“Don’t get into your head… You were…… AMAZING. The images you showed me…”
“It hurt.. I… I didn’t like it… HOW I COULD…. I’M STRAIGHT” Matt screamed as he jumped up moving away from his Mistress. Who was he trying to convince himself or her. Even he could not decide.
The king whispered in her head “let him be awhile, my Queen, he has to come to terms with this on his own… besides he has to accept me that way… eventually “
She whispers back sadly “I know… I know” her voice almost sad. She wished she could help him skip the painful part of learning about their world… but as the king said it was all a part of learning.
Matt walked throw the club. Normally he was with the Queen when he passed throw here but today everything screamed at him.. The domme and her nude male slave on the cross… The Master at the bar with the male slave sucking his cock the two guys fucking in the corner booth he felt sick as he headed for the door.
The images of the King fucking his ass so hard while the Queen HIS MISTRESS had made him cum not once but three times. Matt fell to his knees in the bitter cold wet snow as she pressed images gently into his head of how it had felt not only for him but for the Queen and the king and how much she loved it. His brain felt like it was about to explode….
“STOP!” he curled into a ball gasping for one single clear thought.
The King followed his scent throw the club and outside where the boy shivered in the ice and snow. He reached out for the boy who pushed him away. Victor told his head “stupid boy” he thought.
“Please, Matt… Let me help you” The Vampire King knelt down beside him. Matt again pushed him away.
“Matthew, stop running from what you really want…. What you need. “
The king gently picked the naked shivering boy up as if he weighed nothing more than a child.
Matt tried to struggle “Just leave me”… begging his mistress but she remainedsilent. He struggled weakly as the king carried him throw the bdsm dungeon. The customers who just moments before were playing now stopped watching as the king of all vampires carried a slave throw the room wrapped in his best jacket.
“Matt… Stop it don’t be a stupid child… You would have frozen out there and how do you think your Mistress will feel if you die of hyperthermia?” Victor wrapped the boy in his jacket tighter around the boy and continued to walk throw the club.
The king sat the boy down on the bed, wrapping the thick blankets around his broad shoulders and hands him a shot of brandy. Victor looks at the boy longingly for a second before lighting the fire place and turning to run a warm bath.
Matt shivered as he looked around the room… the King’s room. He pulls the blanket around him tighter and slowly take a sip of the brandy.
“Why did you bring me here…” Matt stands at the door of a bathroom bigger than his former apartment. The tub could fit at least 5 and the floor and walls gleamed in ivory and gold.
“Why do you think I brought you here?
“You want to fuck me again… I’m not gay”
“So you have said,Matt… relax your secret is safe with me”
“I wont let you fuck me again…” His voice falsetered was he trying to convince the vampire king or himself.
“I think you will.. But relax the reason you’re here is the Mistress would be very upset with the both of us if anything were to happen to you….”
He stepped towards the boy who visible Shook even under the blanket. Matt’s throat goes completely dry as he steps back away from the king.
“I should not have been so… rough early. I.. ” he turned away from the boy disabled with himself for loosing control “I needed to be inside you… but for now I am going to get you into this bath we need to get you warm.”
The King had never been denied anything before in his life and this made him want the boy so much more. Matt couldNot take his eyes from the King’s engaged cock throw the thin wound jeans and took another step back afraid.
“Matt, it’s alright.. I’m not going to hurt you. “
The King carefully placed Matt into the tub the water was perfect and slid into the water behind him still wearing the tight fitting jeans. Victor moans.
“This might not be as good an idea as I thought my friend… “
The King starts to get out of the water. Matt freezes his head so close to the kings wet crotch. Matt pulls back slipping into the deep water of the tub. Victor grabs his arm pulling him back to the surface sputtering.
Matt stops moving. He still feels as if he is drowning.. He opens his eyes and is staring deep into the kings violent red eyes.
The king leans in his lips brushing Matt’s. He is so tenderer verily a brush of his breath til Matt deepens the kiss.
“Not sure that is a good idea either, boy” the King murmured throw clenched teeth.
Matt scolded himself what thefuck was he thinking poking the bear was a great way to end up not only on the end of that huge prick but the vampire’s meal but for some reason his whole I’m not gay stance was slipping throw his very soapy wet fingers.
