Trip to India

Looking back, it amazes me how life seems to work out sometimes. We had been talking for a while when I finally showed you one of my many hobbies of blogging. It started off as a cute little blog, a way to distress but it grew into so much more over time. A magazine I have never heard of from a country I have never been too and can barely pronounce saw my blog (somehow) and enjoyed it very much. Now They are paying me to travel around the world, discovering new cultures to write about in countries, this little hick town girl has never even imagined going to.

Naturally, one of the first places I planned on visiting was India, and you. So plans started to form slowly, as we tried to plan a perfect time together in a beautiful city, where we can make the most of our time together. With all our waiting we planned things perfectly. We settled on Chennai for our meeting place. You have meetings there for a few days and then you have ten days off so we can enjoy the city together allunder the ruse of having to work.

Traveling around the world is hard when you are terrified of flying, so on the day you fly to Chennai I get on a cruise ship. Luckily, we found a cruise ship that arrives in India in a timely manner, and by the time it makes its way around Southern Asia and back, our week will be over.

I arrive in Chennai around 4 in the afternoon and make my way Through traffic to our beautiful hotel. Everyone is so nice but I make sure to keep my pursuit with me like you warned. We pretended to be newlyweds on our honeymoon so we could get the beautiful honeymoon suite (at a discount because yes I am cheap). The woman at the front desk is nice, she congratulates me and hands me the room key. The bell boy leads the way to the elevators and we ride it up to the 10th floor. He opens the door for me and places my lucky down and gets a nice tip for his efforts before he leaves.

I look around the room in awe, it’s even more beautiful than the pictures wesaw on the internet. I can’t believe you have been here for three days already without me, it seems like such a waste. I see your clothes and luggage in the wardrobe and it makes me smile. God, I can’t wait to see you. The room is beautiful, with a large four poster bed in the middle an amazing balcony looking out over the city. The bathroom is amazing, it has a nice large tub for a couple to enjoy together with all the perks of a hot tube. And there is a huge lounge area with beautiful sofas and coffee tables with a fruit bowl waiting in the middle. It’s all overwhelming.

I throw myself on the bed, looking up at the ceiling of the bed and laugh in pure joy. It was a stressful trip but finally, I am here. In a hotel room in India, waiting for you. It seems like I am laying in bed forever just thinking about our week together when a knock at the door gets my attention. “Room service,” the person says in broken English. I open the door with a smile and the wheels in a cart with atray of chocolate covered strawberries and a bottle of champion sitting on ice. “For you, for you,” he says as he hands me a card and starts opening the bottle.


I am running late tonight, traffic. Enjoy your favorite food and this champione. Take a nice bubble bath while you wait. I will be with you soon.


I blush at the way you called me, Little one, and laugh at the traffic comment, making the room service guy look at me oddly, but I don’t explain. Finally, he hands me the glass of champione and leaves me alone. I bring my class and the tray of strawberries with me to the bathroom and place them on the side of the bath as I let the water run and add the bubbles to it.

I look around the room just to make sure before I start striping my clothes off. My tank top Goes first followed by the blue bra and then the yoga pants slip down my freshly shavled legs. If I had known I would be waiting on you I would not have shaken my legs on a cruise ship rocking on the ocean but too late now! I slip into the nice warm bath, right beside the things I set down and the controls so I can play around with the jets as I sip my champione.

Between the traveling, the heat of India, that I am not used to and the nice soothing water and jets, I fall asleep in the bath with a smile on my face. I wake up to you placing a kiss on my forehead. I smile and look up at you, Very aware that all the bubbles are gone and I am now naked in the bath.

“Hello there,” you smile as you kiss my lips. “Are you ready to get out of the tub?”

I nod as a shiver goes through my body. “I guess I fell asleep,” I laugh a nervous giggle.

“Guess so,” you smile as you hold up a towel for me and wrap me in it when I step out. “How was your trip.”

“I was good, very long though,” I saw as you kiss my neck and run your hands up and down the towel to help me dry off.

“I’m sure it was, you say against my neck as you start placing kisses along my shoulder and down my back. “I love having you naked in front of me.”

A nervous laugh escapes my lips as I feel my cheeks blush a deep red. “I’m glad you like.”

