Chapter 5 – The Real Inductions
The afternoon’s agenda was, what Mr. Andrews took great delight in describing as; ‘The real inductions i.e. the reason why you are all here.’
He announced that each young lady would receive the punishment specifically prescribed for them by their sponsor, to partially make amends for their misdemeanours. What he didn’t mention was the punishment events would be ‘live streamed’ to each girls’ sponsor to enjoy as proof of their suffering and humiliation. Another fringe benefit for the sponsors!
Each girl picked a numbered ball out of a clothes bag to decide the order for the punishments. Taylor Spencer was fortunate, or unfortunate enough to draw out the #1 ball.
“Now then Miss Spencer, I have your Punishment instructions here somewhere. Ah yes here they are,” said the headmaster as he nonchalantly handed her a sheet of crisp white paper.
“Please read your punishment to the class please,” he commanded.
She cleared her throat and read the instructions on the paper. “I confirm that all the credit card overspend was entirely my fault and I agree to receive a punishment of six hard strokes of the cane on my bare bottom.”
Taylor slowly read the punishment slip with mounting horror as she shifted her bottom nervously in her seat and stared in astonishment at the headmaster. Her heart was pounding and blood rushed to her ears.
“But…but I’m a grown woman…”
“Yes, yes, I think we’ve already established this Taylor, we have all seen your naked body…” he tailed off.
Miss Stone interjected, “Punishments will take place in the Headmasters Study. Go there and wait for the headmaster to follow shortly.”
Miss Stone was dressed in her customary outfit however on this occasion her thin white blouse and grey skirt seemed to cling particularly closely to the curves of her breasts and bum.
“Also, Miss Spencer, did you think to return the panties I lent you yesterday?” Miss Stone held out her hand expected. Taylor stopped as she heard the voice float up from behind her.
“No, Miss Stone, umm, they’re, uhm, they’re in my room.” She turned her head and saw Miss Stones’ eyebrow raise.
“Very well, I’d like them returned tomorrow, please.”
“Yes, Miss Stone.”
Taylor hurried away at the dismissal and breathed a sight of relief. She would wash them in the sink tonight. Taylor had left the classroom early yesterday as she had to concentrate on writing her punishment essay. When she had returned to her room she had stripped down to her borrowed panties and slipped the vibrator down the front of them. She then spent time imaging Mr Andrews’ tongue lapping at her clip and by the time she had finished her panties were completely soaked.
Taylor clutched her one-page punishment essay in her hand and entered into the headmaster’s large office. She looked around and saw that it that contained a desk, chair, blackboard and a tall wooden cupboard. It was dark, old fashioned and smelled fusty. She placed the essay in the centre of the desk then quietly closed the door so Miss Stone couldn’t see her.
She then lifted her skirt to check her panties, as they kept riding into her pussy lips and she wanted them to be covering her slit a little more. Taylor realized that she was alone in the headmaster’s office and then hesitantly slipped her hand inside her panties and began to finger her pussy. She wondered how long it would be until Mr Andrews arrived and imagined the trouble she would be in if he caught her masturbating in his office. She imagined him furiously ordering her to bend over his desk again for another spanking before this time he would take his cock out and fuck her needy snatch. She bit her lip as her climax began to build up but had to quickly stop and readjust her panties as she heard a noise outside the door. She was only just in time, as Mr Andrews opened the door and entered.
“Miss Spencer, come with me to the cane cupboard and help me select a nice swishy one to use on your bare bottom.”
He turned to the tall cupboard and showed Taylor the selection of canes available. With a glint in his eye, took out one with a medium thickness. He handed it to Taylor so that she could feel its weight. She was trembling as she took it from his hand. It seemed quite light and flexible. Handing the cane back to Mr Andrews, the reality of her situation kicked in.
“Oh God, you’re really going to cane me, aren’t you? I don’t want to be able…caned on my bare bottom… that’s…that’s just so embarrassing…and six hard strokes too. Will it hurt?”
“A lovely firm young bottom like yours Miss Spencer will really feel the sting of my cane. But I’m sure you’ll agree that it will be so much better for you to get this over and done with. Your husband will tear up your blotted copybook and wipe the slate clean. After this week you’re lyingand cheating will be completely forgotten and never mentioned again.”
Taylor’s heart thumbed alarmingly at the thought of being able to be on her bare bottom, she knew it would be humiliating and painful.
