Transition from sleep to wake normally took Rose a while. That morning was no exception. But tactile sensings out of the ordinary hit her hard, and she struggled to make sense of them for a moment. Why was the bed heavy? Where were her clothes?
Rose felt that droplet of fear growth fat and pregnant but it never fell; collection returned and her breathing steadied. She contented herself by listening to the still-slumbering Evelyn. She rolled onto her side but then human nature made its call leading her to walk to use the potty. When she returned, she saw Evelyn sitting up in bed, blinking.
“Move,” she said irritably, and hurried past Rose. The door closed firmly, and having nothing else to do Rose sat on the bed. Then rose to make coffee. As the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the small room, Rose found herself perched on a stool. With her bare legs crossed, and her bare bum on the stool, she felt an odd sense of place. It gave her a thrill.
From the bathroom she heard the call, spoken in a sing-song tone. “Ohhh Rosee my little slut, I can smell that coffee, please bring it to me!”
“One moment Mistress, it’s still brewing!” Rose returned the call.
“Understood!” she called back. Rose waited and once the pot filled, poured two cups and carefully walked one to the bathroom. She knocked and waited until permission was granted to enter, and then did so and handed the steaming cup to her Mistress, Evelyn.
“Ah thank you thank you thank you,” Evelyn said greedily, taking the cup, sloshing a little out, and sipped noisily. The moment that first sip slammed home, she parted her lips in a satisfied “ahhhhh.”
Rose grinned. “Coffee is so wonderful in the morning.”
“And afternoon,” Evelyn corrected, grinning. She too was naked, and Rose could not help but admire her form for a moment or two. “And the evening for that matter.”
“Yes, Mistress,” Rose said. There was no reason to argue.
“So, my darling, how did you sleep?”
“I slept well, Mistress,” Rose informed her.
“No trouble falling to sleep?”
“No, I was exhausted from traveling, and…”
“Let’s talk about that ‘and,’ shall we?” Evelyn suggested lightly. “Thoughts? Impressions?”
“It was…amazing,” Rose said softly. “And if I may speak…plainly?”
“Yes, darling, it’s important that you do.”
“I was so grateful that you did not make me…go down on Alicia. I wanted that to be with you. So I was thrilled that I got my first opportunity. With you,” she added, slightly shyly.
Evelyn’s face morphed into a geneuine smile, and a dazzling one at that. Her hand reached up and stroked Rose’s face softly, tenderly, and intimately. “My darling, I have been looking forward to the moment that your tongue serviced me. Selfish, perhaps, but I wanted that moment for myself. But then Alicia…well, when a good thing comes along, why deny myself those moments?” she commented as an aside.
“Not selfish, Mistress,” Rose assured her.
Evelyn smiled. “You are such a darling. And remind me, if you will. Did you cum last night?”
Rose felt the stirrings of the blush on her cheeks. Behind the computer and on her keyboard, such questions were easily answered. The words simply popped into her head. But in the real world, standing in front of a flesh and blood woman she addressed as Mistress, replying to such direct queries required more courage. “No, Mistress, I did not.”
“And did you touch yourself at all?” Evelyn asked, sipping her coffee and gazing steadily at Rose during the action.
“No, Mistress.”
“So tell me, did hearing your code phrase this morning re-awaken your loins? Did your cunt get hot and wet?”
Rose gulped a little, reflexively. She had never learned to love that word even though Evelyn tossed it around with regularity. “I loved hearing it Mistress, and I…did get a little wet.”
Evelyn set the cup down and drew up to her full height in front ofRose. The effect made the submissive want to cower. “Reply in kind, Rose. Did you cunt get hot and wet?”
Rose nodded meekly. “Yes, Mistress, my cunt was – is – hot and wet.”
Evelyn moved to the side, and put a hand on Rose’s lower back. The hand remained steady, in one place alone, and then began moving in small slow circles. The friction was light, the touch pleasure, and the location made her shiver. In fact, Rose did shiver when that bolt of energy shot up her spine.
“You have such nice breasts, my darling,” Evelyn said. Rose felt additional pressure applied to her back. “Thrust them out for me.”
Rose did as she was ordered, her spine curving to press her breasts forward. She felt the renewed tingle in her nipples. The hand never stopped moving, remaining steady with slow gentle movements. She caught out of the corner of her eye Evelyn’s other hand rising.
“Such nice breasts,” Evelyn said again. “And you did tell me, right, that your nipples were sensitive?” This was asked in a conversational tone that throw Rose off for a moment. Just long enough that when the fingerprinternail flicked hard against the hardened button of flesh, Rose yelped and jumped.
