Trinity Finishing School Ch. 01

I was sitting in the baggage claim area of ​​the airport waiting for my niece’s plane to arrive, wondering if I had been a sucker to agree to this. Three days ago, I had been just sitting down to dinner when my phone started buzzing. Figures, people always call me at the most inconvenient times. I fished it out of my pocket and saw it was my brother Matt.

“Hey Matt, what’s up?”

“Same ol’, Hugh — how’ve you been?”

“Good, very good. What can I do you for?”

“Listen man, I was wondering if you’d do me a huge favor. Hear me out, though, because it could turn into a fantastic opportunity for you as well. You remember Kira, my stepdaughter?”

“Sure.” I had been to Matt’s house a couple of times since he got married five years ago and I remember the girl. The last time was almost three years ago and she had been pretty enough with big eyes and braces, but awkward and skinny, her limbs gangly and coltish and no curves to speak of.

“Well she’s grown up quitea bit since you last saw her — she turned eighteen last month. She finished high school in June and just graduated by the skin of her teeth. She went to that super strict religious school with the all-male teaching staff — you remember I told you about it.”

“Yeah, I remember. You had to sign that form about obedience, discipline and corporate punishment.”

“Exactly. Well she’s good at the obedience thing — only thing that pulled her through, I think — but she’s not that bright and isn’t going to college. College would be a waste of money with her. Anyway, I need to get her out of my house before something happens. She’s good-looking now and when Marci’s out of the house it’s just me, Kira and her obedient ‘can-I-do-anything-for-you’ attitude. Let’s Just say I take a lot of cold shows. Marci’s great; she’s still super sexy and does pretty much anything I tell her to do but she draws a hard line at her daughter and if I slip up I’ll end up blowing this really good thing Ihave going with her. I’m telling you, it’s only a matter of time — that’s why I have to get her out of this house.”

“Yeah Marci is great. Say ‘Hi’ to her from me.” Matt was right about her — Marci was in her late 30’s and incredibly sexy and fun and flirty — at least she was always that way around me. I could understand why he didn’t want to risk losing her. “But I can’t just have Kira moving in with me, dude. I’m her uncle and it would be super awkward. Having my cute little niece underfoot would totally screw up my lifestyle — you know what I’m talking about. I’m gonna have to turn you down on this one.” I was 38, wealthy and retired already after a fantastically good 11-year run at a hedge fund. Though I was pretty good-looking (6′ 2″, muscle and fit) I had never been married because I had an extremely strong dominant streak, especially in the bedroom, and had never found a good match. That didn’t mean I was a monk though, and I had no interest in my eighteen year old niece seeing and hearing the kinds of things I got into with the women I saw from time to time.

“No, no I completely get it, but I haven’t told you the whole story yet. Hear me out.”

“OK, I’m listening.”

“Well, Kira’s high school brought up this exclusive, all-girl ‘finishing school’ as a potential option — it’s about ten miles from you — and I got Marci to agree to send her. They look for a certain kind of girl and only admit students after a face-to-face interview, but I talked to the principal there and think Kira would be a shoo-in. Fall term begins in a little more than two weeks and since it’s a boarding school Kira wouldn’t live with you once school starts.”

“Hmmm, I could probably do two weeks.”

“Wait, there’s more. This school has an all-male staff and is VERY big on discipline — even more than the school Kira’s been going to. They have an opening for a math and computer instructor and only hire teachers who enroll a student at the same time. Believe me there are thousands of guys who’d love to work at this place but they don’t pay much and that enrollment hurtle is a tough one. You definitely have the chocolates to handle the academics there and I think the fringe benefits might be unbeatable. You always say you’re looking for something interesting to do…”

“Hmmm, that sounds like it may have some potential. I’ll have to talk to the principal and see exactly what the setup is.”

“Of course, he’s going to want to interview you as well. You have to be the kind of teacher they want; though I think you totally will be. They won’t just give you the position because of Kira, even if she does get in.”

“Sure, sure. OK, I’ll do it for you — but you owe me one. Give me the school information and let me know when Kira is getting in. And just to be clear, if this school doesn’t work out, Kira’s coming back home — she can’t live here long term.”

