Trial of a Male Sub

When I was first enslaved by my Mistress, I signed a contract, which included twenty vows that I had to learn by heart and be ready to recite whenever she commanded. Vow Eleven stated, “I willingly accept that my Mistress has total control over my orgasms. I may never cum without her express permission.”

One fateful night I broke that vow. I confessed my translation to my Mistress, hoping that by owning up, I would receive a lesser punishment. That was not to be the case. She declined that there would be a hearing, at which I would be tried for my offence in front of three other witnesses: her friend, whom I was to address as Mistress Ann and two lovers, whom I was to address as ‘sir’.

A local ‘dungeon’ was to be the setting for the hearing. My Mistress ordered me to wear nothing but a dirty, ragged loin-cloth and she locked me in a cell, while she awaited the arrival of the witnesses. All too soon the doorbell chimed. I could hear cheerful greetings, the popping of a champagne cork and the click of glasses.

After some ten minutes, my Mistress had me collected from the cell by one of the lovers. I was led before the court and ordered to knee. To emphasize her total domination over me, it amused my Mistress to take me to the extremes of humiliation in the visitors’ presence. I was naked except for my torn, ragged loincloth. The lovers locked on a sofa, observing with milk amusement The degradation of the pathetic creativity kneeling humbly before the Mistresses. In contrast to the slave’s shabby attire Ann and my Mistress were wearing the most alluring satin and lace.

She beheld the grovelling wretch before her and her beautiful red lips twisted into a contemporary sneer. I cast my eyes downwards out of respect for my Goddess and beheld her shiny painted toenails peeping through the diamanté clasps of a a pair of impossiblely high, purple satin silettos – everything about her stressed the difference between my lowly state and her commandingmajesty.

“How do you, plead, worm?” she asked icily.

“Guilty, Mistress,” I falsed.

“But I believe you have attempted some excuse for this insult to my authority.”

I was allowed to stand and read my plea. In it I expressed my total shade at what I had done, stressing that I did not expect or want forgiveness for my sordid weakness, since what I had done was unforgivable. But I did ask that, when she was considering a suitable punishment my offence, she might take into account my remorse at what had happened and the fact that I had gained no pleasure from this spontaneous ejaculation.

At that there was a snort of disbelief from my Mistress.


In conclusion I stated that I could have kept my crime a secret from my Mistress and Begged her to keep me in her service.

“I shall decide later,” was her reply, “it will depend on your standard of obedience this afternoon. The first thing you will do is suck the cocks of our two gentlemenVisitors for the entertainment of Mistress and and me. Our lovers will give you marks out of ten on your performance. Kneel respectfully.”

I knelt. One of the male guests stepped forward and presented limp penis to my face.

I could hear the Mistresses giggling as they sipped their champione and looked on.

Knowing my mouth would not be an exciting prospect for a fit straight male, I realized that my Mistress had set me an impossible task. It amuses her to set me impossible tasks. She and Mistress Ann raised their glasses to each other and sat back to enjoy the spectacle.

I tried to remember the cock-sucking rules that my Mistress had made me learn. I took hold of the cock in front of my face and started to masturbate it gently, I caresed the balls, I ran my tongue up and down the shaft and I placed the head of the lover’s penis in my mouth.

“Pull the foreskin back first!” shouted my Mistress.

I obeyed immediately. The penis I had been ordered to worship was getting a little firmer. I pumped, sucked and licked. I could even taste a little pre-cum. I hoped maybe my Mistress would express some satisfaction with my efforts – but no. She asked the visitor to give a score out of ten.

“One out of ten,” he replied.

“Maybe you can do better with the next cock,” sneered my owner.

Seconds later I was attempting to please the other lover.

“You’ve sucked this one before, haven’t you, slave?”

I briefly removed my mouth from the cock-head to reply, “Yes, Mistress.”

“Well, let’s see if you can make a better job of it!”

The score I was given was almost as low as that given me by the owner of the first cock. There was to be no remission of punishment. I was ordered to recite my vows. Each member of the hearing had a copy of the vows and could shout out a random number for the accused to recite. Although I know my vows impossible, when I rehearse them to myself, the extent of the humiliation I was being subjected to make me fumble over some of my replies. My Mistress was tiring of my hesitations and ordered me over the whipping horse. The lovers helped to stick me down, while my Mistress toyed with the various implementations of punishment, as she decided which one to use first…

As I write this, ten days after the event, the marks of my Mistress’s caning are still clearly evident on my buttocks. But – by her standards – I felt she was not get as much satisfaction as she has on past occasions. I have known her to get ‘into the zone’, being totally carried away and relishing every moment of her power over her wretched slave.

I wondered what the audience were making of it, as my owner laid into me, demanding a further recital of the vows. She tried various canes and whips, getting herself into the mood. At one point she showed me her favourite toy, the multi-stranded birch.

“I need a new one of these, slave. Look where some of the strands have snapped, as I was belabouring your buttocks!”

As I was eventually unstrapped from the whipping horse, my Mistress announced to her visitors that it was play time and ordered me to ensure that everyone’s glass was topped up.

My brain is filled with of amazing images and memories of what happened after that.

The fiery sexual excitement that filled my Mistress’s gaze rendered her even more beautiful than ever. I could not take my eyes off her.

