Tripple Ex, Vee, Tripple Eye Pt. 02

The elevator dings critically in the lobby and during the ride there is an older woman so wrapped in herself she doesn’t even see me. She leaves my personal, public elevator, space before my floor and I drop my announcement with her and think of nothing but facing Diana.

Ding. Here it is. The doors open on a stunning beauty, long dark curled hair open flowing blouse, and a tight black skirt that begs to be ripped off.

We have a considering moment. She considerers me, my slack jawed expression can’t be new for her. I take in her beauty, it is impressive, but, then there is her posture, cocky and insecure at the same time. I look to her eyes and see a lonely hurt girl. I know I can show her the strength she had within in her but, she wouldn’t want to learn it from me, or probably any other man she would consider listening to.

I close my eyes and take a breath in. When I open them she has dismissed me as I dismissed her. Now we play out the social norms of me giving in to her wanting to come into the elevator first. She equally tips forward her head so I will come out first. I refuse to play the self-important prig (or in her mind play the sexual sadist by needing to trap her here) and now lower for her to enter the closed space of the Elevator first.

She does.

I leave.

I don’t look back.

I’m already thinking of the perky breasted black curly haired receiptist. The one that called three different numbers to verify my fake Federal ID. She is such a sweetheart. She needs to tell the copy clerk, a sweet boy named Stephen, that she likes him flirting with her.

I see in her eyes that she recognizes me, and even shows a geneuine smile.

“Well hello Mr. Frisk,” she said as though she had just come upon me in a dim dining room filled with candlelight.

“Is Diana available?” I ask dismissively.

She pauses unable to answer the truth that Diana is here and will receive me. She was hoping that I would stay. After that moment she nods, “Of course, go right through” a glimmer of hope is in her voice when she asks: “do you need me to show you the way?”

I leave behind my internal turmoil for a moment and smile generally. “No, I know the way.”

Two left turns and a right bring me to Diana’s desk. She glances up, dismisses me, then looks again. She stops her furious typing for an instant then smiles, her eyes glaiming with lust. But that look vanishes and turns into the vacant daze of someone who can’t be disturbed. She returns to her crazy fast typing.

“Diana.” I whisper in a husky voice.

“Yeah, yeah..” She offers black dismissively.

I take a moment to deal with my anger towards her not respecting me. Then I sternly and nearly silently say: “17”

Her hands stop above her keyboard and she gives me the innocent girl look. “Come with me” I order. She hesitates. I calm my building rage and realize that she may need to finish something important. “Fine, stay and finish” she starts to move her hand back to her keyboard. “No.” she freezes. “Just your right hand, the other is mine.” She glares at me then her mood lightens and there is almost a smile as she takes her left hand away from the keyboard. As she uses just her right hand to keep typing, probably 100 times slower than she can type with both, her left floats in front of me awaiting instruction.

I take a half step Going towards her and shift into the corner of her cubicle putting one thigh up and sitting on her desk. Her eyes, mud brown with flecks of black in them try to stay focused on her screen. But she keeps glancing at me wanting instruction and at the same time unable to let her desire pull her completely away from the task she needs to finish.

I sit still long enough to let the concentration she needs to type with one hand over power the Distraction I caused. When her left hand starts to waver and move back towards the keyboard I snatch it out of the air with a lightning fast movement but, I hold it gently and pull it a little closer. She stops typing for an instant and overcome her reflex to draw away her hand. She gives me a sly look out of the corner of her eye and the barest of smile comes across her lips. She goes back to her task and relaxes her hand in mine. I reach my free left hand to the inside of her elbow and gently care that sensitive flesh. This intimate care brings a sight. I delicately trace my fingers up her forearm, across the veins in her wrist and out to her finger tips.

I run my soft, well manicured hands up and down each finger, never going all the way into the web. The sensitivity of that spot has always mimicked the how sensitive a woman is high on her inner thigh. I have told Diana this many times and she knows I’m thinking of gently running my hands towards her hot wet center. She verifies this for me by rubbing her thighs together and crossing her legs.

I quickly wet the tips of my fingers and return to leave tiny lines of evapopulation from the center of her palm out to her first two fingers. While I was so engrossed in her hand I didn’t notice that she gave up on typing and was now looking at me with eyes like a cat, ready to feast.

