Tripple Ex, Vee, Tripple Eye Pt. 04

Relaxing in the tub I feel the excite soreness of my overused cock. It has been a full day and I’ll need some time to recharge. My aching prick reminds me number 36, sweet Abbie. It wasn’t three weeks ago when I first heard her name. She was telling a hostess her name for the table, “Abbie, spelled ‘ie’”, it rolled out of her mouth with such practice I know she has been saying it her entire life.

She controls so much of her world keeping her employees and even her friends on a strict schedule. She is one of the few that saw me stalking her. I do my best to be just another face in the crowd or, even better, appear not to be there at all. Number 36 has a keen eye though and she obviously saw through my subtle disguises and attempts at being just another leaf in a bush. I was watching her finish up a lunch with coworkers sipping my soup with the slow determination of the “old man” disguise I was wearing. I saw her pay the check and head towards the door.

From where I satI should have seen her cross in front of the windows heading back to her office. When I didn’t see her I scanned as far as I could without whipping my head back and forth yet still nothing. I tried to turn casually towards the door when I hear her voice from close behind me, “Looking for me?” she asks. In my surprise I knock over my water glass and without a thought I reach out and gently catch it to stop it from hitting the floor. “Nice reflexes, for an old guy,” she says with a sardonic squint.

I’m flustered by her boldness and attempt to act like a confused old man which her expression shows me she isn’t buying a word of. She steps close to me and cuts me off with a curt “Listen! I know you have been following me, you obviously want something from me; get cleaned up and meet me at room 1234 at the hotel on the corner.” She flicks a card with her fingers and drops it neatly into shirt pocket. She then turns so quickly that her straight red hair whips my face and I catch a whiff of jasmine.

This isn’t the first time one of the women I have wanted to add to my list has been forward or dominating in her own right, but it is the first time I have been caught. She saw right through me even down to what I want to do to that tight little ass of hers wiggling away from me in her skin tight gray skirt. Thinking about how her smooth calves will taste and how delicious it will feel to run my fingers into her open throwed blouse I stare at her until she is out of sight.

I realize that many people in the restaurant have stopped their eating to watch the our little play and some are still staring at me to see what I will do. I catch the eye of my server and significantly overpay for my simple lunch. As I’m leaving the place I quickly come up with a plan. A detour to my car for different clothes, jeans, a form fitting t-shirt, and light coat against the wind, then to the hotel lobby bathroom to clear as much fake grey from my hair as I can, ripping off the fake mustache trashing it and my outfit I head to the front desk to purchase two robes. On the elevator I pull out the soft robe belts and cut a few strips of clothes from the robes themselves with a pair of foldable scissors that always come in handy.

I hadn’t planned on tying up number 36 today so I didn’t bring any of my collection but, the soft strips of robe will do. After trashing the remaining shreds of robe and concealing the belts and strips in my jacket pockets I make my way down the hallway to room 1234. I keep wavering on how to start with her, should I make her come to the door so I can pin her against the wall never letting her make a move without my direction or let myself in and hope to surprise her by wrapping one of my ropes around her throat?

I stand outside the door fiddling with the card key and almost knocking. Finally I decided to use the key, she did give it to me and maybe her idea of ​​how the afternoon should go will be worth exploring. I slide the key into the slot and hear the whirr of the lock disengaging. Before I can even move my hand to the handle the door swings open and number 36 is there. With one quick glance at my changed appearance she drops to her knees and grabs at the button on my jeans before I can take a breath she has me exposed and my half hard cock in her mouth. I mentally recoil even as my hips push forward into her warm and wet mouth. She uses her tongue to stroke the bulging vessels of my shaft coating my growing meat to the back of her throat. Within moments I’ve grown enough to feel the tight circle her throat taking in the head of my cock.

She doesn’t gag she swallows hard and starts up a pace of pulling my dick deep down her throat then out for a quick breath and more tongue action then back into the depths of her mouth. Shockingly I can feel myself nearing orgasm and I try to speak, try to gain some sort of control over this situation, I try to overpower my instantual desire to drive my throbbing beast of a cock deep into every wet, hot, little hole in the world. She must have felt me ​​trying to overcome my instantual thrusting because she grabs both of my ass checks and shoves her face into my hips.

