Continuation of Trinity Academy story. You will probably need to read the previous chapters for it to make sense!
Chapter 7 – Games Day
‘Games Day’ was all it said on the agenda. What did that mean?
Mr Andrews addressed the girls after the morning uniform inspections to inform them of their total demerit points earned so far and the serious consequences of what they entailed.
“So young ladies, each of you has accumulated a number of Demerit Points this week and today you will have the chance to reduce or increase this number by taking part in several challenges. These are the scores on the doors –
Natalie Brown – 14 demerit points, Taylor Spencer 16 demerit points, Fiona Murray 13 demerit points and Claire Stevens 17 demerit points. So let me explain what this means to you. If you have 5 or less Demerit points you will receive 10 hand spanks on your bare bum for each demerit point.
If you have between 5 and 10 Demerit points you will receive 50 hand spanks on your bare bum, then 10 strokes of the strrap for each point above 5.
If you have between 10 and 20 demerit points you will receive 50 hand spanks on your bare bum, then 50 strokes of the strrap, then 10 strokes of the cane for each point above 10.”
“All punishments will be carried out tomorrow on ‘Graduation Day’ and these may be administratored by your sponsor or a nominated guest if they choose not to do so”. In my experience they usually opt to do it themselves, after all they are paying for your stay here! Are there any questions?”
Claire put her hand up straight away.
“I don’t know where you got the number of demerit points from, because my total is just not correct Sir.”
The other 3 girls mumbled their agreement and nodded their heads vigorously.
“Ah, I thought you all may disagree, so I have prepared this little video montage just to remind you of what happened during this week.”
With that, Mr Andrews pressed a remote handset that operated a screen which rolled down from the ceiling. He then pressed a key on his laptop and a film was projected onto the screen.
The footage was pieced together from video clips of the girls in the classroom, in their bedrooms, in the photo studio and in the examination room. The girl’s names were listed down one side of the screen and every time a Girl was shown to do something wrong the film would stop and a bright yellow “DP” would flash onto the screen. The scores were then added to each girl’s cumulative total.
The girl’s sat in silence and horror as they realized that everything they had done at this week had been filmed. They looked at each other in shock. All their little secrets were exposed. The hidden mobile phones, the lateness, the making fun of Trinity Academy staff in the privacy of their bedrooms, the masturbation sessions in bedrooms and bathrooms, the school uniform infections. It was allcaptured on film. It was horrific viewing for the girls. The film lasted for about 10 minutes and when it finally ended the girls were reeling with shock.
“So, are there any questions NOW?” Mr Andrews sarcastically remarked. The silence was deafening. The girls looked down at their desks, avoiding making any eye contact with Mr Andrews.
“But, cheer up girls, it’s not all bad news” he cheerfully added. “There are still chances to reduce your demerit points totals in the games you will play today.”
This comment did nothing whatsoever to cheer the girls up!
“I thought we would start with a little walk. Follow me girls,” Mr Andrews instructed, and walked out of the door. Miss Stone followed closely behind and the girls were ushered to walk down the empty hallways to the school ‘gymnasium’ which was a large open hall-like room. They were surprised to see that all the other members of staff were there to meet them. The girls were lined up and Mr Andrews once again passed around the bag containing the numbered balls for the girls to draw one and pass along the line.
Once each girl made a selection it was discovered that Fiona had the #1 ball. She was then called to one end of the room while two teachers picked up a coil of thin rope that was lying on the floor at the other end of the room. Mr Davis held one end of the rope and Miss Jenkins picked up the other end and carried it across the room Before tying it around a metal on one of the storage cupboards. Fiona could see there were knots tied into the rope every couple of feet or so, with a larger double knot at the far end. Metal stands were placed every few yards and the rope was then hooked over these stands to hold it at waist height in the air. Next to each post a wand vibrator was looped onto the rope with its domed head pointing upwards.
Fiona was instructed to straddle the rope and Mr Davis then pulled it up between Fiona’s legs lifting her navy skirt and exposing her black stockings. At the same time, Mr Andrews handcuffed her wrists behind her back and there was a chain connected each cuff. The chain held her wrists behind her and if she pulled up on her hands, she pulled the rope up in the air tighter into her crotch. He then looped the rope around a metal ring on the wall behind Fiona. Slowly he pulled it upward towards her and Mr Andrews made sure the rope nestled tightly on her white panties and straight between her pussy lips, which were visible through the panties. Mr Davis pulled the rope even tighter and Fiona could barely keep her black high heels on the floor as he tied the rope off.