“Dude, you are going to owe ME, and big time, once you get a load of ths setup. I’ve heard some crazy stories about that school. I’ll email you Kira’s flight info and the contact info for the school principal. Thanks for helping me out man — I appreciate it.”

So there I was watching the arrivals board at the airport — thinking that Matt had pulled another fast one on me. He was always great at telling a story and they didn’t always work out quite the way he spun them. Oh well, he was my brother. Kira’s flight had landed about 5 minutes ago and I stood up as people started coming out of the security area. I always enjoyed people watching so I was checking out the crowd when I noticed this really attractive woman, about 5′ 7″, long auburn hair, athletic build but filling out the halter top she wore above tight, low cut white jeans. I was really checking her out when she turned and looked right at me. “Damn! Busted,” I thought, but she broke into a big grin and started running towards me.

“Uncle Hugh!” she cried as she jumped into my arms. Thiswas Kira?! When Matt said she had grown up he really undersold it. Maybe this deal would be one of his good ones. Kira’s body felt super nice pressed into mine as she gave me a huge hug — my member started to twitch a little so I set her down to take a look at her. Her face had matured, still young looking but not just cute anymore with big green eyes and a light dusting of freckles across her nose and cheesebones.

“Kira! I hardly recognized you! You have really grown up a lot since I saw you last.” She gave me another big happy smile and did a little pirouette for me. Her body was hot too, slim and athletic but with perky B-cup breasts and a tight, round ass that those jeans really hugged. She was a smoke show — I could see why Matt needed to get her out of his house. She would be hard to resist for long. I could make two weeks though, I would have to. We got her luckage and headed back to my house.

We exchanged some small talk but she wasn’t very chatty, though she wasimpressed by my place, which is nice but not huge. The principal feature I like about it is the land — I have like 25 acres, mostly dense woods, with a gate and a long driveway up to the house. Nobody can see or hear anything that goes on back there which is just how I like it. I helped carry her bags up to her room, showed her around the house then and let her get settled for a bit before I called her down into the den.

“Kira, your step-dad probably told you a little about me — how I’m a stickler for rules and pretty independent on discipline in my house. I just want to be clear about what I expect from you while you’re here and what the consequences will be if I don’t get it. I’m happy to have you here for two weeks but I’m not going to change how this place is run because of it.”

“Yes, Uncle Hugh; my step-dad told me you run a pretty tight ship, and I’m pretty used to strict rules and punishment — the school I went to since I was nine had lots of rules and you could getYour knuckles rapped on fanny spanked for breaking any of them.”

“Good, first everybody pitches in who stays here. You know how to do laundry?” She nodded. “OK, your chore is laundry — wash, dry, fold, put away; every day. Next basic rule of the house in cleanliness — your room is always clean and if you make any mess in the kitchen, den, anywhere, you clean it up. Got it?” I went through the rest of the house rules as well. “Punishment can be lost of privileges for minor infections, configured to room or corporate punishment for big ones, especially the chores and cleanliness rules.”

“Corporal punishment, you mean like spanking?” she said.

“I mean exactly spanking. You might think you’re too old for that — I do not.”

“I understand, Uncle Hugh.”

“I called the school and we’re supposed to go in for the interview on Wednesday — I’ll go with you. I’m not working full-time these days but I do have certain things to take care of. Aside from that we can haveSome fun over the next couple of weeks. I’ll leave the keys to the Audi on a hook by the garage door — you can take it whenever you need to but I expect you to be home by 7:30pm sharp for dinner unless you have cleared it with me in advance. It’s not like you know anybody in town right?”

“No I don’t, but thanks for the use of the car — I can explore a little and keep from getting Stir crazy.”