I feel her swallowing and licking and sucking, somewhere outside my world of sexual intensity is a universe made up of the sound of her moaning. Moaning, my cock feels like the king of pleasure palace and she is moaning in enjoyment. I can’t hold on any longer I drain myself into her, somehow I recognize that I stabilized my thrusting and shuddering by holding on to the door frame. With a bleary mind I look around to the hotel hallway, still empty, I look down at her sucking and swallowing the last drips of my orgasm with a satisfied expression on her face.

She gets to her feet, turns into the room, and motions for me to come in, still a little light headed I move to a chair in the far corner. Looking onto the bed I see an association of dildos and lube placed for easy access. She had gone into the bathroom to clean her face and brought me a hand towel. “Clean up and let’s see how long it will take you until round two,” At that moment I felt like “round two” wouldn’t start until next month sometimes.

I soon found out that she was not going to wait that long. She crawled onto the bed and pulled up her skirt revealing her naked pussy. The light red curls framed the deeper red of her lips like the sun glowing around the petals of a flower. She grabbed a tube of lube and holding it high she slowly let large globs of the thick clear fluid land on her inner things, in her public hair, and on her soft labia lips. I could feel myself turning towards horny again just watching her skin warm the lubrication and seeing the globs start to slide down.

She started using her dark purple tipped fingers to Work the lube along her thighs and up and down her pussy lips. I was mesmerized as she started to open the folders slide her fingers inside. I was so riveted that I didn’t see her grab the dildo, it was just in her hand. She used her other hand to collect some lube, and surely some of her own juices, then stroke the fake tan veiny cock with gentle firmness. She spread her legs a little wider forcing her skirt up past her hips and buried the dildo deep into her. Pulled it out all the way and buried it deep in again.

I felt something cool at my bottom lip and realized that my mouth was hanging open and drool was running out. A check of me feelings told me that I wanted to be the hard shake gliding in and out of that sweet little pussy just a few feet in front of me. I looked into her jade green eyes saw that she wanted me to come to her. She must have seen on my face that while I was certainly turned on I still hadn’t recovered from the intense orgasm she nearly ripped from my loins just minutes ago.

With a mischievous smile she pinched her legs together and rolled over on her knees, face in the pillow and ass in the air. The end ofthe tan dildo’s fake balls were blocking my view of her pussy lips, just above it where I should see a tight starred hole is a black plastic circle. With practiced ease she reaches back and dribbles a light pink lube that landed at the top of the circle and melted its way around both sides. I close my mouth and swallow just to have it drop back open again when I see her grab the little circle and begin pushing it and out of her canal.

With each push and pull I feel my hips start to rock on the chair and when she slowly pulls the plug fully out I glance down and see that at least one part of me is ready for round two. I think to move but when I look up again I see she is pushing the plug back in as she gyrates her hips. She has grabbed the end of the dildo and is pushing the veiny artistic ball sack against her clip. I can hardly believe the desire that is tensing my chest muscles and making my hands quiver.

I look over at her face and into her eyes, with each short breathshe feeds on my desire. With her intensely focused eyes she is capturing my yearning. I set my jaw and with predator’s grin I move out of my chair and leap onto the bed. I have no thoughts of teasing. I just want to bury the beast that roars from my rod deep inside her. I yank her hand and the plug away from her ass and grip one hand on each side of her hips and shove all the way into her ass. Out and back in I release my hunger with the thrusts of my hips.

I grab at what remains of her skirt to try and get a better grip on her but, even the bunched-up fabric is too weak for my desires. My fingers now digging into the front of her hips I pull her tight wet little hole on and off my dick. My pace is so energetic that I feel my balls first slapping and then pressing the dildo into her pussy. I think of those rubber marbles hitting Against her clip as she penetrated by me and her toy. The thought makes me stay inside her and thrust in fast little jerks. I can feel the telltale tingling at the head of my cock and I know another orgasm isn’t far away. My tights twitch uncontrollably as I feel my seed once again spilling out of me. I realize how dry my throat is and wonder if I was screaming or growing or both. I teeter for moment and extremely pull out of her, push her aside and flop to my back next to her.

