This is a story from the point-of-view of a submissive woman. As a Master, I like the challenge of testing my ability to see the M/s relationship through the eyes of a submissive woman. Enjoy.
I had gone to bed, fell sound sleep, and Master had used the key that I gave him to get into my apartment and come into my bedroom. When he pulled back the covers to reveal my nude body I woman up Suddenly. At first I was groggy and really happy to see M. Then I realized I had left my dildo and vibrator under the sheets and it was obvious that I had been playing with myself without permission. Shit, I knew he would be disappointed in my lack of self-discipline and for ignoring his instructions and that is the worst feeling in the world.
I hoped up and got on my knees on the floor as quickly as I could. I kneeled up very straight with my knees apart, my mouth open, my eyes downcast and my hands behind my neck with my elbows out straight to the side. I could only hope that getting into this position immediately and making no effort to explain myself would give me a chance to overcome Master’s disappointment quickly.
Master stayed silent for longer than I could stand. He went to my kitchen and made himself some coffee and then came back and sat down in a chair where I could only barely see him out of the corner of my eye. My eyes were starting to shed a few tears because I was so sorry I had disappointed M and because I had stayed stock still in this position and it was really starting to hurt.
All I could think was I dare not move but damn, if I could, I would grab that dildo and vibrator and throw them out the window. How stupid was I?
“What were you doing before you fell asleep last night?” was all Master said. “I was missing you so much and had no idea when you would visit next. I was so lonely I needed to…”
“SHUT UP! you knew you were breaking a promise to me, right?”
…”Yes. Sir”
“You know I can show up at anytime and you have begged me to do so, right?”
…”Yes, Sir”
“You know that you must be punished for this, right”
…”Yes, Sir”
“You know that you fucked up your training, right?”
…”Yes, Sir”.
Master holds three clothespins in front of my face. He has told me what that means as part of my training but this is the first time. I don’t move until he says OK and then I quickly use my hands to attach one clothespin to each nipple and one directly on my clip. Shit, they sting. They bite more than I expected. All other pain from kneeling is gone from my mind instantly. When they are firmly in place my hands go back behind my head.
Minutes go by. I’m not sure what to do. The pain in my nipples dulls While the pain in my clip expands to a deep intense feeling that reaches to the depths of my womb.
“Start contracting your pussy muscles the way that I taught you!”…I began right away. Ten seconds clenched, ten relaxed. Over and over again. My whole body is literally trembling, I am not sure I can hold still much longer. I am shocked that I am about to orgasm under these extreme conditions. Cum or fear? What will happen to my body now, I have no idea.
“STOP”…I stop clenching.
“Trisha, calm your breathing and slow your heart.” Suddenly, I am able to do that. My mind fills with emotions too deep for words to describe. Master gives me a slight, quick reassuring smile as he slips a blindfold over my eyes.
“Trisah, I am holding a riding crop and I hope to use it only three times. Relax your arms and move your hands behind your back. Clasp your wrists together.” Wow, so much for keeping my heart calm, it is racing again but I do as Master says with my hands. The relief in my shoulders hardly offsets my anxiety.
“I am going to whip each clothespin off of you with this crop. Each time it will hurt too much to stay still. If you need to cry out and bend over it is OK. But, do not let go of your wrists behindYour back. And, most important, do not flinch or cry out because you THINK I am about to hit you. Even when you hear the whistle of the crop through the air, do not move because I may not hit anything. When I do hit I will be very accurate and a clothespin will snap off. Try to recover as quickly as possible. When you are ready, say ‘thank you, master’”
“Do you understand Why this is your punishment?”
“Yes Master. Because I need to suffer so that I will not break a promise to you again. Thank you sir for not giving up on me.”
“Wrong slave. This is about your ability to not flinch until after you feel the pain. You must focus and use every ounce of self-discipline to remain still no matter what you hear or think might be about to happen. This is a lesson in discipline to help you to become the best. That is what you want right?”
“Yes Master. Thank you Master. I will not flinch.” … “Well that is good to hear, because every flinch adds 3 whips to your ass after this is done. OK?”
…”Yes sir.”
All is silent. I barely realize that the talking is over when the crop smokes the clothespin off of my left nipple. Oh my god. The pain is a sting that shocks me to my core. Tears pour from my eyes behind the blindfold from the pain but I am proud that I can recover pretty quickly and get back up on my knees. To my amazement, I feel a surge of pride and my pussy spasms even as I recoil from a sing like nothing I have ever felt before.
“Thank you, Master”
I steady myself and Master’s body moves and the whip swishes. Air exploits from my lungs and my heads crunches down to my knees. He has not touched me. The room is so quiet. I knee up and the swish is almost immediately as the clothespin on my other nipple pops away. Suddenly I Know that I can handle this. My mind is in a place I have hardly imagined before and my pussy, no not my pussy, deep inside my womb I feel a throbbing that seems to be beating along with my heart.
“Thank you, Master.”
Almost as if I am outside my body, I hear the whip again and my clip exploits. The pain is like a bee sting and a cramp but I have an orgasm that drains me from my core. The moment I recover, I spin around and present my ass. It is hardly a consciousness decision. My body just knows that I have three lashes coming and obeys. Perhaps that impressions Master because the lashes are quick and nothing like the pain from before.
“Very good Trisha. Lay on your back on the bed. Hold your hands behind your neck and keep your legs spread very wide apart. Don’t move.” Although blindfolded, I obey instantly. Silence again.
Then the crop strikes me gently directly on my pussy. “beg me to whip your pussy slut” and another strike of the crop, again not hard enough to really hurt although my clip is so sensitive from the clothespin that I shudder from the sensing. I start to beg Master to whip my pussy again and again until I can’t speak because my Master is kneeling reversed over my face and his balls are in my mouth. I suck them and lick anything that he will let me reach while he slapses my pussy with his crop. Soon I am in a frenzy of orgasms and I am sticking my tongue in Masters ass with total password. Something I would have sworn I wouldn’t due in my lifetime just an hour ago.
Master turns around and knees again over my face after forcing my arms down and Behind my back. He grabs the back of my neck and my hair and fucks my mouth with a pounding only a pussy can handle. I gag and choke and drool but I recover as fast as I can. I just keep hoping that I am doing good enough although I know I have a lot to learn about sucking Master’s cock. Master is fucking my mouth and that is that. He cums and it feels like a quart of milk. Although he pulled back I keep my mouth wide open and try to swallow as much as I can. I lick his cock clean the moment he relaxes after his orgasm.
I am exhausted in every way. Master cuffs my hands and my ankles. He has me lie at the very bottom edge of the bed on my back. My wrists are cuffed to the leg on one side and my feet to the other. I am stretched so that I cannot really move but it is comfortable. I can still feel the cum that was left all over my face as it dries crusty on my skin. I cannot roll up the bed and if I roll down, I will fall off the end right away. Even so, I know I am going to sleep very well. Master lies in the bed and his feet rub along my ribcage gently. He rolls on his side and his right foot is directly on my face. I lick and kiss his foot as best that I can.
As I drift off to sleep, Master says, “Trisha, I am falling in love with you so I need you to be the perfect slave. That is why you must commit to your training and stay focused. I need you to become the Very best because the day is coming when it will be you and only you. I hope you understand that this is why I pushed you so hard tonight.”
“Thank you Master. I have learned my lesson and I will prove that I deserve to be your slave everyday.”
Those are my last words as Master falls sleep. I realize that I have never felt so complete, so whole, so at one with my body and my mind. I have never felt so completely relaxed. I am owned. My deepest most hidden desires are out in the open and I am safe. I sleep.
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