Day X Month XX Year XXXX
Dear Diary,
They say everyone has a story. A tale they could tell to just about anyone and give a perspective on the life they’d lived. But what do you do when your story is rather, adult in its content? Do you modify it? Or do you just keep it to yourself?
You see, for me. My day-to-day life isn’t even remotely what I’m proud of. Sure, I enjoy it. I’ve worked my butt off to climb the corporate ladder and get my position as the VP of a company I hate, yay for me. How can I be proud that the company I work for is the face of most of the biggest environmental spills the world has seen in the last twenty years?
Sure. It’s good money. But that’s about it. But I’m getting off-topic here.
Recently a friend asked me about my exercise routine and what I’m most proud of in my life and I was at a loss for words. Am I supposed to just blur out that the reason I’m in immaculate shape is that I get strapped up into intricate horse tack, boots that end in hooves, and bust my ass while jumping over three-foot jumps? Or that I’m hooked to a plow and made to till fields through the day?
Absolutely not. Because for me, sharing the thing I’m most proud of is only appropriate in crowds of people I trust and those people generally don’t talk about their proclivities in the open either.
Oh well. I’m proud of what I’ve achieved. Even if it is in private. But if you’re reading this, I’ve been willing to open up to you. Let me tell you the story of how I went from corporate lackey to muscled and competitive pony.
– The one and only, Daisy.
Shake, Rattle, and Roll. You’d think the bus bringing people to and from a ranch located in the middle of nowhere would be a little more well-maintained. But the bus that she was sitting on seemed to be lacking a suspension. The strawberry blonde let out a small squeakas the old bus went over a pothole and nearly launched her out of her seat. She wrinkled her nose a bit and huffed.
“Has the bus always been like this?” She asked the driver over the loud hum of the engine that filled the cabin.
She was the only person on the bus, as it had been explained to her she was coming to the ranch in a bit of the off-season. So it was likely she wouldn’t see too many people on her trip in. That was certainly the case, she was the ONLY one on the bus.
The driver, a raven-haired woman, chuckled a bit in response to the question.
“No. This is the spare. The good bus took a bit of a nasty bump last week that busted the suspension. So it’s being repaired. No bigs though, this old girl has been making this trip for years now! Consider it a treatment!”
The girl rolled her eyes a bit, “A treatment. I feel like I’m riding in a paint shaker.” She mumbled, flopping back in her seat and gathering up her backpack in her lap. At least the bus trip wasn’t terribly long. An hour and a half at the most as it had been explained to her. She’d already been on it for an hour and fifteen minutes, she glanced out the window, unable to spot their destination just yet.
Leaning back into her seat, the woman would let her mind roam a little bit as they trundled along, back to how she’d ended up on this bus.
This whole trip had been a little unplanned. The woman, Charlotte, had always been active in the online kink scene, and in her browsing, she’d come across a group connected to this facility she was headed to. One of the few of its kind, run by a multi-generation family that specializes in this particular subset of kink. What subset was that? One that involved hooves.
It hadn’t been easy to get any information on the place at first. The group was private, and what little information was floating around online seemed almost shrouded in mystery and intrigue. After several unsuccessful attempts at contacting someone in the group, Charlotte had simply gone about her business. Interacting with the groups she normally did and chatting about attending a few local traditions near to her home and being vocal about the things she wanted to explore.
She’d nearly forgotten about the mysterious facility.
…And then an email arrived. Well, More of a direct message on one of the many sites she was a member of. It was a site she didn’t log into very often and so the message had sat in her inbox, unread for the better part of two weeks before she finally stumbled across it.
[I see you’ve been asking around about FFF.]
The message was short and to the point. It had taken her a few minutes to figure out what the person was referring to. But then it hit her. Triple F Ranch. FFF. Could that be it? She sent a message back and keep it as plain as the initial message.
[A few months ago I was, yes.If you’re referring to Triple F Ranch. Otherwise, I’ve no clue what you’re talking about.]
And then there had been silence for a week. But her curiosity had been piqued, and so she’d check the website once a day just in case a message had come back. Which eventually it had. This time the response wasn’t so simple.
[That is what I’m referring to. It’s been several weeks since I sent that message, I was beginning to think I’d messaged the wrong person. Master Ares speaks highly of you, as do many of your other acquaintances. If you’d like to know a bit more about FFF, you’re welcome to ask questions and I’ll gladly answer them. Your report has earned at least a few questions.]
Charlotte was rather confused at the response. The person had spoken to Ares, a close friend of hers. As well as several of her other acquaintances online? That wasn’t creepy at all. But then again, in this scene, vetting was fairly normal. Perhaps that was why? But then, why was this personbeing so…mysterious? Regardless, she was quicker to send a response.
