Chapter 1 – Arrival
It was a Monday morning and the first day of a new term. When I say ‘term’ I mean that it was the first week of the re-opening of ‘Trinity Academy for Young Ladies’ as it is advertised in select upmarket lifestyle magazines. It is the place where the ‘well heeled’ send their wives or girlfriends for some good-intentioned, well-deserved, and not before time…… discipline.
The arrangements are simple. Once an interest is shown by prospective clients, an application form is sent with a prospectus and an outline of the fundamental principles of the establishment. This is completed and returned by the kind person paying the course fees, or ‘sponsor’. Typical information required includes details of the various misdemeanours the young lady is to be punished for and any character traits that needed to be corrected. There was also a legally binding agreement that must be signed and that included the acknowledgement that the staff at Trinity Academy will be given ‘carte blanche’ to punish the ‘pupils’ in any way that they saw fit. The young lady, unfortunately, will not have any rights in these proceedings and will basically have to suck it up!
The idea is superb. Wealthy men, (or women) are willing to pay handsomely for their nearest and dearest who, in most cases, had seriously jeopardised their relationship to be sent for ‘re-training’ in a secure, but strict regime that teaches them the error of their ways. The women can hardly refuse as they have no other means of income and cannot admit to their circle of ‘posh’ friends that their marriage is failing. It is a win-win situation.
The residential course is advertised as ‘Five days in duration and guaranteed to ensure that young ladies will be punished for the errors of their ways. They will become a more faithful and loving partner upon their graduation’. Although the cost is substantial, Trinity Academy is fast becomeng a popular (and some would say more cost effective) alternative to messy separations or costly dividends. As previous results are excellent, its reputation spread like wild-fire amongst city professionals.
Hopefully it does not need to be explained to the reader that ‘Trinity Academy’ is designed with the sole intention of ensuring the obedience and submission of the girls, to the satisfaction of the sponsor paying the bill.
The members of staff are a small group of qualified ex-teachers who were carefully selected for their belief in corporate punishment together with high levels of discretion and integrity. Naturally they have all been background-screened and signed confidentiality agreements. Their salary package is also excellent – as are the perks of the job!
The next few ‘terms’ are fully booked and the new building extension has meant that four young lady ‘guests’ can now be accommodated in the modified and upgraded Victorian school building.
The guest list for this term reads as follows: –
8.30 am Natalie Brown (Wife of Grant) — Guilty of having an affair with her husband’s brother. She is a tall slim blonde, 27 years old with long straight hair and large 36DD tits.
8.45 am Taylor Spencer (Wife of Robert) — Over-spent her husband’s credit card by more than £30k. She is only 25 years old but quite timing, 5′-8″ slim and has long, light brown hair.
9.00 am Fiona Murray (Girlfriend of Luke) — Crashed her boyfriend’s Mercedes when she was drunk. She is 28 years old, has a very good figure, slim in the waist with a flat stomach. Nice curvy breasts and a gorgeous bottom. Long dark hair.
9.15 am Claire Stevens (Wife of James) – Caught embezzling Several thousand pounds from her accountancy job and was summarized sacked. She was also caught having a lesbian affairs by her husband James. She is 5′-10″ and has long dark hair. Very slim with small but pert tits.
Each guest had been given an arrival time and Natalie Brown was the first to turn up slightly after her allocated time of 8.30am as they had been held up in traffic. She is 5′-8″ tall, gym-fit and nicely toned with a golden suntan from a recent trip to the South of France. She was dropped off by her husband Grant and entered the imposing building with a little trepidation. After Grant had discovered her affairs with his younger brother Jim, countless threats and arguments had ensured. The deep mistrust had caused their marriage to reach the very edge of breaking down so Claire had reluctantly agreed to undertake a few days of “learning to be a good wife” at what she jokingly called “Wifey School.” This seemed (to her) to be a very easy way to wipe her slate clean and save her marriage with Grant.
She entered the large wooden door and was met in a pretty austere looking Reception area by the tall, attractive, but stern-looking Miss Stone who is one of the three female staff members at Trinity Academy. Ms Stone was dressed in a black mini skirt, so brief that it rode up to flash her stocking tops as she sat down, and a bright red blouse that had the top few buttons undone to reveal the edges of a black lace bra and the swell of her milky tits.
A note was made of Natalie’s late arrival time and the paperwork formats were completed. Natalie was then required to sign a final contract to agree to the Terms and Conditions of her stay at Trinity. As she Couldn’t be bothered to read ‘all that writing’ she just signed her name on the dotted line at the bottom of the form. Miss Stone then gave her a large metal key with a #1 stamped on it and directed to her room down the corridor to the right of the entrance hall.