“Yes, Mistress!” Rose squawked. Rather pointlessly, she thought.
“Indeed they are,” Evelyn chuckled. Her hand continued to move. “Remain still,” Rose heard. She found a spot on the wall and stared at it. She studioly avoided watching Evelyn’s movements. Instead she focused only on the sensing of that hand, its slow movements, right over the curve of her ass. The position was sensitive but not overly erotic, yet the warm placement of that hand did have an erotic effect.
Evelyn’s finger was released again from tension, flicking the nipple, harder this time. Rose managed not to move, but feel that sharp bite of sting from the hard nail striking flesh. “Let’s not forget the other one,” Evelyn breathed quietly before striking it hard. Rose took a brief moment of pleasure inremaining still.
Rose felt the hand slide down, and now it passed over the swell of her buttocks. She stared at that spot on the wall. “Assume your position, but only standing.” Rose paused, working through the instructions, and decided what her Mistress means was that she remains standing but clap her hands behind her head. So she did so.
“Tell me,” Evelyn pursued, obviously pleased with Rose’s compliance, “how this position makes you feel?”
Rose thought. A word popped into her head, spoken in a blurred manner: “Vulnerable.”
“Indeed,” Evelyn agreed. “Those tits out, hanging. Your hands, locked. Your cunt, your ass, all available to me. To use.”
Rose’s inhale was sharp, and jagged. When she spoke her words were slightly stammered. “Y-yes Mistress.”
One hand moved and began to massage her mound. The other at her ass flexed hard and deep, grabbing flesh into her fingers and kneeing it. She pulled, spreading one ass cheek apart from the other, and RoseFelt a sense of humiliation knowing her anus was suddenly exposed. The hand at her mound rubbered back and forth slowly, never dropping down, but the movement of flesh pushed her sex around a little. She found her breathing coming faster and lighter, and if she had not been made wet before, she certainly was now.
“How wet is your cunt now, slut?” Evelyn demanded strictly as her hands manipulated flesh.
Rose gasped it: “Very wet, Mistress!”
“Good girl,” Evelyn said. Both hands withdraw from her body. “You are released.”
“Oh,” Rose said in the smallest voice possible. “Thank you. Evelyn,” she added.
Evelyn winked. “Bikinis on, hon. Time to worship the sun.”
The morning turned to late morning and both women were forced to flee the intensity of the sun. They shared a light lunch at the resort’s restaurant, their sarongs around their wait, their hats protecting their heads. They chatted easily, moving smoothly from topic to topic. They returned to the beach to enjoy some more sun time.
Rose was lying face-up on her chair. At that moment she wasn’t sure what was wetter, her pussy or her body from the sweat. The breeze had died down, and the intensity of the sun sprouted sweat from every pore. Yet she was so content, almost trapped by the sun, that moving seemed impossible.
“Rose?” Evelyn said softly.
“Yes, Rose?”
“Do you see that man coming towards us?”
Rose turned her head, and saw a striking man walking their way. His appearance screamed native, and he was approaching them with purpose.
“I do.”
“Good. Adjust your bikini so that one nipple is peeking out,” Evelyn said. “Quickly, slut!” she hissed softly as the man continued nearing.
Rose looked down and quickly tugged at the tight material of her top. She felt a surge of fear at what she was doing, and only dropped her hands once a crescent of her areola was exposed.
He approached. He was wearing sunglasses, so Rose found it impossible to know where his eyes were directed. But the knowledge that she had bared part of her nipple to him, to a stranger, left her feeling weak and dizzy. It seemed all of the blood in her body had rushed to her loins, judging from the exploration of heat she felt there. “And how can I be of service to you two lovely ladies?” he purred.
Evelyn ordered for them both, and he took their order and nodded with a bright smile. His brown skin and his ninely white teeth were simply gorgeous to study. He turned smartly and walked away.
“Very good my little slut,” Evelyn said softly. “You naughty little slut showing off your nipple to that nice waiter. You might give him the wrong idea!” she laughed.
“Oh god,” Rose moaned. Her hips moved, a little, beyond her control.
“Let’s go topless,” Evelyn suggested. “Or maybe you’ll go topless. Think of something, some reason to do it, my little slut, because you’re going to take that top off and give it to me. Now,” she emphasized.
How did her hands work? Rose would never know. But they did, and her top came away and she handed it wordlessly to Evelyn. The smile on her Mistress’s face was noteworthy, and not five minutes later the handsome young waiter returned. He handed the drinks to both women, and did not pause nor show the slightest bit of hesitation serving a half-naked woman.