[Well. It’s been a few months now, so I don’t remember much. Information on your facility is incredibly hard to find it would seem and all the groups are private. I guess my main question is what exactly IS your facility? From what I can gather it caters heavily to those into Ponyplay, which is intriguing as facilities like that don’t seem to exist much of anywhere. I hope Ares was nice when he was talking about me!]
Much to her surprise, she’d gotten a response on the same day to her message.
[It’s hard to find for a reason. And we keep it private for safety reasons. As someone involved in the online kink community, I imagine you understand that. It’s hard to find so that the right people find it. The dedicated ones. To answer your question, however, we are a comprehensive training facility that does in fact, cater very much to ponies and trainers alike. This isn’t the only thing we do, we offer all sorts of BDSM-related education as well as workshops and events. Facilities like ours do exist, but much like us. They tend to keep within their built-up communities. Much of your inquiries were in regards to the Ponyplay side of things, so I’ll assume that is where your interest lies. Although your online profiles are rather robust in their content.]
Charlotte could remember the bubble of excitement that had risen in her stomach at this response. Ponyplay was one aspect of kink she loved but had never gotten a chance to explore. Well, there was a lot she hadn’t been able to explore, but that was beside the point. She re-read the email a few times and waited the better part of the day to respond, only finally sending her response in the evening when she was lying in bed browser on her laptop.
[It seems you know a lot more about me than I do about you, or your facility. I’m not sure if I should consider that a compliment or rather…concerning. As an aside, your facilitysounds pretty amazing. Is it like a day thing? What sort of events and workshops do you hold? Sorry for the waterfall of questions. You’ve piqued my interest.]
Charlotte fired off the email and then proceeded to pass out for the evening. She had a long day ahead of her tomorrow. More office meetings with foreign partners interested in new ventures the company she worked for were taking on. At least amongst all of it, she might have a response to look forward to.
In the morning, she’d checked her messages excitedly. But there was no response. And her inbox remained empty for a good few days. Nearly a week before she considered sending a follow-up message. It was as she was writing that follow-up in the evening that her inbox beeped. She opened it excitedly.
[Well. You’re patient I see. That’s a positive. I would consider it…a compliment. My apologies for the few days’ wait, We had a polo tournament to tend to, and it’s been rather exciting! But let us get down to your questions. Our facility offers a few different options for lengths of time spent. Some come for a day, some come for a week and some have stayed for much much longer. It depends on what you want out of the experience. However, for some, cost is a factor as well. As for events and workshops. We hold a variety of them. From camping to a yearly BDSM convention held right on our property. We’ve got a camping week coming up. So a fair bit of prep is going into that. What else would you like to know?]
This whole thing was growing more intriguing by the minute. Whoever was on the other end certainly knew their stuff and was open to explaining it to her. She considered her response, not wanting to sound overly curious or excited.
[That sounds amazing. Not sure what Polo is, but I hope it went well! It seems like your facility does a lot. And if someone wanted to get involved and visit, what would that cost or require? Not that I’m asking to! I’m just curious.]
Yeah, becausee that didn’t sound like she was lying at all. Charlotte huffed a bit at her screen and flipped her laptop shut. The response didn’t come until the next day during her lunch break. Did the person know she was on lunch? The timing was uncanny.
[We don’t appreciate lies. Do keep that in mind in your future responses. It’s ok to be curious. If someone wanted to get involved and visit, generally we’d As I mentioned, we’ve already done that. After that, we’d generally extend an invite for an introduction session. A few days spent at our facility getting to know you and letting you try your hand at some of the activities. However, we’ve connected at the right time. As I mentioned, we’ve got our week-long camping event which so happens to be geared towards newbies. It’s our off-season so it won’t be quite as busy as our normal schedule. It gives people a chance to dip their hooves or feet into many of the disciplines and activities we offer while alsoLetting us get to know you a little bit and see if you’d be a good fit. The week’s cost is around USD 9500. This includes a bed in a cabin, all your meals, basic equipment, and the like. I’d be happy to extend an invite to you if you’d like to attend?]
9500 dollars. That was not a number to scoff at. Charlotte leaned heavily back in her chair and stared at the screen. One of the Most fascinating opportunities she’d been offered in a long time and it was well out of her price range. Part of her regretted the fact that she’d just recently purchased a home. She wrinkled her nose and tousled her hair a bit, “Well…that’s unfortunate. But if the invitation is open, maybe she’d let me save up and try something in the new future?” Charlotte pondered aloud, slamming her laptop shut hard when one of Her co-workers came up behind her to inquire about their next meeting. That had almost been TOO embarrassing.