It seems that every muscle I have is taking turns twitching and When it is my dick’s turn to twitch I can’t help but moan slightly as the pleasant aftershocks that remind me how good it feel to cum in this willing strangers ass. I don’t remember sensing anything for those few moments, did my eyes even see anything? If they did I kept no memory of it. The next sensing I had felt a cool clothes wrapping around my incredibly still half full member. I look down and she is sitting next to me she is now wearing nothing but a sheer white delicate robe and she is smiling as she gently wipes my used organ. She leaves and I hear the water run and herrinsing the clothes. I make some attempt to get my brain working again but, it has taken a trip out of town for the moment. Somewhere sunny and nice, probably a lovely town called Orgasmic Blissville.

She is back and has a cool drink for me, as I roll up to drink she says: “I’m impressed, you recover quickly,” I look to her wanting so many answers to questions that my brain doesn’t remember how to make words for. But she doesn’t seem interested in talking, she is smiling gently while gazing at my penis. She reaches out and I feel her soft hands holding up my package and moving it around for a good look. “Twice you have blown your load and still not totally flaccid, that’s new.” I want to tell her how it has been that way for me all my life, I’ve never known any different. But then her gentle touch coincides with the twitch of my dick and with a little gasp I can feel it getting hard again. A momentary “Oh!,” of surprise followed by a low “hmmmm,” of interest and a devilish smile hasme wondering if she could possibly want more. Her hand beings to stroke and I have my answer.

She glides her fingers feather light up and down the sides of my shake and even though I can’t even come close to feeling horny I do feel incredibly pleasant. I can feel myself get harder but it is so relaxing it feels like letting water flow down a hill. She clicks off the lamp by the bed and the room gos Nearly all the way dark. There is a glow coming from the mostly closed door of the bathroom and the draws are shut tight, the entire room is filled with hazy light. She reaches over grabs at the jeans on my far hip pulling my hip towards her rolling me. With her hand stroking me again she pulls my jeans down just past my ass, leans in and take a few bites of my ass cheeses. The feeling of her soft hands on my dick and her teeth on my ass make my breath catch. She rolls me back and repeats the process with the other side and the other cheek. This time she continues to nip and nibbleHer way around to the front of my hip as I settle on my back again. I start to wonder if she is going to put me in her mouth again and I get excited to feel the head of my dick in her throat. Instead she climbs on top of me.

She sits just below my hips and puts both hands on my now rock hard cock. As she strokes me with long slow strokes and gentle pressure, she starts to to rock her hips and sway her body. The nearly see through robe outlines her large firm breasts suggestively and her rocking motion glides the fabric across her thick pointed nipples causing them to push the fabric out from her skin. Watching the firming points of her breasts become more and more defined make me lick my lips in the desire to put my mouth on them.

I look down past her smooth belly visible between the flags of the robe and behind my member and her hands I see the strengths grey cotton panties she is wearing. I’m a little sad that she has covered herself even that much, I move my hands to takea hold of her hips, and hopefully tear away those panties. She shifts away from my hands and climbs further up my body running her hands under my shirt and immersing her fingers in my chest hair. She starts to rub her panty covered pussy along the under ridge of my cock and starts to moan. I begin moving my hips in an opposite rhythm so every stroke allows my dick to feel her pussy getting hotter and wetter.

She sits up and Increases her pace, grinding her pussy into the base of my shaft, and moving her hands to grip the fabric in bunches over her breasts. Her mouth is open, her breasts are squeezed, nipples still hinted at, my dick is riding between one pussy lip still concealed by the panties and the other exposed by her gyrations. She takes one hand off of her breast and pulls the panties out and around my hard cock, so both of our toys are in the same piece of clothing. She keeps her hand there and tightly strokes the head of my dick through the fabric causing intensity, horrible, and sublime pain at the base of my head.

Feeling her hot wet lips on my shake and dry pain on the tip makes me feel another orgasm coming on. I want to throw her over and shove myself deep inside her to cum but I’m having trouble processing how to move. I don’t the front of her panties and almost weekly shake because my body is so drained. After a few gentle circles with her hips she pulls her soaking panties off me and climbs out of bed. I try to sit up, I try to at least raise my head, I’ve got nothing, the room is spinning and the blackness is coming.

