Trick or Treat Too

Trick or Treat Too

Don’t Read further if not a fan of the BNWO

Black New World Order


Snowflakes and Asian Nun Trainer

By Doctor X

Short story for an Asian-sub fan,

Last edited, 17th of October, 2024.

Sci-fi story of a dark mirror universe were Black-Africans Rule.

Goddess Ada’s Mothers pick a Snowflake Maid, at the Ebony Empire’s Snowflake Maid Training Center.

Married Black-Lesbians Mary and Maria Black-Widow pick a Snowflake to be their adult daughter Goddess Ada’s handmaiden.

At the training center, the Headmistress buzzes a Dark Goddesses devoted chatity Nun-Trainer to line-up her Snowflakes Trainees for one to be sold. The Snowflakes are small white women and whitish skin Asian women with A-cup breast and thin boyish figures. They are all under five feet and under 100 pounds. Black Mistresses like to use them as a personal handmaiden to help in the bedrooms, for they are small enough to store under a bed.

The Nun-Trainer is an Asian-Korean woman not much bigger than the Snowflakes, but with slightly darker skin than the Asian Snowflakes. She has devoted her virgin vagina to the spiritual Dark African Goddess Mother, and had her virgin vagina pierced and locked in chatity. She trains white women to serve Pure Dark Africans, Black Lesbians of the upperclass of the Ebony Empire.

The Nun-Trainer has her Snowflakes line up and knee waiting for the two black women to arrive.

“White Bitches on your knees, and bow your heads. We lowly whites and Chink are in the presence of our superiors. Remember as Low-born Caucasian-White Sluts and East-Asian Chink-Bananas (Asian yellow on the outside, “White”, on the inside). We are created by Ebony Labs to serve our superiors. We owe are lives and exist solely to serve the Ebony Empire. These two Goddesses are here to pick one of you lucky bitches to serve in their Ebony Empire household.

Remain kneeingstraight, steady, and quiet till called upon,” Said the Asian-Nun Trainer who also went to her knees, then bowed her head in submission.

When the Black women arrived the Nun-Trainer greeted them.

“Greeting Dark Goddesses, we are female dogs bitches that serve the Ebony Empire. Thank you, for Your presence in reviewing my Snowflake trainees. All the Snowflakes have already signed their part of Ebony Empire’s Black Lesbian Owned property contract and you may keep their ownership title open if you wish to sale or trade them. All their eggs have been harvested, so you don’t have to worry about periods or pregnancy. If you decide to pimp them to males you will need to train them they are all virgins. They all are however well trained in the Lesbian Sexual Arts and Masochist. I hope you find one to your Sadistic Sexual Fancy, my Dark Goddesses.” Said the Asian Nun addressing the Mother Mistresses.

Mistress Mary said, “Well bless her heart, isn’t this oriental Chink-ChiquitaBanana accommodating.”

“Don’t be so taken with this sting yellow cheer Asian bitch. Remember yellow on the outside “white” on the inside,” said Mistress Maria.

“We raised a bull dyke little 5 foot tyrant for a daughter. She might need some stinky Asian yellow cheer to tame her instead of a Snowflake Handmaiden,” said Mistress Mary.

“The Headmistress would never sell us this Chink-Banana. The Nun-Trainers are the only ones allowed to lick the Headmistress’s Black Pussy. The Snowflakes aren’t allowed black pussy or black cock till sold. I happen to know this devoted Chink-chick is the Headmistress’s favorite,” said Mistress Maria.

When the Asian-Nun is not training Snowflakes she spends her time under the Headmistress’s desk waiting for the Headmistress to get horny and need a good licking. Being in 24/7 chatity with piercings giving oral sex is almost her only outlet.

To avoid conflict of interests, the Ebony Empire only allows the Headmistress to have feminized male slaves in her household. That way she doesn’t pick the best Snowflake Maids for herself.

The Headmistress has a young fit gay black male called Gay Buck with a big black cock as Overseer of her white & Asian fem-male servants. If the Asian Nun-Trainer has done a good job with the Snowflakes, she goes to the Headmistress’s private house. She is rewarded with getting to suck Gay Buck’s Big Black Cock. The Asian-Nun is an expert at deep throating a 10 inch long big black cock.

The Headmistress has made a training-game fighter with the Asian Nun-Trainer. If she can train the 2 white and 2 Asian male fem-boys in the household to deep throat as good as her without a gag-reflex in 3 months, the Black Buck would fuck her ass till she had an anal orgasm like the fem-boys have. If she is unable to complete the task in 3 months, the Headmistress gets to give 300 hard hits one a day at her choosing to her virgin pierced pussy with a leather strap, and black fist fuck her ass till she passed out anytime she wanted. Plus if she lost she’d be required to wear a black fist butt-plug molded from the Headmistress’s fist. The fist butt-plug would be able to shock remote controlled by the Headmistress. It will permanently gain her ass and she’d never be able to enjoy a big black cock.