“So, as I said, Miss Murray, it is time to take a little walk,” Mr Andrews said to the girl. “You just have to make it past the large knot at the end to earn a reduction of 3 demerit points. If you fail you will have 3 demerit points added to your total.”
Mis Stone then unbuttoned Fiona’s white school shirt and produced a set of silver-chained nipple clampswith black rubber padding on the ends. She pinched each of Fiona’s nipples to make them stand out before attaching one end to her right nipple. The girl winced as Miss Stone pulled down on the chain and looped it under the rope before attaching the other end to her left nipple. This pulled Fiona down so she was bent forward and Fiona could hear the other teachers laughing. She could only bend so far due to her wrists bound under the rope behind her, and so she had to deal with the pain in her nipples or else pull the rope tighter into her crotch.
The audience included all the teachers as well as her other classes. As she looked up, she saw Lee with his camera so she knew that they were expecting a show. She also knew that in all probability they wouldn’t be the only ones watching her dilemma. She drew in a deep breath and took a teetering step forward. She could feel the rope slide over her pantie-covered labia. It had been coated in some kind of lubricant because it slide easily over her panties and between her pussy lips. The first few steps came easy but Fiona paused as she reached the first knot. Miss Stone slapped Fiona hard on her bum.
“Get moving, bitch. It’s ‘knot’ time to stop yet.”
The watching crowd laughed at the pun as Fiona glared over her shoulder. The knot was pressed against her panty-covered pussy now so Fiona lifted herself up onto her tiptoes. First, she leaned forward to slide the string attached to her nipples past the knot and then arched her back to bring herself up onto the knot. This increased the pain on her nipples, but Fiona saw no other option. She felt the friction of the rope moving the crotch of her panties to one side and soon it worked its way underneath them and slipped between her shamen pussy lips, which parted only too easily. She eased herself over the knot and the watching girls gasped as the knot disappeared inside her moistened slit. It would be their turn soon!
Another knot. Fiona had to lift herself up onto her toes again to pull herself over it. Whilst the rope itself was smooth and lubricated, the knot was coarse and rubbed hard against her tenderer labia. She cursed herself as she felt herself getting wet, erotic feelings rising inside her. She passed over two more knots and found herself getting even more turned on. She hated how the tortures she had endured this week were causing more and more excitement inside her. She knew that she was becoming exactly what Trinity Academy wanted her to become.
Then Fiona came to the first of the metal poles. She stopped in front of it and immediately realized there was no way for her to pass over it with the string tied to her nipples. She turned to look at Miss Stone.
“Oh, bitch, you don’t get it do you? You need to lift the rope off the hook with your chain. It will Only take a little bit of force.”
Fiona understand. She slide herself closer to the post and straightened herself up so the chain attached to her nippleswas now taut. She lifted her chest causing the chain to tug hard on her nipples as she felt the rope pulling up off the hook. The rope popped free from the hook and Fiona stood on her tiptoes and slide herself over the metal post. Next to the post was the domed top of a wand vibrator tied to the rope. Miss Stone coated Fiona forward until the vibrator was directly on her pussy then she placed her hand on Fiona’s chest, stopping her from moving forward. She was impaled and then she realized it was vibrating, it was controlled by a remote in Mr Andrews’ hand so she had to stand there and deal with the variety of vibrations in her crotch. She tried to think of other things to avoid thinking of the sensing in her pussy. Finally, Miss Stone yanked on her nipple chain and Fiona knew that was her cue to move along.
She continued her slow walk across the floor. There were four more knots to deal with before the next post and Fiona wondered if she could get there without orgasming. Eachrub of the rope and each knot brought her closer and closer and by the time she worked her way up onto the next pole and vibrator, there was nothing she could do to stop herself. She pressed her pussy into the vibrator and brought herself to a shuddering orgasm.