I have a few sleepy memories of noise in the bathroom and then maybe the door to hall closing but, I can’t be sure. The next thing I wake up in the bed stiff and cold from not being covered by anything. My pants are still down and the room is still dim, I could have been sleep for twenty minutes or twenty hours. “Num… ,” starting to call out ‘Number 36’ but she doesn’t even know that name; now that I can think does she even know that I know she is Abbie? “Hello?” I figure is a safe bet, the room is quiet. I stumble to my feet, putting away my sore dick, and make my way to the lit bathroom, it is empty. I flick on a light and the room looks like it was never used, except of the impression in the bed cover that I made. If the tip of my penis wasn’t so sore I would have thought it was all a dream. I notice a note sitting on the side table which reads: “That was fun, look me up in a week when I’m back in town.” Then a smiley face. Looking at the time I realize that it is still mid-afternoon so I decide to leave and ponder all this later.

° ° °

I jerk from my daydream, Number 3 still in my arms. “What is it?” She asks reflexively. I can tell she was dozing off and so was I. “Water’s getting cold.” I reply while my mind is reeling, I push her up and we get out to grab towels. Number 3 is very far away from my thoughts now and I put myself on auto pilot, drying from our bath, and sayinggoodbye to her without really connecting to anything. My mind is going over and over what Number 36 did, and what I didn’t do to her. Every moment she was with me she had all the control, she knew just how to keep me so engaged in what she was doing that I couldn’t even think of something to do instead. Plus, I hardly put my hands on her. Besides grabbing her hips while I fucked her ass I hardly touched her. I make it to my car and just sit there not believe that she could take such power. That she would want such power and really what did she get out of the deal? I came three times, something I’ve done before but, surely in a much greater span of time. It’s like she didn’t even care about enjoying an orgasm she just wanted to give me one… three, I mean. I can hardly believe that I haven’t Thought about her, it took fun with Number 3, Anna, after today she is Anna, she took so long to earn her name. Well the shyest oysters have the best pearls. Dammit! Number 36, there I go again losing the thought of her.

As much as it was wonderful it is so far from complete, I start to make plans to do all I want to her. Maybe Number 36 isn’t going to be a submissive at first, she is too willing to do anything I could want without me even having to ask for it. I will need to teach her to work for orgasm and mine. First, I need to set up another room at that hotel, this time she will be on my turf.

I roll through some ideas on how to get her just how I want her: “kidnap” her? No I want her willing. Run into her and invite her up for some fun? Then what? Tie her at the door then to the bed? Better, but it may be the first time she is tied up, I don’t want her to fight me. Maybe if I ease into it and tell her to tie herself to the bed? Hmm, not bad. Hey what about having one of the my other girls tie her up? Maybe she will be interested in her, maybe I’ll let 36 think it is the woman licking and touching her? Eh, too many maybes. I could wear something she can’t getinto unless she does as she is told? No she would just take control and I would be all too willing to tears my own clothes off to get at her.

Then it hits me, I’ll write her a letter. A little archaic but, I will either have her attention and she will respond with a desire to feel every touch I describe or she will reject it and I’ll have to decide if I want to keep working on her.


I imagine you blindfolded and tied to the headboard in a luxurious hotel room. The bed has been striped of everything except the fitted sheet and a pile of pillows at your lower back. Your bindings and blindfold are made of plus silky fabric and are just tight enough to let you know that I don’t want you to see or move. You have been striped of everything except your creamy skin almost glowing in the candle light, your dark nipples half hard in anticipation, and the curls of hair leading to the prize between your legs I soon plan to devour. You tense as I move onto the bed and thenrelax as I firmly take your right calf into my hands. I alternate my hands between massaging your muscles and gliding my fingers lightly, slowly from the inseam of your foot, along your calf to the inside of your knee. Sitting with my legs crossed I lift your right leg and place your foot on my naked thigh. I hold the bottom half of your leg against my hairy chest and brush my lips along the inner dimpl of your knee.


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