Natalie arrived at her room, turned the key and entered through a creaky door. The room was very old-fashioned and contained a wardrobe, a set of drawers, a bedside table with lamp, large wall mirror and an ensuite bathroom to the side. There was a stone window that looked like it should be in achurch. There was a flat screen TV on the wall at the end of the bed but little else. She opened the drawers of the bedside cabinet and discovered an unopened jar of cold cream and a pink vibrator. She picked it up the toy, pressing its power button to see if it worked. Immediately it sprang into life with a loud buzz and a strong victory. She smiled, turned it off again and put it back in the drawer. “Ah well, something to entertain myself with in a long boring evening” she thought to herself.
The room was clean but was most definitely not up to the luxurious 5-star hotel room standard to which she had been accustomed as the wife of a wealthy businessman.
On the bed was a beautifully wrapped box with a lovely pink ribbon tied into a bow. She carefully pulled open the ribbon, removed the lid and lifted the top layer of white wrapping paper to find a white envelope. She opened it and removed the card inside.
Dear Guest,
Welcome to Trinity Academy for Young Ladies. You must remove all the clothes that you are wearing and change into your uniform for the week. Make sure you wear only what is in here and report to the main classroom for your induction at 11.00am sharp.
All clothes and other belongings (including mobile phones, cigarettes and jewellery) that you brought into Trinity Academy must be placed into the bag provided and left outside your bedroom door for collection at 10.30am sharp.
Your possessions will all be returned to you at the end of the week.
Enjoy your stay with us!
She thought to herself, “Crikey, it was like being admitted into prison!”
Underneath the letter there were several pairs of sheer black stockings with lacy tops and a black suspender belt. She held up the sheer stockings and felt that they were made from good quality silk. “Good start”, she thought to herself. Although she had not defeated sexy undies for her husband for a few years, her new lover Jim, had a bit of a fetish for them so she had willingly obliged.
There was another layer of white paper and then five pairs of identical plain white cotton panties. She held a pair up and found that they were quite full and slightly see-through. Underneath there were five immaculately folded, freshly-ironed plain White button up shirts and a single blue and yellow striped tie with a single “T” emblem.
Last of all she lifted out a blue pleated skirt, similar to what she used to wear back at school. She held it up against her waist and noticed that it was going to be quite short as it only came half-way up her thighs.
At the very bottom of the box was the instruction “You will find the remainder of your uniform in the wardrobe.”
She opened the wardrobe door and found a pair of black patent high heels, in her size at the bottom, and a brand-new navy coloured blazer with yellow trim on a coat hanger. The blazer also had the Trinity “T” embroidered on the breast pocket in bright yellow thread. She placed them on the bed then wandered into the bathroom to use the facilities.
Next to the sink was a manual razor, a tube of shaving cream and another envelope. She opened this and read the card inside; “You must remove all your pubic hair before the induction at 11.00am.”
“Crikey, looks like I’m in a school for perverts!” she exclaimed out loud as she left the bathroom. She quickly opened the outside door to make sure nobody had heard her sarcastic remark. Luckily the corridor was empty.
She quickly undressed and bagged her designer clothes but decided to keep hold of her mobile phone and hide it under her mattress. She knew she would be lost without it and anyway, why Should anyone take that off her? She placed the bag outside her room door as instructed.
Heading to the bathroom she closed the toilet seat and sat down, pulling her pantiesdown to her ankles and placing the mirror in between her legs.
‘That’s not too bad’, Natalie thought to herself, her pubes were still short from a previous trim, and there wasn’t too much hair around her labia. She spread the shaving cream over her public area, then lightly applied it further south, shivering when she made contact with her pussy. Then, as deliciously as she could, smoothly removed the last traces of hair until she was completely bald. She thought it would make her feel uncomfortable and itchy, but was surprised by how soft her skin felt.
She liked the way her clip hood now stand out and loved the increased sensitivity when she rubbed her fingers around it. She couldn’t help slipping a finger inside her pussy and the wetness started to flow all too easily! She stood up, looked at herself in the mirror and licked her finger clean. She couldn’t believe how good she looked with her fully shamen pussy. Young, hot and sexy!!
…. Which is exactly what the headmaster of Trinity Academy, Mr Andrews thought as he stared at the CCTV footage of her from the control room down the corridor. There were several screens, each screen was then split up into a dozen small pictures, each reflecting a different camera. One screen was devoted to Natalie’s bedroom and one to her bathroom.
