My name is George and I am getting married in a few hours. Halloween, what a fun wedding this should be. I will be wearing an old fashioned black suit. The pants are made of leather and are held up with a looped belt of long strings of leather which are long enough to circle me and hang down through a loop in the front about six inches. I ordered a dress for my Pretty Girl of orange. The neckline is low enough that you can see the curve of her breasts and in the back it is down to her back. When she stands still the material looks like a sold satisfaction but it has panels of a transparent orange interweaved in it. I know she will definitely be a sight to behold.
I had I never thought that I would be one to break down and get married. I was considered some of a lonely growing up and never thought a woman, especially one as lovely as Lexie, would want me.
I remember seeing her about a year ago. I was going to the park to play with the kids and take a walk when this lovely young woman came out of the library and came into the park. While I played soccer with a few of the boys, I watched her reading her book. She was so beautiful. She was there every time I went to the park so I decided after a month of seeing her that the next time I would be brave and talk with her.
The next time I went to the park, the boys had just finished playing so I sat down on her park bench trying to figure out what to say to her when I heard the sexiest voice I had ever heard. “Hello, do you mind if I sit with you?”
I looked up and saw her standing right in front of me. “I would love for you to sit with me. I actually wanted to get to know you. I have seen you sitting here every time I come to the park and you always seem alone. My name is George.”
“My name is Lexie. Thanks for Letting me sit here. I usually come to read my book and watch the boys play their games. It is so beautiful and peaceful here. I am surprised you aren’t playing with the boys.”
We went on to talk about general topics such as where we each worked and different people who went through the park while we were there. After a while, Lexie got up and was getting ready to leave when I finally decided I really wanted to get to know her better and asked if she wanted to go for coffee.
“I can’t this time as I have to get some studying done tonight but I would love to do it another time.”
We made a coffee date for the following Saturday and both went on our ways. I remember going to bed each night and dreaming about her smile and what she would be wearing for our coffee house date. The coffee dates started letting us know more about each other. By the third time we had our coffee date we didn’t want the date to end.
Lexie looked at me and said, “I don’t know about you but I sure could use something in my stomach besides coffee. How would you like to come to my place and you can watch television while I cook us some dinner?”
“Be my pleasure, Pretty GirlLead on.”
It wasn’t far too her apartment but at the time I couldn’t have told you where it was because I was just looking down on Lexie wondering how far this relationship would go and if she would think me strange when she realized what I really wanted. While I listened to the news, Lexie and I talked about the types of food we liked and what we wanted in a company. After dinner was over, Lexie came over to sit next to me on the couch. I put my hand on her neck and let her feel the pressure. When it feel like she was going to start squirming around, I tightened the pressure on her neck but took my other hand and lightly ran it down her cheek.
“Calm down, Pretty Girl. I just want to look at you and enjoy the feeling of your skin against mine.”
“George, I want to tell you something but I don’t want you to get mad thinking that I am leading you on.”
“Put the worry out of the pretty head. You can tell me what you wish as long as you ask first. Now what did you want to tell me, Pretty Girl.”
“I wanted to tell you that I care for you a lot but no matter how much I care, I will not be jumping into bed with you.”
“Pretty Girl, you have made me quite curious by that statement. Have I said anything about going to bed with you that made you bring this subject up?”
“No, we haven’t talked about this topic but I Thought now would be a good time to do so.”
“Go ahead and tell me what is on your mind, Pretty Girl.”
“When I was growing up, I was rather shy because I have a small disability. I would watch my friends in high school go out on dates and usually end up in the back seat of the car with their date. Sometimes the next week or the next month, they would be heartbroken because the boyfriend left them for someone else and then the cycle would start again. When I got to college, I saw dorm mates making out in corridors and boys slipping from their rooms in the morning. It seemed like there was no respect from the boys forthe girls and the girls didn’t seem to have any respect for themselves either. It was then that I decided that I would rather wait to have sex with my husband then to jump from one boy’s bed to another. I want to stay a virgin until I got married.”