There were two more poles to deal with and Fiona realized that the rope was getting higher and higher from here. The next pole was taller and the one beyond that seemed Even taller. Even the knots seemed to be larger and the rope felt less lubricated, even though Fiona knew she was providing enough lubrication of her own!
The four large knots before the next-to-last pole brought Fiona no pleasure now and as she struggled her way over the post and vibrator, she barely felt the sensings. She was done with this now and just wanted to make it to the end. The final pole looked too high for her to scale. She stretched herself as tall as she could on her tiptoes but was unable to get over the post. The pain in her shoulders and nipples was unbearable.
The teachers saw her prediction and came over to lift her over, dropping her down on the smooth round surface of the last vibrator. All of her weight was now pushing the wand against her pussy as it hummed remaining less. She begged the teachers to let her go and they lifted her off. She moved as quickly as she could across the last few feet of the rope, tottering on tiptoe until she reached the Large knot at the end.
This was higher up the rope and she did not think it was possible to get past it. 3 demerit points was worth 30 strokes of the cane, so was a prize worth fighting for. She summoned all her energy and screamed with pain as she could feel the roughness of the cruel rope inside her pussy lips. Her natural luxury helped the situation and seconds later she felt immediately relieve as someone slipped the rope off the post and untied it. She collapsed to the floor, the rope still between her legs and passing through her bound arms and nipples.
The room filled with applause and Mr Andrews came over to greet Fiona. “Well done, Miss Murray. I didn’t think you would make it. Now, there’s just one more thing to address.”
Fiona looked up at the headmaster, fear in her eyes.
“I really hate to do this after all the effort you put into that task, but some of the guys are a little horny after that display”.
Fiona saw Mr Davis and Lee, the photographer, gathering around her, each pulling down their trousers and underwear. They began to masturbate their rock hard cocks and Fiona immediately knew that her face was going to be the target for their cum.
“There’s a bucket and mop over there,” Mr Andrews said. “Make sure you clean up the floor when you are done, Miss Murray”. The headmaster walked away as the first spray of cum from Mr Davis struck Fiona in the forehead and ran down her face.
The other 3 girls took their turn and followed Fiona up the grossed, knotted rope. Although Natalie managed to reach and pass the large knot at the end, Claire and Taylor were not that lucky and failed at the last hurdle.
Their demerit points were added or taken away by Mr Andrews.
As the girls started to relax, a curve was pulled back and the girls and staff were led into an adjacent, smaller room which was desperately illuminated with red lights except in the centre where some equipment stood. It was lit from all sides by white spotlights. There stood the Sybian! If you are not familiar, this, is more or less, a saddle in the shape of a solid semi-circle that is about a foot long and a foot wide. It is covered in black leather and has a dildo-like attachment on the top near the rear. It was mounted on a platform that was high enough, so that the legs of anyone who sat on the saddle would not reach the floor. The dildo rotates and vibrates and a control box can change the velocity and intensity of victory. It pretty much guaranteed to produce fantastic orgasms for whoeveris rides it. The girls looked at it ominously!
Just then Mr Andrews stepped into the spotlight in front of the Sybian and as he started talking the room suddenly became quiet. Everybody was anxious to learn what was going to happen.
“OK, folks. Welcome one and all to Trinity Academy’s ‘playroom’. Some would call it the dungeon. But what’s in a name? Now, here’s the deal. You have seen our Sybian here. There will also be a really strong vibrator positioned over your cliporis which will have the power to deliver a mixture of pleasure and pain. It will be set on a program where the power and frequency of its vibrations will be completely random, so will all receive different experiences. It has a 100% orgasm success rate so far.”
“Miss Stone will now demonstrate how this works.”
Miss Stone walked to the Sybian. After coating the dildo with some lubricant, she lifted up her tight black skirt and took off her tiny black thong, climbing up a small ladder to mount theSybian. Swinging her leg over it as one would mount a horse, she gently lowered herself down so that the dildo slipped into her vagina. The wand vibrator was strapped around the Sybian with its domed head pressing against her pussy. Mr Andrews produced a set of handcuffs which he used to secure Miss Stones hands behind her back.
“OK, Mr Andrews. I’m in ready,” she said.
Mr Andrews used a remote-control handset to start the Sybian. Everyone could hear the buzzing of the two vibrators. Right away the look on Miss Stones’ face told us that it felt good. Soon, she started to squirm and groan.
