He has never begun full-force before. She is openly crying within seconds and trying to spit out the words, ONE, Sir may I…Please…Have…MY next…Strike. Swish, the pain is red-hot and steals her breath away. Two…Sir, May I please have another. Her voice is stained and covered in tears. She stays with him until he is half way done. Then blessed blackness overcomes her.
When she wakes, he begins again, delivering all 100 strikes in rapid succession. Her flesh is red, and welded from the middle of her back to the skin above her knees. She feels the perspiration covering her body and knows she has endured the first of this evenings many tests. Her body is numb except where the belt has struck, and her mouth is dry from the screams and words that have passed through it.
“You did well slut. I am going to release your legs and your arms. You are to move to the tub and soak for 15 minutes, while you’re in there washing the whores scent from you along with that make-up. No untrained dog wears paint to make themselves more then they are. You shall be in training again so you can also remove that collar. You’ll wear it again only after you have proved yourself worthy of it, if ever. When your time is up in the tub, you can present yourself to me for your next set of lessons.”
Hurrying to do as she is bidden, even though her legs are weak and her body is a Shaken mass of nerves, she readies the tub. Drawing hot water into the tub as she gathers her soap and clothes to wash her body, then she sinks into the water. Her body screams with the pain of the water against the bruises and welts left by her Lord. She realizes the length of her training and the lengths of time she must live with out her collar are up to her. Removing the collar was like removing her limbs. It had become part of her soul. Knowing that she must either learn well and quickly or give it all up is the hardest thing for her mind to grap.
Her way of life had started when she attended a dinner with her girlfriend. The woman had taken her to a club, which she had never heard of, let alone understand upon arrival. Inside the room the mass of bodies started her. Upon realizing that more than half of them were in some state of undress, or attached to some sort of lead or lean, she wanted to run. Her friend told her to wait, to let the experience sooth her and open her mind. Unlike her, her friend Know what she needed in life. Her friend had been in her situation at one time. Unhappy in her love relationships, working to just make a paycheck, never taking pride in her work or her life, being less then she could be.
The woman managed to escort a frightened and some what aroused girl to a table and tell her to sit and watch. Watch the way the uncovered, leaned masses responded to the commands, verbal or otherwise. Look upon the love that the handlers showed those they handled. To realize that being submissive to the dominant was a way to show love. ByFollowing and striving to please, they showed their loyalty and pride. Her girlfriend asked her to notice the adornments of the subs. Some wore collars, some just a chain. The chain resembled that of a choke collar wound on extremely dogs. The collars of the few who wore them were beautiful, ornate and meant to show off. So she asked the difference in the two.
“The chain is for those who are still training, they haven’t yet learned to follow the Mistress’ or Sir’s commands or they have no permanent wish of the collar. Those who wear the collar have earned it. By proving their love and loyalty and obedience to their owner, yes, I see your look, owner. They have a contract for some period of time decided and agreed upon between them. Until that time is up or the safe word breaks the bind, they are owner and property. But with it comes Many responsibilities for the owner. To feed and see to the property’s well being is the first thing. Some are stricter in that sense, others, the few who don’t truly love are not so diligent. Enough explanation for the minute. Let this engage your mind, I have some one I want you to meet.”
So she sat and watched and wondered. Why was she aroused seeing these people crawl on all fours, seeing them be hit with belts or paddles? Why was the fear and lust in their eyes so interesting to her? Why was she still sitting here, she could leave at any minute. Yet her mind wanted to know more, even if her heart was waging a war within her.
Next she noticed a man, an Adonis; a god was standing at her table. Asking her friend if this was she. Asking her friend exactly what she thought, she needed. And then asking her if she was ready? “Are you ready for the way of life you’re used to and bending under to change, are you ready to be set free?”
That is all he directed to her, before sitting down next to the lady who had brought her. He never said another word to her, just watched and waited for her response. She returned his gazefor a time then turned to scan the crowd again.
The questions began in her mind and ended as they poured through her lips. “How do you know that I want to be like this? How do you know my life is not to my choosing? Will I be expected to act like a dog? What can I learn from you? What will you do to me? Do I have any say in this at any time?”
“I will answer Your question in the order you asked them, if after this you have more, I’ll answer them as I see fit, some times I will answer in a non-verbal manner, pay attention. This is your first lesson, I am a strict man and master, but, I will be more then willing to explain anything at any time that I truly feel you need explained to you.
As to your questions, I know you want it by the look in your eyes, the lust and fear and the greed for control over you. I know your life is not to your choosing, because you wouldn’t have stayed if it was. You would have walked out right away, never asked questions of your friend or ofme. Yes, you may be required to act the dog, the pony, the cat, or the slut. Whatever your eventual owner wants is what you’ll provide, without question.
From me you’ll learn to be a good slave, a well-mannered, well-conditioned slut. Your pleasure you will learn is only derived from your owner. In other words you belong and will have no other purpose except pleasing your master or mistress. If they decide to please you to in turn pleasure themselves so be it, if not, to bad. I will do what I want within your limits. Bu you must learn, and realize, I will always push your limits, to expand them and bring your focus to the point that all pleases you. Some things will be painful, and some pleasureable. Some will interest you, other will I’m sure reward you. But, you will learn to accept and expect them.
You have the final say in all this. At any time you wish to stop you say your safe word. It stops then and there. But, once spoke it can not be revoked. Until that time you will trust me to never push you any harder then you want pushed.”
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