“Pretty Girl, you are shaking. Do you think that saying this will just send me out of the house in outrage leaving you by yourself again?”
“It has happened before but didn’t think it would be fair to you not to know my feelings on this subject.”
“Pretty Girl, since you have brought up this subject, I will tell you that I respect your feelings on this. I won’t force sex on you but if we get further along in the relationship, I would expect you to keep my happy by other means. Do you think you could do that, Pretty Girl?”
“I would be willing to learn when you feel we are at that point as long as you know that will not give up my virginity until I get married.”
“That’s a promise, I will keep. Now, relax and let melook at you.”
Lexie sat closer to me and started to relax. I gathered up her hair, twisted it and then said, “Pretty Girl hold you hair up for me. You have such a beautiful long neck and I just want to admire it for awhile.”
Lexie took the hand away from me and held onto her hair while watching the television. She started to turn towards me when I moved my hand to the back of her head and stopped the movement. “Look at the screen, Pretty Girl. When I want you to move I will let you know.”
After she moved her head back to the screen and started to relax again, I started lightly rubbing my fingers in circles. I could feel her relaxing more as the time crawled by. Slowly, I turned her head towards me and said, “Lexie it is almost time for me to leave but before I go I am going to kiss you.”
Before she had a chance to say yes or no, I pulled her closer to me. “You can let you hair go now Pretty Girl.” I said and then I moved my lips down toward her. She stared fascinated at me as if she could’t comprehend what was about to happen. Just as she was going to say something, I reached her lips and started to gently kiss her lips. I moved to the corner of her lips and kissed her dimples then ran my tongue in circles across her upper lip right before I gave each part a little kiss. After moving across the upper lip, I made the same moves on the lower lip going in the opposite direction. When I could feel her breathing start to get jagged and heavy, I started to suck on her bottom lip. I felt Lexie grab onto my neck as I kissed her and felt her chest heaving up and down as if she couldn’t get enough air. When she started to collapse against me, I pulled away from the kiss, moved her arms from my neck and then moved her back into a sitting position.
“I must go now Pretty Girl but wear your hair up the next time we get together.”
As her eyes started to come back into focus, she began to blush. “Very pretty, Lexie. I’ll see you at the coffee shop tomorrow.”
I remember whistling on my way home and making plans on what I would do next. The way Lexie reacted to my kiss just seemed to give me more and more ideas on how to seduce and tease this wonderful lady. It seemed that every dream that I had contained Lexie and some form of seduction. I had several times with an erection so hard that even relieving the pressure by giving myself a hand job wasn’t going to cure the situation. I knew that if I was going to be frustrated than she would most likely be even more so.
It was another month before I decided to move ahead my plans. When I was ready, I called Lexie and asked her if she would be willing to go out to dinner with me and was very happy when she accepted,
I knocked on her door at exactly 6:30. When she opened the door she was Wearing a semi-formal satin dress. I had a big smile on my face and escorted her to the car. We drive around a bit and then I took her to my house.
“Where are we?” she asked.
“This is my place. I had a personal chef make a special meal for us. I thought it was time that you got to see where I lived and learned a little more about me.”
I walked her into the house and told her to take off her shoes before moving further into the house while I slipped off my shoes.
“That is a strange request.”
“I was raised that shoes were only for wearing outside. The floors are all carpeted so you won’t damage your stockings. Come along now.”
Lexie followed along behind me and to the right of me. I watched her out of the corner of my eye looking at the furnishings in the living room as we walked in.
“Stand in the middle of the room. I will be right back.” I said and walked over to the bookcases and turned on the music. When I turned around, Lexie was still standing in the same spot but her eyes were everywhere.
She looked at me in surprise and said, “Wow, you have such a beautiful and comfortable home. Everything looks so inviting and something sure smells good.”
As I walked over to her, I looked slowly from her head to her toes and said, “Something sure does smell good.”
Catching my meaning, Lexie started blushing and then looked down at the floor.
