The following is based very loosely upon some true events. There will likely be more if I can find time to write it and if people find it interesting. (please vote!)
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We had pulled in early in the morning and I slept late into the morning. After waking up, I headed to the computer downstairs to check my email. Sure enough, an email from Mistress was waiting for me, with a few instructions.
I hope your drive was good and that you’ve caught up on your sleep. Since you’re in such a big town, I’m sure that you can find yourself an adult shop to go to tonight. I’ll expect you to have completed the following task by midnight. If you don’t, you’ll be seeing your dick locked up for the next two weeks, so don’t fuck this one up.
Go to the adult store and go immediately to wherever the toys are. You are instructed to find a dildo that you think is the same size as your own cock. You can buy any color and any material you want, but it should beas close to the size of your dick as possible. You are not allowed to view and of the magazines or videos. If there is a back room for videos, you are prohibited from entering it. Get the fake cock off the wall and take it to the check out.
If the clerk is friendly and offers ideas as to “Well this should be fun for her” you will be sure to let them know that this dildo is for _your_ ass. A line like “actually, she intends to slip this dildo into my ass” is suitable. Should the clerk continue to converse with you, you will be sure to let him or her know that your ass is mine for fucking, that your dick is not worthy of me and that you’re prohibited from cumming without my permission. Remember slut, you’re mine and anyone who asks about it better damn well know it. If he hits on you and wants you to suck him off, you’ll politely decline, citing this email as your instructions.
Buy me the dildo, save me the receipt and head back to the house and I’ll give you more instructions then.”
My cock rose with her instructions and I began to plan how I could sneak out of the house, find an adult store and sneak and 8″ cock into the house after I bought it.
Through the errands of the day, I found that there was an adult store only two or three blocks from my mother-in-laws house. This would make it easy to accomplish my orders. I’d take a walk and get into the adult store and buy things then.
I went through my day, wondering what Mistress would plan for me to do that evening. Family was visited, lunch eaten, then dinner. The kids went to bed and I decided to take my walk. I went over to the adult shop and walked in. Against Mistress’ wishes I browsed the DVD’s and the magazines, concentrating on the BDSM material. I finally wandered back to the toy section which had been right next to the door on the way in. I started looking around the wall for appropriate sized cocks. I settled on one, having taken several down from the wall to see what they looked like in my hands. I settled on a red jelly cock that had itself labeled as 8″ long, the size at which I had last been measured.
Walking to the counter with fake cock, the man behind the counter got up from his chinese food that had been delivered to him since I arrived in the shop. “This ought to be a fun one to play with then” he smiled at me.
“Yes, I think Mistress will enjoy sliding it into my ass.”
“Ah, so it’s one of those deals. Has she fucked you there before?”
“Yes, she has several times now. I’m her little slut.”
“And she probably told you what to say if I started talking to you like this, didn’t she?”
“Yeah, this probably happens to a lot of the guys you talk to I imagine?”
“Yeah, a lot of you are little sissy sluts for Some woman or another man.”
“Yes, I am Mistress’ slut.” I couldn’t expand on that. I was nearly mortified. Here I was holding a fake cock in a brown bag and the man who sold it to me know that my Mistress was going to bend me over and fuck my ass with it.
“Perhaps I should take you in the back and fuck you with it myself?”
“Um… Umm… ” I hesitated, sputtered a few syllables. “Umm, no, I have to go. Mistress said I wasn’t allowed to have such involvement with anyone” and I went out the door.
I left the building and crossed the street, headed for anyplace that wasn’t the store. Some guy at the counter of a porno shop had just offered to fuck me up the ass. Wow. I removed the dildo from it’s packaging and checked the bag for the receipt. “Oh fuck.” “Oh fuck.” I muttered to myself. I turned around and crossed the street back towards the store. I walked in and the counter guy was helping someone else buy some movies. I waited patiently. Finally he was done and I stepped up to the counter. “Um, I needed a receipt for this.”
“Oh, did you now? But you’ve left the store. “
“Yes, I know, but I was told to get a receipt.”
“And if you don’t?”
“I don’t know, but I’m sure it won’t be pleasant.”
“Well, we seem to have a small problem then. You need something from me, and I want something from you. How about you get behind this counter and suck me off?”
“Um, Mistress told me I couldn’t do that.”
“Well what CAN you do you little pussy?”
“Mistress didn’t tell me what I could do, but she did say what I couldn’t do.”
“Okay then, how about you get your hand around my cock and jerk me off?”
“Yes Sir.” I practically whispered. I knew that this was not on the list of things I was restricted to do, so I knew I’d have to give in.
“Dave! DAVE! Get up here!” said the clerk. “This little pussy is going to jerk me off, watch the front for me.” Dave walked by and laughed at me. “Write up a receipt for him too while you’re up here. He’ll need one for the 8″ jelly”.
I followed him into the back room where he unzipped himself. “Pull it out and get to work boy.”
I worked as quickly as I could, pulling hiscock out of his pants and started struggling it. He quickly got hard and I smiled to myself knowing that his cock was nowhere near the size of mine. Even if I was a pussy in his eyes, my cock was still bigger than his. He kept talking to me while I stroked him, calling me his little pussy and talking about how Mistress would be proud of me for serving him like this. He finally shot his load off, cum splattering on the concrete floor where it quickly went from white to clear.
“You’re a good little slut. Nice hands.” I wiped my hand off on my pants, as his cum landed on my hand in a few spots. We both walked out of the back room and Dave handed me my reception as I left, receipt in one hand, brown bag in the other. I tossed the brown bag and the dildo package into a neary dumpster and walked back to the house as quickly as I could. Once there, I slipped the dildo into the waistband of my pants where I thought it would be the least noticable and walked in. My mother-in-law was still up and greeted me as I came in. Self consciously, I walked into the living room to return her greeting and make small talk, all the while hoping she wouldn’t notice that I had one fake 8″ cock in my pants and another real cock approaching 8″. Soon the small talk ended and I headed to the computer to sign on and check for my next instructions.
Checking my email, I found my very simple instructions in a terse email from Mistress.
“Hello slave, I hope you had fun at the store tonight. I hope you didn’t forget the receipt which will prove that you bought this dildo before midnight. Now, go into your toy bag, take the medium anal plug, put it in your ass and go to sleep. Have a nice night, slave.”
I had brought the bag into the computer room, so I replaced the anal plug in the bottom of the bag with the new dildo, grabbed some lube and headed to the bathroom. Having only had this plug in my ass a few times, it was still a tight fit, but only took me a few minutes to get itin. It wasn’t like the first time, where it took me the better part of an hour to get the plug into my ass. I put on my pajama bottoms and headed up the stairs to sleep, each step up making the plug twitch inside my ass. I finally fell asleep and dreamed many interesting dreams, most involving Mistress standing over me with her strap-on pointing in my direction.
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