Travelling in Style

When she walked into the otherwise deserted car park he was already there. The watery late autumn sun had yet to produce the usual trickle of dog walkers so there was only the birdsong to accompany the distant hum of the main road behind the trees. He had reversed his car into the corner up against the hedge line and was standing near the back of the open boot. She walked towards him and he stepped out from behind the car. Moving closer, she could see how the car and hedge obscured every sight-line of the back of the car. He didn’t say a word but just pointed her towards the sill of the boot. She walked over and sat down. She had to jump slightly to do so and her legs were now dangling an inch or so off the floor.

‘Good Toy’, was all he said as he watched her. He stepped towards her and grasped her left arm. In the same movement he slipped the black zip-tie handcuff he was carrying over her wrist and pulled it tight. This nearly unbalanced her and she moved her right arm to the side of the car to stop herself falling in to the boot. As she did he grabbed her exposed arm and slipped the other zip-tie over the wrist. She looked up at him and gasped as the cuffs dug deep into her skin. In a sudden movement he brought up his arm and slapped her hard across the left cheek. She jumped back and would have fallen completely if his left hand hadn’t grasped her hair and pulled her back upright. She gasped as her hair was torn by this catch.

‘Don’t hurt yourself Fucktoy. There is plenty of time for that latter’, saying this he released his grip and reached behind her into the car. She remained looking forward as she heard the unmistakable rip of gaffer tape right next to her. He bit off a strip of it and her eyes widened as he laid the strip directly over her mouth. He held her behind the head with his left hand and pushed on the tape with his right. Pain shot through her lips as they were pushed hard against her teeth. The taste of blood coated her mouth and she looked up at him, tears springing from her eyes as the possibilities of what was to come raced through her.

He stepped back to admire his work. A thin smile dressed his lips as he spotted the tears. He slapped her again producing a muffled cry from the gag. She only just held her balance on the sill of the boot. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a black clothes hood and, pulling it down over her head, he plunged her into darkness.

Still she sat there, swinging softly in her disorientation, but never quite toppling over. Until he pushed her! One hand on her chest and she fell back unable to support herself and struck her head on the back of the rear seats, then slumped sideways, twisting her torso because her legs remained drawn across the rear bumper. He grabbed them and threw them into the opposite side of the boot so she was entirely inside the car.

She felt his hand reach inside her top as she lay on her side and cup her breasts out of it. Even though she wasexpecting it she squirmed at this sudden intrusion. Lying in the boot with her legs in the foetal position she lifted her hands up to protect her exposed breasts.

‘Naughty Girl’ he said calmly. As he grasped her head in both hands and struck it down against the floor of the car. She went limp and silent for a second as the blow rang through her. He used this moment of peace to loop the ziptie around her wrists over a hook by her head to keep her arms high out of the way. He then completed pulling her breasts out of her top.

Silence and stillness existed in her head for a second before the fire shot through her left breast when he attached the clamp to her nipple. He always loved watching her wriggle and understand from the pain of this. Watching the movements of her body as the pain explored her. He attached the second clamp to her right nipple and tugged on the chain to ensure they were secure. She understood again. Trying to find a position that would relieve the pain. He considered her and thought she looked more beast than human now as she moved. As if there was a pit of snakes in his boot with each part of the mass moving independently of the whole.

He pulled her skirt up over her waist and then against her struggle he pulled her tights and knickers down in one movement, exposing her pale flesh to the winter air. He could see her skin instantly springing up goose bumps as he pushed his hand roughly between her tights to explore the hidden folders of flesh. She felt his fingers push into her cunt and moaned deeply through the gag and the pain in her nipples. He pulled his hand up across her sex to rake his fingernail across her anus. Her body stretched away from him as he did but the constricted space meant he could easily follow the movement to push the tip into her. Feeling her arse clamped on his finger he grasped her hair with his other hand.

‘Like that whore? This what you need isn’t it!’ With that he slammed her head off the floor of theboot again.

She groaned and lay still allowing him the time to pull his hand from between her legs and push the prepared butt plug he had into her. Its sleep form slide right into the hilt leaving her with an instant sensing of fullness. The plug was pushing against the walls of her arse with every movement that she made. He grasped her right ankle and lifted her leg as high as he could, opening her cunt to his view. This allowed him to push the love eggs into her. Again, the lubricated balls slide straight into her wet cunt with little resistance.

‘They should feel nice when we get moving whore,’ he said as he pulled her tights up over her again and stepped back to look at her prone pathetic form. She was beginning to move again now as he reached for the tape and, pushing her ankles together, looped the grey gaffer tape around them a few times until her legs were tight.

‘Perfect, now you’re packed correctly for transport.’ He reached up and with one more glance at the broken beast beneath him he slammed the boot door down.

As she lay in the dark the tiny part of her mind that had been panicking began to grow. She’d asked for this. She’d asked for her cunt to be stretched and her arse to be used. She’d asked to be bound and gagged and stored in the dark. She’d begged for it all even. But now it was happening the trepidation was growing. As the engine started and the dull thrum of the diesel vibrated through her full cunt she realized that whatever she needed and desired was no longer of any importance. It was out of her hands now.

She was nothing.


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