“Is my Pretty Girl embarrassed? I think it is a great compliment that my Pretty Girl has such a beautiful perfume. Come into the dining room with me and I will ring for the waiter to bring the food.”
“Wow, so many candles. What a beautiful glow they give off. I can’t believe that you went to so much trouble just for me.”
I pulled a chair our next to mine and waited for Lexie to settle in. The waiter came when I rang the bell and served us both some wine and then discreetly left again. After a few sips of wine the waiter brought in the dinner, telling me to ring when we were ready for desert and then left again for the duration of dinner. We talked softly throughout the meal about general topics and I refilled Lexie’s wine while she ate. Whenwe were finished eating, I rang the bell again. The waiter brought a plate of fruit, cheese and crackers. After placing them on the table he brought in some Champaign.
I took the desert and Champaign into the living room and placed it on the coffee table, telling Lexie to knee on a pillow that I placed next to my chair. I lit the fireplace and the candles in the room and then went and sat next to Lexie.
“Close your eyes, Pretty Girl, and open your mouth.” As her lips parted, I held the tip of a strawberry to them and watched while she slowly sucked the end of the strawberry into her mouth and take a bite. The juice of the strawberry started dripping down her chin and I reached over and licked the juice away. Licking her lips on the way to giving her a small kiss. When I pulled back, I put a grape to her lips and watched her open her mouth and then roll the grape on her tongue before closing her mouth and eating the grape. I fed her a couple more pieces of fruit.
Whenshe was finished eating all that she could, I moved the table out of the way and rang for the waiter to pick up the plate, telling him he could leave when he was finished. Lexie knelt there with her eyes closed the entire time. After he left, I had her open her eyes and when she did the first thing she saw was a ring that I held in front of her.
“I want you to marry me and wear this ring as a symbol of our love.”
Lexie’s eyes started to shine with unshed tears and said that she would love to marry me. I then slipped the ring on her finger. Reached my hand behind her neck and unbuttoned the closure of her dress by her neck. As the dress started to fall, Lexie automatically started to reach for it to stop its fall.
“When we are alone, I want to see my Pretty Girl. Let the dress fall as I intended it to do or are You already going to call off our engagement.”
“I am not calling off our engagement. I was just surprised.” She said as she left the dress fall and the blush started to rise from her chest up to her cheeses.
“Now that is what I want, Pretty Girl. I have promised not to take your virginity until we are married but in private, I want to see my Pretty Girl so she knows that she is giving herself to me.” I stood in front of her and then reached down for her hand. I lifted it and pressed it against me. “This is how I feel about you, Pretty Girl. You make me so hard. If you are a good girl I will allow you to see what you are touching before the night is over. I know that is what you want.”
Lexie just knelt there and nodded her head, blushing brighter by the minute. I moved over to the couch and then said. “Crawl over here, Pretty Girl. Crawl over and put your head on my legs.”
As Lexie crawled over to me, I opened my knees wide and patted my upper thigh so that she would know where I wanted her. I picked up the TV guide, which was next to me and started to check the listings while she got comfortable. Reaching down with oneof my hands I started to trace circles on her neck and run my hand through her hair while pretending to read. She started to move her head down my thigh a bit so I took a handful of her hair in my hand and moved her head so that she was lying on top of my thickening penis. Looking down at her I noticed that she started blushing again but didn’t move again except to slightly move her head back and forth with her breathing.
After I put the guide down, I said, “Pretty Girl, I want you to knee up and then take my belt out of my belt loops.” Watching her straighten up and reach for my belt gave me a great view of her beautiful breasts. I moved my hand down her neck onto her shoulders as she pulled the belt from my pants.
I took my belt from her and then told her to crawl up onto the couch. I took off my Shirt as she did as I asked. When she was up, I told her to start undoing my pants and to help me take them off. As she was doing that, I cupped her breasts and then pinched her nipples until she started to work my pants down. She couldn’t take her eyes off of my groin as she pulled the pants down making my cock react even more.