“Grab the front of the desk with your hands. Place your elbows on the desk.”
A shiver of anticipation ran down her spine as she carefully positioned herself over the desk.
She still hoped that he wouldn’t really do it. She knew full well that her skirt would have lifted up and her sexy black stockings and suspenders would be on view to Mr Andrews.
“Please don’t pull my panties down,” pleased Taylor, “Surely they won’t protect me!”
“I’m sorry Miss Spencer, it’s what your sponsor requested. A six of the best caning must be delivered on your bare bottom.”
The headmaster slowly lowered her white panties to just below her sexy stocking tops, exposing her gorgeous, pert bum.
“Make sure they don’t fall down any further,” he commanded. “If they fall, your punishment will be doubled.”
This means that she was forced to open her legs just enough to keep the elastic tight. Unfortunately for her this also means that her tight little bum hole and sad pussy lips were clearly visible. Mr Andrews took this opportunity to cares her cheeks and prepare her bottom to receive six strokes from his singing cane. His fingers momentarily brushed across her cunny lips and he felt the wetness that had already leaked out. She was ashamed, but there was nothing she could do about it and the feeling of total submission was unbearably arousing. Her pussy pulsated and tingled when she felt that awful rattan cane tap, tap, tapping on her bouncy bare bottom.
“Miss Spencer, I’m now going to give you six hard strokes on your bare bottom. After each stroke you must Say the number of the stroke, and then, ‘Thank you for teaching me a lesson.’ Do you understand?”
“Yes Sir,” she said meekly.
The cane whistled through the air before making sharp contact right in the centre of her bottom. For a brief moment Taylor felt nothing, then very quickly a sharp pain shot through her where the cane had landed. Taylor could not believe what was happening, as her bottom throbbed and quivered.
“Miss Spencer? What do you say?”
“But Mr. Andrews, that was so hard.”
Taylor now know that she got herself into Something that she could not get out of. So best to just go along and get this embarrassment over as soon as possible.
“Alright, One, and thank you for teaching me a lesson.”
“That’s better Miss Spencer, that’s a good girl.”
She was still gasping for breath when the second stroke struck. The fierce crack echoed around the room as she pressed herself down against the cold hard desk and feel the firey flames spread across her scorching bottom.
“Yeow…….. Two, and thank you for teaching me a lesson.”
The third stroke licked her burning bottom as she trembled and wriggled her hipsto ease the terrible sing of the cane.
“Jesus……Three, and thank you sir for teaching me a lesson.”
Her bottom was now singing like mad. She gasped as the headmaster’s palm gently rubbed her cane marks. It was such a relief, she let out a grateful sight. Instinctively she raised her bottom up to meet his tender care. First those awful singing strokes from his nasty cane and then his lovely hand gently soothing her burning buttocks.
Mr Andrews chuckled happily to himself as he admired his handiwork, three sexy stripes streaked across Taylor’s bottom, equally spaced and glowing a pretty pink. The wonderful ‘swish, crack, splat’ of his cane on the naughty girl’s splendid bare bottom, was insanely excited.
His cock had stiffened and throbbed uncontrollably as each stroke struck home and Taylor’s bottom jiggled to the dance of his cane…
“Three more strokes to come young lady,” crowded the headmaster, quickly followed by a horrifying ‘swish’ and thefourth strike cracked down on Taylor’s quivering bottom.
“Four, and thank you sir for teaching me a lesson.” Taylor was now adjusting to the punishment.
The fifth stroke snarled and snapped at Taylor’s still jiggling bottom and her knuckles turned white as she held the desk bracing herself for fire cracker number six.
“Five, and thank you sir for teaching me a lesson.”
The sixth strike was an absolute corker that bit at her blistered bottom and left her gasping for breath as she lay spent and panting across the desk.
Crack! “Ouch!” Her mind had drifted off and she wasn’t really anticipating the last one. It hurt much more than the others, but at least it was now done. She stood up and pulled her panties back up.
“Whe is you going Miss Spencer?” Mr Andrews asked.
“Aren’t we finished, Sir? That was six. I counted each one.”
No, stay there and I’ll just apply a little of this soothing cream…erm….as per Trinity Academy regulations ofcourse.”