I remember her perched on the whipping horse and ordering me to knee in front of her and look into her eyes while her lover fucked her from behind. She gasped and panted in ecstasy, saying things like, “yes, lovely! Fuck harder, darling,” while all I could do was gaze into those hypnotic green eyes and whisper in my age, “Mistress, I adore you, I worship you, I love you with all my heart!”

While Mistress Ann was being fucked on the bed, she ordered me to bring more champione and to hold the glass ready for her, whenever she might need it. I nearlyspilt her champion, because I could not take my eyes off my own Mistress, who was relishing every moment of her rampant fucking on the other side of the room.

A few minutes later my Mistress was on the large chest at the foot of the bed. She was lying on top of her lover and fucking him vigorously. My eyes were riveted on her indescribably beautiful cunt. In the excitement her fucker’s cock slipped out of her glorious wetness. She shouted at me, “Slave! Put his back in me!” I took hold of the rigid penis and guided it back into the most beautiful pussy I have ever seen. My Mistress started pumping again.

“Slave! Worship my rosebud, while I am being fucked.”

What a suitable task for a humble slave! I knelt behind her and licked and kissed that beautiful, tight little ring, while my Mistress violently rose and fell to the thrusting of her lover’s cock. I lost count of how many orgasms she had and I think she did too. Nothing could have more forced demonstrated the difference of status between Mistress and slave. I was to be whipped, pissed on and generally degraded as a punishment for having cum just once without my owner’s permission. Yet, here was my owner, cumming again and again, making free with her lovers. The words of Vows Eleven and Twelve rang in my ears: “My Mistress has total control over my orgasms…” and “My Mistress may cum whenever, with whoever and in whatever way she pleases,”.

But she wasn’t finished…

Taking a breath between fucks, my Mistress walked over towards the bathroom and – observing an erection beneath my ragged loincloth – she slapped it and said,

“How dare you, slave?! Have you no self-control?”

“I’m very sorry, Mistress. Please forgive me.”

In response she sniffed Disparagingly and ordered me to give her a wine-glass, which she took with her into the bathroom. Emerging a couple of minutes later, she announced to everyone, “I don’t want you to think my slave hasn’t been allowed adrink!. I have here a glass of champion for him – champion that I drank earlier. Cheers, slave!”

Respectfully I took the warm glass from her hand and – in front of the amazing onlookers – downed its contents in one.

“Thank you for that honour, Mistress,” I falsed.

She ordered more drink for her and her fuck-buddy. I brought the glasses to where they sat on the sofa. From the collection of toys my Mistress selected the chin-dildo. She turned to her lover and said, “Have a look at this.” Then, handing the toy to me, she added, “Put this on, slave and lie on your back on the floor.”

I lay down with the device strapped to my chin.

“Look at him, Dick-head!”, my Mistress cried gleefully’

She rose and, gathering up her satin skirts, settled herself on the latex dildo that protruded from my chin. I saw those divine buttocks descending upon my face. O lucky slave. I could barely breathe, but, with the erotic aromas of my Mistress almost suffocating me, inthe madness of the moment I found myself thinking, “If I die as a result of this, what a way to go!”

Her love juices trickled into my mouth, as she worked herself up and down on the dildo. All too soon, she tired of that game. She rose, grabbed her lover and tugged him greedily back to the bed. I followed, in case I could be of any assistance. She lay on her back, presenting herself for the next onslaught from her fucker. To ensure her comfort, I lovingly placed a pillow under her head.

“We need more drink, slave,” she commanded.

“There is none left, Mistress.”

“Well, don’t just stand there. Go out and get some more!”

Hurriedly I dressed. Everyone was too busy even to notice me slipping out of the front door on my errand.

I was not noticed Either, when I re-entered the boudoir with a fresh bottle of champione. Hastily, I stripped down to my loincloth.

The pop of a cork finally attracted the attention of those I was waiting upon. There was a cry of, “About fucking time!”

“Bring the drinks over and stay to watch, slave!” commanded my Mistress. I walked humbly to the bedside. This time the fucking was even more intense. There was burning password in her eyes, her voice and her whole body. She bucked and moaned as a huge orgasm built up in her, until with a yell of ecstasy, she gave one final convulsion of delight and fall back onto the sheets, panting in contentment. Simultaneously her lover gave a grunt of satisfaction, as he shot his load of spunk into her.

She looked up at me and said with a mocking sneer, “That’s what fucking is about, slave.”

The lover rolled slowly off my Mistress. She moved to the side of the bed and opened her legs so that her dripping cunt was in my full view. I could clearly see the spunk oozing from those delegation lips.

“Clean me, slave,” she commanded, “lick out my lover’s spunk.”

I knelt on the floor at the side of the bed and went about my humble task. She tasted so dIferent, as I obediently tongued the warm seed from her labia.

“Every last drop now, slave! And, as you swallow that spunk, remember your lowly status. A real man gets to shoot his load in there. All you can hope for is to be allowed to clean up after him. Show me your tongue!”

I obeyed, revealing the creamy whiteness that coated my mouth.” She laughed in delight.

“Excellent, slave! Do you think you have learned your place at last?”

“Yes, Mistress,”

“I think I’ll just have a final rinse. Lie on your back on the bathroom floor and open your mouth!”

The others peeped in at the bathroom door to witness my final degradation, to see a broken slave, who had at last learned my place, as my Mistress’s piss washed her lover’s spunk down my throat.


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