Trish's Weekend with Sean Ch. 05

It’s an understanding to say my mind was completely blown after what Trish just told me and her time with Kevin. I just couldn’t wrap my head around how the woman I married and fell in love with all those years ago is now a person I don’t even know. There was never any indication Trish would be down this path. I guess some of it could be one does not know what one is capable of until the ideas and situations present themselves. Trish was raised as a “good girl”, as I have mentioned and new nothing about sex let alone her own sexuality. I understand we all grow as people and the more experiences we have the more interests we develop. How Trish has gotten to this point in 10 years is more than I can comprehend.

After I sat silent for a good 2 minutes the 1st thing I said was “When did you start Feeling that being dominated and having pain inflicted on you was something you wanted to try?”

Trish began to answer. “Well, I think it started when I began searching online aboutt female orgasms after a few nights with my friends over a few months. Tonya in particular would tell me about the crazy orgasms she would have, and I was so jealous. As I searched around the internet about how to have them I would stumble onto porn sites. I watched these women in porn have crazy orgasms but figured quickly they were fake. Then I found some real sites to help women and started trying the techniques with my fingers, and then a few vibrators I bought. After about a month of getting to know my body I was able to give myself the 1st real orgasms of my life. I couldn’t stop and at one point was masturbating every day.

“This was before you started seeing Sean and you were still faithful to only me?” I asked.

“Yes. After I was able to get myself off regularly I was hoping you could do that for me too. But each time we had sex it never happened. I soon learned I needed about 20 minutes to reach orgasm. Your oral skills were lacking, your dick was too small, and youcame much to quick. So that’s when I realized if I was going to have an orgasm by a man, it was not going to be you. My discussion with Tonya about this is how I ended up with Sean.”

“I am so sorry I was unable to satisfy you and pushed you into another man’s arms. I will always love you and live with this regret. So how did this get to your time with Kevin?”

“I am getting to that. As I was watching those porn clips I came across a site called This site had scenes with both sides- men being dominated by women and vice versa. I quickly learned I was not really turned on by being a dominant female over a male- I preferred to make love to a man and feel the intimacy. However, when I saw the women being dominated by the man, I wouldn’t say Right off the bat I wanted that, but I was intrigued. I found myself going back every day to watch. Then I started masturbating to the scenes. I would try and play along with the scene and hold out as long as I could before cumming. The 1st time I was able to hold out until the end- about 40 minutes, I came like I never did before. I was so wet and kept getting wetter and wetter the whole time. By the time I came I had to change the sheets- there must have been a two foot wet spot under me. I was having this date with every Wednesday night- the night you worked late, and then would change the sheets.”

“So that’s’ Why you changed the linesns day to Wednesday from Sunday.”

“Yes, that’s exactly why. So even after I started seeing Sean my Wednesday night keep going. I would find more and more intense scenes each week and got to a point of holding out for 90 minutes. I would have mini orgasms but would cut them short and then at the end of the 90-minute scene when the female was ready to cum, I would Then let loose. I got to the point that on some Wednesdays I was able to squirt and on those nights wow- the sheet would soak down to the bottom of the bed.

I thought I’d try, at minimum to seeIf Sean could be a dominant lover. I would ask him to choke me a bit while he was fucking me, slap my ass during doggie, pinch my nipples. He would try, but it really is not his thing. Sean makes love to me and that’s what he is comfortable doing. Even though I asked for these things in the heat of the moment he was not comfortable. We never really talked about it until after my time with Kevin.

So let me tell you Sean’s reaction. (Trish’s words)

Sean gets back about 45 minutes after Kevin left. About 30 minutes before that I head to the bathroom to shower. I was already naked from my time with Kevin, so I just grab a towel and turn on the water. I look myself over in the mirror and see my hair is a mess, makeup mostly off, lipstick marks down the corners of my mouth with none on my lips. I turn around to see my ass and the cane marks have got darker and redder. I can also see some blue streaks at the middle meaty part of my cheeses. This gives me a rush, I start fingerprinting my clip and push out a quick orgasm before jumping into the shower. I finish showing, simply dry off, brush back my hair, deodorant, and slip into a robe. As I exit the bathroom Sean is waiting for me lounging on the bed.

“Hi Sweety, how was your time with Kevin. Did he treat you well?”

“Yes, he was totally respectful, but in the realm of the situation.”

“I was sure he would be” Sean says. “I know what he does but he’s not a jerk- actually quite opposite. He’s one of the best guys I ever hung out with. Never a brake or show off, cool, always on time, never one to take advantage of anyone. He’s quite a Jekyll and Hyde when it comes to his social life and his, um career. Listen, you don’t have to tell me everything you did. I know what what Kevin does and from what he’s told me over the last two years when I’d see him, I know what the women need that he sees. I know you were trying to get me to be more dominant at times but Trish, that’s just not me. I love making loveto you- if I tried to be dominant it would not be geneuine and would kill our love making. But, I don’t want to lose you. From what I know, this is something deep inside you that you need, and I want you to have your needs met. After we bumped into Kevin and I told you what he does, and then your face and the questions later on I knew you wanted to see him. Kevin will treat you with respect, so I am comfortable with you seeing him. My hope is we can continue to see each other.”