The next two days went smoothly; Kira did her chores, keep the place clean, even made dinner one night. I showed her around the area and we generally had a good time. The next day, the day before the school visit, I had some errands to run and some people to meet in the City — I told Kira she was on her own and I’d be home by 7. I walked in the house about 6:30 and she wasn’t home and the keys were gone. I checked my phone — no missing calls, no texts. I went into the kitchen to make dinner and there were two plates in the sink and a bunch of crumbs on the counter. I was furious; itwasn’t a big mess — took me literally 90 seconds to clean up — but it was a clear breach of one of the rules I had told her to the most severe punishment. At 7:30 I sat down and had dinner, finished by 8:15, cleaned up the dishes and sat in the den to wait. So my little giece was going to test me the day before the school interview. I admired her spunk but if she thought she was going to find some wiggle room Because we were getting along well she was in for a surprise. It would be very interesting to see how she responded to the punishment she knew she was supposed to get. The garage door opened at 9:52, Kira hung up the keys and walked into the den to see me sitting there. She looked very nice, wearing a silky spaghetti stick top, short pleated skirt and suede ankle boots.

“Well, well, look who it is. I’m not going to insult your intelligence by asking if you know what time it is but I’ll give you a chance to explain.”

“I’m sorry Uncle Hugh, I didn’t realize how late it was.”

“And you left me to clean up the mess you made making lunch as well.”

“I…I was going to do that when I got home.”

“Both answers which are totally unacceptable, as I’m sure you know. Where were you anyway?”

“Ummm…just around town.”

“Girl you are in plenty of trouble as it is; if you lie to me it will get worse than you imagine.”

She reddened, “I went into town to wander around, found a Starbucks that had a bunch of people in it. I started talking to some of them and they invited me to get something to eat at this hip little place a few blocks away.”

“And were these ‘people’ male or female?”

“Female, I wasn’t flirting with any guys — honest. I was having fun hanging out with the girls and lost track of time. I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”

“It certainly won’t. I thought I was crystal clear about the rules here; and about the punishment for breaking them.”

“You were, Uncle Hugh.”

I stood up, grabbed herarm and moved her to the couch where I pulled her face down across my lap. I held her wrists behind her back in my left hand while I lifted her skirt with my right hand. She struggled a little but I was a lot stronger than her. I brought my right hand down on her panty covered rear with some reasonable force.

“Oh!” she cried and twitched a little. I gave her another nineteen good whacks with my hand — not my full strength but solid enough to sting. By the end she was crying a little and squirming, rubbing her legs back and forth. She stood up when I was done, meek and sniffling with her head down and I sent her to her room for the night. Something about how her actions changed while I was spanking her raised my suspicions and I snuck up the stairs about a minute or two after she did. I crept to her door and listened, hearing clear sounds of soft moaning and heavy breathing. She was definitely pleasing herself right after getting a good solid spanking — this development opened up some very interesting possibilities. I let this continue and escalate for a couple of minutes before knocking on the door and opening it. Kira was sitting up in her bed, face flushed with her hands in her lap. She had clearly just pulled them out from under her skirt and I could see the panties she had been wearing behind her boots under the bed.

“I hope you realize now that I’m not kidding about discipline in This house — I do it for your own good while I’m responsible for you. If the same thing happens again your punishment will be more severe.”

“I know Uncle, I’m sorry I was bad and broke the rules, and…thank you for taking care of me.”

“Yes, well, better get some sleep — we have an important day tomorrow.”

“Yes Uncle Hugh, good night.”

The next morning, Kira and I got into the car and drive to the address of the school. It was in a sectioned, mostly rural area away from town; we turned off of a quiet country road through the gates and up a longdriveway — no buildings were even visible from the street. After driving through wooded fields for close to a mile we pulled through an archway in a thick, high hedge and into a courtyard in front of a two-story grey stone building with a sign that said “Administration”. We parked and were met inside by a very pretty brunette in her mid 20’s; about 5′ 4″, slim and fit, dressed professionally in a sheer blouse and pencil skirt. She introduced herself as Polly, said the principal was expecting us and showed us into his office.

Principal Soletti was a trim vigorous man who looked to be in his early-50’s with a strong jaw and just a hint of gray in his dark brown hair. He invited us into his office and we sat down in front of his broad oak desk.

“So, welcome to Mount Trinity, you must be Kira.”

“Yes sir.”

“I spoke to your stepfather on the phone and he feels this would be a good place for you to continue your education. From what he told me, your background seemsto be appropriate for our school but we are very selective in who we admit and only offer placement after an interview. That’s why you’re here today. Now tell me about your previous school.”

