Preliminary remarks
Even though I always hate such warnings, and it should be obvious: this story is fiction! The practices are potentially dangerous and irresponsible! In real life: play safe and do not abuse the trust of your partners.
p.s. This is my first story here, and I am not completely sure if and in which direction it should continue. Suggestions and criticism are always welcome.
Damn it! Fighting the panic, I empty my bottle of red wine while staring at the suitcase. I really don’t want to do this, but I’ve brought it on myself. I can’t go back. Determined, I take off my jumpers and stand in the room in the yellow tank top.
Looking for support, I glance at my two friends, who are watching me with a challenging gaze. First Tanja. About half a head taller than me, she has the same shoulder-length hairstyle as me, even though her hair is deep black, unlike my copper red. Apart from that, you can’t recognize heras the traditional Black Forest girl that she is. She takes after her father, an African American US soldier stationed in the neighboring barracks. So she is the most exotic girl far and wide in our small German town. I cannot expect any support from her at the moment. We had planned this holiday for several years, and now it is my fault that it is not going to be as hoped. Well, not me but this virus, but of the three of us it only affected my life. My eyes wander on to Kathi in whose flat we are now. Actually Katharina, but nobody outside of her job calls her that. Not even her mother. With her golden mane and a height that her breasts are almost at my eye level she looks down on me with a grin. Her world view is simple. I had the idea, I agreed, so I have to do it too. I take my pants off and My panties come out. I am a little embarrassed to be the only one of us who is not fully dressed, but we have seen each other in much less fabric.
Even though it may not seem so right now, we three are really good friends. Already since our school days. We were legendary, or at least we had a reputation. They called us the Valkyrie, the Princess and the Hobbit. Yes, I was the Hobbit with my 1.55m. And even though I have nothing (at least nothing big) to complain about in my body, I am rather unimpressive compared to them. Apart from my many freckles. The fact that my B cups are smaller than their C’s doesn’t help either. But we were legendary. And we had been planning this holiday since our last school year. It was agreed. We’ll do our Abitur, finish our respective appreciationships and then go on a two-week luxury patpering trip through France. And then came Corona. For Tanja this means almost uncountable overtime. As a prospective organic lab technician, she was at the forefront of evaluating the tests. For Kathi’s boss the virus also brought a profit. In times of exit restrictions dividend laws seem to have a lot to do.
Carefully I lie down in my suitcase, whoich I have to twist and turn a lot. Even though I am the smallest one here, it cannot be overlooked that this part is not meant for humans. But I know how it works. This is not the first time, but the general rehearsal before our trip.
The restaurant in which I did my appreciation as a cook went bankrupt and so I am without a professional training and without a permanent job. And in my attempt to make Our trip as cheap as possible I failed. I compared the prices until there were only seats left in the long-distance bus at the planned start of the holiday. Two seats for the three of us.
How was I supposed to know that now that the vaccine is out, so many people would want to leave?
And so it happened that I jokingly suggested that they could pack me into a suitcase and take me with them as luggage. We were drunk and tested it. Kathi actually had a suitcase that I could fit into. If only just and unfortunately. On our first test run I cried out in pain as they set upthe suitcase and drive around the flat. The changed position almost broke my joints. We learned and improved our technique.
I lie on my side, my thighs pulled on my stomach and my head on my chest. Kathi is just about to put a blanket on me so that the straws don’t cut in. Even though the procedure is clear to me, I have to groan as she straws them on, tying me securely to the hard-shell case. She checks if Everything fits well and with her hands she smoothes the blanket again and again so that everything fits. Somehow it feels reassuring when her hands keep moving over my hips and shoulders. My arms are trapped by the rest of my body so tightly that I can hardly move them. Especially I can’t loosen the straws myself, which is the main reason for my panic. I had time to adjust to this. We have already tested this. We know that in this position you can put the case up and the straps hold me. We have also experienced that it gets really warm. That’s the reason for my striptease earlier. I try to move. In spite of all the alcohol in me, I realize that I am completely helpless at the mercy of them. And if everything goes according to plan, I will spend three hours like this today to prepare for the four-hour trip. In complete darkness. I swallow the anxiety and express the feeling of having to go to the toilet in fear.
Smiling, I notice that Kathi not only tests that the straws fit well, but also strokes Christiane’s body, especially hips and breasts, much more often than necessary. One look at Kathi’s face and I am sure that she will support my plan. When she is drunk she always supports the supidest ideas. Especially those that embarrass others. Sure, that we want to transport her like this is evil, and it’s not Chris’ fault for losing her job, but this holiday was planned for a long time. And late booking was her fault! If not two weeks luxury holiday, then at least one week normal holiday. After Chris is tied up well, I take the ball gag out of my bag. The things you can buy at Amazon.
