Author’s note: If you like this story, please comment. If you don’t like this story, also comment and tell me why.
The time was 7 AM. I woke up in bed up with a splitting headache. My husband had already gotten up earlier to go to work. I was still drawsy and half sleep when I reached over to my husbands nightstand, and grabbed some headache pills. I quickly swallowed them and went back to sleep.
The alarm went off 30 minutes later. “Thank god my headache is gone”, I thought to myself as I picked up the pill box to place it back in my husband’s drawer. But wait, what’s this? This box doesn’t look familiar! I nervously flipped it over to search for a pharmaceutical label, but there was none. This box only had a makeshift label with the words “Experiment Double D” scribbled on it.
Now I was really worried: My husband works at a big pharmaceutical company. He frequently delivers lab samples for testing around the world. Had he forgetten them on the nightstand? Who knows what kind of experimental pills I had just ingested? I could feel a tingle rippling through my body. Was it the pills or was I just nervous?
I tried to call my husband, Ed, but his phone was off. “This is dangerous.” I thought to myself. I better get dressed and get to Ed’s office. Maybe he can tell me what sort of pills I had just swallowed.
I quickly changed out of my P.J.s . I tried to put on my bra, but it was really digging into my breasts. My nipples felt unusually sensitive. “No time for nonsense.” I thought to myself as I decided to leave my bra at home. I am a pretty flat A-cup. I can pull off wearing a bra-less T-shirt.
As I rushed outside to meet my cab I could swear that I could feel my breasts swinging from side to side. The swinging rubbed my nipples against my cotton T-shirt and I could feel them getting hard. This was a strange sensing. I had heard my friends complaining of sports bras before, but my breasts were never largeenough to both me.
“Pharmaline Pharmaceuticals please.” I told the taxi driver as I as I hoped into the cab. I was strangely aware that my breasts were resting on my ribs. I looked down at them. My nipples were sticking out like little cherries, almost trying burst through the fabric of my T shirt. The taxi driver had noticed that I was checking out my own boobs, and seemed to be trying to steal glances at them.
How embarrassing! I crossed my arms over my chest, and stared out the window, pretending not to notice the driver’s hungry eyes. The weight of my crossed arms made me uncomfortable. My breasts felt puffy and swollen. I couldn’t wait to get back home, take my shirt off, and soak them in a warm tub.
I walked into my husband’s office. I could feel my breasts scratching against my chest with Every step that I took. I was grateful to see Kathy, my husband’s secretary. She will help me track down my husband. She was a nice woman. She and her husband both worked forthe company. They were a very nice and friendly couple.
“Hi Trish, I’m afraid Ed is out meeting customers this morning,” said Kathy. “Can I help you with anything?”.
I showed her the box of pills I had ingested by accident. Then I explained my strange sensings. Her welcome smile changed into a look of worry.
“Don’t worry Trish”, she said nervously. “I’ll make sure you get some help. Why don’t you go wait in your husbands office? I will call Mr. Jenkins and see what he can do for you.”
I caught her looking diretcly at my chest. How embarrassing, had she also noticed I was not wearing a bra?
Rob Jenkins was my husband’s boss. I did not like him one bit. From the few times I’d met him, he had made the impression of a rather obnoxious man. He had a knack for always making rude sexual comments to other ladies in the room. My husband didn’t like him either, but was always polite to him on account of Mr. Jenkins being my husband’s boss.
I sat down nextto my husbands desk. My chest was beginning to hurt. My breasts felt swollen, as if they were about to burst! What had I done to myself? Maybe I should have gone to the hospital instead.
I heard the door open behind me. “What can I do for you Trish?” said Mr. Jenkins as he entered the room.
I showed him the pills, and explained that I had taken them by accident.
“And how do you feel now?” asked Mr. Jenkins. He sat down on my husband’s desk, right above my chair.
I blushed. I really didn’t feel comfortable discussing my breasts with my husband’s creepy boss. “When will Ed be back?” I asked.
“Ed is out meeting customers. He will be back after lunch.” said Mr. Jenkins. “But, I’m not sure it would be safe to wait for him. Those pills you ingested can have some pretty dangerous complications.”
Dangerous complications? Oh my God! I was getting nervous. I could feel my heart beating rapidly. I took a deep breath to calm down. As I drew in the air, I couldFeel my breasts rubbing up against my T-shirt. I could actually feel their weight on my ribs. They felt engorged and swollen. There was no denying it: My breasts had gotten bigger. Much bigger
“Just what kind of pills did I take?”
Mr. Jenkins reached out and put his hand on my shoulder. His hand felt warm, and reassuring. “Don’t worry Trish, we’ll get this sorted out. You see , the pills you ingested are prototypes of our new line for cosmetic treatment. Though, so far, we have not been able to get over their side effects.”He said pointing straight at my chest. “You see Trish, these pills are supposed to usher in a simpler age of breast enlargement. Simply swallow a pill, and fill up your bra. No surgery and no painful stitches. We could have a real breakthrough, if Only we could get those damn side effects to stop.”
“What kind of side effects?” I asked in confusion. The pressure in my breasts was getting worse. It really hurt!
“See for yourself.”He said. “Please get undressed”. He got up and closed the door.
I blushed again. This was so embarrassing. I couldn’t bring myself to get undressed in front of my husband’s boss. And yet breasts felt so full! I was squirming in pain.