Slowly hesitantly Matt unzips Victor’s drenched blue jeans. His fingers tremble as he lightly touches the already engaged cock of the vampire.
“Matt… stop… oh Goddess above if you don’t stop I’m going to have to be inside you again!”
Matt hesitated but he did not stop. He looks up at the King as he slowly began timidly exploring his cock. The King moaned but kept his hands laced tightly behind him.
“Oh Goddess…. Matt…” Victor moaned his knees wobbling. Matt slide the King’s jeans down more as Victor slide to a seated position on the edge of the tub.
Nervously Matt kissed the head of the King’s engaged throbbing cock sending Victor’s finger nails punching throw the thin material of the jacuzzi tub. The Queen peeked into the King’shead giggling at his attempt at self control.
Matt slide his tounge down over the shake never taking his eyes off the King… in his head he saw a vision of a man poking a bear with a sharp stick.
His hands wrap around the shake as he cautiously teas the king’s cock… how far could he push the vampire before the king pushed back
” I am so sorry I scared you the last time… but this time I will make it feel good”
Matt squirms his mind seeking his Mistress but she is just out of reach watching but not speaking not interrupting.
The king kisses his neck as he pushes his jeans off into the tub..
The King soaped his finger.. Biting his tounge he forced himself to go slow and be gentle. Matt moaned he hated himself for this but he wanted it.
“Please don’t bite me” Matt whimpers
Victor smiles though to vampires part of sex was feeding he understood the boy’s fear “I wont…it would disrespect your Mistress”
Victor strokes the boy’s cock kissing his neck. Matt moans wanting to pull away but at the same time wanting to be fucked.. He whimpers as the king scrapes his teeth over his neck.
Another finger inserted than yet another he fills so full to his horror he begs for more. The king smiles sending the image to the young queen.
“So do you want my cock now?”
” I’m not….. Not gay…” even to Matt’s own ears the words seemed hollow was he gay? He was even questioning his own thoughts.
The king whispers in the boy’s ear… “Tell me you want my cock”
Matt pulls back rethinking this course of action “NO!”
Victor presses his head to the boys cock and starts to suck him.. Matt whimpers again he is soo close.
“Tell me you want to cum for me” again weaker this time Matt says no.
“you will… Matthew do you want me to fuck you…”
To Matt’s horror he whimpers yes
Victor smiles turning Matt slowly carefully til he is leaned over the tub the king rubs his cock up and down his ass. Matt whimpers the last time that cock was in him it hurt so bad…. He tries to pull away. The king kisses his neck
“It’s ok.. It wont hurt like last time. Just relax for me.. Take a breath for me.”
Matt takes a shaky breath “I… I don’t know….. Wait…. Please”
Victor starts kissing his neck again, his hands gripping the boy’s hips a little tighter as he enters. Matt cries out… the king is right its not as bad but it still hurts…. He’s just too big!”
“I warned you of the consequences,Matt. Goddess you feel so damn good. “
His Mistress walks in smoking as Victor flips Matt backwards still in his ass. Matt’s cock is hard as a rock but he begs his Mistress to help him.
“I plan to help you dear…. Relax for me” She slowly removes her clothes and gets into the tub straddling him allowing his cock to enter her.
He never wanted to fuck a woman more in his life his body responses so easily. He moans as her body clamps down onhis and the king’s cock throbs in unison. Matt allows one last thought of how he was not gay but this time it doesn’t make it past his lips.
Matt thrusts again he needs to cum but he holds back.. The feeling builds like a wave crashing against the shore.
Victor whispers to the boy “Come for me”
Matt shakes his head no if he knew nothing else he knew you never came before the King and Queen.
The king laughs “he is trained so well,my love ” as he releases his load into Matt forcing the boy to also cum for his Mistress.
The Mistress slides off her well rode steed her glistening body dripping with the now cool water as she steps out of the tub. Matt jumps up grabbing a towel and begins drying her body as the King dries himself. Mistress places a well deserved kiss on Matt’s forehead. He blushes as he finishes drying her body glancing shyly at the king still uncomfortable about being fucked by him.
The king whispers in the queens head “one day he will have to accept me without you in the equation, my love. “
She smiles and whispers back “I know.”
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