Chris’ eyes wide in panic at the sight, even before she can refuse. Whether it is the fear, the trapped position or the alcohol, she only manages to utter stammering words and I can’t help it, I have to laugh. After we all calm down again, I explain. If we go through with this, Chris must not be heard the whole trip. Kathi nods Profficiently, noting that otherwise the police might be called. Finally Chris agrees and carefully I put the gag on her by closing the fastener of the tape behind her head. The clicking seems louder to me than a gunshot. The picture is delicious. Poor little Chris, with her eyes wide open, unable to move or even free herself. Smiling Kathi closes the hardcase and lets the padlock click as a matter of principle.
I can’t help it. My sadistic side is awakened. In a good mood, and loud enough that Chris can hear me, I ask Kathi “We have three hours time now. Actually we could both go shopping after all”. Without hesitation she reaches for her handbag and opens the door with a grin “That sounds great. I really feel like sushi right now.”
One hour and a small portion of Maki later we pay our bill and go to the toilet quickly before we want to go back to Chris. On the way Kathi shakes her head “We have to remember not to drink alcohol before the trip. I don’t feel like going to the bus toilet. While she is still talking we both think of something. Chris has drunk more than we have. Chris is smaller than us. We urgently need to go to the toilet while she is immobilized in her suitcase. Wordlessly we look at each other. We both know that it would be the right thing to end it all here and now. I can’t help but break the silence “We still have two hours. What would you suggest?” With an equally neutral look Kathi answers “Well, let’s go window-shopping and see where the wind takes us.
Desperately I try to yell again, but it is clear to me that it is in vain. How could they do this to me. How could they leave me alone. Alone in the darkness. Unable to move. And damn it, the pressure on the bladder was definitely not part of the plan!
I had smiled when they talked about leaving me alone. They would never do that. I had heard the two of them talking and the door slamming shut, and I imagined them grinning and waiting for me to cry out in panic. I wanted to be brave and say nothing. But eternities passed and I heard no sounds. I screamed against my gag. No answer. I tugged at my shadowles. My panic grow. My breathing became faster. With every breath I feel the straws pulling. I breathe faster and faster against the gag and yet it feels as if I am getting less air. Although it is black around me, I have the impression that my vision is blurring.
Slowly I manage to calm down a little. Once again I scream as loud as I can against the gag. Nothing. My two best friends had left me. Helplessly. In the darkness. And for God’s sake, the pressureJust keeps rising!
Helplessly I listen to the street noise and count the cars passing Kathi’s flat. Any distraction is welcome. Every thought away from my helplessness. Every thought that distracts me from my bladder. Bitterly I grit my teeth. Even more bitter I press my tights together. It must not happen. I am no longer a kindergarten child!
Hang in there!
Give up.
Without realising it, the first thing I feel are tears running down my cheeks. I can’t go on. My body tension decreases and I feel the warmth that spreads in my hip area. Strangely enough, it feels calming, protecting, even comforting. At the same time my mind is stirring. The humiliation and degradation is like a punch in my stomach. The tears continue. No one hears me crying myself to sleep from exhaustion.
I am so thrilled that I can hardly manage to insert the right key into the lock of my flat. Or is it arousal? For the past two and a half hours I’vehave been thinking about Chris, how she climbed into the suitcase so deliciously helpfully, and how it feel to have the power to click the lock. All this time together with Tanja seems like a dream.
Silently we enter my flat. I see the suitcase, but I neither see nor hear a movement. It feels as if my guts are tying up in a knot. Did we overdo it? Has something happened to Chris? Is she still alive? Am I responsible for the death of my…?
I anxious to the suitcase and turn the key I had left in the padlock. I almost rip the zip open.
In the first moment I am frozen when she does not move, but then a little rain goes through your body. Was she wait? Did she put it all away so well? Slowly her eyes open and like a deer in the light of the headlights she stars at me. Like a little kitten. The gag and the tear-stained face complete the picture.
Only when it flashes do I notice that Tanja has taken out her mobile phone and is now taking some pictures of our Chris. Only now do I notice that the blanket has turned a dark colour at hip level. My gaze wanderers back into Chris’ face. She is already sobbing, and yet she is about to start crying again. I enjoy this power. I enjoy her fear. I don’t want to lose her!
Without knowing what I am doing, I fall to my knees and loosen the straws. Reach behind your head and release the gag. I can’t help it. I grab her and press her against my bosom and stammer various excuses while she sobs.
“I’m sorry. We overdid it.”
With a buzzing head I look back to Kathi’s flat and vaguely remember the experiences of the past day. I let myself be locked into a suitcase. I wet my panties. And my two best friends know about it.
This humiliation. This degradation.
And strangely enough, I’m still not angry. It feel good when they took me out of my suitcase. I feel safe in Kathi’s arms.
And later, sometimes after I had showered and the Jägermeister herbal schnapps came on the table and before the three of us fell asleep drink on the floor, I agreed that I would go through with it on the real trip. Tanja kept on filling me up and was happy to see how unique my idea would be and how brave I would be. It felt good to no longer be the one who almost ruined the holiday, but to be the one who helped make it legendary.
The problem is, I agreed. Not only that, I signed a contract. Last night he sounded reasonable, I remember that. I don’t remember the details. Damn booze. Oh for fuck’s sake, what have I got myself into?
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