“It’s very tempting to just take you right here and now.” You whisper in my ear. “But there are much more important things we need to take care of first.”

“There are?”

“You shall see,” you say with a small grin as you take in the view of my body.

You help me get into a nice, short, red dress you hand-picked for me with matching heels. I try to get some makeup on but you distract me too much and I take it as a sign you don’t really think I need much makeup. I put a bit of lipstick on, which makes you sight and roll your eyes, but you don’t object too much. I’m ready for whatever you have planned, at least I think I am.

You stop me and wrap an arm around my waist. I giggle as you pull me to you and hug me as you kiss my neck. “Go bend over the bed,” you whisper after you kiss your way up to my ear.

I look up at you, a bit nervous as to what you have in mind, knowing that I have no underwear on and bending in this will expose my private areas for you. But I quickly remind myself why I am here and the bond we have built together. As I get into position, I feel the cool breeze of the room, teasing the bottom of my butt reminding me that my ass is not yet exposed but not far from it. I sense you behind me and I can’t help but moan, I love being this available to you.

Your fingerprints touch my legs and it makes me jump at first. You smile and give me a small reassuring pat on the bottom to calm my nerves and surprisingly it does. You slowly trace your fingerprints up the back of my legs. When they find the hem of my skirt, slowly you pull it up to expose my ass to you. I know you’re enjoying this by the audible sight you let out as you squeeze my ass. I moan and enjoy your touch and enjoy even more the smack you give me.

“Push your ass out,” you said as you put slight pressure on my back, encouraging me to arch it. “Spread your legs for me.”

I do as I’m told spreading my legs, shoulders width apart and wait for your next move. I’m so wet, I can feel it already and I can already smell my arousal in the air. I feel you spread my asscheeks open so you can get a good view of my asshole and how wet my pussy is. I feel your finger slowly run its way up and down my slit, and your teas just make me that much hornier. I feel you slip something into my tight pussy and then you give my ass a tap.

“Okay, let’s go get some dinner.” I can hear the smile on your face as you say that and I know you’re trying not to laugh as I am left there in shock with my ass in the air.

“You want to go for dinner now,” I stand up and fix my dress as I look at you.

“Are you not hungry?” You ask innocently.

“Well yes but-.”

“No but,” you smile as you take me by the hand. “Let’s go.” And you lead the way out of the room.

The hotel we are staying in is very fancy and high end and the restaurant seems to be the same way. I feel so uneasy and out of place here with a toy inside of me. The way the hostess looks at me make me unconformable and I feel as if the waiter can read my mind. It makes me blush a deep red. You seem unphased by the whole thing as you order wine for the two of us.

“Look at me,” you say when you notice I’m trying hard not to make eye contact with anyone, including you. I blush but look at you and as your eyes meet mine, I feel like you can read my mind. You laugh and I look away, “You’re beautiful you know.”

“Thank you,” I blush as I take a long sip of the wine you ordered.

I almost jump out of my seat when the waiter comes back to take our order; I am so focused on trying to act normal I didn’t even see him coming. You order for us and it makes me blush again. It may seem normal for a man to order for a woman but to me, it’s much more than that.

“Relax,” you smile when he’s gone.”It looks suspicious if you’re blushing the whole time.”

“Oh my god.” This makes you laugh.

We eat our meal in relative silence, which I thank you for. It is delicious of course, you know me so well, and ordered something I enjoyed very much. We share this dessert that is absolutely sinful and then you order a brandy to sip on. I feel like this is probably just an excuse to stay here longer and make me uncomfortable.

“Zach!” I look up to see a heavy-set man, coming our way. He is tall and smiling but I want to crawl under the table and die. You smile at me and get up to shake the man’s hand.

“Raj, how are you.”

“Doing well, doing well,” he smiles as he turns his attention to me.

“Amanda this is Raj Patel; Raj this is Amanda,” You introduce us and I blush when he takes my hand and places a soft kiss on it. You don’t seem too impressed but you let it go.

“A pleasure.”

“Raj and I went to school together.” You inform me as you sit back downand he joins us, ordering a Brandy of his own.

“You’re an engineer?” I ask shyly as I sip my dessert wine.

“You could say that,” you and he laugh together.