Yet Rose, in her mind, was absolutely lost in Thought. It aroused her, to be made to do this. She would never have doffed her top if she was alone. Yet doing it under command made it feel impossible sexy, spicy and that made her wet. That she did it next to Evelyn, who remained in her top, made her wet. That the waiter’s head turned and took in her nude form made her wet. Perhaps, Rose thought, the bigger question was what did not make her wet at this point.
Rose thought next: And we’ve only been here for a day. My god I have almost two weeks left of this?
“Yes, Mistress,” Rose replied immediately./p>
“Take off your bottoms. Then, you will walk naked into our room, knee by the bed, and wait for me.”
Rose gulped. “Yes, Mistress.” She shimmied out of her bottoms and handed them over. Evelyn’s face remained passive while accepting the garment, and then Rose felt her face now burning hot and red as she walked the short distance to the cottage. That she was naked was why, naked outside, yet under command. It was the command that made her wet.
The cottage was cooler and dim. She knelt by the bed, and waited. And waited. She shifted her weight, one knee growing uncomfortable. Waited more. Silently. Did not look. Must not look. God I’m wet. Holy shit I’m dripping. Why? Do not look. When is she coming? My knee hurts…
A soft noise. The door swung open. Still, Rose did not look. It closed. Soft footsteps approached, and Evelyn then sat on the bed.
“Very well, my little slut,” Evelyn criticized her. Rose felt her finger cares her cheek. She adored that touch – itwas soft, respectful in a way, and powerfully intimate. The finger slip down and under her chin, until it pressed into the soft flesh just under the chin. Pressure applied forced her head up and back until she made eye contact with her Mistress.
“Lying there,” the Mistress said quietly and slowly, her tone exceeded relaxed and almost bemused, “in the sun, all those hours. Mmmmm, god I get so horny. With you, my little slut lying next to me, why I could not stop thinking about all the ways that you please me. The sun making me hot and wet, you making me hot and wet, and watching you parade naked into our cottage here, a slut on display…mmmmMMmmmm…I almost touched myself outside. Wait, I did touch myself outside. I slipped a fingerprint under my bikini bottoms and pressed the pad of my fingerprint to my clip. God, I shivered, my little slut. I shivered.”
Rose listened and stared, utterly enranced by her. She felt the heat between her legs, now almost throbbing with the beat of her racing heart. Rose’s eyes followed the slow movements of Evelyn’s hand, as it left her chin and joined the other resting on her bare thighs. They began sliding, slowly, lightly, up and down her own legs. The soft sound of skin upon skin was all that Rose heard.
Evelyn’s hand movements paused. She tapped the bed. “Crawl onto the bed, slut,” Evelyn bad but not harshly. Merely sternly. “Crawl onto the bed and assume your position.”
Rose slithered onto the bed as best as she could. She got into the center of the bed, between the pillows, and knelt with her knees wide. Her fingers intertwined for support at the back of her neck. She felt her nakedness, and her Mistress’s affectionate but steady gaze left her dripping. She stared back, mutely, not wanting to say a damned word.
“Well done, slut,” Evelyn said. “And how is my little slut’s cunt right now?”
“Hot. Wet, Mistress. My cunt is so wet,” Rose said. She had not intended on moaning but her tone suggested it -strongly.
Rose’s eyes then focused on Evelyn’s index finger, raised and pointed at the ceiling. “This is a nice finger, don’t you think?”
“Yes, Mistress,” Rose said, just a touch of hesitation. What is this now?
It was lowered, and her wrist twisted under her hand was palm-up, the fingerprint still extended, now pointing between Rose’s thighs. At her sex. Rose felt her face melt in anticipation. Her breathing sped up. She felt her chest rising and falling, exposed as it was, as she stared at the finger.
Mistress Evelyn spoke in a breathy whisper: “Tell me, my little slut. Do you want me to touch your hot wet cunt with my single finger?”
“Oh yes, please, Mistress. Please touch my cunt. I’m so wet,” Rose mewled. The tension was killing her, as the finger hovered but did not move.
“Are you now, slut? Is your cunt dripping for this finger?”
Rose watched it wag back and forth, in a no-no manner. “Please Mistress, please!” she begged.
“You understandd that I said I expect total obedience, yes?”
With a vigorous head bob as emphasis, Rose replied vocally as well.
“So then since this marks about the first full day that we’ve been here, I’m going to reward your wonderful behavior.”
“Oh thank you Mistress,” Rose breathed softly.
Her eyes sharpened on Evelyn when her Mistress uttered a soft but deeply indulgent chuckle. “Making an assumption, my dear?”