“Sean, thank you so much for what you just said. I did not even know this was inside me, but I stumbled upon some male dominated porn a few months ago and it stirred something inside me. I have been masturbating to it for a few months and have been craving a live session. Kevin was great and I had a great time and some great orgasms! But no fears, I so love making love to you also.”

“Excellent”, Sean says. “a while back I dated someone I was getting close to and she wanted something more dominant during sex. I could not give it to her and said it’s me or find it elsewhere. She chose the latter and I think she would have liked both. I messed that up and don’t want to do that again.”

“I don’t want to lose you either, I enjoy what we have. Who knows what the future holds, but for now I’d like to keep seeing you too. You said you didn’t need to hear about everything we did, but can I tell you two things, so I know you are okay with them? I want to pursue this path a bit but I also want you comfortable with anything I might do.”

“Sure, you can tell me anything Trish.”

“Ok. Before we started Kevin showed me a recent lab receipt with his STD test results. It was only 5 days old, he assured me he had not been with anyone since the test. The test showed all negative results. He showed me the test and asked me, if during the scene I would be OK with bareback sex. He said it may or may not happen depending on how the session goes, but he wanted to confirm my boundaries ahead of time. I told him I was okay with it. He did end up fucking me bareback and he came inside me.”

“That’s exactly what I would expect from Kevin” Sean says. “Checking boundaries and being respectful of them. Hand to God, in a perfect world I’d prefer he would not fuck you, but I am fine as long as it’s something you agreed to and wanted to do”.

“Thank you for that Sean. The 2nd thing was towards the ends of the session. At the beginning I was told I was not to cum without permission. I was also told I might not cum at all. After about 90 minutes I am so dying to cum it hurts. Kevin asks me if I want to cum. I reply Yes Master, please. He says I can cum, but if I do I must receive 10 swats with a cane on my ass. He tells me it will hurt and leave marks for about 10 days. I agree to the caning and about 10 minutes later he allows me to cum. He then cums too inside me. I then stand next to the bed and bend over, elbows on bed and he canes me.”

I turn around, drop myrobe and shows Sean Kevin’s work.

“How bad did that hurt” Sean asks. “Did you enjoy it? Would you do it again?”

“At the time it was very painful and after the 1st two I almost tapped out. However after each one the pain becomes some pleasure. When it was over and Kevin left, when I looked at my ass in the mirror I got so turned on I rubbed my clip to a quick orgasm before showing. I so did enjoy it and would like to explore some more.”

I am standing naked in front of Sean and suddenly feeling vulnerable. I walk over to the bed and lay in Sean’s arms. He kisses me deeply; tells me he loves me and holds me close. He starts caresing my ass in a way to make the pain go away, yet a part of me relishes the pain. I feel very secure and safe. My mind starts to Wander though. I am thinking if my submissive needs will grow more intense. Will I eventually even want to be made love to? Will I get to a point where I can’t cum without being dominated? Beaten? Degraded? If I staywith Sean will I end up faking orgasms for his ego? But for now, I will enjoy Sean’s arms and cares and worry about these things another day.

“Anything else you’d like to know?”, Trish asks.

“I do have one more question. You talked about not being interested in being the dominant with a male partner, however that’s how you have been with me over the last few months.”

“I have actually thought about that as well. The reason I can be dominant over you is that I do not see you as a male lover to me any longer. I see you as a cuckold, weak, a small dicked loser. Someone who is inferior to women, not worthy. So I see you as someone needing to be put is his place. You feel this way too as I know you crave my abuse. It really is apples and oranges. There is no sexual component with you so it’s not a problem for me. The truth is, without the sexual aspect, I prefer to be dominant- at work, business, making deals, and now with you. Now go to your room, pick out a belt, lienaked face down and wait for me.”

“Yes Dear”, I reply. Trish comes in 5 minutes later and give me the hardest beating with the belt she ever has. It lasted about 15 minutes with name calling and a number of positions- lying down on bed, hands and knees, on feet and bent over- 1st leaning on bed then grabbing my ankles. After the last swat she has me turn around and stand before her. She grabs my tiny dick and one ball and squeezes quite hard.

“No matter what I tell you or what I do without you, I fucking own you. You will always serve me, finance my fun, and do anything and everything I ask of you. If not, I will divide you, take everything and leave you nothing. I will throw you out of this house naked with nothing. You understand you fucking loser?”

“Yes Princess, I understand.”

With that Trish gives a harder squeeze and tells me to stay in my room the rest of the night and do not come out until she leaves tomorrow. I do as I am told and await the next chapterer.


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