“You are wearing one of Raj’s little inventions tonight.”

I look at you confused, not exactly sure what you could be talking about. And then it hits me. The toy you have placed in my pussy starts to vibrate and I can’t help but gasps in surprise.

“Oh that is a good sign,” Raj smiles as he takes in my reaction.

“I guess that means it’s working.” You take another sip of your drink and watch me carefully. “Raj has been kind enough to let us,” you hesitate. “Test some of the things he has been working on.”

I can hardly believe this is happening, now I I really could just melt into the floor. You both are looking at me, and I can hardly breathe. Is it hot in here? You’re both still looking at me.

“What do you say little one.”

I stare at you wide eyes. You just called me little one, in front of this guy, this stranger. Now I really start to hyperventilate. I try to calm myself, I know you know what you’re doing; even if I don’t.

“Thank you very much for letting us enjoy your work.” You glare at me. “Sir.” I add even though it almost kills me.

“Good girl,” you smile as you finish off your drink, and I am encouraged to do the same. “If you’ll excuse us Raj, I think we have a full night ahead of us.” You stand and I follow your lead.

“You look so beautiful when you blush,” you whisper in my ear as you kiss my neck.

I moan and smile, “You’re a very mean man.”

“Aww, it didn’t kill you. You did really well Princess, and we had a nice dinner.”

“It was humiliating,” I argue as you laugh and spank my ass.

“Poor you.” You slowly unzip the back of my dress and let it fall to the floor. “Are you telling me you’re not soaking wet right now?”

I gasp and blush but reply honestly, “I’m soaking wet.”

You help me step out of the dress and smile as I stand there in front of you with just a bra on. You help me out of that quickly enough and then leave me standing there naked. You make a show of examining my body, running your fingertips over my hips as you walk around me. Once you are done you slowly place a blindfold over my eyes and lead the way to the bed. I take a deep breath and try to remind myself, this is exactly what I wanted, but still, I am hyperventilating.

“Relax,” You whisper in my ear as you kiss my neck. “You trust me.”

It’s more of a comment than a question and it is true. I do trust you. Which is why I stay perfectly still as you take my arms one by one and tie them to the bed. You run your fingertips along my sides and it makes me jerk around, I’m ticklish, and you know it. Slowly you tie each ankle to the bed also and then you wait. You know I will test these binds and when I finally you, you make your move.

“You’re going to behave aren’t you,” You push my hair out of my face as you kiss my lips. “I would hate to have to gag you.”

And with that you leave me, lying there tied up, wanting more of your lips, of your touch, of you. It feels like forever before I hear you again and when I finally do, my stomach has butterflies again. I feel a feather lightly dance over my body and it sends shifts over me. “Lift your hips.” The break in silence starts me and makes my heart pound but I do as you ask. You take your time now, I don’t know if you are watching me or just torturing me. I feel like my legs are going to give out but as if you can read my mind, you slip something under me.

Whatever it is, it’s hard but not uncomfortable, a pillow maybe or a cushion. Whatever it is, it serves its purpose and that purpose is to put my private parts on display for you. It’s humiliating, embarrassing and it’s turning me on. I am so wet now the toy is slipping out of me, but you make sure that doesn’t happen and push it back in. The moan you get from me, makes youchuckle and I know you’re loving this. I am too.

“I see you love my little friend here,” you fuck me with the toy. “Don’t you.”

“Yes Sir,” I said at the end of a long moan. It does feel good, and it’s so humiliating.

“Now, I want you to push this toy out for me,” You laugh at my gasp and push the toy all the way in me and let go. You know I love this, it makes me feel so submissive. “Good job,” I can hear the smile in your voice as the toys are pushed out and you give my clip a pat.

I start panting from the work out I just went through and I don’t even hear you come up to me. But I feel it, the toy pushing at my lips. “Clean my toy for me pet.” I don’t want to, I really don’t. You know I hate when you make me taste myself. But I want to please you, so I open my mouth.

You push the toy past my lips, gentle at first, rubbing it against my tongue. “Do a good job and I’ll give you the real thing,” You encourage as you start moving the toy faster between my lips. I blush but do as you say, licking and sucking on it because I want you. “Mmm. . . What a good cock sucker you are.” You keep fucking my mouth for a while before pulling the toy out. You kiss me, long and hard, your tongue playing with mine.

