Trip To The Doctor Ch. 3

“Very good” the doctor said as he turned towards the nurse “If you’d be so kind as to let her go after I pull the enema tube out I’ll begin on Mrs. Smith. He walked to the foot of the table “I am going to deflate the air bladders now, your going to have to hold it in while I pull the tube” and he let the air out of the outside ball. She felt some relief as the second ball was deflated and then felt the tube being pulled out of her sore asshole. She suddenly realized just how hard it would be to hold the enema in without the help of these balls.

The doctor finished his job and looked at her “I’ll have to finish your chart in a few moments, after you are free go ahead and relieve yourself and freshen up, then the nurse will get the final samples we need. I will need to see you before you leave so if for some reason I am not done by the time you are finished just hang out here for me if you would.” He walked out the door and the nurse began releasing her from the table.

Shewould have run to the bathroom if she could have but as it was she had to walk with her legs closed to keep the enema inside her. She had not even worried about the back of her gown being open and untied although the nurse had offered to help her with it. All she wanted to do was get to the bathroom. The nurse knocked once and then entered as she was in the bathroom, she gave her a specimen cup and reminded her to make sure it was filled with urine. She did this and after finishing and doing what she could to freshen up she went back to the exam room.

She had planned to relieve the need between her legs when she was in the bathroom but thought better of it after the rude interruption of the nurse. She called to the nurse and, after the nurse took the blood sample, received the ok to get dressed. She had finished dressing and was now waiting for the doctor to return. She thought about leaving and did go into the reception area before the receptionist stopped her saying that she really did need to wait for the doctor. She told her that the final paperwork had to be completed by the doctor on the day of her initial exam or her insurance company would not process her paperwork and this would be all for nothing. She saw a look of both goal and amusement in the eyes of the receptionist; this woman had just witnessed her in the throughs of ecstasy without being able to complete the journey. She returned to the exam room, she didn’t want to face him again, how could she after what she had just been through. Maybe she should find another doctor anyway, driving to another town to find a doctor her insurance would cover would have to be better than this. She knew she would remember this trip for the rest of her life.

But, as he had made her say, she had enjoyed this and wondered what he had in mind. Was he only being nosy, did he wants to pursue this any further with her, did he get as hot as she had? She heard him outside of the room and the butterflies started inher stomach. She looked at him closely as he walked in; he glanced at her and smiled sitting down at the small desk and began to write in her chart. She felt the tension rising up inside of her and felt as though she needed to say something to break it. “What are your recommendations?” She wished she hadn’t of said that as soon as it came out

“Well,” he said sitting back in the chair and looking at her “as I said Before the only thing I found medically wrong with you was the slight compaction I found in the rectal exam. This is actually normal but can lead to problems so I like to prescribe an enema everything so often to make sure it doesn’t lead to anything major. We still need to get the lab tests back from the urine and blood work to make a final decision but, as far as I can see with just a visual exam, my recommendation is that you have no health problems that need immediate attention.

As far as your overall physical condition I do have a few recommendations for you there.You need to switch your worksouts to a more aerobic non-impact style workout. I noticed some slight swelling in your knees and, left unchecked, that could lead to problems. Just by simply switching to a non-impact workout you’ll eliminate 90% of your joint problems. All women over 30 have to be careful with there bones, time and genetics just seem to make them weaker. The other problem can lead to Both physical and psychological problems if not taken care of and that is the sexual celibacy. This is the one key thing that needs to be worked on in my opinion. Your level of arousal is, and I’m sure you will agree, very easily detected but it is also just as easily eliminated.

This, as we both know, was the recommendation you wanted to hear about so I will not beat around the bush. You Found today that it is sexually arousing for you to give up control. Being completely unable to prevent someone from taking advantage of you appeals to you doesn’t it?” It was as much a statement of fact as a question and although her head was shaking she knew he was right. They looked at each other for a few moments before she finally stood up

“I have to be going doctor, that is all isn’t it?”

“No it isn’t,” he said with a stern look “you have experienced something today that you will remember for the rest of your life. You will wonder about it and that will make you Even more frustrated unless you act on it. You need to experience this more, give it a chance. Accompany me to dinner; we will discuss all the possibilities that are there for you. If you go home now I can guarantee you will regret it, you still have it fresh in your mind, your spirit, and in your body don’t you?” She looked away, of course she did, she was still aroused but could she let this Complete stranger do in privacy what he did in this very office? Could she submit herself to that again? She looked at him,

“How do I know you won’t hurt me? You wouldn’t be the first person, or even doctor for that matter, to be a psychotic pervert just looking for a way to hurt and kill.”

“All I can do is give you my word, anything more is not possible. I WILL give you my word that you will not experience anything you can’t handle. You will have to trust me completely, if there is any doubt in your mind about “me” when we finish dinner you should not go further. There “will” be doubts About the situation, that is normal, but there should be no doubts about me in your mind. I will require you to follow my instructions immediately and without question and that cannot happen without trust. Shall we go to dinner to get to know each other a little better? I must insist that first you alert someone that you will be with me, in this way you will feel more comfortable knowing you are safe since If I did in some way hurt you it can be easily found out where you were and who you were with and I would get caught.”

