
The fingers stopped abruptly as they found what they were looking for. As soon as they stopped, my moans trailed off into a panted “Please…” However, a moment later, I Understooth what the stranger had been looking for when the dildo inside me began to vibrate. It seemed to have been set to a medium pulse setting, sending regular pulses through my pussy. It felt positively heavenly. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew I wouldn’t be able to cum from internal stimulation alone, but at the moment, this was exactly what I needed.
I felt the stranger’s lips on my neck as They sucked, almost definitely leaving a hickey.
“Enjoy,” they said teasingly just before replacing the headphones and presumably returning to the audience, leaving me with the toy thrumming inside me even while it continued trapping me in place.
Unable to see or hear anything, the pleasure was all-encompassing. I luxurious in it, taking full advantage of the limited time I had to enjoy it. Some vague part of my mind remembered that I was up on a stage, naked and bound in front of an audience, but that part didn’t seem to matter in the face of the waves of pleasure in which I basked.
The sound almost swirled in my ears as the headphones were once again removed. It took me a moment to oriented myself away from the sensings happening inside my body and actually process the… third? Fourth? Second? How had I already lost track? Well, the next question, anyway.
“…process by which dry ice becomes gaseous carbon dietide?”
Fuck. I missed the beginning of the question.
“Um… can you repeat the question please?” I blinded at the note of desperation in my voice.
“I’m sorry,” said the host, clearly enjoying my predicament. “You’ll have to pay better attention next time. Do you forfeit the round?”
“No!” I blurted out. I figured out what the question had to be, and I knew I knew the answer… if only I could actually focus on it. My retreat to my internal dialog had turned my attention back to the pleasure.
“Blue Topaz, we’ll be needing your answer. Other factors are waiting for their turn.”
As if on cue, I suddenly heard a whimpering sound coming from the contemporary to my right. I realized that they had been whimpering the entire time, only I had been too distracted to process it.
“Um, right. Sorry. Um… melting?” I knew that was wrong. I knew I was bombing this. I was grateful that getting the answers right wasn’t exactly the point, but I was embarrassed to Not be able to answer something I knew that I knew.
“And that is another punishment for Blue Topaz! The correct answer was ‘sublimation’!”
I heard footsteps walking towards me… was the question asker wearning combat boots? I heard them muttering back and forth with Bruce behind me, but I couldn’t make out what was being said. I waited for what felt like an eternity, the vibrations between my legs still pleasure, but feeling more like an unwanted distraction than a reward at the moment.
Finally, I heard Combat Boots approach. I braced myself for the expected pain, but instead, I flinched at something soft mopping up the sweat off my abdomen. At the soft click of the marker, I remembered the one item that I had listed as both an available reward and as an available punishment.
Body writing.
I held my breath and stayed stock still as the tip of the marker made contact with my skin. I wondered if Combat Boots would tell me what they had written on me. I regretted leaving that part open-ended, but I also didn’t know whether or not I wanted to know. I knew I wouldn’t be given a choice regardless. After the last few lines, which I suspected formed an arrow given how they connected the rest of the writing down to my pussy, I heard a voice in my ear.
“Such a good canvas,” Combat Boots purred. “It says ‘MY BRAIN LIVES HERE’ with an arrow to your pussy. I could tell you know the answer to that one. But I bet my sub that you’d be distracted and get it wrong anyway, and now he’s earned himself 10 lashes. So thanks for the win. He really was rooting for you, though.” The headphones returned to my ears.
I burned with humiliation, both at what was written on me and at the prospect of the question-asker betting that I would know the answer and get it wrong because I was such a wanton slut.
Okay. I have to focus this time.
I did my best to focus on keeping the pleasure in my pussy, the pain in my nipples, and the overall feeling of humiliation at bay. I focused on how I was going to listen intently to the next question and be able to answer. I put all of my attention on hyping myself up for the question.
The headphones were again lifted off my head. I listened for the question.
“The Philadelphia Eagles was established in 1933 as a replacement for which bankrupt team?”
My heart sank. I wasn’t even sure which sport the Philadelphia Eagles played.
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