I tip my eyes towards her screen, “Done?” I ask almost accusingly.

With a reluctant shake of her head she turns back and furiously deletes the last bit of typing and starts again. Her left hand is Still mine and I can feel her extending it towards me wanting more. I decide to stop playing.

In three quick movements I unzip, pull out my throbbing cock, then wrap her fingers around it. In surprise she recoils only a bit but then a larger smile blossoms and she starts to turn for a look. I put two fingers on her chin and point it back to her task. “Finish!” I say with authority. She sights again This time in a frustrated huff. As one hand tries to quickly jump to every corner of her keyboard the other is stroking my shake, running circles around my tip, and ticklingmy balls through my pants.

I can see her breath quickening as the cleavage she shows moves up and down. I imagine reaching in and pinching the hard tips of her nipples. Just thinking about that and how well she is struggling causes a drip of pre-cum to show itself.

Diana noticed the change in texture and begins to turn and see the glistening on my cock. I decide this is one too many infections and I push her hand aside then push her shoulder and take great satisfaction in burying my nine inch meat deep into her gaped mouth. She makes a muffled noise and some shocked choking sounds. I quietly and firmly allow a “Shhhh…” to escape my lips. Now that she has gotten over the shock I can see in her eyes that I have given her exactly what she wanted. I hold her head so my cock can enjoy the depth of her throat for a moment longer.

Then I pull nearly all the out so she can lick my tip as she catches her breath. She soon leans forward to engulf me again but I hold her back. She looks up at me with pleading eyes. I glance down to her breasts and back to eyes. She knows what I want and immediately unbuttons her jacket and blouse. Her bra is plain and functional and she starts to reach for the front clasp. Before she can get there I reach into her shirt and push the strap off her shoulder then run it down enough so the fabric no longer covers the breast at all. I cease holding her head away from me and place that hand gently on her shoulder. With the other I reach to the tip of her hard nipple and start a slow hard pinch. For a moment she is transfixed with trying not to squeal or wriggle away. Then as I start to massage her breast she pulls her attention to the meat at her mouth.

She puts the tip deep in her throat and uses her tongue and lips to stroke the bumps and ridges of my cock. She starts a slow rhythm and gets her breathing right so my head goes in and out of the tight hole of her throat. I close my eyes and let the sensings take me over. The feel of her breast in my hand with the ever present hard nipple, on my palm and between my fingers. Her amazing tongue and available throat soon have me near orgasm. I had a plan for this load of cum and I didn’t want the easy clean up that would come with letting her swallow. I waited until the last moment then quickly pulled out and dumped my load starting at her lower lip and down to the single exposed breast. It got on her blouse, on her bra and some even in the hair that had fallen in front of her shoulders.

The surprised look on her face that slowly worked into satisfaction as she took in the mess I made on her completed my orgasm like the cherry on a Sunday. She takes a dab of my jizz on her finger and she licks it clean. “Didya like that?” I ask. She slowly nods. “Show me,” I nearly whisper hoping to hide how urgent I felt. With her finger still in her mouth she spread her legs wide and as her skirt rides higher I can clearly see the wet patch glistening in the center of her simple white panties.

“Diana?” A voice from not 10 feet away suddenly called. We both realized that we were still in the middle of an arrangement of cubicles. Luckily the dividers were tall and thick so even standing I couldn’t see or be seen and the plus walls, hopefully, muffled whatever noise was made. Diana’s eyes flew wide as she lifted off her chair and pulled down her skirt with one hand while she reached for a tissue with the other.

“Hey, Diana!?” Louder this time and accompanied by the unmistakable sound of footsteps coming closer. I decided I wanted to take advantage of this stressful situation and gain a little more pleasure out her. I leaned in close to her and whispered, “Let me.” I took the tissue from her hand and dropped it to the floor. She looked shocked and flicked her eyes towards the approaching voice. I quickly buttoned her shirt on top of the wetness on her chest, appreciating how sexy it was to see her still hard nipple poking through the cumsoaked wet fabric.

There was knocking on the wall opposite her entry and we both knew that in seconds who ever was calling would be in Diana’s cubicle.

