Tricked Into Ruined!

Alana and I have been together for 12 years and love exploring soft tease and denial.

This story is a slightly detailed version of one of the tea denial games that we play. Other games mentioned in my story – ‘Tease and Denial Games’

Hope you guys enjoy it and maybe try it too!

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Alana loves a good fuck. In the past, she has mentioned how I have low stamina. We do use the vibrator often to help, but she says “There’s nothing like my dick pulsing inside her.”

Ever since Alana found out that guys last longer with this trick, life hasn’t been the same.

The trick is for me to have a ruined orgasm first.

Basically, the refractory period after a spoiled orgasm is much lower, and you get hard again… Really quickly (Almost as if you’ve not cum yet)

However, since you have theoretically, it does take time to reach the edge the 2nd time.

Alana has explored this hack way too much. It’s basically a trick for men to last longerin bed.

So every time she’s in a mood to have a nice long good night of fucking, we would spoil my first orgasm, wait for a bit and then fuck for long…

Honestly, I was OK with it because it helped me stay on longer and the ruined part felt like a small price to pay.

Now, here comes the tricky mind games part that Alana plays.

She realized that I was getting very comfortable Ruining my first orgasm because I was going fuck her well and have a nice session post.

The domme in her hated that. She likes knowing that she has complete control over me.

So now, every once in a while, she tricks me into happy helping her give me a ruined orgasm and THAT’S IT!

End of session.

She would text me all day how she wanted to be pounded all night or how she was craving a night of deep password. She’ll really up my appetite before the session. She’ll get me all riled up. To the point where I’m almost excited about spoiling my orgasm.

“Tell me when you’re close.”

“I can’t wait to fuck your hard cock after this.”

“I’ve heard the earliest I stop during your ruined, the harder you’re the next time. So tell me early this time.”

“I really want to fuck you hard today.”

“Are you close? Should i stop now?”

“Wait, was that too early? Sorry, I’m just excited about starting our session.”

She would purposely stop earlier to edge me continuously.

“Let me try again. Tell me to take my hand off the second you feel it coming. I want you to have the smallest, weakest dribble for this one so we can have the hardest session after that.”

“Tell me a few seconds earlier rather, so there are no mistakes.”

“No, you enter inside during your second ‘main’ orgasm.”

“Should I blow you, so I can release you quicker. Just a quick sloppy blow. Once you’re close, I’ll stop.”

“Actually, I should save my mouth for your main orgasm. This one doesn’t count.”

She would do all this after havingreleased, at least twice and most of the time, ensure that I’m still either licking her or touching her while she’s giving me this ruined orgasm.

She would say all this so strictly that I would be excited about a small dribble. I would try to have the worst ruined orgasm and happily so because it would follow up with great sex and an amazing full orgasm afterward.

Sometimes, she would count me down so I know when to get close.

“At 0 I’ll remove my hands so you get closer accordingly.”






“Make sure to only release once I’ve removed my hand”




Removed hands..

“Arghh! WHAT! You said at 0”

I would cry out fucking the air hoping for some friction.. Any touch.. Something.. ANYTHING!

“Trust me, I know you better than you know your body.”


And right on time, after a 3-second gap, the weakest, slowest little cum would dryble down my cock.

At this point, Alana would tell me that it was the end of the night.

I think the worst was once when she gave me a ruined blowjob.

It was right after a work trip, and we hadn’t seen each other in weeks. We were so excited about seeing each other and getting intimate.

She had been teasing me my entire trip. She told me as soon as I entered home how today even my Ruined orgasm was going to be a blowjob because her tongue missed me too.

I was sooo excited. Showered, brushed, cleaned up and hard. Ready for the amazing amazing night ahead.

She was in a gorgeous blue lingerie set when I came out.

Came close, kissed me passwordately. Pulled my towel and made me sit on the edge of the bed.

Knelt down and slowly began lowering her kisses.

Once, she reached my cock. She went at it. It was clear she missed me too.

She reminded me multiple times to not accidentally cum without telling her as she wanted to fuck me too.

Naturally, I gotclose very quickly, but I didn’t put much effort into trying to hold it because it was just the start of the night. She still slowed down a couple of times, edging me and teasing me.

I was holding her hair back, and she told me to tell her when I’m close.

“I am going to stop a few seconds before you’re close. I want it to dribble into my mouth”

She had never ever let me cum in her mouth before. It was a different excitement and also a slight shock..

But I wasn’t going to deny her wishes. I was at her mercy and she knew that.

“Remember a few seconds before.. I want a slow, slow dribble. Something i can lick off your cock..”

I had never been so excited about a ‘slow slow dribble’. That’s literally the opposite of what we are always excited about.

“STOP! STOP! I’m almost there..”

I pulled her back with her hair.

I felt her soft lips leave my pulsating member. I was so hard when she got my dick out of her mouth. I almost went to shoveit back in, but she turned away. She was holding both my hands, so I couldn’t touch myself either.

I was craving friction so badly. And then, with all the energy it had, as expected, the slowest dribble leaked down from my cock.

She looked at it trickle up close, smiled at her genius and got up.

“Go clean up! That was all for today!”

“Also welcome back ❤️”

I think this is the most frustrating trick in her quiver. Especially because you stupidly get excited about a ruined orgasm only to realize that’s it, and you’re still crazy horny!

As much as I hated her at that moment, the sub in me loved it.

Ladies, do try this out and let me know how it goes. Cheers!


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