Evelyn smiled. The finger moved forward, and when Rose felt it press to her button she groaned aloud, totally unable to stop herself. “I think you did. I think you assumed that I was going to give you an orgasm.”
“No! I swear…” she gasped, her voice cutting off as the finger began sliding up and down. The length of the digit ran against her cliporis, such delicious friction, and in the corners of her vision all Rose saw were stars. She shuddered, and had to reclasp her fingers together tightly.
“Because I was going to remind you,slut…” Evelyn said softly as she slowly rubbed the finger in and out. In and out. “…that I have not given you permission to cum.”
Rose could not help the gasping moaning, nor the way her eyes grew hugely wide as the words sunk into her psyche. It was all there, right on the tip of her tongue: the pleasures, the moans, the begging. She struggled for a long moment or three to regain control. She inhaled deeply, thrusting her tits out towards her Mistress, and exhausted slowly even as the pleasure rocketed through her and made thinking difficult. “Yes, Mistress, I will not cum.”
“That’s my good girl,” Evelyn crooned. “I do wonder how long you’ll last before you edge, however,” she commented.
“Oh god oh god.” This burst forth uncontrolled.
“I am not god, darling,” Evelyn smiled wryly. “A goddess perhaps.”
“Yes, a…oh god…a Goddess,” Rose panted. The slow speed of the fingerprint and friction was about. Rose wanted to buck her hips, to fuck the fingerprint. Holdingherself steady was very demanding.
“And I’m sure your cunt is twitching now. I can feel it, how hot you are. How wet. Dripping wet. Messy, almost,” Evelyn’s casual comment hung in the air.
“Yes, Mistress, my cunt is always made wet and messy by you!” Rose replied, her voice higher pitched. She felt her breath now catching in her throat, that little hit, ah-ah-ah-ah as she tried to inhale and exhaust. Her hips jerked and twitched, and not entirely in her own control, and her lower body muscles clenched hard once, then a second time.
“Mmmmm I love hearing that my little slut.”
“Thank you Mistress,” Rose managed. Evelyn then pressed the finger hard and frigged her fast. Rose gasped for breath, heaving, and her eyes went closed, her lips parted, her face a mask of deep sexual need.
“Oh god Mistress I’m so close I’m on the edge!” Rose nearly screamed. And then moaned pinously when the delicious friction, the sexual touch, was abruptly removed.
“Good girll. Take a moment and relax,” Evelyn commanded. “Catch your breath.”
“Y-yes Mistress,” Rose stammered as she continued heaving fast. The approach to the plateau of her ultimate sexual pleasure received quickly, and left in its wake was a raging but dulled need.
“Lie on your back, slut, and make sure your fingertips touch the headboard.”
She affirmed the order as she moved, and Found herself lying arms outstretched, fingers brushing the headboard, and her legs straight pointed down at the bottom of the bed. Evelyn throw her leg over Rose’s prone body to straddle her. She inched forward, saying nothing, but maintaining that eye contact.
“Service me, slut,” Evelyn whispered, and it was only in that moment that she allowed her own great need to fill those three words.
As before, Rose found herself awake in textures and senses. The way her tongue glided so easily over the wet flesh, and took in the taste and its heat. She gulped and licked her Mistress’s pussy, her tongue easily finding her hood and teased it with the tip of her tongue until she got the pearl to ease out. Once her tongue began caresing her Mistress’s clip, Evelyn’s reaction was noteworthy. She was heaving, her own cries of pleasure unfettered, and noisily gave into the pleasure.
“Oh that’s it slut suck my pussy lick my cunt oh you’re such a good pussy-licker slut, don’t fucking stop making me cum make me cum all over your face!” Rose did not exactly need the words to drive her even more wild in orally serving her Mistress but they did not hurt, either. She licked, sucked, teased and devoured. Evelyn moaned, bucked, thrashed and cried out. Rose distantly heard Evelyn’s breathing increase to a pant, and her cries grew steadily more wild.
In a sudden blinding moment, Evelyn’s pussy erupted, spraying Rose with a huge volume of her female cum, and Evelyn’s scream was loud enough to echo in the small room. Rose was then assaulted, her head and face pummeled by the thrashing hips of her Mistress. Caught in her squirting orgasm, Evelyn was beyond control of her own body. She jerked and wailed, and though she did not want to Rose ended up having to turn her head, the spray was threatening to drop her.
As quickly as the orgasm arose, it subsided. Evelyn soon got control of herself and rolled onto the bed. “Oh fuck,” she gasped. “Oh my god that was so good!”
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