“It was an all-girl school called St. Alphonsus — not Catholic though. I went there starting when I was 11 until I graduated last spring. They taught some basic college prep courses but were also focused on clerical and vocational training. They were very big on discipline — parents had to sign a waiver authorizing corporate punishment before a student could attend.”

“Were you ever subjected to corporate punishment?”

Kira blushed, “Yes sir, sometimes I needed to be kept on the right track.”

“Did you like it there? What were your teachers like?”

“All the teachers were men and pretty strict about the rules — some were better than others but they were generally fair and tried to teach us. I liked it a lot, I felt very comfortable there and enjoyed making the teachers happy — I always knew what was expected of me and what would happen if I got out of line.”

“What about goals? What do you want to do with your life?”

“I’m not sure I know. I don’t think I’m cut out for college — the vocational courses were really my favorites and I could see myself doing that kind of work. I was hoping I would find some direction for my life here, to be honest.”

“Fair enough, that is what we do. Let me tell you a little bit about us. This is a two-year program and our students are required to live on campus. Like St. Alphonsus we are focused on vocational training — a couple of our girls do go on to college every year but the vast majority go into the workforce. We have a sterling reputation and an excellent record of placing our graduates as Assistants, clerks or domestic aides with some very well-heeled clients. Our tuition fees are high but they are deferred; and if you graduate and complete three years at a job we place you with they are forgivencompletely. If you leave without permission or are dismissed for cause from the school or your placement, they become due and payable immediately. Also like St. Alphonsus, Mount Trinity considers discipline critically important and our staff is empowered to exactly any punishment they deem appropriate for infections of the rules, subject to the policies of the school. All of our young ladies are at least eighteen when they start here so there is no need for any parental waivers. Inability to comply with the rules or, worse, resisting any punishment assigned is a sure way to jeopardize your enrollment here.”

Kira smiled brightly, “It sounds like this place suits me perfectly. I hope you’ll agree to let me attend. I’m certain I’ll never give you any cause to want to dismiss me.”

Principal Soletti smiled back, “Well we’ll see. You do seem like our sort of young lady. Let me talk with your uncle here while you take a tour of the grounds. Mr. Jenkins, my assistant principal willguide you around.” Kira got up and left with a good-looking, forty-something man who answered Principal Soletti’s buzzer.

“So, what else can I tell you about Kira, Principal Scoletti?” I began.

He waved his hand, “Mark, please, and we don’t need to discuss Kira any more — she’s a perfect candidate for our program. We have an excellent “feeder-school” relationship with St. Alphonsus and I’ve heard nothing from them or her that gives me the slightest pause. It’s you I’d like to spend more time talking about.”


“Yes, I’m sure your brother told you that we have an opening on our staff here for a math/computer teacher. Staff positions open up very infrequently here and in order to be hired a new faculty member must enroll a student at the same time. Once on staff, people almost always stay until they retire. I did some investigation into your background and you clearly have the academic ability to handle the work, but I’d like to spend a little time delving into your personal character and attitudes.”

“I haven’t even applied for a position here so I don’t think I need to answer questions about my personal life.”

“Of course, please humor me for a moment. It’s not my intention to have you defend yourself against prurient accusations — quite the opposite, in fact. I spoke to your brother about you as well and based on what I’ve learned I think you might be as good a candidate for the faculty as Kira is for the student body. If I’m right about you I think you might find teaching at Mount Trinity to be an exceptionally interesting opportunity.”

Intrigued, I nodded my head, “What would you like to know about me?”

“You are an attractive, virile, wealthy young man; yet, you have never married. Why is that? Please be candidate, I assume you I bear you know ill will and the reason for my interest will become clear shortly.”

I liked Mark, his manner and directness, so I decided to be frank, “I have a very strong dominant andauthoritarian streak in me, both in life and in the bedroom. I don’t appreciate it when the women in my life break or ignore my rules of the road, and they have tended not to appreciate my response. I’m not cruel or malicious but I require compliance and acceptance of the consequences for non-compliance. Certainly there have been those who enjoy some level of sexual domination but it has never worked out.”


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