She thought about it for a moment, she would get a free meal with limited risks out of the deal and, although she had severe reservations about taking this any further, she was curious. She decided to go ahead with it and the doctor allowed her to use a private phone to tell her sister she was going out. They left the office out the back door and stepped into a plus Porsche 911SC Targa turbo two-steps later. The doctor picked up his phone and called a restaurant before they had gotten out of the parking lot, they went maybe ten minutes before she saw the waterfront. They pulled into the parking lot of a fancy restaurant sitting on the water and the doctor handed the keys to the valet. She felt out of place and underdressed here but was enjoying being lavished with the gifts of the good life. They enjoyed platters of fresh seafood and fresh ripe fruit. As they talked she was fantasizing about living and eating like this Everyday.

The talk started about themselves and their backgrounds but soon turned to the true reason they were here. As they finished theirr frozen yogurt desert she had decided that if these things she was now experiencing were going to be available to her she would at least try what he had to offer. She already knew she would enjoy the sexual aspect of this and with these kinds of fringe benefits she would understand what he had to offer in spite of the humiliation. They left the restaurant with the understanding that she would try out what he had to offer tonight and, if she decided, would continue. They followed the waterfront to a marina and there they left the fancy sports car and, going through a security gate, stepped onto a fairly large boat.

“Is this where you live?”

“No, this is just the way that I get to my house.” He went through the startup procedures and soon they were cruising along. They pulled up to a dock with a long lawn going up a hill to a small house. She had been having feelings of doubt since they got on the boat but now they were doubled. She had no idea where they were, there were manyislands in the area that could only be accessed by boat and if this was one of them she was sure there would be no “safety net” around her. She would be in a place that might as well be worlds away from anyone else. She was deep in thought (and doubt) as they were walking up the lawn towards the house “I need to ask you a few questions” he said bringing her mind back to the present. They reached the house and he opened the door “what part of today was the most appealing to you?” they stepped inside and he closed the door

“I’m not sure I followed you,” she answered trying to buy time, she was almost sure she didn’t want to be here now

“I’m talking about the reason we are here, you liked what happened to you today, was it receiving the physical, the being totally helpless, the enema? I need to know what parts to include and what parts can be skipped.” She wasn’t sure how to answer but decided that she had gone this far she might as well answer truly

“I enjoyed all ofit, mostly the feeling of helplessness, the physical was enjoyable but I already had one today” she wanted to say more but just couldn’t, she didn’t know where to start. He knew he had to take charge, if he could get her to go along with his next scenario, and she enjoyed it he would have her.

“Ok, so well skip the initial part of the physical but I never really got the chance to finish the one earlier today, would you submit to another physical if we picked up where we left off?”


“Good, so lets forgo any dramatics and get you on the table in the same position we left off with shall we?” He just looked at her, she knew what he wanted but wasn’t sure if she should go through with it or not. He held out his hands and kind of lowered them from up to down, she knew what that means and began to undress. She was fully undressed and standing before him doing her best to cover herself with her hands. “I believe it is a little late for modesty, put your hands at your sides and follow me.” She obeyed, walking behind him down a hall. They went through a door and into an exam room much like the one in his office. The table was the same and she saw the ominous leg support sticking out of it. “I believe you know the position.” She sat on the edge of the table wondering if she was getting herself in over her head. Soon she would be strapped to the table unable to stop him from doing whatever he wished to her and in this remote area she would have no chance of being saved.

She assumed the position and he took little time laying her back and strapping her down just as she had been before. The one difference was there was no sheet stopping her from seeing exactly what he was doing. He pulled up the rolling stool and sat between her legs, she laid her head back and looked away to embarrassed to look him in the eye as he did this. She felt him rubbing the slick, freshly held outer lips of her pussy and felt the heat growth. He took his left hand and pushed up on the hood of her swollen clip, it was already poking out and with his help was now totally exposed. He grabbed an instrument from the small table beside him and she felt the cold metal against her clip. “I need to measure the size of this in a semi-aroused state, this is a micrometer and will measure it.” She felt the cold metal move around her clip, tickling a bit as it just touched her, and wondered how he could think she was only semi-arous. All of her body was showing that she was at the peak of arousal, her nipples poked out as hard as pencil erasers, her clip was engorged, and she felt her juices leaking down her ass. He let go and she saw him jot down some notes in a tablet, ” I will again measure this after you have become fully aroused.”

“I can’t get any more aroused, please make me cum,” her plea was practically weak, she knew what she must look and sound like right now but didn’t care.

“We have a long way to go before that happens, I have only begun to doa complete exam on you.” He could see her obviously squirming from his remark and told her to remain still or he would “really” take his time. She tried but couldn’t, she could only move her ass a fraction of an inch and through her head back and forth as he rubbed her clip but could not stop these small gears as hard as she tried. He continued to manipulate her clip and started to slide his fingers in and out of her drenched sex, she began to feel the first signs of her impending orgasm start and just as she felt it hit with earnest he stopped. “Oh no you don’t, not yet.” He let her calm down and began again. Every time she got a bit closer to orgasm before he stopped her from reaching her peak, this went on for about a half hour. She had her eyes closed but felt the cold steel against her clip again, he measured her engaged clip again.

She felt the pool of her juices at her rear when he finally pulled down his pants and climbed onto the table. He began slowly, building his pace and driving her crazy with lust. He reached down and began to manipulate her clip as he thrust, and she went over the edge. She began to orgasm and he stopped his manipulation and held his stiff rod still inside of her still, “I am still in control here, you will cum when I do and not before. Hold it back.”

He began again and she strained to hold the orgasm back, she was shaking, she had never needed to cum so badly in her life and now was being forced to stop it. After what seemed like a lifetime he told her she could let go and with a scream she had several mind shattering orgasms. He then took her to the bath and, after bathing her, took her to his bedroom where she lost count of the orgasms she had.


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