“I can tell that you’re in pain. Please, let me examine you.” He said as he sat back down on the desk.
What should I do? I did not want to get undressed. Yet the sensings in my body were getting stronger and stronger. I was scared. It was time to bite the bullet. I decided to just go ahead and get it over with. With a cold sense of urgency, I quickly stepped out of my clothes, and stood naked in my husband’s office, presenting my body to his boss!
“Good girl.” said Mr. Jenkins. “That’s it.” With that he started looking me up from my feet, brashly stopping to stare at my breasts. I looked down at them. I was amazed at how big they’d become.
“Reach down and cup your breasts Trish.”
I compiled with hesitation. I cupped my breasts in myhands in front of this strange man. My breasts felt so full and firm. My nipples were erect and poking out of my areolas. They feel nice to touch. Was I getting aroused?
“Do you feel how full your breasts are? Do you feel that sensing?” He said with a smile as I held my sensitive breasts. “Now squeeze your nipples.”He said as we both stared at my new tits.
I tried to squeeze my nipples, but they were too sensitive.
“Harder Trish, give them a good squeeze. Trust me. It will make you feel better.”
I took my left nipple between my fingers, and to my amazement, a few milk droplets formed on it’s surface. I stared at it in disbelief.
“Allow me to have a look.” Mr. Jenkins reached out and placed his finger on my nipple, wiping the milk with the tip of his finger. “Yes, just like the other tests. The side effects still persist.”He said as he cupped my breast. His warm hands were so soothing. “You see Trish,” he continued rubbing my nipple. “The god damn problemwith these pills is that they induce a dangerous state of hyper-lactation.” He gave my nipple a hard squeeze. And to my surprise, a jet of hot milk came squirting out across the room. It feel so good to finally relieve some of the pressure that had built up in my breast. I could feel a slight tingle between my legs.
“We need to release some of this pressure Trish. Otherwise, these levels of milk production might damage your breast tissue. While we’re at it, do you mind if collect some samples for the lab?”
“What do you need me to do?”
With that he pulled out a large beaker from one of the desk drawers. “We need to fill this up. It will go much faster if we allow gravity to help”.
“What do you mean?”
“Please get down on all fours.” He pointed at the floor. “It will be much easier this way”.
I was happy to oblige. My breasts felt so full of milk. The thought of releasing that pressure was irresistible. I quickly got down on all fours and for the firsttime I realized just how large my breasts had become. My former A-cups were now so big that they almost hung all the way down to the floor!
“That’s it. Good girl!” said Mr. Jenkins as he sat down beside me, and placed the large beaker beneath my breasts. He rolled up his sleeps, and started milking my tits. It felt so good. All that pressure which built up inside me was being released. I looked with amazement at the beakers which were now rapidly filling up. Was all this milk coming out of my breasts?
The feeling was superb. As Mr. Jenkins milked me, I could feel the warm sensing trickling down from my nipples to my clip.
Mr. Jenkins’ picked up his pace , milking me faster and harder. I was getting wet, bent over on all fours with my husband’s boss tweaking my nipples. I was embarrassed, but I began rubbing my thighs together. I felt like I really needed to get off. I hoped Mr. Jenkins wouldn’t notice what I was doing.
Bu notice he did: “Enjoying ourselvesNow, aren’t we, my little cow?” Mr. Jenkins smiled at me. “Hyper-sexuality is another unexpected side effect of taking these pills.”
“What do you mean?” I blushed in indignation.
He reached out and cupped my pussy underneath me. “It feels good, doesn’t it?” He asked with a smile.
I couldn’t believe what he was doing. The sensing was great. I had never felt so naughty. Yet I could not bring myself to speak.
“You like that, don’t you?” he said condescendingly. He then went on to insert a finger into my steaming pussy. My pelvis immediately started thrusting to meet his finger. My pussy was trying to suck his finger deeper into my depths. “Cum for me, my little cow. Let me hear you moo.”
I closed my eyes and let out a sight. His finger was driving me nuts. His other hand alternate between my tits, milking them for all they’re worth. I lost control, understanding in orgasm. I clamped my thighs around his finger and started moaning out loud. “Uhhh… Unghh… Fuck me with your finger! Milk me like a cow.”
“Are you my little cow?” He asked, as he pulled harder on my giant titties.
“Yes, anything you want! Just make me cum!”.
“moo for me Trish!”.
“moo…” I whispered.
“Louder!” He said, as he shoved his finger deeper into my pussy!
“MOOOOH!” I screamed as he pushed me over the edge. I impaled myself deeper onto his prying finger. I could feel his knuckles rubbing into my clip. “MOO… MOOO… MOOO!” I screamed as I pushed his entire hand into my pussy. My body was going into convulsions. my arms collapsed in exhaust. I was lying face down on the floor, my giant tits serving as pillows. My butt was raised high in the air and Mr. Jenkins was fisting my pussy. “MOOO! MOOO! MOOO!”. I climaxed in orgasm.
Even after I came, my pussy kept gyrating around his finger. Slowly pleasing myself as my orgasm died down. “moo… moo… mooooh…” I whimpered quietly into the floor.
“Good cow.” said Mr. Jenkins as he continued slowly massaging my clip. He reached for the phone with his free hand. He quickly dialed a four digit number. “Kathy, we have another case on our hands. You know what to do…”
To be continued…
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