I gave her a satisfied smile, tucked in and zipped up, said “Finish your work” coldly, then turned and left.

Just as I made it around the next corner the voice called again, “Hello? Earth to Di-” then I heard Diana give a huge, very fake, sneakeze. Followed by, “Oh my! Sorry Suze I had that one just tickling at the end of my nose and couldn’t do a thing until it worked its way out.” I smiled impressed with her quick thinking knowing that she had leaned down and pulled up the tissue and with just enough time to get the majority of my essence off her cleavage she needed an excuse for holding a damp tissue to her face. Plus she also must have recognized “Suze” by her voice and known that a sneakeze would stop her dead and even make her back pedal in irrational fear. “You don’t have a cold do you?” Suze demanded sounding like shewas putting a hand over her mouth.

“Not at all,” said Diana confidently, “Just some dust tickling my nose. What can I do for you? I have little time this proposal is due out in…crud less than 10 minutes!”

“Well,” Suze hesitated her hand still over her mouth, “you’re busy I’ll come back.” And made a hasty retreat. I just heard a sight of relief come from Diana. As she turned back to her typing I slipped away to wait in the bathroom she will soon come to, to clean up.

I have great plans to reward her for her discipline and willingness.

I moved through the office with smooth confidence, no one stops you if you look like you know where you’re going and seem in a hurry. I actually had time to kill but just standing around would attract too much attention. I hit the Stairs and jog down two floors enjoying the cooler air and the feel of grit under my shoes. When I open onto the floor I need I am assaulted by the smell of sweet, steam, and disinfectant. It was nice ofthe owners of this building to install a gym half way up but, they should have worked harder to keep it ventilated. It doesn’t really matter I won’t be here long. I head to the locker room and go straight to the locker I need and make quick work of the locker.

I glance at my watch and see that I still have time. I sort through what is hanging in the spatial cubby and decide on the right thing for Diana. I grab a Small paper bag off the pile collected at the top of the locker so I can carry my choice without any suspicious looks. With my little present for Diana tucked under my arm I close the locker and head back up to her floor.

I make it to where the bathrooms are and go straight through the door into the family bathroom. It is dim because the lights operate on a regular switch just inside the door. It would be totally dark except someone plugged in a night light by the sink. It glows with a soft hint of purple and give a whiff of lilac. As my eyes adjust to the gloom Isee the familiar loveseat that makes this room so ideal for my purpose. I put the bag with what I brought for Diana in it under the couch and have a seat. I relax with a satisfied grin on my face thinking of what a good girl Diana had been. Thinking about how fun it will be to reward her.

I hear the fast hard click of heels on tile approaching. I tend and hope that it is her. The footsteps move quickly by and I force myself to relax. Just as I am about to look at my watch I hear the sound of someone else coming closer. I get up and move to the door scanning to listen to any clue that this is her and she will soon be here so I can put my hands on her. The door moves slightly inward as whomever is out there starts to push in. I quickly try to invent a lie that may be plausible if it isn’t Diana. Claim to have a migraine would probably work needing to be in the quiet and dark for it to go away. The door opens a little further and, thankfully, I hear her voice, “Jerry?” Then louder, “Hey Jerry! I need that data on the Mishkin matter,” pause, “No, I need it today! Before lunch.” With an irritated exhale she opens the door and starts to feel the wall for the switch.

I grab her wrist and pull her in earning just a hiccup of a startled sound. In one well oiled movement I put her back to my chest and my right arm around her waist, burying my nose into the corner of her neck. My foot pushes the door closed and engage the lock. Being this close to her I feel the initial shock fade away and as she melts against me, I can feel the tension leaving her shoulders. I hold her in this moment gently gliding my lips across the tender skin at the top of her shoulder.

I pull my right arm lower and tighter around her hips grinding her ass into me. She feels how excited I already am, she knows I have wanting this far longer than just this morning. I start to bite at her neck with quick sharp nips. She tilts her head back in pleasure. I run my left hand up her throat andsqueeze just under her jaw. I force her head further to the side to give my mouth more freedom. I run my teeth and tongue and lips up and down the sloping line of her neck. I move my hand to the top of her cleavage, still feeling the some of the cold cum I left there and put my lips against her ear, letting her hear my breathing. As I put the lobe of her ear into my mouth I roughly grab her breast, feeling the hard nipple Through three layers of fabric, and clamp my hand down on her thigh. Holding her tight and still I grind my hips into her ass.