“Now, there are many more toys for us to try,” I can almost hear the smile on your face as you walk around the bed and off to get something else to torture me with.

You don’t say a word when you return, but I feel pressure on my breasts. And then, the pumping starts. I gasp, when I realize what this is. The sucking pulls my nipple up into the glass vile of the suction pump. My other nipple you take your time with, sucking and licking at it. Playing with my nipple ring with your teeth before adding the vile of another suction pump to it.

“Now these look like happy nipples,” You say as I feel the vibrations turning on.

You’re on the move again, I can barely keep track of your movement as my mind is flooded with the pleasuregoing through my body. Soon I feel the familiar pressure surrounding my clip. Another suction pump. I know you always pay attention when we talk but now I know for sure. I have told you about these, that I have a set myself and that I love them. Obviously, you listen well. All too soon the violences start on my clip too and the familiar itch of horniness comes to me. I want to rub my tights together, do anything to save some of the pent-up energy just waiting to be released. But I can’t. The ties that hold my ankles to the bed hold.

I can imagine you standing back and taking in the scene in front of you. Me tied spread eagle to this four poster bed, suction pumps on my nipples and clip, pussy juice dripping down my slit. My hungry holes begging you to have your way with me. You shock me with What you say next.

“I have a late meeting to get to but I have one more thing to keep you company while I’m gone.”

“What?” Now I really try pulling at the binds. “You’re going to leave right now.. with me like this?”

You seem to ignore me but I can hear you set things up. “My meeting shouldn’t take too long, I made sure to schedule it in the bar downstairs so I won’t be too far. You’ll barely miss me.”

And with that, I feel something slowly enter my ass. You give me a lot of it at first and then it feels like you pull most of it out. I’m kind of sad and would like more in my ass, which I think you can tell because I can hear you chuckling. The same thing happens with my pussy, something thick and long is pushed inside of me and then almost pulled out. Before I can figure out what exactly is going on your lips are kissing me.

“Be good and enjoy yourself, I won’t be long.”

It seems like I lay here forever with these things, whatever they are, just barely inside of me. Yes, I wanted more of them, both of them. But I started to wonder if this was just to tease me or what. Without warning, they both seemed to come to life, slowly at first they start pushing inside of me; deeper and deeper. And then they stop again. The pause was brief and soon they started moving, back and forth, fucking me. It’s not hard, or fast, it’s just right and just as the feeling makes my toes curl it stops.

I want to scream in frustration, I want to beg it not to stop. But I don’t; I’m not that desperate yet. It feels like hours later, but it’s probably only minutes before the machine starts again. It’s going faster this time in my pussy, but the one in my ass is still just slowly moving to its own pace. The one in my pussy is going deeper now too. I can feel it filling me, over and over again hitting my g-spot and my cervix with each thrust. Again, just as I’m about to get my release, the machine stops. This time it doesn’t pull out, it just stays deep inside of me and waits.

I have to wonder if you are controlling this like you controlled the panties at dinner. But then I think about your friend Raj and I know, you are. Are youEven having a meeting or are you just torturing me? I’ll never know. After I’ve been given time to cool down, the machine starts again. It’s different this time though. There’s no movement, only victorys.

I last longer this time. The victorys feel so good but they are nothing compared to being fucked. So as the victorys vary randomly, high to low and back again, I wonder what I’ve gotten myself into. What if you don’t let me come the whole time we are together? That would be cruel even for you.

A little while later, after giving up any hope that this machine, whatever it is, will give me the pleasure I am becoming even more desperate for, I hear the door open. I assume it is you, but still my heart is pounding in my chest. I can barely hear what’s happening around me, my heart is so loud. The door closes and you still haven’t said a word, now you have me really worried. I can sense you watching me and standing at the end of the bed. I can hear the ice clinging in a glass and then I feel it. Slowly you run an ice cube up my legs, to my pussy. I’m wiggling around trying to avoid the cold cube but it’s no use there is nowhere to go. It gets even colder when you push it against my clip. I gasp and my body tried to jerk away but the ties hold me in place. After you’ve had your fun with my clip you bring the rest of the ice up and let it melt on my belly.


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