Being that her Asian pussy is permanently pierced shut, and she allowed to use dongs and plugs to fuck herself anally. The Asian-Nun knowing she’ll never know what it is like having a black hand or big black cock inside her otherwise took the fighter deal. She spent all her free-time training the white boys how to deep-throat a big black cock.

The Asian Nun Trainer has the femboys hold only the head of Gay Buck’s BBC (Big Black Cock) in their mouth, while breathing through their nose. The femboys are Instructed to swirl their tongues around the head of the BBC. After swirling their tongues for a minute coating the Black Cock Head with saliva, then instructed to takea deep breath, and flatten their tongues to take the BBC as deep into their mouths as possible.

The femboys working to get the black cock deeper bounce their heads up and down on the big black cock. The Headmistress watches happily smiling as her femboys are struggling to get the Big Black Cock deep down their throat. These White & Asian boys went from world leaders, now to feminized pathetic femboy slave servants of the Ebony Empire. The Headmistress starts laughing as they continue to struggle to get a big black cock down their throats, knowing that Black-Africans are truly superior to these creativity.

The Asian Nun Trainer worked with the first femboy to take the big black cock all the way down his throat. With the head of the big black cock in his mouth, the trainer placed her hand on the back of his head and asked are you ready?

The white femboy murmured, Mistress, yes Mistress to the trainer, and that he loved this big black cock. The trainer told him to take a few steadying breaths through his nose like she showed him, then slide his wet lips down along the entire length of the big black cock. He gagged only slightly when the trainer pushed harder on the back his head getting him to go deeper. He felt the fat Black Cock head pass through his throat into his ooesophagus going towards his stomach. Everyone watching amazingly as his throat grows larger. It is bulging on the outside as the Big Black Cock passes down to his ooesophagus. With a little more pushing encouragement from the Asian Nun trainer he is able to take the entire shake without too much difficulty. At last, his white nose is pressed into Gay Bucks black belly. The Headmistress and everyone claps with congratulations.

On their knees after two months of training, fem-boys all nude showing off their A and B cup budding boy-breast, are getting face fucked by Gay Buck’s giant big black cock. Although they hadn’t any experience in deep throating big black cocks before starting training, the gay porn hypno-videos had taught them that Buck’s cock is much bigger than normal black cocks. The four fem-boys enjoyed licking and sucking it, but were never able to deep-throat that big black cock before the Asian Nun trainer arrived. The Headmistress didn’t seem to mind hearing the boys gagging on the big black cock, in fact she seemed to enjoy it as she lovingly looked upon the entertainment of Gay Buck face fucking her four fem-boys.

The Asian-Nun is kneeing down next to each boy coaching him to relax his throat and fight his gag-reflexes, then lightly beating them with her Korean Teacher wooden love-stick when they failed. The fem-boys enjoying the attention from the wooden love-stick will fail on purpose. After the Gay Buck is spent and unable to continue fem-boy face fucking, the Asian-Nun will Strap-on a black dong and go to work face fucking the poor fem-boys. Knowing it would be sometimes to break the femboys of gagging. She had the white boys practice on 12inch black dildoes that she had installed in their sleep chambers. The Asian-nun is determined to break these four fem-boys and win her virgin ass fucking. She even started wearing expandable anal-plugs to stretch herself for the big day.

The Headmistress liked having the Black fuck a white boy’s ass for her entertainment. After 3 months of the Nun’s training, the Black Buck is able to shove, his 10 inch long cock, his amazing big black cock all the way down 3 of the 4 whitebois throats. The Headmistress watched and masturbating. It is a great outlet to watch, for the Headmistress after being around sore pusses all day at work.

The Asian Nun Trainer worked hard face fucking the white boys with her straw-on, but is not able to teach the 4th white boy to overcome his gag reflex. He is able to take her 12 inch stick-on down his throat. She enjoyed face fucking his throat without any problems. The problem is he’d choke every time deep throwing a real big black cock in front of the Asian Nun Trainer and Headmistress.

After 3 months, Headmistress called the trainer game-bet over, and the Asian-Nun never got her Big Gay Buck ass fucking. In reality all the fem-boys were able to deep throat. The Headmistress instructed the fourth fem-boy to always fake choke. The chink-Chiquita banana Asian Nun Trainer would never win the fighter to get her ass fucking. An anal orgasm by a big black cock is not in her future, so instead her ass got permanently divided by the Headmistress’s black fist. The Headmistress is kind to the deep-throating cock sucking Asian-Nun trainer. She made another deal, she wouldn’t strap her pierced pussy if the trainer agreed to suck off her clients. She has the black cock & black pussy loving Asian-Nun giving head to her special clients. All African-Black gay-male and Black Lesbian clients that gives kickbacks on sales of white indentured servants and slaves, get to fuck the Asian-Nun’s mouth as a reward. The Asian-Nun is now the Headmistress’s work bitch and renamed Chinkquita Banana.

That’s all folks.

The End.


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