It took until that evening yet again for her to get a response. She’d pondered all day if there was a way she could find the funds. But it really didn’t translate right now.
[I want to apologize first for lying, I’m just unsure of how to properly approach such a subject with someone I hardly know. And thank you so much for being so honest and offering so much info. Unfortunately, at the current time that price is a bit out of my budget. I just purchased a home so all my savings recently went into that. However, if you’d be willing to let that invitation stand until your next newbie event or whatnot, then perhaps I could save up and attend! If not, I appreciate your time. Maybe we can chat more in the future!]
The response came before she’d closed her eyes for the evening, she read it as she was dozing off. It was rather short and filled with curiosity.
[I appreciate the honesty. Congratulations on the home. Buying in this market is a nightmare. The invitation will stand, we do not offer invites to just anyone. However, give me a few days andI’ll get back to you. I may have an alternative option.]
‘I may have an alternative option.’
Way to make her bubble with excitement for several days. Charlotte found herself a bit distracted during her regular workload. What could the person have possible means by an alternative option? Maybe something cheaper? Though even half that cost was still well beyond her current budget. She witnessed, maybe she should try not to get her hopes up. Regardless, life goes on and she cugged along.
Unlike last time when she waited for a response. She got a few curious messages from close friends of hers, including Master Ares. Mentioning that someone had been asking around about her. Nothing private, just about her as a person and the like. She wondered if it was the mysterious messenger from FFF inquiring about her yet again. The answer came a few days later near the end of the week.
[Hello once more. Thank you for being patient. After a few inquiries and speaking with my senior trainers. We’re prepared to offer you what we call the ‘pony scholarship’ It’s not really a scholarship, but it does come with education. Every year we pick one or two individuals seeking to try us out, who can’t quite afford the costs involved, for our scholarship. You seem incredibly pleasant and based on what people have said about you I think you’d be an ideal candidate for one of them. It Charlotte was generally caught off guard when she read the message. An all-expenses covered trip to try something she’d always wanted to? How could she possibly say no? That was WAY too tempting to pass up. A flight she could afford, that was easy enough. And she’d have to see if she could get one of her friends to take care of her dog while she was gone. Luckily her dog was easy-going and most of her friends loved her. She penned a response quickly that evening.
[That would be incredible! Are you sure I’m the right person to give this to? Surely other people fit the bill way better! I’m happy to let someone else take the spot and save up for another time. But if you’re sure…I’d love to come. Thank you so much!]
This time the response came almost instantly.
[Your response is exactly the reason why this is being offered to you. The spot is yours. Our camping week starts July 9th and runs through to the 15th. I’ve attached a PDF with some basic information and I’ll need the details you’re comfortable providing. We look forward to having you at Triple F Ranch and if you have any further questions please feel free to reach out to me here, or at my cellphone line ***-***-****. Text-only please, I’m afraid I don’t often have time to chat over the phone.]
Charlotte went to bed with a smile that night.
So that’s how Charlotte had ended up in a seat in the back of a ribety bus, clapping her backpack full of the recommended things to bring and a nervous excitement bubble up in her stomach. She’d exchanged a few more emails with the person in question. Learning their name was Lila. One of the primary senior trainers who handled most of the comings and goings of people to the facility. Vetting people beforehand was her responsibility.
They’d had some pleasant conversation with Charlotte firing off FAR too many questions for her own good. To the point that eventually Lila just responded that she’d have to find out when she visited, some things were best left as a surprise.
Now here she was, as the bus climbed over the crest of a hill and arrived at the base of another hill where the entire facility sat perched like a multi-level horse ranch. The whole property was surrounded by tall hedges with anintricate metal gate. Upon which bared the facilities gold and blue crest as well as the initials. The bus made its way around the rounded driveway and stopped in front of the gate.
“Well, Charlotte. This is the last stop on our trip! Sorry for all the bumps and shakes. I’m afraid the bus doesn’t go inside. Just give the buzzer at the gate a ring and they’ll collect you from there! It’s been a pleasure meeting you Charlotte.”
Standing up and collecting her bags, Charlotte would offer a bright smile to the driver, “Thank you so much. Hopefully, the other bus will get fixed soon. Nice meeting you!” She bad the woman farewell before stepping off the bus, which pulled around and drove off back towards the hill leaving Charlotte standing on the doorstep of the facility.
Now just a buzz and a smile stand between her and her time here at FFF.
She was excited, to say the least.
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