Everything had been recorded since she entered the room! In actual fact all the girls in all the rooms were under surveyillance 24/7 with digital highlights sent to each girl’s sponsor on a daily basis to ensure the ‘Excellent Value for Money’ that Trinity Academy advertised to its paying customers.
A few more buttons were pressed and a live webcam was set up for the sponsers to access via their exclusive website. Each sponsor could, by the click of a mouse, decide which camera, and as such which angle, They wanted to focus on. From the comfort of their own home, they were able to enjoy the delights of sexy Natalie undressing! In a short time, via cameras in the classrooms and studio, they would be able to watch the photo shoot and all else that would follow. Brilliant.
On Induction Day, this was Mr Andrew’s favourite part. He was getting a very exclusive sneak preview of the goods on offer. He continued to look at Natalie and saw that she had already stripped off and was sitting on the stool by the dresser, rolling up one of the stockings. Her beautiful large tits were now the focus of the camera’s probing lens. The control room screen was split up into 12 smaller screens which he hated and he wanted to get a bigger view so he swivelled his chair around and picked up a remote-control handset. He pointed it at it the wall, pressed a button and a door slide open revealing a large window. A window into Natalie’s room. The school had installed two-way mirrors in all the bedrooms so what Natalie thought was a mirror, was also a window. A voyeur’s delight! He leaned back in his chair, withdraw his rock-hard cock and started to stroke it ashe watched the nubile young woman undress for his pleasure.
Natalie by now had rolled up both stockings and was attaching the suspender belt straps to the black suspender belt. She stood up and looked into the mirror. She had already put on her heels so her body was wonderfully raised. Wow she looked great! She thought to herself that she should wear stockings more often, they made her legs look even sexier. Her hands then went up to her large breasts and cupped them. She always liked her tits, the size of them were slightly abnormal for a girl of her size, but they looked great. Women were bitterly jealous, whilst men were desperately transfixed by them. Her nipples had become rock hard and her pussy was becoming slightly damp. She had a strange feeling of horny warmth which was flowed through her body.
The White panties went on next, over the top of the suspender belt for convenience. They were quite tight fitting and were slightly transparent so Natalie could see the outline of her naked slit through them. She hoped that she wouldn’t leak any pussy juice as they would become see-through really easily. She turned round to look at her round bum in the mirror and was amazed at how good the tight white panties looked. She ran her hands over her cheeks and imagined Jim doing the same to her sometimes in the near future.
Although the skirt appeared to be too small it wrapped Around her waist and fastened quite easily. The Trinity Academy uniform skirts were not even close to being a decent length. Natalie remembered wearing her school skirts pretty short when she was in 6th Form, but this one was really short! The hem finished just below her stocking tops, which was acceptable when she stood still, however her suspenders and stocking tops were revealed if she lifted her arms or sat down. “Almost instant”, she thought to herself.
Then it hit her, they had obviously forgotten to put a bra in her box. She looked again, just in case it was hidden amongst the shirts. No, nothing there! It must be a mistake. Or was it? Had they deliberately not put a bra in order to accentuate her already considerable cleavage? To make sure her big tits were ready to exploit out from the confines of her shirt? She was beginning to understand that this was far from any normal ‘school. She had no other option but to put on the rest of the clothes and then hopefully report the “mistake” when she went to the induction.
The shirts were new, crisp and really good quality cotton but unfortunately a size too small for her. She struggled to fasten the buttons all the way up. Her lovely round 36DD un-restrained breasts were trying to fight their way out of the front of the shirt however after a short struggle she managed all the buttons. Fastening the top button on the shirt made her feel restricted and uncomfortable, so she left it undone. She took a step back and looked in the mirror. Her big tits stretched the white material and caused gaps to openup between the buttons where her naked flesh could be seen. Her dark aureoles showed through and her juicy nipples were clearly standing to attention.
Her heart was now pounding away with fear. Maybe she could retrieve and wear her own bra, but once again she remembered the instructions – “Make sure you wear only what is in the box”. She knew had no choice. She would have to dress like a slut.
She tied the tie in a large until knot and put on the blazer, which fitted perfectly and then the black high heels. Again, she admired herself in the mirror and did a slow twirl to see the full effect from all angles.
From top to bottom, black patent heels, black stockings, crisp white blouse, tie, and blazer and that tiny pleated skirt!
The high heels made her legs look long and toned. There was just the hint of stocking top and suspender belt on show which looked really sexy. She ran her hands down the back of her pleated skirt and gave her bum a pat. She couldn’t believeve how good her ass looked. Wearing this uniform had made her look way younger than her 27 years – in fact she looked like a St Trinians film extra!
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