A creamy lotion was squirted onto Taylor’s stripy bare bottom and instantly quenched the firey flames. It made her groan out loud. ‘Oh God yes what a relief,’ thought Taylor, with a whimpered sight. The headmaster loved the feel of Taylor’s peachy bare bottom, as he tenderly caressed her jiggling cheeses. She relaxed as he massed her and raised her bottom up unconsciously towards the blissful reprieve. His eyes were like saucers as her pretty pink pussy peeked out below her creamy cheeses. So cute and sexy, her honey pot glistened and shimmered as he eagerly rubbed her fiery red bottom in big circular motions.
Now that the horrible caning was over, she felt the cane strokes merged with each other and a pleasant tingle spreading across her bare buttocks. She was enjoying the gentle massage from the caring headmaster, as his hands tenderly applied the creamy relief.
Taylor was still bent right over with her bottom completely bare and on display but she just didn’t care anymore. She’d been able to by a stranger who was now eagerly rubbing soothing cream all over her stripy bare bottom and it feel absolutely wonderful. Such a powerful release, a fantastic escape from the guilt of her lying and her cheating and now that it was all over, she was buzzing and allowed herself to relax and enjoy the strange but incredibly pleasant sensings.
Shortly her breathing became shallow and rapid as she closed her eyes and moaned.
“Oh yes!”
Mr Andrews sensed her urgency and tipped her over the edge by plunging two of his fingers into the molten honey pot of her pussy. She had one of the biggest, most intense climaxes of her life. She remained strong over the desk, heart racing and panting like she had just ran a marathon until she gradually recovered her composition. Mr Andrews simply smiled and dismissed her with a cheery, “that will be all Miss Spencer.”
Fiona had drawn the #2 ball and replaced Taylor at the Head’s office. Her punishmentment had been prescribed by her fiancée and she was also to receive six of the best with the cane. The first stroke would be over clothes. The second stroke he explained would be on the knickers and the remainder on the bare.
Angain, Fiona tried to complain, but this went unheeded as Mr Andrews flipped her short skirt up and over her back to reveal her Trinity Academy panties. Fiona’s heart beat faster and she felt herself began to get excited at the thought of being bent over in such a submission position, waiting for the cane.
The first stroke was muffled by her pleated skirt, so was not overly painful and Fiona was quite relieved. Mr Andrews then lifted her short navy pleated skirt up to reveal her panties. The second stroke seemed harder than the first, perhaps it was because it was just on the thin taut material of her knickers Without her skirt? Either way the pain was almost unbearable, almost. But after the initial shock Fiona could feel a funny sensing inside of her, something she only normally felt whist being fucked.
Mr Andrews then stepped forward and pulled her knickers up tight into her bum crack, exposing both cheats. He explained that whilst she was still wearing her knickers she was effectively being caned on the bare. He stepped back and readied his aim for the third stroke. This whipped home landing just under the first two hitting now virgin bare flesh, the white impact mark quickly turned red to match the other marks. Fiona just pushed her head down further onto the desk, trying to blot out the pain in her behind.
Vaguely in the distance Fiona could hear Mr Andrews saying that the next stroke would be with her knickers lowered. She doubted this would make much difference as the thin material afforded no protection, especially when it was pulled up tightly.
Mr Andrews tucked the cane under his arm and using both hands carefully peeled the knickers down Fiona’s legs and completely off slowly, savouring the moment. He put them into his jacket pocket. With one hand he pushed down to Fiona’s back to make her promote her bum and with the cane he teased her legs apart until she was lewdly bent over the desk. Fiona realized that in this position she was totally vulnerable to whatever Mr Andrews chose to do.
Fiona glanced behind her just in time to see that Mr Andrews had taken a long backswing. My god she thought, this one is going to be still harder! There was a loud crack as the cane landed hard. The pain welled up while Fiona’s bottom and legs were in connections. She couldn’t even cry out because she couldn’t breathe but finally, she caught her breath and does let out a tough cry.
Mr Andrews stepped closer to admire his handiwork. There were now four very distinct red welts across Fiona’s bottom and Mr Andrews felt himself began to harden at the sight. He allowed his hands to gently care her bottom and feel the raised welts. As he moved his hands over her behind his fingers slipped between her legs and he could feel how moist she had become.
Five and six were equally as hard and Fiona was by now sobbing uncontrollably, her bum on fire. He told Fiona that she should stay bending over the desk and contemplate her caning, telling her not to get up until told to do so.