I’m thrusting hard enough to inch her closer to the wall right in front of her. Just when she is about to put her arms up on the wall I grab her jacket with both hands at the collar and pull down pinning her arms behind her at the elbow. My constant trusting pushes her face into the wall. I pull her jacket the rest of the way off and grab her forearms and pull her away from the wall.

I slow my thrusts and start to grind my hips rhythmically against her. As she bends over I can feel the heat of her pussy making the base of my cock hot. I reach my hands around her and rip at her blouse and bra. They hold for a moment and then tear and fall open leaving her breasts bare and surrounded by the tattered remain of her clothes. I step back and with one hand on her shoulder and the other on her hip turn her to face me. I step between her legs, grab her ass with both hands, lift her onto me, and push her against the wall. With her legs wrapped around me and my hips pushing into her, her skirt bunches up high on her hips. When she locked her ankles around my ass she holds herself enough for my hands to be free.

I made quick work of getting her torn clothes off of her leaving her breasts bare and her nipples hard. I grab at one letting the tip of the nipple flick between each of my fingers one way and then the other. Gripping the breast and pinching the nipple between my knuckles every couple of passes. I suck the tip of the other nipple and hold it firmly between my lips. I roll my lips inward and as I flick my tongue across its tip I push my face forward and let the scruff on my lip and chin bristle across the firm bumpy surface of her nipple.

Every flick and pinch causes light morning and squealing to escape her lips. Soon her hips start to jerk and thrust against me. With no warning I break free of her nipple with a sharp pop. I put my hands just under her breasts and lift her off and away from me extremely setting her on her feet. As I take a step back she slowly starts to lean towards me. I quickly put a finger up and she takes in the look in my eye, even in this dim light she can see that I mean her to stay still and wait, and she obediently looks away.

Slowly with quivering legs she presses against the wall putting her hands down at her sides. I furiously dismantle my carefully crafted suit, peeling away each layer and throwing it to every corner of the room. Holding my fiace gaze locked into her eyes, I catch her glances at my body as more and more is revealed. With a kick of my shoes and a jerk of my feet, I am now standing before her bare. My hands gripped in fists, my shoulders rolled forward I look at her like a bull ready to charge.

With one motion I am on my knees before her. I put one leg then the other over my shoulders and start rubbing the tip of my nose across her wet lips through her delicate lacy panties.

I shift my lips to first one side then the other, kissing, sucking, licking, biting, each time drifting further into her folds. She places her hands in my hair and tries to pull me even further in. I hold back until the strength of her arms is about to overcome the strength in my neck. I close my mouth over the wet strip of clothes just over her mound. I grab it tightly between my teeth and run my hands up and under the strips of pantie at her hips. By pushing up with my thumbs and down with my mouth the fabric tears free. Assoon as her pussy is bare I impale her on my tongue rubbing my upper lip against her clip and my scruffy cheats against her inner thighs.

I push my tongue in and up holding it stiff to let her ride it. I move my tongue out and using my lips I suck at her clip putting it between my tongue and teeth pinching it. While flicking my tongue quickly across her clip, I move my hands to her nipples pinching and pulling then flicking and pulling them, while grabbing her breasts. She pushes against my chin forcing it further inside. Her thrusting tells me that she needs something more fun than my mouth and tongue. I push her legs down and with my hands on her hips I still tease her with my tongue. When she starts to moan in a begging sort of way, I grab her by her wrist and pull her towards the couch I bend her over the arm and without warning I slam my throbbing cock deep inside her.

I pull back out nearly all the way and as she shifts back I drive deep into her again. I pull out andspank her hard and fast as I plumge into her again. I fuck her furiously slamming my hips against her ass and spanking one side then the other over and over. I hold myself deep inside her and grind her hips against me as I move my hands to her breasts. I pinch both nipples with just the tips of my fingers hard and firm pulling them towards me rubbing my cock around her insides.


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