With my pants off, she knelt on all fours next to me on the couch. I reached down and caught some of my pre-come on my finger and put it up to her lips. She opened her lips and very tenatively extended her tongue to lick my finger off. I repeated coating my finger with my pre-come and this time she eagerly stuck out her tongue to lick off my fingers. I placed my one hand on the back of her head and when she reached forward to lick my finger I moved her head forward so that my entire finger was in her mouth.
“Pretty Girl, I want you to suck on the finger like it is a lollypop.” At first she sucked so hard that her cheeks caved in but slowly she started to swirl her tongue around my finger while she sucked it. To reward her for softening the way she was sucking my finger, I reached down with my free hand and started to massage her beautiful tits. As she started to moan, I removed my finger from her mouth.
I held my cock out for her and told her that I wanted her to suck my cock in the same way that she had been sucking my finger. At first she stayed close to the crown of my penis, swirling her tongue round and round. I allowed her to do that for a little while but when it became apparent that she was afraid to go further, I put one hand on her breasts and the other hand on the back of her head. I started to tease her tits and when she started to moan, I pressed on the back of her head. She started to take more of me inside her warm juicy mouth. When she realized that the more of me that she took in the more, I played with her tits she started to bounce her head up and down. As I got closer to coming, I once again placed my hand on her head. When my cock started to throb, she tried to back off of me but I held her in position and told her that she wasn’t getting up until she drank all of my present. For a few seconds, she held my come in her mouth and then slowly started to swallow. When she was finished swallowing, I allowed her to move off of my cock and told her to crawl onto my lap.
With her on my lap, I had easy access to her breasts and ate them until she was moaning and bouncing up and down on my lap. I then pulled her head down and made sure that she was very thoroughly kissed, moved her off my lap and then started to get dressed.
“Time to take you home, Pretty Girl. If you don’t want the world to see your treasures, I would suggest that you anxious up and fix your dress.” I said walking over to the front door and then put on my shoes. I had to smile as I watched Lexie gather her senses together and then look down to see that her dress was down to her waist, her breasts were blushed from all Their handling and her nipples were bright red and hard for being pinched and sucked. When she had her shoes back on her feet, I picked up a bag and an envelope and then took her home.
Just before she left the car to go into her house, I gave her the items and said, “I want you to go into your home and read the letter in the envelope. In two weeks, I will be over to pick you up and move you into my home. I love you and will see you soon.” I watched from my car as she entered her apartment and then sat by the lighted window to read the letter and look in the bag.
The letter said:
I have a feeling that by now you will be a little worried so I wanted to make sure that you had this letter to read and study until I pick you up in two weeks. When you come over you will bring just your clothes in two suitcases. You will not need anything more than that. In the meantime, I want you to pack up the rest of your belongings and have them ready to be put into storage. I will have boxes here for you in the morning.
When you enter my home, you will immediately take off your shoes and place them on the shelf by the door. Each exit toMy house will have such a shelf or box so there will be no excuse to wear shoes in my home. I know living together will have some challenges but as long as you love me and are willing to follow my rules, I know that we can make a beautiful life together. I want you to know that I expect your respect and trust, as I will give you mine. I am not a person who will allow disrespect in my home and will Discipline you if I feel you need it as my right as a husband will allow.
I gave you my promise that you will remain a virgin until we marry so you will wear only what is in the bag and thong panties in my home.
I will be back to pick you up in two weeks.
I was there exactly when I said I would be to bring her into my home for good. I looked her over and she was wearing just the schoolgirl skirt that I had given to her in the bag. Her arms were folded across her breasts.
“Arms down, Lexie. You are never to hide your charms from me.” I said as she backed into her apartment and lowered her arms. “Nice, Pretty Girl. I am glad that you want me to be happy. I brought a top that you can wear until we get to my house but I want it off as soon as we enter. I watched her take the elastic sheath and put it over her head, making sure that her arms and shoulders were also uncovered since the sheath was only big enough to cover from the top of her breasts to right under.
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