Fiona was quite happy to stay bent over the desk so long as Mr Andrews didn’t cane her any more. The last Two strokes had been too much and she knew she couldn’t take any more. Although all this the whole experience was very intense and had taken her erotically to another level. She also became aware that Mr Andrews seemed to be breathing a little heavily as he stood behind her and she could make out the faith rustling of clothes and a zip noise. Nothing further happened and she heard Mr Andrews telling her that she could Adjust her dress and return to class as he hurriedly walked out of the room.
Fiona composed herself, stood up stiffly from the chair and quickly pushed her skirt down. She had obviously lost her panties to Mr Andrews but didn’t care, she just wanted to get out of the room as quickly as possible.
Natalie had the #3 ball and gulped as she entered the headmaster’s office. It appeared that Mr Andrews had still not returned and so had been replaced by a new teacher, one that she had not seen before.
“Please let me introduce myself. My name is Mr Davis, I am the Department Headmaster and am standing in for Mr Andrews on this occasion. And this is Miss Stone who you have already met.”
He pointed to the twenty something blonde who was always dressed as if she was trying for a professional, office look. Her skirt was shorter than even the one Natalie was wearing now, her blouse was sleepless and so sheer that you could see the lace on her bra. Today she was wearing a two tone, half cup affairs, Natalie wasn’t sure what the second colour was, but she could clearly see the black edging beneath the swell of her breasts.
Natalie’s husband Granthad enquired as to what kind of punishment would be necessary in adultery circumstances and Mr Andrews had explained that it was Trinity Academy’s policy to cane miscreants, with anything from 6 strokes of the cane upwards. Mr Andrews had gone on to say that in serious cases the caning was on the bare, and sometimes with the offender was stripped of other clothes to further emphasise mistakes and humiliate. Her husband had agreed that this was indeed a serious case and the punishment should be accordingly severe.
It was therefore decided that Natalie would receive 6 strokes of the cane over her panties, 6 strokes on the bare and 6 strokes in the nude!
“I wonder, Sir,” Natalie said in her best sexy voice, “if you might show me a little leniency?”
She folded her arms and pushed them together to make her ample cleavage More prominent and batted her eyes at the teacher, her husband Grant said she was irresistible when she did that!
“No, Miss, I’m afraid that the Trinity Academy rules are in place for a reason. They may be bent from time to time, but they won’t be broken especially in such a flagrant manner.”
A cane lay menacingly on the desk and the fact that that Natalie would be able to mean that the room was charged with a sexual tension in the air. Natalie could feel her heart beating loudly and feel her face flush. She wondered if her husband had agreed to the caning?
Mr Davis instructed Natalie to bend over and touch her toes in front of the desk. When she was bent over Mr Davis arose from his desk and went behind Natalie. He folded her short black skirt up and tucked the hem into the waist band. This clearly exposed her very brief white panties. Her rear was on display from the band of skin between the skirt and tops of her knickers, and then down from edge to the top of her black stocking tops. She looked so vulnerable, and the three canes laying on the desk looked so cruel, so capable of inflicting severe welts, and Mr Davislooked so in control and focused on giving Natalie a hard caning.
Satisfied with her position and that of her skirt Mr Davis selected the crooked handled cane from the desk and positioned himself to the right of Natalie. It was apparent that Mr Davis was left-handed as he tried his aim by tapping the cane repeatedly on Natalie’s behind which seemed to quiver in anticipation. Miss Stone stood to his left so she had a Perfect view of the cane. And so it began.
The first stroke whipped home strking towards the top of Natalie’s bottom. The force and severity surprised Natalie who yelped and stumbled forward before quickly regaining her position. Mr Davis seemed unconcerned by her reaction and positioned himself for the second stroke. This landed just below the first and was just as hard. Number three and four followed quickly after, each landing just below the other. It was clear Mr Davis was working his way down. The fifth stroke was just on the join of her knickers and herlegs, and the sixth landed fully on the exposed flesh in the cream between her upper thighs and bottom. It quickly turned into a thin red welt.
After the first six strokes Mr Davis stepped back from Natalie and told Miss Stone that she should now remove Natalie’s panties. She moved forward and gently peeled the thin white covering from her bottom and down her thighs. This revealed the results of the initial caning, six equally spaced red tram lines on her pert bottom. It was clear that the panties had offered no protection whatsoever. It was also clear to Miss Stone that Natalie was becoming aroused from the caning as she could detect the tell-tail signs. Especially when Mr Davis told her to position Natalie’s legs slightly wider apart for the next session with the cane.
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