Mr Andrews announced, “She’s getting a low intensity victory. Her legs are helpless, dangling in the air as they are. The Sybian vibrations and rotation will keep stimulating her. The clip vibrator wand will cut in and out randomly to deliver intense pleasure or pain. She’ll probably want to have an orgasm. The vibrations will get stronger and faster. How long can she last? To be honest, it doesn’t really matter as Miss Stone is not in this competition! All the rest of you are, though.”
“We hope that Trinity Academy has taught you some self- control and discipline this week, so to test your resolve there will be a competition to see who can last the longest before they either orgasm or beg me to stop the Sybian. The winner will have 5 demerit points deducted from their total, which I think you will all agree is well worth winning.”
“Whoever lasts the longest before yelling ‘stop’ wins. Whoever lasts the shortest time will receive the 5 demerit points from the winner!”
While Mr Andrews was talking, he turned off the Sybian, leaving Miss Stone looking very disappointed. He took off her cuffs and she slowly raised her body until her swollen, shamen pussy lips were clear of the dildo. Everyone took a good look at her sex as she swung one leg over the Sybian and slowly dismounted.
“Have fun everybody,” she said to nobody in particular.
Mr Andrews again passed around the bag of numbered balls, one to four, to determine the order which each girl would compete.
Stepping back into the spotlight next to the Sybian, Mr Andrews said, loudly, “OK, ladies. Who’s first?”
After a brief pause, Taylor stepped forward. “I guess I am,” she said, holding up the ball with “1” written on it.
“Great, Taylor. I can tell you’re going to do just fine. Now, please take off your clothes.”
Wide eyed, Taylor blurted out, “What. Take off my clothes? You mean all my clothes. Not just my skirt and panties?”
“No, Taylor. All participants must be naked. Besides, you should be glad for a chance to show off your grogeous body.”
Mr Andrews was right. She did have a gorgeous body. Being ordered to strip naked in front of others would have been Taylor’s worst nightmare only a week ago. Now it was exciting and made her heart beat just that bit faster. It also made her pussy begin to moisten. She slowly andMore confidently stripped off, her painful shyness appeared to have been conquered.
“Now, Taylor, climb on the Sybian.”
As she climbed on, Mr Davis took a bottle of lubricant and generally coated the dildo and the head of the wand with it. Once seated in position, impaled by the dildo, Mr Davis fastened the handcuffs behind her back and positioned the wand over her shamen snatch. Taylor felt helpless but really excited to be naked in front of everyone and effectively forced to cum.
“All right, we’re ready to start. I will time you. If you want to end, just say ‘stop’.”
“Ready. Go!”
Mr Andrews shouted as he pressed the remote that started the cycles of the Sybian and the random program for the wand. Immediately Taylor squirmed a little as if to find a more comfortable position. Along with the buzzing of the Sybian we could hear soft moans from Taylor. Sounded as though she was enjoying it so far. When the higher vibrations kicked in, though, her soft moansturned louder.
The Sybian was turned up again and she tried to enjoy the increased vibrations. She loved the rotation of the dildo but the strong vibrations from the wand on her clip were painful. The dildo continued to rotate inside her, pressing on her G-spot each rotation. Her body was sexually aroused almost to the point of orgasming. She wanted to cum but the pain was over riding the pleasure. She was confused. Moaning loudly, she tried to hang on as long as she could, but that turned out to be only a few more seconds until the pain was too much to bear.
“STOP!” she screamed out so Mr Andrews turned off the machine. Taylor slumped over panting for breath. Her pussy felt like it was still vibrating.
Mr Davis had to come to her side to slowly help her off the Sybian.
“You did well, young lady” he said, trying to comfort her.
“Oh my God! That was intense. I wanted to cum but then the pain on my clip was so strong it overwhelmed me. How long did I stay on?” she asked.
“You will have to wait and see, the others still have their turns to come. Sit on the sofa, you can sit in comfort and watch the other girls suffer too,” he replied
Fiona drew the number two and stripped off to go next. She tried to cover her modesty as she mounted the contraction, but it was a waste of time as her naked body would be totally exposed to all and sundry very soon!
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